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More checkpoints = MORE lag

Guest Cenobite

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I simply cant use the editor after I hit about 20 checkpoints, it becomes WAY too laggy/choppy, yes I dont have the best of PCs but still its impossible to work.

I dont understand, its only checkpoints, colored cilinders on the map how can they create so much lag?

I can run 2 unreal editors with loaded "complex" maps AND an additional Source Editor and still would be able to use them without problems.

Is there like a way I can "hide" the checkpoints that are idle until I comeback to them while I place the new ones?

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how many objects you got?

Objects? None, I use the default world. The only "objects" I have are the spawnpoints and a couple of Nitros and Repairs.

Was that the question?

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SA runs fine when Im playing, its the placing of the checkpoints in the editor that gives me grief.

Weird thing is, I dowloaded a map from the community, it was a race map and already had about 50 checkpoints, I thought I would add another batch, so I started placing random checkpoints (50+) all over the map, they were all in one place and the screen was littered with checkpoints and STILL the CPU wouldnt go up. (didnt become choppy, well a little).

I then started a new map, got to about 30 checkpoints and the choppiness began. Freaking weird. And no, my checkpoints are not placed closely together, maybe half a kilometer from eachother.

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