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please help :(


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yo guys i'm trying to make an command to Enabled and Disabled but i noticed a mistake when my friend tired wrote command he just only succeeded worked with him and did not work when all players like almost .localPlayer. i have tried and did not work for me what is the problem in that?


server side:

function SystemCenter(player)
local account = getPlayerAccount (player)
local accName = getAccountName ( getAccountName ( account ) )
     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then

client side:

function onSystemDisabled()
if getElementData(localPlayer,"Admin") then
 local localPlayerName = getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer())
triggerServerEvent("outputBoxChat", resourceRoot," work "..localPlayerName)
else -- invert
outputChatBox("Access Denied", 255,255,255,true)
end -- to close a event
end -- to close a function
addCommandHandler("dres", onWarpsClose)

how i do if i write this and come to all players? :/


Edited by xFabel
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i tried like this and i get some problems in server side
excepted argument 1, got nil

function onSystemEnabled()
if triggerServerEvent("checkPlayer", resourceRoot, player) then
removeCommandHandler("setw", saveCheckPoint)
removeCommandHandler("sett", saveCheckPoint)
 local localPlayerName = getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer())
triggerServerEvent("outputBoxChat", resourceRoot," work "..localPlayerName)
outputChatBox("Access Denied", 255,255,255,true)
end -- same
addCommandHandler("dres", onSystemEnabled)


function SystemCenter(player)
local playerName = getPlayerName(player)
local account = getPlayerAccount (player)
local account_name = getAccountName(account)
local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) )
	if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..account_name, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" )) then
	outputChatBox("Access Denied", root, 255,255,255,true)
addEvent("checkPlayer", true)
addEventHandler("checkPlayer", root, SystemCenter)


Edited by xFabel
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pleaaase where problem here i'm really confused why not call triggerServerEvent?? :/ :/

function sys(thePlayer, command)
local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))
local playerName = getPlayerName (thePlayer)
	if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" )) then
	outputChatBox("| the Admin has been #00ff00enabled #ffffffResource Training by "..playerName, root, 255,255,255,true)
		outputChatBox("#ffffffAccess Denied", thePlayer,255,255,255,true)
addEvent("amkocworkplz", true)
addEventHandler("amkocworkplz", getRootElement(), sys)
addCommandHandler("eres", sys)


function fastestman()
if triggerServerEvent("amkocworkplz", getRootElement()) then
addCommandHandler("sw", sw)
addCommandHandler("lw", lw)


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On 22/11/2019 at 23:55, xFabel said:

pleaaase where problem here i'm really confused why not call triggerServerEvent??

Because there is something called "ping" (internet/network speed delay), therefore the code doesn't wait for the message to be returned.

Which means that this condition will not work as it was intended for:

if triggerServerEvent(--[[...]]) then


Also, you forgot to include the player. Which is used in the sys function. Your main problem.

 triggerServerEvent("amkocworkplz", getRootElement(), localPlayer) 


I do not see if the fastestman function is called, so I can't validate that part.


Edited by IIYAMA
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