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Shader window vehicles ( too light texture)


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Hi gentlemen, I have a problem with lighting the texture, it is lighter than everyone



Please tell me what the problem is


I use these shaders

    Author: 50p 
    Version: v1.0 
     This shader allows you to mask a texture with a mask texture (black and white). 
texture ScreenTexture; 
sampler implicitInputTexture = sampler_state 
    Texture = <ScreenTexture>; 
texture MaskTexture; 
sampler implicitMaskTexture = sampler_state 
    Texture = <MaskTexture>; 
float4 MaskTextureMain( float2 uv : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0 
    float4 sampledTexture = tex2D( implicitInputTexture, uv ); 
    float4 maskSampled = tex2D( implicitMaskTexture, uv ); 
    sampledTexture.a = (maskSampled.r + maskSampled.g + maskSampled.b) / 3.0f; 
    return sampledTexture; 
technique Technique1 
    pass Pass1 
        AlphaBlendEnable = true; 
        SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; 
        DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; 
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 MaskTextureMain(); 


Edited by Artyom888
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12 hours ago, JustinMTA said:

Is the car body and the windows both using the shader code you provided?
If so this is could be a model related issue regarding the DFF file.
Let me know?

Yes, I use a shader on the back of the car exactly the same as you wrote me.                                            
The problem is that on the windows of the car I use the texture for uv (black) I would like to hide it and leave the stickers. 

(sorry for my English)

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  • Administrators

I think an easy fix would be setting the brightness of shaders which are applied on windows to 0.45 or 0.5, the former value is equilevant to vehicle surface material's.

Another would be (in Max) setting the Ambient value of the window material to 0.45 or 0.5 (whatever value used by vehicle surface) but this requires editing the model.

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