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سلام عليكم :) 


ناقصلى فى سيرفرى  اشياء بسيطة ويخلص

عايز اما اللاعب يقتل لاعب يجيلو نجوم

ماعدا الشرطى  ميجلوش نجوم

وعايز اماالشرطى يقتل اللاعب تتمسح النجوم

شى اخير كان معايا مود بسيط محتاجة بس ضاع الكود عبارة

ان اللاعب اما يقتل اللاعب يدمجة نص  دمة لانى ابى اخلى السيرفر الى بيموت يموت من طلقتين 


عندى مشكلة كمان لما السيرفر بيطفى واشغلة تانى الفلوس بتتصفر

Edited by ايهاب
Link to comment
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted' , root ,
	function ( _ , Killer ) 
		if ( getPlayerTeam ( Killer ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then
			setPlayerWantedLevel ( source , 0 )
			setPlayerWantedLevel ( source , getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) + 1 )
addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerDamage' , localPlayer ,
	function ( Attaker )
		if ( Attaker ) and ( getElementType ( Attaker ) == 'player' ) and ( Attaker ~= localPlayer ) then
			cancelEvent ( )
			setElementHealth ( localPlayer , getElementHealth ( localPlayer ) - 50 )


  • Like 1
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aScreen_ = { guiGetScreenSize ( ) }
aBoolean = false 
aSkinsBoolean = false
isEventHandlerAdded = function ( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo, func ) 
    if type( sEventName ) == 'string' and isElement( pElementAttachedTo ) and type( func ) == 'function' then 
		local aAttachedFunctions = getEventHandlers( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo ) 
			if type( aAttachedFunctions ) == 'table' and #aAttachedFunctions > 0 then 
				for i, v in ipairs( aAttachedFunctions ) do 
					if v == func then 
						return true 
    return false 

aWindowC_ = guiCreateWindow ( ( aScreen_ [ 1 ] - 240 ) / 2, ( aScreen_ [ 2 ] - 102) / 2, 240, 102, ".: Metal Gaming :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(aWindowC_, false)
guiSetAlpha(aWindowC_, 0.75)
guiSetVisible ( aWindowC_ , false )
ButtonShow = guiCreateButton(10, 26, 220, 30, "Show Intro", false, aWindowC_)
guiSetAlpha(ButtonShow, 0.85)
guiSetFont(ButtonShow, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonShow, "NormalTextColour", "FFADFE00")
ButtonSkip = guiCreateButton(9, 61, 220, 30, "Skip Intro", false, aWindowC_)
guiSetAlpha(ButtonSkip, 0.85)
guiSetFont(ButtonSkip, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonSkip, "NormalTextColour", "FFFD2900")

function dxDrawAnimPicture( Link , width , height , anim , aRot )
    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()
    btwidth , btheight = width , height/20
    local now = getTickCount ( )
	local elapsedTime = now - start
    local endTime = start + 1500
    local duration = endTime - start
    local progress = elapsedTime / duration
    local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, width, height, 255, progress, anim)
    local x2, y2, z2 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, btwidth, btheight, btheight/11, progress, anim)
    posx = (x/2)-(x1/2)
    posy = (y/2)-(y1/2)
    dxDrawImage ( posx, posy, x1, y1, Link , aRot )

function dxDrawAnimText( Text , width , height , anim )
	local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()
    btwidth , btheight = width , height/20
    local now = getTickCount ( )
	local elapsedTime = now - start
    local endTime = start + 1500
    local duration = endTime - start
    local progress = elapsedTime / duration
    local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, width, height, 255, progress, anim)
    local x2, y2, z2 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, btwidth, btheight, btheight/11, progress, anim)
    posx = (x/2)-(x1/2)
    posy = (y/2)-(y1/2)
	dxDrawRectangle((aScreen_ [ 1 ] - 524) / 2, (aScreen_ [ 2 ]- 33) / 2, x2, y2 , tocolor(0, 0, 0, 224), false)
	dxDrawText( Text , (aScreen_ [ 1 ] - 508) / 2, (aScreen_ [ 2 ]- 20) / 2, ((aScreen_ [ 1 ] - 508) / 2) + 508, ( (aScreen_ [ 2 ]- 20) / 2) + 20, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)


function convertNumber ( number )  
	local formatted = number  
	while true do      
		formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')    
		if ( k==0 ) then      
	return formatted

addEventHandler ( 'onClientElementDataChange', getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aData )
	if ( aData == 'WantLvl' ) then
		if ( getElementData( localPlayer , aData ) ) then
			triggerServerEvent ( 'SetWn' , localPlayer )
end )
Banker , Bank , aTableB = { } , { } , { 
	{ 2812.3, 1288.61, 10.75 },
	{ 2804.22, 1299.17, 10.75 },
	{ 2788.66, 1297.16, 10.75 },
	{ 2778.01, 1287.35, 10.75 },
	{ 2769.38, 1274.79, 10.75 },
	{ 2770.75, 1259.67, 10.75 },
	{ 2792.11, 1253.33, 11.31 },
	{ 2815.34, 1252.63, 11.31 },
	{ 2830.43, 1246.67, 10.77 },
	{ 2825.66, 1348.79, 10.76 },
	{ 2819.28, 1356.75, 10.75 }

function OutPut ( aText_ )
	exports['guimessages']:outputClient ( '#3CFF00'..aText_..'', 255, 255, 255 )

aManagerAccounts = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 487) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 613) / 2, 487, 613, "Accounts Manager .:Metal Gaming:.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(aManagerAccounts, false)
guiSetAlpha(aManagerAccounts, 1.00)
guiSetVisible ( aManagerAccounts , false )
ButtonDeleteAccount = guiCreateButton(11, 501, 153, 23, "Delete Account", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(ButtonDeleteAccount, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonDeleteAccount, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000")
ButtonCopyInfo = guiCreateButton(174, 501, 299, 23, "Copy Info", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(ButtonCopyInfo, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonCopyInfo, "NormalTextColour", "FF06DAE2")
ButtonChingPassword = guiCreateButton(323, 542, 150, 23, "Set Password", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(ButtonChingPassword, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonChingPassword, "NormalTextColour", "FF00E941")
aEditCPassword = guiCreateEdit(11, 540, 306, 25, "", false, aManagerAccounts)
aEditOwner = guiCreateEdit(11, 575, 306, 25, "", false, aManagerAccounts)
ButtonSetSerialOwner = guiCreateButton(323, 577, 149, 23, "Set Serial Owner", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(ButtonSetSerialOwner, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(ButtonSetSerialOwner, "NormalTextColour", "FF00E941")
aLabed_ = guiCreateLabel(13, 479, 460, 16, "__________________________________________________________________________", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(aLabed_, "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(aLabed_, 199, 31, 114)
aGridListAccounts = guiCreateGridList(10, 68, 463, 401, false, aManagerAccounts)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "Owner", 0.55)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "User", 0.1)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "Pasword", 0.1)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "Y", 0.1)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "M", 0.1)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListAccounts, "D", 0.1)
aEditSech = guiCreateEdit(68, 30, 405, 23, "", false, aManagerAccounts)
aLabelds_ = guiCreateLabel(13, 34, 45, 14, "Serial", false, aManagerAccounts)
guiSetFont(aLabelds_, "default-bold-small")

Banker['aWindow'] = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 215) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 182) / 2, 215, 182, "Bank System .: Soking :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(Banker['aWindow'], false)
guiSetVisible ( Banker['aWindow'] , false )
Banker['aLabel1'] = guiCreateLabel(10, 28, 195, 16, "Banker : What do you want to do ?", false, Banker['aWindow'])
guiSetFont(Banker['aLabel1'], "default-bold-small")
Banker['aButtonJoinPIN'] = guiCreateButton(9, 70, 196, 24, "Create a PIN ", false, Banker['aWindow'])
guiSetFont(Banker['aButtonJoinPIN'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Banker['aButtonJoinPIN'], "NormalTextColour", "FF42FC01")
Banker['aLabel2'] = guiCreateLabel(10, 44, 195, 16, "_______________________________________", false, Banker['aWindow'])
guiSetFont(Banker['aLabel2'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Banker['aLabel2'], 254, 5, 0)
Banker['OpenMyBank'] = guiCreateButton(9, 104, 196, 24, "Open My Bank Account", false, Banker['aWindow'])
guiSetFont(Banker['OpenMyBank'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Banker['OpenMyBank'], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEE900")
Banker['CloseWindow'] = guiCreateButton(9, 138, 196, 24, "Close Window", false, Banker['aWindow'])
guiSetFont(Banker['CloseWindow'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Banker['CloseWindow'], "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0000")
Bank['Window'] = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 323) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 381) / 2, 323, 381, "Bank System .: Soking :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(Bank['Window'], false)
guiSetVisible ( Bank['Window'] , false )
Bank['MoneyHand'] = guiCreateLabel(11, 28, 343, 21, "Money in Your Hand : ", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['MoneyHand'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['MoneyHand'], 25, 173, 57)
Bank['MoneyBank'] = guiCreateLabel(11, 59, 343, 21, "Money in Your Bank : ", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['MoneyBank'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['MoneyBank'], 25, 173, 57)

addEventHandler ( 'onClientElementDataChange' , getRootElement ( ) , 
function ( aData_ ) 
	if ( aData_ == 'Money' ) then 
		guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyHand'] , 'Money in Your Hand : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Money' ) ) ) 
end )

