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Yet another road pass

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MTA:BLUE Server for MTA:SA


Name: 'Nae's Test Server'

Port: 22003

Mod: San Andreas : Race Mod

Max Players: 32


Server successfully started on port 22003

Type 'quit' to shut the server down

[18:49:18] Server log being saved to 'mtaserver.log'

[18:49:18] Administration access successfully started on port 2420

[18:49:18] All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 22126 (UDP) must be accessible

from the internet

[18:49:18] Querying game-monitor.com master server...

[18:49:18] Connecting to update server...

[18:49:18] Anticheat definition file updated!

That's what I get when I run it. However, when try to add it to GM, I get "Status:

MTA (Multi-Theft-Auto) engine server not found at !"

I've confiqured my ports with my firewall and my Westell(C90-610030-06) Modem.

I don't know what to do anymore....

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What firewall are you running, and do you have a router? Check to see if you're accessible from the internet: See what the IP address of that computer is. IPCONFIG from DOS box (win) or ifconfig from console (linux). If it's 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x you are behind a router and need to make sure that the ports are forwarded to that machine's Internal IP address.

If ipconfig returns, then try disabling your firewall temporarily and see if GM detects it then. Some more hardware/software specs could help a little.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. I've managed to setup my router, however. I can only connect to non public ip

This is what I've setup

# ServerPort

# Required: Yes

# Purpose: Defines the port for players to connect on

# Format - ServerPort

# Notes:

# Must be a numerical value

ServerPort 22003

# ServerName

# Required: Yes

# Purpose: Defines the name of the server

# Format - ServerName

ServerName Nae's Test Server

# ServerPassword

# Required: No (Yes if server should be passworded)

# Purpose: Defines the server password

# Format - ServerPassword



# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether the server should report to the All Seeing Eye (can be seen in the Server Browser)

# Format - ASE

# Notes:

# Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable


# MaxPlayers

# Required: Yes

# Purpose: Defines the max players that can connect to the server

# Format - MaxPlayers

# Notes:

# Must be a numerical value and must not go above 32

MaxPlayers 32

# AdminServer

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether the server should enable Remote Admin

# Format - AdminServer <1/0>

# Notes:

# Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable

AdminServer 1

# AdminPort

# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)

# Purpose: Defines the port for Remote Admins to connect on

# Format - AdminPort

# Notes:

# Must be a numerical value

AdminPort 2420

# AdminPass

# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)

# Purpose: Defines the Remote Admin password

# Format - AdminPass

AdminPass goodgood

# AllowAdminShutdown

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether the server can be shutdown from Remote Admin

# Format - AllowAdminShutdown

# Notes:

# Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable

AllowAdminShutdown 0

# LogFile

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines the file which the server log should be written to

# Format - LogFile

LogFile mtaserver.log

# VoteMapEnabled

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether map voting is enabled/disabled

# Format - VoteMapEnabled

VoteMapEnabled off

# VoteMapPercentage

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines the percentage of votes needed for a map vote to pass.

# A high value is recommended (over 80%) to prevent voting abuse.

# Format - VoteMapPercentage <0-100>

VoteMapPercentage 90

# VoteMapTimeDelay

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines how long a player must wait before they can vote for a new map

# Format - VoteMapTimeDelay

# Notes:

# This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server

VoteMapTimeDelay 90

# Admin

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines all the people in-server who can rcon_login to admin

# Format - Admin

# Notes:

# admin-level must not go above 5

# Names and passwords are case sensitive

#Admin Default password 5


# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines the admin level for . If this is not specified it is defaulted

# Format - RCON

# Notes:

# must be between 1 and 5. If it is invalid, the level is defaulted

RCON kick 4

RCON ban 4

RCON mute 2

RCON unmute 2

# AutoUpdateAntiCheat

# Required: No (defaults to 1)

# Purpose: Defines whether the server should check Anti-Cheat for updates automatically on server start.

# Format - AutoUpdateAntiCheat <1/0>

AutoUpdateAntiCheat 1

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In your case, port 22003 (TCP + UDP), port 2420 (TCP + UDP) and port 22126 (UDP) should be set open for incoming and outgoing traffic in your firewall.

And in your router configuration you have to forward all 3 ports to your network IP... usually something like ...or with .101 or .102 etc. at the end.

It should work if they are all set right... it might take a while before the server shows up on ASE though.

If you can connect to the LAN IP but not to the normal IP, you probably missed to redirect or open one of the ports

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