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{Help} Skin designer


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Are you using the updated version of Kam's scripts, the RW scripts by The Hero or a third one? Some scripts are either unable to or has certain export settings required for keeping bones and skinned models on export. Oh and I personally use vanilla Kam's due to its reliability with skinned models.


Edited by Tut
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2 minutes ago, KasaNoVa said:

dont understand you sorry
but the proplem not from kams problem in a steps do you know me

I'm going to continue from this thread and not your duplicate.

Right so I have no idea about your experience with skinning so it's rather hard for me to come with an answer. What's wrong with your skin to be exact? It's frozen mid air or glitching? please provide more details.

also can you answer my initial question as it plays a role in troubleshooting.

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From what you described I'm certain it's rigging and not import/export related. For characters you need to do the so called 'rigging' in order to specify which vertices are affected by which bone(s). 

I believe the retail version of 2016, and can confirm that any version of 3ds 2017+ features voxel solving. Although this doesn't give an amazing result it can get you started. 


If you're not able to get hold of the afforementioned versions of 3ds max you may find numerous articles and guides teaching basics of rigging.

I want to mention that those who title their guide as skin rigging and merely show the custom skin aligned to default game skin and then attaching to it, is not skin rigging and is only to retain bones for custom skin and the weighing values which are usually incorrect because of vertex data being different from default to custom model.


If you require any more help please plot down a lot more details and eventually some screenshots so that we can better understand the state of your model.

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