Bank['Label1'] = guiCreateLabel(11, 90, 343, 21, "_______________________________________________________", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Label1'], "default-bold-small")
Bank['Label_'] = guiCreateLabel(10, 121, 55, 24, "Amount :", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Label_'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['Label_'], 31, 250, 202)
Bank['aEditBoxAmount'] = guiCreateEdit(69, 121, 241, 24, "", false, Bank['Window'])
Bank['Deposit'] = guiCreateButton(10, 155, 300, 25, "Deposit", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Deposit'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['Deposit'], "NormalTextColour", "FF1C62B9")
Bank['DepositAll'] = guiCreateButton(10, 190, 300, 25, "Deposit All", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['DepositAll'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['DepositAll'], "NormalTextColour", "FFCC0AA1")
Bank['Withdraw'] = guiCreateButton(10, 225, 300, 25, "Withdraw", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Withdraw'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['Withdraw'], "NormalTextColour", "FF1C62B9")
Bank['WithdrawAll'] = guiCreateButton(10, 260, 300, 25, "Withdraw All", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['WithdrawAll'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['WithdrawAll'], "NormalTextColour", "FFCC0AA1")
Bank['ButtonSend'] = guiCreateButton(218, 295, 95, 25, "Send !", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['ButtonSend'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['ButtonSend'], "NormalTextColour", "FF0297D5")
Bank['aEditBoxPIN'] = guiCreateEdit(79, 295, 129, 25, "", false, Bank['Window'])
Bank['LabelPIN'] = guiCreateLabel(10, 299, 65, 15, "PIN Player :", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['LabelPIN'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['LabelPIN'], 214, 196, 2)
Bank['Label2'] = guiCreateLabel(0, 320, 343, 21, "_______________________________________________________", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Label2'], "default-bold-small")
Bank['ButtonClose'] = guiCreateButton(10, 341, 300, 25, "Close Window", false, Bank['Window'])
guiSetFont(Bank['ButtonClose'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['ButtonClose'], "NormalTextColour", "FFD90000")
Bank['aWindowPIN'] = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 264) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 168) / 2, 264, 168, "Bank System .: Soking :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(Bank['aWindowPIN'], false)
guiSetAlpha(Bank['aWindowPIN'], 0.87)
guiSetVisible ( Bank['aWindowPIN'] , false )
Bank['Label_Create'] = guiCreateLabel(88, 24, 71, 15, "Create a PIN", false, Bank['aWindowPIN'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Label_Create'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['Label_Create'], 243, 59, 189)
Bank['Price_'] = guiCreateLabel(10, 56, 242, 15, "Price : $100,000", false, Bank['aWindowPIN'])
guiSetFont(Bank['Price_'], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(Bank['Price_'], 0, 217, 204)
Bank['ButtonCreatePIN'] = guiCreateButton(12, 83, 240, 25, "Create a PIN", false, Bank['aWindowPIN'])
guiSetFont(Bank['ButtonCreatePIN'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['ButtonCreatePIN'], "NormalTextColour", "FF07F63F")
Bank['CloseWindow'] = guiCreateButton(10, 118, 240, 25, "Close a Window", false, Bank['aWindowPIN'])
guiSetFont(Bank['CloseWindow'], "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(Bank['CloseWindow'], "NormalTextColour", "FFD90000")

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == Bank['Withdraw'] ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:WithdrawnMoney' , localPlayer , tonumber ( guiGetText ( Bank['aEditBoxAmount'] ) ) )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == Bank['WithdrawAll'] ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:WithdrawnAllMoney' , localPlayer )
	elseif ( source == Bank['DepositAll'] ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:DepositAllMoney' , localPlayer )
	elseif ( source == Bank['ButtonSend'] ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:SendMoney' , localPlayer , tonumber ( guiGetText ( Bank['aEditBoxAmount'] ) ) , tonumber ( guiGetText ( Bank['aEditBoxPIN'] ) ) )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == Bank['Deposit'] ) then 
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:DepositMoney' , localPlayer , tonumber ( guiGetText ( Bank['aEditBoxAmount'] ) ) )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyHand'] , 'Money in Your Hand : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Money' ) ) )
	guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyBank'] , 'Money in Your Bank : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Bank' ) ) )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == Bank['ButtonCreatePIN'] ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Bank:CreatePIN' , localPlayer )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:aCloseWindow' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:aCloseWindow' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	for _,Windows in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'gui-window' , resourceRoot ) ) do 
		guiSetVisible ( Windows , false )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:aPlaySound' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:aPlaySound' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	fadeCamera ( true )
	showCursor ( false )
	playSound ( 'mission_accomplished.mp3' )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:OpenWindow' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:OpenWindow' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aBool_ )
	guiSetVisible ( Banker['aWindow'] , true )
	showCursor ( true )
	guiSetEnabled ( Banker['OpenMyBank'] , aBool_ )
	guiSetEnabled ( Banker['aButtonJoinPIN'] , not aBool_ )
	guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyHand'] , 'Money in Your Hand : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Money' ) ) )
	guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyBank'] , 'Money in Your Bank : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Bank' ) ) )
end )

function convertNumber ( number )  
    local formatted = ( number or 0 )  
    while true do      
        formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')    
        if ( k==0 ) then      
    return formatted

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == Banker['CloseWindow'] ) then
		guiSetVisible ( Banker['aWindow'] , false )
		showCursor ( false )
	elseif ( source == Banker['aButtonJoinPIN'] ) then
		guiSetVisible ( Banker['aWindow'] , false )
		guiSetVisible ( Bank['aWindowPIN'] , true )
	elseif ( source == Banker['OpenMyBank'] ) then
		guiSetVisible ( Bank['Window'] , true )
		guiSetVisible ( Bank['aWindowPIN'] , false )
		guiSetVisible ( Banker['aWindow'] , false )
		guiSetText ( Bank['MoneyHand'] , 'Money in Your Hand : $'..convertNumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Money' ) ) )
	elseif ( source == Bank['CloseWindow'] ) then
		guiSetVisible ( Bank['aWindowPIN'] , false )
		showCursor ( false )
	elseif ( source == Bank['ButtonClose'] ) then
		guiSetVisible ( Bank['Window'] , false )
		showCursor ( false )
end )

setElementData ( localPlayer , 'Money' , 0 )

GUIEditor = {
    label = {}

aWindowLog = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 438) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 201) / 2, 435, 237, "Log in and set up an account .:Metal Gaming :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(aWindowLog, false)
guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , false )
GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(13, 34, 77, 21, "Username :", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 249, 119, 41)
GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(13, 65, 77, 21, "Password :", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 249, 119, 41)
aEditUsername = guiCreateEdit(88, 32, 340, 23, "", false, aWindowLog)
aEditPassword = guiCreateEdit(88, 65, 340, 23, "", false, aWindowLog)
GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(13, 88, 415, 15, "___________________________________________________________", false, aWindowLog)
ButtonLogin = guiCreateButton(12, 113, 130, 25, "Login", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(ButtonLogin, "default-bold-small")
ButtonCreateAccount = guiCreateButton(152, 113, 130, 25, "Create an Account", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(ButtonCreateAccount, "default-bold-small")
ButtonViewIntro = guiCreateButton(298, 113, 130, 25, "View Intro", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(ButtonViewIntro, "default-bold-small")
ButtonViewInfo = guiCreateButton(12, 148, 130, 25, "View Info", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(ButtonViewInfo, "default-bold-small")
ButtonShowHidePasswords = guiCreateButton(152, 148, 276, 25, "Show / Hide Password", false, aWindowLog)
guiSetFont(ButtonShowHidePasswords, "default-bold-small")
aButtonAccountRecovery = guiCreateButton(12, 183, 416, 25, "Account Recovery ", false, aWindowLog )
guiSetFont(aButtonAccountRecovery, "default-bold-small")
aWindowVehicleSystem = guiCreateWindow((aScreen_[1] - 203) / 2, (aScreen_[2] - 330) / 2, 203, 330, "Vehicle System .: Soking :.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(aWindowVehicleSystem, false)
guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , false )
aGridListVehicles = guiCreateGridList(10, 27, 180, 213, false, aWindowVehicleSystem)
guiGridListAddColumn(aGridListVehicles, "Vehicles", 0.9)
aButtonCreateVehicle = guiCreateButton(11, 250, 179, 25, "Create ", false, aWindowVehicleSystem)
guiSetFont(aButtonCreateVehicle, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(aButtonCreateVehicle, "NormalTextColour", "FF12FE00")
CloseVehicle = guiCreateButton(11, 285, 179, 25, "Close", false, aWindowVehicleSystem)
guiSetFont(CloseVehicle, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(CloseVehicle, "NormalTextColour", "FFFD0000")

