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Nome Player (Mapa)

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Boa Tarde,


Tenho um sistema no meu servidor que funciona so que ai coloquei em outro servidor e ele naoe sta funcionando tem alguma função que desabilita isso? pois ele funciona em um servidor mais no outro nao. Segue abaixo o sistema Client



local textFont = "default-bold"			-- The font of the tag text
local textScale = 1						-- The scale of the tag text
local heightPadding = 1						-- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the vertical axis
local widthPadding = 1						-- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the horizontal axis
local xOffset = 8						-- Distance between the player blip and the tag
local minAlpha = 10						-- If blip alpha falls below this, the tag won't the shown
local textAlpha = 255
local rectangleColor = tocolor(0,0,0,230)

local w,h = guiGetScreenSize()
	if isPlayerMapVisible() then
	local sx,sy,ex,ey = getPlayerMapBoundingBox()
	local mw,mh = ex-sx,sy-ey
	local cx,cy = (sx+ex)/2,(sy+ey)/2
	local ppuX,ppuY = mw/6000,mh/6000
	local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(textScale,textFont)
	local yOffset = fontHeight/2
		for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType("blip")) do
			local attached=getElementAttachedTo(v)
			if isElement(attached) and getElementType(attached)=="player" and attached ~= getLocalPlayer() then
				local px,py = getElementPosition(attached)
				local x = math.floor(cx+px*ppuX+xOffset)
				local y = math.floor(cy+py*ppuY-yOffset)
				local pname = getPlayerName(attached):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x',''):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x','')
				local nameLength = dxGetTextWidth(pname,textScale,textFont)
				local _,_,_,a = getBlipColor(v)
				-- if getElementData(attached,"Dominando") then return end
				if a > minAlpha then


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