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CreateWeapon dont hurt others

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function StandardWep()
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer())
	wep = createWeapon("m4", x+5, y, z)

	setWeaponFlags(wep, "shoot_if_blocked", false)
	setWeaponFiringRate(wep, 35)
	setWeaponProperty(wep, "damage", 25)
	setWeaponClipAmmo(wep, 35)
	setWeaponAmmo(wep, 100)

addCommandHandler("OnStandardWep", function(command, state)
    local s = string.upper(state)
	  if s=="ON" then
      	setWeaponState(wepM16, "firing")
      elseif s=="false" then
      	setWeaponState(wepM16, "ready")
      	outputChatBox("There is no such condition of the weapon, you can only use 'ON / OFF'", 255, 50, 0)

The point is that it does not hurt other players, what's more, other players do not even see the line of fire (I mean the yellow line which means how fast the bullets are moving and in which direction) and the weapon itself (M4), I know that you need to use triggerClientEvent but no I know how to apply it, please help me with an example  ; -;

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This should work. This snippet will create a weapon for every player though. To control the weapon's firing state you'll need to store the weapon element somehow and trigger another clientEvent when a player types the command.



addEvent("weapon:onClientCreateWeapon", true)

function OnClientCreateWeapon(targetPlayer)

	local radius = 1
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
	local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(targetPlayer)
	local tx = x + -(radius) * math.sin(math.rad(rz))
	local ty = y + radius * math.cos(math.rad(rz))
	local weaponElem = createWeapon("m4", tx, ty, z)

	setElementRotation(weaponElem, 0, 0, rz + 90)

	setWeaponFlags(weaponElem, "shoot_if_blocked", false)
	setWeaponFiringRate(weaponElem, 35)
	setWeaponProperty(weaponElem, "damage", 25)
	setWeaponClipAmmo(weaponElem, 35)
	setWeaponAmmo(weaponElem, 100)

	setWeaponState(weaponElem, "firing")

function OnClientResourceStart()

	triggerServerEvent("weapon:onCreateWeapon", localPlayer)

addEventHandler("weapon:onClientCreateWeapon", root, OnClientCreateWeapon)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, OnClientResourceStart)


addEvent("weapon:onCreateWeapon", true)

function OnCreateWeapon()
	triggerClientEvent(root, "weapon:onClientCreateWeapon", resourceRoot, client);

addEventHandler("weapon:onCreateWeapon", root, OnCreateWeapon)


Edited by Jesseunit
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