aTableVehiclesID = { 'Savanna' , 'Sanchez' , 'Sadler' , 'Hustler' }

aTableMarkers = { 
	--[[{ 2505.6, -1694.93, 13.56 },
	{ 1416.43, -1649.27, 13.38 },
	{ 1181.69, -1308.75, 13.63 },
	{ 335.63, -1806.57, 4.55 },
	{ 2286.91, -1114.81, 37.98 },
	{ 2224.75, -1342.26, 23.98 },
	{ 1803.46, -1914.13, 13.4 }]]

function dxDrawImageOnElement(TheElement,Image,distance,height,width,R,G,B,alpha)
				local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement)
				local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
				local distance = distance or 20
				local height = height or 1
				local width = width or 1
                                local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true
                                local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false
                                local checkPeds = checkPeds or false
                                local checkObjects = checkObjects or true
                                local checkDummies = checkDummies or true
                                local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false
                                local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false
                                local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil
				if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then
					local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height)
					if(sx) and (sy) then
						local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)
						if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then
							dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x, y, z+1+height-(distanceBetweenPoints/distance), x, y, z+height, Image, width-(distanceBetweenPoints/distance), tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255))

for v in ipairs ( aTableMarkers ) do 
	local aMarkers = createMarker ( aTableMarkers[v][1] , aTableMarkers[v][2] , aTableMarkers[v][3] - 1.5 , 'cylinder' , 2 , 255 ,255 ,255 ,255 )
	addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit' , root , 
	function ( aPlayer )
		if ( source == aMarkers and aPlayer == localPlayer and not isPedInVehicle ( aPlayer ) and getElementDimension ( aPlayer ) == 0 ) then 
			setElementFrozen ( aPlayer , true )
			guiGridListClear ( aGridListVehicles ) 
				for v in ipairs ( aTableVehiclesID ) do 
				local Row = guiGridListAddRow ( aGridListVehicles ) 
				guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListVehicles , Row , 1 , aTableVehiclesID[v] , false , false )
			guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , true )
			showCursor ( true )
	end )
	addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerLeave' , root , 
	function ( aPlayer )
		if ( aPlayer == localPlayer and source == aMarkers) then 
			setElementFrozen ( aPlayer , false )
			guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , false )
			showCursor ( false )
	end )

aTableVehiclesIDPolice = { 'Police LS' , 'Police LV' , 'Police Maverick' , 'Police Ranger' , 'Police SF' , 'HPV1000' }

aTableMarkersPolice = { 
	--[[{ 1550.66, -1612.2, 13.6 },
	{ 1558.86, -1612.21, 13.6 },
	{ 1568.2, -1612.26, 13.6 }]]

aTag = dxCreateTexture("police.png")

for v in ipairs ( aTableMarkersPolice ) do 
	local aMarkez_ = createMarker ( aTableMarkersPolice[v][1] , aTableMarkersPolice[v][2] , aTableMarkersPolice[v][3] , 'corona' , 2 , 0 ,0 ,255 ,255 )
	--[[addEventHandler('onClientPreRender', getRootElement ( ) ,
	function ( )
		dxDrawImageOnElement( aMarkez_ , aTag , 40 , 0 )
	end )]]
	addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit' , root , 
	function ( aPlayer )
		if ( source == aMarkez_ and aPlayer == localPlayer and not isPedInVehicle ( aPlayer ) and getElementDimension ( aPlayer ) == 0 and getPlayerTeam ( aPlayer ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then 
			setElementFrozen ( aPlayer , true )
			guiGridListClear ( aGridListVehicles )
			for v in ipairs ( aTableVehiclesIDPolice ) do 
				local Row = guiGridListAddRow ( aGridListVehicles ) 
				guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListVehicles , Row , 1 , aTableVehiclesIDPolice[v] , false , false )
				guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , true )
				showCursor ( true )
	end )

	addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerLeave' , root , 
	function ( aPlayer )
		if ( source == aMarkez_ and aPlayer == localPlayer ) then 
			setElementFrozen ( aPlayer , false )
			guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , false )
			showCursor ( false )
	end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , CloseVehicle , 
function ( )
	guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , false )
	showCursor ( false )
	setElementFrozen ( localPlayer , false )
end , false )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot , 
function ( )
	if ( source == aButtonCreateVehicle ) then
		if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aGridListVehicles ) == -1 ) then return end
			triggerServerEvent ( 'createVehicle_' , localPlayer , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListVehicles , guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aGridListVehicles ) , 1 ) )
			showCursor ( false )
			guiSetVisible ( aWindowVehicleSystem , false )
			setElementFrozen ( localPlayer , false )
end )

aValue = true 

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot , 
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonShowHidePasswords ) then
		guiEditSetMasked ( aEditPassword , not aValue )
	aValue = not aValue 
end )

RecoveryAccount = { }

function ShowRegister ( )
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Day'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Day'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['asd'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['asd'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label1'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label1'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label2'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label2'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label3'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Label3'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( RecoveryAccount['Year'] ) ) then destroyElement ( RecoveryAccount['Year'] ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditRePassword ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditRePassword ) end
	if ( isElement ( Memo ) ) then destroyElement ( Memo ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditReUserName ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditReUserName ) end
	if ( isElement ( aButtonRecovery ) ) then destroyElement ( aButtonRecovery ) end
	if ( isElement ( aLabelErrorCoPass ) ) then destroyElement ( aLabelErrorCoPass ) end
	if ( isElement ( ButtonCreateAnAccount ) ) then destroyElement ( ButtonCreateAnAccount ) end
	if ( isElement ( aLabelErrorDayz ) ) then destroyElement ( aLabelErrorDayz ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditDay ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditDay ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditCPassword ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditCPassword ) end
	if ( isElement ( aLabelErrorUserName ) ) then destroyElement ( aLabelErrorUserName ) end
	if ( isElement ( aLabelErrorPassowrd ) ) then destroyElement ( aLabelErrorPassowrd ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditConfrmPassword ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditConfrmPassword ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditYear ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditYear ) end
	if ( isElement ( aEditMo  ) ) then destroyElement ( aEditMo ) end
	for Index = 4 , 8 do 
		if ( isElement ( aLabel_ [ Index ] ) ) then destroyElement ( aLabel_ [ Index ] ) end

local sm = {}
sm.moov = 0
sm.object1,sm.object2 = nil,nil

local function removeCamHandler()
	if(sm.moov == 1)then
		sm.moov = 0

local function camRender()
	if (sm.moov == 1) then
		local x1,y1,z1 = getElementPosition(sm.object1)
		local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition(sm.object2)

function smoothMoveCamera(x1,y1,z1,x1t,y1t,z1t,x2,y2,z2,x2t,y2t,z2t,time)
	if( sm.moov == 1 )then return false end
		sm.object1 = createObject(1337,x1,y1,z1)
		sm.object2 = createObject(1337,x1t,y1t,z1t)
		sm.moov = 1
	return true

