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Sup! I have this function in my server. But i want that only players who is in "gang" ACL could use it. How can i do this?

Like, if you're not in the "gang" ACL, you can't even start the function. The pannel will not appears to you. 

function IniciarVendaArmas (source, Arma_Selecionada, getID, getPreco, getMunicao, WeaponID)
local Jogador = getPlayerID(getID)
local Preco = tonumber(getPreco)
local Municao = tonumber(getMunicao)
local MunicaoAtual = getElementData(source, "TS:MuniAtual") or 0

IniciarVendaArmas = StartWeaponSelling

Jogador = player

Preco = price

Municao = ammo

MunicaoAtual = current ammo

Edited by lockdw
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2 hours ago, lockdw said:

Sup! I have this function in my server. But i want that only players who is in "gang" ACL could use it. How can i do this?

Like, if you're not in the "gang" ACL, you can't even start the function. The pannel will not appears to you. 

function IniciarVendaArmas (source, Arma_Selecionada, getID, getPreco, getMunicao, WeaponID)
local Jogador = getPlayerID(getID)
local Preco = tonumber(getPreco)
local Municao = tonumber(getMunicao)
local MunicaoAtual = getElementData(source, "TS:MuniAtual") or 0

IniciarVendaArmas = StartWeaponSelling

Jogador = player

Preco = price

Municao = ammo

MunicaoAtual = current ammo

local account = getPlayerAccount ( player )
if account and not isGuestAccount ( player ) then
	if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup('Acl name here')) then
		-- your code here


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