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[HELP] (Auto-)Create textures for image files


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Hey, for a UI lib I want to create textures for all image files included to the resource.
So when it starts, it calls the function to load the images, create and store textures for them.
My problem is now, how to get all image paths / names?
Since the meta.xml doesn't get downloaded, the client file cant open the meta.xml and search for file src's (like i tried in the example).
Manually use downloadFile("meta.xml") doesnt work and using the event "onClientFileDownloadComplete" to get the names of downloaded images doesn't work as well.

Example: (What ive tried)

function loadTextures()
    local sourceResource = sourceResource or getThisResource(); -- This is if the call comes from another resource to load in the images of that resource
    local strResourePath = ":" .. getResourceName(sourceResource) .. "/";
    local tblImages = loadMetaImages(strResourePath);

    if (tblImages) then
        for _, image in pairs(tblImages) do
            local strName = removeImagePath(image);

            if (ELIB.textures[strName]) then
                outputDebugString("@ELIB - loadTextures: Dublicated image name found in" .. strResourePath .. " old image overwritten!", 2);

            ELIB.textures[strName] = dxCreateTexture(image, "dxt5", true, "clamp");

function loadMetaImages(strResourePath)
    local uFile = xmlLoadFile(strResourePath .. "meta.xml");

    if (uFile) then
        local tblImages = {};

        for _, node in ipairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(uFile)) do
            if (xmlNodeGetName(node) == "file") then
                local strImagePath = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "src");
                if (string.find(strImagePath, ".png") or string.find(strImagePath, ".jpg") or string.find(strImagePath, ".dds")) then
                    table.insert(tblImages, strImagePath);

        return tblImages;

function removeImagePath(strPath)
    while (string.find(strPath, "/")) do
        strPath = string.sub(strPath, 2);


Edited by Ceeser
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