Rot = 0

local function aMain_ ( )
	    aSound = playSound ( 'intro.mp3' ) 
		setTimer ( function ( )
		start = getTickCount ( )
		function Loop1( ) dxDrawAnimPicture ( "Random1.png" , aScreen_[1], aScreen_[2] , "OutElastic" , 0 ) end 
		addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop1 )
			setTimer ( function ( )
				removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop1 )
				start = getTickCount ( )
					function Loop2( ) dxDrawAnimPicture ( "Random2.png" , aScreen_[1], aScreen_[2] , "OutInBounce" , 0 ) end 
					addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop2 )
					setTimer ( function ( )
					removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop2 )
					start = getTickCount ( )
					function Loop3( ) dxDrawAnimPicture ( "iMage3.png" , aScreen_[1], aScreen_[2] , "OutInQuad" , 0 ) end 
					addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop3 )
					setTimer ( function ( )
					Anim , iMage_ = 'SineCurve' , 'iMage4.png'
					function Loop4( ) dxDrawAnimPicture ( iMage_, aScreen_[1], aScreen_[2] , Anim , Rot ) end 
					function Loop4_ ( ) Rot = Rot + 3 end 
					removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop3 )
					start = getTickCount ( )
					addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop4 )
					addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop4_ )
					setTimer ( function ( ) start = getTickCount ( ) Anim , iMage_ = 'CosineCurve' , 'iMage2.png'
						setTimer ( function ( ) start = getTickCount ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop4_ ) Rot = 0 Anim , iMage_ = 'OutInBounce' , 'iMage1.png'
							setTimer ( function ( ) start = getTickCount ( ) Anim , iMage_ = 'OutElastic' , 'iMage3.png'
								setTimer ( function ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) local Random = math.random ( 1 , 11 ) start = getTickCount ( ) Anim , iMage_ = 'OutBack' , 'Random'..Random..'.png' end , 1500 , 7 ) setTimer ( function ( ) start = getTickCount ( ) Anim = 'InBounce' end , 1500 * 4 , 1 ) start = getTickCount ( ) Anim = 'InBounce' end , 1500 , 1 )
									setTimer ( function ( )
									removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ) , Loop4 )
									function Text__ ( )
										start = getTickCount ( ) 
										function FunctionText1 ( ) 
											dxDrawAnimText( '#[Metal Gaming] <3' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
										end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
										 setTimer ( function ( ) 
											removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
											Text ( ) 
										 end , 4000 , 1 )
									Text__ ( )
									setCameraMatrix ( 1493 ,-1668 ,77 ,1585 ,-1670 ,38 )
									fadeCamera ( true , 1 )		
								end , 2400 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 + 1500 , 1 ) 
							end , 2400 + 1000 + 1500, 1 )
						end , 2600 , 1 )
					end , 1500 , 1 )
				end , 2000 , 1 )
			end , 4000 , 1 )
		end , 4500 , 1 )
	end , 1000 , 1 ) 

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot , 
function ( )
	if ( getElementType ( source ) == 'gui-button' ) then
		setTimer ( guiSetEnabled , 100 , 1 , source , false )
		setTimer ( guiSetEnabled , 2000 , 1 , source , true )
end )

function Text ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	function FunctionText1 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Welcome : '..getPlayerName ( localPlayer ) , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
	end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
	 setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		Text2 ( )
	 end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text2 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	function FunctionText2 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Here we are fighting the police and the criminals' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
	end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText2 )
	setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText2 )
		Text3 ( )
	 end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text3 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	function FunctionText3 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Here are all that is new' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
	end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText3 )
	setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText3 )
		Text4 ( )
	 end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text4 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	function FunctionText4 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'It has programming by : Metal Gaming' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
	end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText4 )
	setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText4 )
		Text5 ( )
	 end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text5 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	function FunctionText5 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Enjoy : )' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
	end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText5 )
	setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler  ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText5 ) triggerServerEvent ( 'GetInformation_' , localPlayer ) stopSound ( aSound )  end , 5500 , 1 )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientMouseEnter' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( getElementType ( source ) == 'gui-button' ) then
		playSoundFrontEnd ( 3 )
end )

addEvent ( 'Send_:' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Send_:' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( AccountName , AccountPassword )
	guiSetText ( aEditUsername , AccountName )
	guiSetText ( aEditPassword , AccountPassword )
	guiSetEnabled ( ButtonCreateAccount , false )
	guiSetEnabled ( aEditUsername , false )
	guiSetEnabled ( aEditPassword , false )
end )

addEvent ( 'ShowWindow:Log' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'ShowWindow:Log' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( AccountName , AccountPassword )
	guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , true )
	showCursor ( true )
end )

function Text_1 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	setCameraMatrix ( 1409 ,-1677 ,96 ,1501 ,-1679 ,56 )
		local function FunctionText1 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Base Police' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
		end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		Text_2 ( )
	end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text_2 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	setCameraMatrix ( 1843 ,-1561 ,76 ,1869 ,-1644 ,26 )
		local function FunctionText1 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Missions' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
		end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		Text_3 ( )
	end , 5500 , 1 )

function Text_3 ( )
	start = getTickCount ( ) 
	setCameraMatrix ( 1041 ,-1421 ,100 ,998 ,-1336 ,70 )
		local function FunctionText1 ( ) 
		dxDrawAnimText( 'Battle Field' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
		end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		setTimer ( function ( ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 )
		setTimer ( function ( ) fadeCamera ( false ) setTimer ( function ( ) fadeCamera ( true ) guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , true ) setCameraMatrix ( 1493 ,-1668 ,77 ,1585 ,-1670 ,38 ) showCursor ( true ) end , 1500 , 1 ) end , 3500 , 1 )
	end , 5500 , 1 )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonViewIntro ) then
		guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , false ) 
		showCursor ( false )
		fadeCamera ( false )		
		setTimer ( function ( )
			fadeCamera ( true )
			Text_1 ( )
		end , 1000 ,1 )
end )

asdasd = guiCreateLabel(13, 203, 415, 15, "___________________________________________________________", false, aWindowLog )
aLabel_ = { }

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonCreateAccount ) then
		ShowRegister ( )
		guiSetSize ( aWindowLog , 435, 421 , false )
		aEditReUserName = guiCreateEdit(80, 244, 180, 23, "", false, aWindowLog)
		aEditRePassword = guiCreateEdit(80, 277, 180, 23, "", false, aWindowLog)
		aLabel_[4] = guiCreateLabel(13, 246, 77, 21, "Username :", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabel_[4], "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabel_[4], 35, 254, 174)
		aLabel_[5] = guiCreateLabel(13, 277, 77, 21, "Password :", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabel_[5], "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabel_[5], 35, 254, 174)
		aEditConfrmPassword = guiCreateEdit(133, 310, 148, 23, "", false, aWindowLog)
		aLabel_[6] = guiCreateLabel(13, 310, 110, 21, "Confirm Password :", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabel_[6], "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabel_[6], 35, 254, 174)
		aLabelErrorUserName = guiCreateLabel(288, 244, 150, 22, "Enter", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabelErrorUserName, "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabelErrorUserName, 255, 33, 33)
		aLabel_[7] = guiCreateLabel(288, 279, 150, 22, "Enter", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabel_[7], "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabel_[7], 0, 255, 0)
		aLabelErrorCoPass = guiCreateLabel(288, 311, 150, 22, "Enter", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabelErrorCoPass, "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabelErrorCoPass, 0, 255, 0)
		aLabel_[8] = guiCreateLabel(13, 341, 82, 23, "Date of birth :", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabel_[8], "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabel_[8], 35, 254, 174)
		aEditYear = guiCreateEdit(100, 341, 65, 23, "2000", false, aWindowLog)
		aEditMo = guiCreateEdit(175, 341, 65, 23, "1", false, aWindowLog)
		aEditDay = guiCreateEdit(250, 341, 65, 23, "1", false, aWindowLog)
		aLabelErrorDayz = guiCreateLabel(325, 343, 113, 15, "Enter", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(aLabelErrorDayz, "default-bold-small")
		guiLabelSetColor(aLabelErrorDayz, 255, 33, 33)
		ButtonCreateAnAccount = guiCreateButton(10, 374, 415, 25, "Create Now", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(ButtonCreateAnAccount, "default-bold-small")
		guiSetEnabled ( ButtonCreateAnAccount , false )
		addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIChanged' , resourceRoot , aFunctionC_ )
		addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionGet )
	elseif ( source == ButtonViewInfo ) then
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIChanged' , resourceRoot , aFunctionC_ )
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionGet )
		ShowRegister ( )
		guiSetSize ( aWindowLog , 438, 585, false )
		Memo = guiCreateMemo(12, 218, 414, 350, "                                                    English\n\n[*] Not allowed to insult\n\n[*] It is not allowed by typing the name server\n\n[*] It is not allowed to use cheat files\n\n[*] Not allowed to chat with destruction\n\n[*] It is not allowed to exploit programming errors\n\n[*] Not allowed to put another server logo\n\n\n                                                    Arabic - العربيه\n\nممنوع السب [*] \n\nممنوع النشر [*] \n\nممنوع وضع اسماء اباحيه او وهميه [*] \n\nممنوع تخريب الشات [*] \n\nممنوع استخدام ملفات الغش و الهكر [*] \n\nممنوع وضع شعارات سيرفرات اخرى [*] \n\nممنوع استغلال اخطاء برمجيه [*] ", false, aWindowLog)
		guiSetFont(Memo, "default-bold-small")
		guiMemoSetReadOnly ( Memo , true )
	elseif ( source == aButtonAccountRecovery ) then
		ShowRegister ( )
		guiSetSize ( aWindowLog , 438, 397 , false )
		RecoveryAccount['Label1'] = guiCreateLabel(13, 234, 65, 19, "Old Serial :", false, aWindowLog )
        guiSetFont(RecoveryAccount['Label1'], "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetColor(RecoveryAccount['Label1'], 248, 228, 6)
        RecoveryAccount['Label2'] = guiCreateLabel(13, 263, 131, 19, "Account Name :", false, aWindowLog )
        guiSetFont(RecoveryAccount['Label2'], "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetColor(RecoveryAccount['Label2'], 248, 228, 6)
        RecoveryAccount['Label3'] = guiCreateLabel(13, 292, 197, 19, "Security Question (date of birth) :", false, aWindowLog )
        guiSetFont(RecoveryAccount['Label3'], "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetColor(RecoveryAccount['Label3'], 248, 228, 6)
        RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] = guiCreateEdit(78, 234, 350, 19, "", false, aWindowLog )
        RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] = guiCreateEdit(105, 263, 323, 19, "", false, aWindowLog )
        RecoveryAccount['Year'] = guiCreateEdit(213, 292, 64, 19, "", false, aWindowLog )
        RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'] = guiCreateButton(10, 350, 414, 25, "Account Recovery", false, aWindowLog )
        guiSetFont(RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'], "default-bold-small")
        guiSetProperty(RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'], "NormalTextColour", "FF01FC3C")
        RecoveryAccount['Mo'] = guiCreateEdit(287, 292, 64, 19, "", false, aWindowLog )
        RecoveryAccount['Day'] = guiCreateEdit(364, 292, 64, 19, "", false, aWindowLog ) 
		RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] = guiCreateEdit(128, 321, 300, 19, "", false, aWindowLog)    
		RecoveryAccount['asd'] = guiCreateLabel(13, 321, 197, 19, "Account Password :" , false , aWindowLog )
		guiSetFont(RecoveryAccount['asd'], "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetColor(RecoveryAccount['asd'], 248, 228, 6)
end )
g = guiGetText 

