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Secret commands

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i heard about some 'secret commands' that can be used ingame..

but im trying to find them out..so post me all the secret commands that you know so far, and i will list them for other people to use..

and when you post one, tell me where to enter it (console panel?) and what it does ofcourse with a little explanation.

thanks in advance

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what about this?

at the right side it has 3 lines with red text and stuff..

and i also heard some guy saying "i'd love to have as much paramaters on as possible", so i guess those are that parameters hes talking about?

and i have heard something about repositioning the chatbox and stuff?

im sure i have seen this today on these forums!

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:wink: BrophY makes me laugh.

:mrgreen: You don't :mrgreen:

Err... here's all the chatbox commands I'm aware of ;/

/me *something* Result = Yourname *something*

IE /me loves BrophY Result = *XBlade loves BrophY :P

/msg < to message a player with a private message

/quit < quits game

/pmghaxx < turn on uber leet hax0rs and pwn the serv0r. :wink:

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