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( ) 
	if ( source == RecoveryAccount['ButtonRecovery'] ) then
		if ( guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] ) ~= '' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) ~= '' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Day'] ) ~= '' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Day'] ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Year'] ) ~= '' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['Year'] ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] ) ~= '' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) ~= ' ' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) ~= ' ' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) ~= ' ' or guiGetText ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) ~= ' ' ) then
			triggerServerEvent ( 'Trigger:RecoveryAccount' , localPlayer , g ( RecoveryAccount['OldSerial'] ) ,  g ( RecoveryAccount['EditPassword'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['EditAccount'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Year'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Mo'] ) , g ( RecoveryAccount['Day'] ) ) 
			OutPut ( "#009AFF[Metal Gaming] : #FF0000Make sure all the information" )	
end )

function GUIChanged()
if ( source == Bank['aEditBoxPIN'] or source == Bank['aEditBoxAmount'] or source == aEditYear or source == aEditMo or source == aEditDay ) then
ETexts = guiGetText(source)
amounts = tonumber(ETexts)
if amounts then
amounts = math.ceil(ETexts)
if amounts > 0 then
guiSetText(source, amounts)
guiSetText(source, "1")
guiSetText(source, "1")
addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", resourceRoot, GUIChanged)

aNumber = 2

aTableSkins = {
	{ 'Grove Street' , 271 , 39, 135 , 12 , 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14 , 182 , 'GANGS' , 'smkcig_prtl' , 176 },
	{ 'Ballas' , 104 , 128, 0, 128 , 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14 , 255 , 'GANGS' , 'smkcig_prtl', 176 },
	{ 'Vagos' , 109 , 255, 200, 0 , 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14 , 255 , 'GANGS' , 'smkcig_prtl', 176 },
	{ 'Aztecas' , 114 , 0, 128, 255, 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14 , 255 , 'GANGS' , 'smkcig_prtl', 176 },
	{ 'Doctor' , 276 , 24, 198, 238, 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14, 255 , 'MEDIC' , 'CPR' , 128 },
	{ 'Police', 266 , 0, 51, 255 , 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14  , 255 , 'POLICE' , 'CopTraf_Stop', 128 },
	{ 'Criminal' , 0 , 255, 0, 0 , 1288.63, -826.36, 83.14 , 255 , 'KNIFE' , 'knife_4' , 54 }

function dxDrawFramedText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, frameColor)
	color = color or tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)
	frameColor = frameColor or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)
	scale = scale or 1.1
	font = font or "default"
	alignX = alignX or "left"
	alignY = alignY or "top"
	clip = clip or false
	wordBreak = wordBreak or false
	postGUI = postGUI or false
	dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top + 1, width + 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI)
	dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top - 1, width + 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI)
	dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top + 1, width - 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI)
	dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI)
	dxDrawText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI)

function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement)
	local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
	local distance = distance or 20
	local height = height or 1
		local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true
		local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false
		local checkPeds = checkPeds or false
		local checkObjects = checkObjects or true
		local checkDummies = checkDummies or true
		local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false
		local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false
		local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil
			if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then
				local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height)
					if(sx) and (sy) then
						local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)
							if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then
							dxDrawFramedText(text, sx+2, sy-20, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center")

function aRenderText( ) 
	for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do 
		aTeamName = unpack { getElementData ( aPeds , 'Inf_' ) }
		dxDrawTextOnElement( aPeds , aTeamName[1] , 1  , 20 , aTeamName[2] , aTeamName[3] , aTeamName[4] , 255 , 2 , 'default-bold' )

function SelSkin ( )
	if ( not isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientRender' , root , aRenderText ) ) then addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText ) end
	aRandom = math.random ( 65535 )
	if ( not isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientRender' , root , aFunctionz_ ) ) then addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) end
	if ( isElement ( aSoung_ ) ) then destroyElement ( aSong_ ) end
	if ( not isElement( aSong_ ) ) then aSong_ = playSound ( 'aSong.mp3' ) end
	setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
	setElementPosition( localPlayer, 1280.6, -825.66, 83.14 )
	setElementFrozen ( localPlayer , true )
	for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , reosurceRoot ) ) do if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
	aValueCam  , aValue2 =  true , 0
	setElementAlpha ( localPlayer , 0 )
		smoothMoveCamera ( 1269 ,-837 ,88 ,1306 ,-754 ,47 , 1287 ,-838 ,88 ,1282 ,-743 ,56 , 8000 )
		aTimer_ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
			if ( aValueCam == true ) then
				setElementPosition ( localPlayer , 1280.6, -825.66, 83.14 )
				setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
				smoothMoveCamera ( 1287 ,-838 ,88 ,1282 ,-743 ,56, 1269 ,-837 ,88 ,1306 ,-754 ,47 , 8000 )
				smoothMoveCamera ( 1269 ,-837 ,88 ,1306 ,-754 ,47 , 1287 ,-838 ,88 ,1282 ,-743 ,56 , 8000 )
		aValueCam = not aValueCam
	end , 10000 ,0 )
		for v in pairs ( aTableSkins ) do 
			aValue2 = aValue2 + 2
			aPed = createPed ( aTableSkins[v][2] , aTableSkins[v][6] - aValue2 , aTableSkins[v][7] , aTableSkins[v][8] ) 
			setElementData ( aPed , 'Inf_' , { aTableSkins[v][1] , aTableSkins[v][3], aTableSkins[v][4] , aTableSkins[v][5] , aTableSkins[v][9] } )
			setElementInterior ( aPed , 0 )
			setElementFrozen ( aPed , true )
			setElementRotation ( aPed , 0 , 0 , 180 )
			setElementData ( aPed , 'AnimPed' , { aTableSkins[v][10] , aTableSkins[v][11] } )
			setElementDimension ( aPed , aRandom )
			setElementDimension ( localPlayer , aRandom )
	function Text_3_ ( )
	fadeCamera ( true )
		start = getTickCount ( ) 
			local function FunctionText1 ( ) 
			dxDrawAnimText( 'Select Your Team' , 524 , 600 , "OutElastic" )
			setElementAlpha ( localPlayer , 0 ) showPlayerHudComponent ( 'all' , false ) showChat ( false ) if ( not isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientRender' , root , FunctionText1 ) ) then addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 ) end
			setTimer ( function ( ) 
			if ( isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientRender' , root , FunctionText1 ) ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , FunctionText1 ) end 
			showCursor ( true )
			setTimer ( function ( ) if ( not isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientKey' , root , aKey_ ) ) then addEventHandler( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ ) end end ,  3000 , 1 ) 
		end , 5500 , 1 )
	Text_3_ ( ) 

addEventHandler('onClientPedDamage' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	local V1 , V2 = unpack ( getElementData ( source , 'AnimPed' ) )
	cancelEvent ( )
	setPedAnimation ( source, V1 , V2 , -1, true, false )
end ) 

function aFunctionz_ ( )
	setElementAlpha ( localPlayer , 0 )
		if ( isCursorShowing ( ) ) then
			local screenx, screeny, worldx, worldy, worldz = getCursorPosition()
				local px, py, pz = getCameraMatrix ( )
					hit, x, y, z, aHitElement = processLineOfSight ( px, py, pz, worldx, worldy, worldz )
						if ( aHitElement and getElementData ( aHitElement , 'Inf_' ) ~= false ) then
							aUnPack1_ , aAnimPed = unpack { getElementData ( aHitElement , 'Inf_' ) } , unpack { getElementData ( aHitElement , 'AnimPed' ) }
							aValueSelected = aUnPack1_[1]
							if ( getElementData ( aHitElement , 'StartAnim' ) and getElementData ( aHitElement , 'StartAnim' ) == 'False' ) then
								setPedAnimation ( aHitElement , aAnimPed[1] , aAnimPed[2] )
								setElementData ( aHitElement , 'StartAnim' , 'True' )
						for _ ,Peds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do
							setPedAnimation ( Peds )
							setElementData ( Peds , 'StartAnim' , 'False' )
							aValueSelected = false

dxGrid          =   { items = {} };
local cursorOn;

local NATIVE_RESOLUTION		=	{ nil } -- put your screen resolution here to fit the gridlists to all resolutions (ex: { 1366, 768 } )
if ( table.maxn ( NATIVE_RESOLUTION ) == 2 ) then
	FIT_MODE				=	true
	RES                   	=   { guiGetScreenSize() };
	X,Y                   	=   RES[1] / NATIVE_RESOLUTION[1], RES[2] / NATIVE_RESOLUTION[2];
	SCALE                 	=   ( 1 / NATIVE_RESOLUTION[1] ) * RES[1];

--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Core - functions

function dxGrid:Create ( x, y, width, height, postGUI )
    -- table dxGrid:Create ( int x, int y, int width, int height[, bool postGUI ] )

    if __checkParams ( "Create", "nnnn", x, y, width, height ) then
        local data = {
            x       =       FIT_MODE and ( x * X ) or x;    							-- X position
            y       =       FIT_MODE and ( y * Y ) or y;   								-- Y position
            w       =       FIT_MODE and ( width * X ) or width;						-- Width
            h       =       FIT_MODE and ( height * Y ) or height; 						-- Height
            pg      =       postGUI or false;           								-- PostGUI
            i       =       {};                         								-- Items
            mi      =       __calcMaxItems ( FIT_MODE and ( height * Y ) or height );	-- Max items
            s       =       1;                          								-- Scroll Level
            r       =       -1;                         								-- Row count
            se      =       -1;                         								-- Selected item
            mo      =       nil;                        								-- Mouse-on item
            vis     =       true                        								-- Visible

        setmetatable ( data, { __index = dxGrid } );
        table.insert ( dxGrid.items, data );

        return data;

function dxGrid:Destroy ()
    -- bool dxGrid:Destroy ()

    for k, v in pairs ( dxGrid.items ) do
        if v == self then
            dxGrid.items[k] = nil;
            return true;
    return false;

function dxGrid:SetVisible ( visible )
    -- bool Gridlist:SetVisible ( bool state )
    if __checkParams ( "SetVisible", "b", visible ) then
        self.vis = visible

        return true
        return false

function dxGrid:IsVisible ( )
    -- bool Gridlist:IsVisible()

    return self.vis

function dxGrid:AddColumn ( title, width )
    -- int Gridlist:AddColumn ( string title, int width )

    if __checkParams ( "AddColumn", "sn", title, width ) then
        local data = {
            info    =   { title = title, width = FIT_MODE and ( width * X ) or width }

        table.insert ( self.i, data );

        return #self.i;

function dxGrid:RemoveColumn ( columnIndex )
    -- bool Gridlist:RemoveColumn ( int columnIndex )

    if __checkParams ( "RemoveColumn", "n", columnIndex ) then
        self.i[columnIndex] = nil;

        -- Recalculate the highest item count
        local highest = -1;

        for _, v in ipairs ( self.i ) do
            if #v > highest then
                highest = ( #v - 1 );

        self.r = highest;

        -- Recalculate the scroll level (if necessary)
        if ( ( ( self.s + self.mi ) - 2 ) == self.r ) then
            self.s = ( self.r - self.mi ) + 1;

        return true
    return false

function dxGrid:GetColumnCount ()
    -- int Gridlist:GetColumnCount()

    return #self.i

function dxGrid:AddItem ( columnIndex, text, data, r, g, b )
    -- int Gridlist:AddItem ( int columnIndex, string title[, mixed data, int r, int g, int b ] )

    if __checkParams ( "AddItem", "ns", columnIndex, text ) then
        if self.i[columnIndex] then	
            local tColor = __checkRGB ( r, g, b ) and { r, g, b } or { 255, 255, 255 };
            table.insert ( self.i[columnIndex], { id = #self.i[columnIndex] + 1, text = tostring( text ), data = data, color = tColor } );

            if #self.i[columnIndex] > self.r then
                self.r = #self.i[columnIndex];

            return #self.i[columnIndex];
        return false;

function dxGrid:RemoveItem ( column, itemID )
    -- bool Gridlist:RemoveItem ( int columnIndex, int itemIndex )

    if __checkParams ( "RemoveItem", "nn", column, itemID ) then
        if self.i[column] and self.i[column][itemID] then
            -- Recalculate the highest item count
            if self.r == #self.i[column] then
                local highest = -1;

                for _, v in ipairs ( self.i ) do
                    if #v > highest then
                        highest = ( #v - 1 );

                self.r = highest;

            -- Recalculate the scroll level (if necessary)
            if ( ( ( self.s + self.mi ) - 2 ) == self.r ) then
                self.s = ( self.r - self.mi ) + 1;

            -- Reset the selected item if necessary²
            if itemID == self.se then
                local newItem   =   self.se - 1

                if newItem <= self.r then
                    self.se = math.max ( 0, newItem );
                    self.se = -1

            table.remove ( self.i[column], itemID );

            return true;
        return false

function dxGrid:GetItemCount ( columnID )
    -- int Gridlist:GetItemCount ( int columnIndex )

    if __checkParams ( "GetItemCount", "n", columnID ) then
        if self.i[columnID] then
            return #self.i[columnID]
        return false

function dxGrid:Clear ()
    -- bool Gridlist:Clear()

    for k, v in ipairs ( self.i ) do
        self.i[k] = { info = v.info }

    self.r = -1
    self.se = nil

    -- Recalculate the scroll level
    self.s = 1;

    return true

function dxGrid:GetSelectedItem ( )
    -- int Gridlist:GetSelectedItem ()

    return self.se;

function dxGrid:SetSelectedItem ( itemID )
    -- bool Gridlist:SetSelectedItem ( int itemIndex )

    if __checkParams ( "SetSelectedItem", "n", itemID ) then
        if itemID <= self.r then
            self.se = itemID;
            return self.se == itemID;
        return false;

function dxGrid:GetItemDetails ( column, itemID )
    -- string, mixed Gridlist:GetItemDetails ( int columnIndex, int itemIndex )
	column = column or 1
		if __checkParams ( "GetItemDetails", "nn", columnID, itemID ) then
			if self.i[column] then
				if self.i[column][itemID] then
					return self.i[column][itemID].text, self.i[column][itemID].data
	return false

--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Core - render/move

addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root,
    function ( )
        -- Is there any gridlist to render?
        if #dxGrid.items > 0 then
            -- Loop through all grid lists
            for index, data in ipairs ( dxGrid.items ) do
                -- Is the gridlist visible?
                if data.vis then
                    -- Draw the 'gridlist' itself
                    dxDrawRectangle ( data.x, data.y, data.w, data.h, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 200 ), data.pg );

                    -- Draw the column bar
                    dxDrawRectangle ( data.x, data.y, data.w, 30 % data.h, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 220 ), data.pg );

                    -- Set cursorOn variable to the current gridlist, if it's selected
                    cursorOn = nil
                    if __isMouseInPosition ( data.x, data.y, data.w, data.h ) then
                        cursorOn = index;

                    -- Check if there's any selected item
                    local seeFrom   =   data.s;
                    local seeTo     =   ( data.s + data.mi ) - 1;

                    if data.se and data.se <= data.r and data.se >= seeFrom and data.se <= seeTo then
                        local index     =   data.se - ( data.s - 1 );
                        local y2        =   data.y + ( ( index - 1 ) * 25 );

                        -- Draw a rectangle to make it looks like selected
                        dxDrawRectangle ( data.x, ( 30 % data.h ) + y2, data.w, 20, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 100 ), data.pg );

                    -- Is there any column?
                    if #data.i > 0 then
                    local cWidth = 0

                        -- Loop through all columns
                        for cIndex, cData in ipairs ( data.i ) do
                            -- we'll go beyond the gridlist width with this column ?
                            if ( ( cWidth + cData.info.width ) <= data.w ) then
                                local x = data.x + cWidth;

                                -- Draw the column title
                                dxDrawText ( cData.info.title, x, data.y, cData.info.width + x, ( 30 % data.h ) + data.y, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255 ), FIT_MODE and ( 1 * SCALE ) or 1, "default-bold", "center", "center", true, true, data.pg, false, true );

                                -- Reset the selected item
                                cData.info.selected = -1;

                                -- Is there any item ?
                                if #cData > 0 then
                                    local seeFrom   =   data.s;
                                    local seeTo     =   ( data.s + data.mi ) - 1;

                                    -- Loop the items
                                    for iIndex = seeFrom, seeTo do
                                        -- There's a row with this index in the current column?
                                        if cData[iIndex] then
                                            local index     =   iIndex - ( data.s - 1 );
                                            local y         =   data.y + ( index * 25 );
                                            local y2        =   data.y + ( ( index - 1 ) * 25 );

                                            -- Check if cursor is on item position
                                            if __isMouseInPosition ( data.x, ( 30 % data.h ) + y2, data.w, 20 ) then
                                                -- Define the mouse-on variable
                                                data.mo = iIndex;

                                            -- Draw the item text
                                            dxDrawText ( cData[iIndex]["text"], x, y, cData.info.width + x, ( 30 % data.h ) + y, tocolor ( unpack ( cData[iIndex]["color"] ) ), FIT_MODE and ( 1 * SCALE ) or 1, "default-bold", "center", "center", true, true, data.pg, false, true );

                                -- Increase cWidth variable (to draw the columns correctly)
                                cWidth = cWidth + cData.info.width;
, true, "low-5")

addEventHandler ( "onClientKey", root,
    function ( button, press )
        -- Is cursor showing?
        if isCursorShowing () then
            -- Is there any gridlist?
            if #dxGrid.items > 0 then
                -- Is there any selected gridlist?
                if cursorOn then
                    -- We pressed the scroll?
                    if press and #button > 6 then
                        -- Does the gridlist requires scroll?
                        if dxGrid.items[cursorOn].r > dxGrid.items[cursorOn].mi then
                            -- Define some variables
                            local index         =   cursorOn;
                            local currentValue  =   dxGrid.items[index].s;
                            local newValue      =   math.max ( 1, button == "mouse_wheel_down" and currentValue + 2 or currentValue -1 );

                            -- Check if we have spent the row's limit with the new value
                            if ( ( newValue + dxGrid.items[index].mi ) > dxGrid.items[index].r ) then
                                newValue = ( dxGrid.items[index].r - dxGrid.items[index].mi ) + 1;

                            -- Set the new scroll level
                            dxGrid.items[index].s = newValue;
                    elseif press and button == "mouse1" and dxGrid.items[cursorOn].mo then
                        dxGrid.items[cursorOn].se = dxGrid.items[cursorOn].mo;

function __calcMaxItems ( height )
    for i = 0, 9999 do
        if ( ( ( i + 1 ) * 25 ) >= math.floor ( height ) ) then
            return ( ( ( i + 1 ) * 25 ) > math.floor ( height ) and ( i - 1 ) or i );
    return false;

function __checkParams ( methodName, pattern, ... )
    local cTable = {
        ["string"] = "s";
        ["number"] = "n";
        ["boolean"] = "b";

        ["s"] = "string";
        ["n"] = "number";
        ["b"] = "boolean"

    if #pattern > table.maxn ( { ... } ) then
        local index = table.maxn ( { ... } ) == 0 and 1 or table.maxn ( { ... } ) + 1
        return false, error ( "Bad Argument @ '"..methodName.."' [Expected "..cTable[ pattern:sub ( index, index ) ].." at argument "..index..", got none]" )

    for k, v in pairs ( { ... } ) do
        if cTable[ type ( v ) ] ~= pattern:sub ( k, k ) then
            return false, error ( "Bad Argument @ '"..methodName.."' [Expected "..cTable[ pattern:sub ( k, k ) ].." at argument "..k..", got "..( type ( v ) or "none" ).."]" )
    return true;

function __checkRGB ( r, g, b )
	-- Check if all parameters were passed
	if ( not r ) or ( not g ) or ( not b ) then
		return false;
	for _, v in ipairs ( { r, g, b } ) do
		if ( type ( v ) ~= "number" ) or ( v < 0 ) or ( v > 255 ) then
			return false;
	return true;

function __isMouseInPosition ( x, y, w, h )
    if not isCursorShowing() then return false end

    local res   =   { guiGetScreenSize() };
    local cpos  =   { getCursorPosition() };
    local fpos  =   { res[1] * cpos[1], res[2] * cpos[2] };
    return ( fpos[1] >= x and fpos[1] <= x + w ) and ( fpos[2] >= y and fpos[2] <= y + h )

function returnPoistionGUI ( xScreen , yScreen , x , y , Width , Height )
	local aScreen = { guiGetScreenSize ( ) }
	local aRulests = { ( aScreen [ 1 ] / xScreen ) * x , ( aScreen [ 2 ] / yScreen ) * y , ( aScreen [ 1 ] / xScreen ) * Width , ( aScreen [ 2 ] / yScreen ) * Height }
	return aRulests [ 1 ] , aRulests [ 2 ] , aRulests [ 3 ] , aRulests [ 4 ] 
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
aGridPosition = { returnPoistionGUI ( 1920 , 1080 , 10 , 248 , 238 , 318 ) }

aGrid = dxGrid:Create ( screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.2933, screenW * 0.0838, screenH * 0.1517 )

aGrid:AddColumn ( 'Skins' , 50 )  

GroveStreet = { 0 , 271 , 195 }
Ballas = { 102 , 103 , 13 }
Vagos = { 109 , 111 , 76 }
Doctor = { 274 , 276 , 93 }
Aztecas = { 114 , 41 , 100 }
Police = { 284 , 283 , 282  }
Criminal = { 0  , 1 , 2  }

function SkinsiNserts ( aTeam_ )
	aGrid:Clear ( )
	for va , v in ipairs ( aTeam_ ) do 
		aGrid:AddItem ( 1 , tostring ( v ) , 10 , math [ 'random' ] ( 255 ) , math [ 'random' ] ( 255 ) , math [ 'random' ] ( 255 ) )

_ = { 
	_1 = { returnPoistionGUI ( 1920 , 1080 , 10 , 576 , 238 , 25 ) } , 
	_2 = { returnPoistionGUI ( 1920 , 1080 , 10 , 611 , 238 , 25 ) } ,
	_3 = { returnPoistionGUI ( 1920 , 1080 , 54 , 581 , 208 , 595 ) } ,
	_4 = { returnPoistionGUI ( 1920 , 1080 , 54 , 616 , 208 , 630 ) } 

local dxfont0_comicbd = dxCreateFont(":Fonts/comicbd.ttf", 10)

Size1 = 1
Size2 = 1

addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , root ,
function ( )
	if ( aSkinsBoolean == false ) then aGrid:SetVisible ( false ) return end 
	aGrid:SetVisible ( true )
	aCounter1 = getTickCount ( ) 
	dxDrawText("Spawn ", (screenW * 0.0125) - 1, (screenH * 0.4617) - 1, (screenW * 0.0963) - 1, (screenH * 0.4950) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255),Size1, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Spawn ", (screenW * 0.0125) + 1, (screenH * 0.4617) - 1, (screenW * 0.0963) + 1, (screenH * 0.4950) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size1, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Spawn ", (screenW * 0.0125) - 1, (screenH * 0.4617) + 1, (screenW * 0.0963) - 1, (screenH * 0.4950) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size1, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Spawn ", (screenW * 0.0125) + 1, (screenH * 0.4617) + 1, (screenW * 0.0963) + 1, (screenH * 0.4950) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size1, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Spawn ", screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.4617, screenW * 0.0963, screenH * 0.4950, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), Size1, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)

	dxDrawText("Return ", (screenW * 0.0125) - 1, (screenH * 0.5050) - 1, (screenW * 0.0963) - 1, (screenH * 0.5383) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size2, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Return ", (screenW * 0.0125) + 1, (screenH * 0.5050) - 1, (screenW * 0.0963) + 1, (screenH * 0.5383) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size2, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Return ", (screenW * 0.0125) - 1, (screenH * 0.5050) + 1, (screenW * 0.0963) - 1, (screenH * 0.5383) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size2, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Return ", (screenW * 0.0125) + 1, (screenH * 0.5050) + 1, (screenW * 0.0963) + 1, (screenH * 0.5383) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), Size2, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
	dxDrawText("Return ", screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.5050, screenW * 0.0963, screenH * 0.5383, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), Size2, dxfont0_comicbd, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false)
end ) 

function aKey_( button )
	if ( button == 'mouse1' ) then
		if ( aValueSelected == 'Police' ) then
			if ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'aJaileAmount' ) == false ) then
				if ( ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'WantLvl' ) or 0 ) < 1 ) then
				fadeCamera ( false )
				if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
					removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
					removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
					aPed_ = createPed ( 284 , 2296.88, 2468.67, 10.82 )
					setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 86 )
					setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
					setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
					SkinsiNserts ( Police )
						setTimer ( function ( )
							local aValueCam_ = true 
							for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2293 ,2463 ,12 ,2359 ,2537 ,0 , 2291 ,2474 ,12 ,2352 ,2395 ,2 , 8000 ) 
							aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
								if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
									smoothMoveCamera ( 2291 ,2474 ,12 ,2352 ,2395 ,2 , 2293 ,2463 ,12 ,2359 ,2537 ,0, 8000 )
									smoothMoveCamera ( 2293 ,2463 ,12 ,2359 ,2537 ,0 , 2291 ,2474 ,12 ,2352 ,2395 ,2 , 8000 ) 
									aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
									end , 8100 ,0 )
								end , 4500 , 1 )
						exports['guimessages']:outputClient ( '#FF0000You are required to justice' )
					exports['guimessages']:outputClient ( '#FF0000You are in Jail' )
			if ( aValueSelected == 'Grove Street' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 311 , 2490.13, -1666.88, 13.34 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 86 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
			SkinsiNserts ( GroveStreet )
				setTimer ( function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 2496 ,-1660 ,16 ,2429 ,-1730 ,-8 , 2480 ,-1667 ,15 ,2578 ,-1675 ,-5  , 8000 )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2480 ,-1667 ,15 ,2578 ,-1675 ,-5 , 2496 ,-1660 ,16 ,2429 ,-1730 ,-8 , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2496 ,-1660 ,16 ,2429 ,-1730 ,-8 , 2480 ,-1667 ,15 ,2578 ,-1675 ,-5  , 8000 ) 
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
					end , 8100 ,0 )
				end , 4500 , 1 )
			if ( aValueSelected == 'Criminal' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 0 , 2161.23, -1800.51, 13.37 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 268 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			SkinsiNserts ( Criminal )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
				setTimer ( 
				function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 2174 ,-1792 ,16 ,2089 ,-1843 ,3 , 2166 ,-1814 ,17 ,2133 ,-1723 ,-6 , 8000 )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2166 ,-1814 ,17 ,2133 ,-1723 ,-6 , 2174 ,-1792 ,16 ,2089 ,-1843 ,3 , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2174 ,-1792 ,16 ,2089 ,-1843 ,3 , 2166 ,-1814 ,17 ,2133 ,-1723 ,-6 , 8000 )
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
					end , 8100 ,0 )
				end , 4500 , 1 )

			if ( aValueSelected == 'Aztecas' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 115 , 1788.01, -1915.11, 13.4 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 10 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
				setTimer ( function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 1803 ,-1899 ,20 ,1735 ,-1968 ,-6  , 1801 ,-1929 ,17 ,1736 ,-1856 ,-5, 8000 )
					SkinsiNserts ( Aztecas )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 1801 ,-1929 ,17 ,1736 ,-1856 ,-5 , 1803 ,-1899 ,20 ,1735 ,-1968 ,-6  , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 1803 ,-1899 ,20 ,1735 ,-1968 ,-6  , 1801 ,-1929 ,17 ,1736 ,-1856 ,-5, 8000 )
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
					end , 8100 ,0 )
				end , 4500 , 1 )

			if ( aValueSelected == 'Vagos' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 110 , 2201.92, -1109.82, 25.44 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 159 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
				setTimer ( function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 2204 ,-1128 ,27 ,2192 ,-1029 ,20 , 2220 ,-1099 ,42 ,2152 ,-1138 ,-19, 8000 )
					SkinsiNserts ( Vagos )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2220 ,-1099 ,42 ,2152 ,-1138 ,-19, 2204 ,-1128 ,27 ,2192 ,-1029 ,20 , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2204 ,-1128 ,27 ,2192 ,-1029 ,20 , 2220 ,-1099 ,42 ,2152 ,-1138 ,-19, 8000 )
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
					end , 8100 ,0 )
				end , 4500 , 1 )

			if ( aValueSelected == 'Doctor' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 276 , 1185.47, -1324.09, 13.57 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 272 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
			SkinsiNserts ( Doctor )
				setTimer ( function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 1195 ,-1310 ,17 ,1122 ,-1377 ,1 , 1190 ,-1337 ,17 ,1138 ,-1255 ,-7 , 8000 )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 1195 ,-1310 ,17 ,1122 ,-1377 ,1 , 1190 ,-1337 ,17 ,1138 ,-1255 ,-7 , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 1190 ,-1337 ,17 ,1138 ,-1255 ,-7 , 1195 ,-1310 ,17 ,1122 ,-1377 ,1 , 8000 )
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
					end , 8100 ,0 )
				end , 4500 , 1 )

			if ( aValueSelected == 'Ballas' ) then
			fadeCamera ( false )
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText )
			removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
			SkinsiNserts ( Ballas )
			aPed_ = createPed ( 104 , 2231.15, -1333.87, 23.98 )
			setElementRotation ( aPed_ , 0 , 0 , 90 )
			setElementDimension ( aPed_ , getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) setElementFrozen ( aPed_ , true )
			setPedAnimation ( aPed_, 'DANCING' , 'DAN_Loop_A' , -1, true, false ) 
				setTimer ( function ( )
					local aValueCam_ = true 
					for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do if ( aPeds ~= aPed_ ) then if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end end end
					smoothMoveCamera ( 2220 ,-1320 ,27 ,2285 ,-1395 ,15 , 2211 ,-1357 ,34 ,2276 ,-1286 ,5 , 8000 )
					aTimer__ = setTimer ( function ( ) 
						if ( aValueCam_ == true ) then
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2211 ,-1357 ,34 ,2276 ,-1286 ,5 , 2220 ,-1320 ,27 ,2285 ,-1395 ,15 , 8000 )
							smoothMoveCamera ( 2220 ,-1320 ,27 ,2285 ,-1395 ,15 , 2211 ,-1357 ,34 ,2276 ,-1286 ,5 , 8000 )
						aValueCam_ = not aValueCam_                 fadeCamera ( true ) aSkinsBoolean = true  setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )
				end , 8100 ,0 )
			end , 4500 , 1 )

function aFunctionSong( )
	if ( source == aSong_ ) then
		aSong_ = playSound ( 'aSong.mp3' )
addEventHandler ( 'onClientSoundStopped' , resourceRoot , aFunctionSong )

F4 = false

bindKey ( 'F4' , 'down' ,
function ( )
	exports [ 'NoticesSystem' ] : MessageClient ( ( F4 == false and '#00FF00It was activated to change Model' ) or '#FF0000It was canceled activate change Model'  ) 
	F4 = not F4
	setElementData ( localPlayer , 'aK_' , F4 )
end )

addEventHandler('onClientPlayerVehicleEnter', localPlayer , function( ) setRadioChannel( 0 ) end )
addEventHandler('onClientPlayerRadioSwitch', localPlayer , function ( aID ) if ( aID ~= 0 ) then setRadioChannel( 0 ) cancelEvent ( ) end end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerWasted' , localPlayer ,
function ( )
	if ( F4 == true ) then
		fadeCamera ( false )
		F4 = false
		setTimer ( function ( ) SelSkin ( ) setElementData ( localPlayer , 'aK_' , false ) end , 3000 , 1 )
	playSound ( 'wasted.mp3' )
end )

function setButtonError ( aButton_ , aState_ , aText )
	if ( aState_ == false ) then
		guiSetText ( aButton_ , aText )
		guiLabelSetColor( aButton_, 255, 33, 33 )
		guiSetText ( aButton_ , aText )
		guiLabelSetColor( aButton_, 0, 255, 0 )

function aFunctionC_( )
	local aEditRePsa_ , aRegistaerUser , aEditConfrmPassword_ , aEditDay_ , aEditMo_ , aEditYear_ = guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) , guiGetText ( aEditReUserName ) , guiGetText ( aEditConfrmPassword ) , guiGetText ( aEditDay ) , guiGetText ( aEditMo ) , guiGetText ( aEditYear )
		if ( source == aEditReUserName or source == aEditRePassword or source == aEditConfrmPassword or source == aEditYear or source == aEditMo or aEditDay ) then
			if ( guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) ~= '' and guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) ~= ' ' and guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) == guiGetText ( aEditConfrmPassword ) ) then 
				setButtonError ( aLabel_[7] , true , 'Succeed' ) 
				setButtonError ( aLabelErrorCoPass ,  true , 'Succeed' ) 
				setButtonError ( aLabel_[7] , false , 'password does not match' ) 
				setButtonError ( aLabelErrorCoPass , false , 'password does not match' ) 
			if ( tonumber ( aEditYear_ ) > 1950 ) and ( tonumber ( aEditMo_ ) < 13 )and ( tonumber ( aEditYear_ ) < 2018 ) and ( aEditDay_ ~= '' or aEditDay_ ~= ' ' or aEditMo_ ~= '' or aEditMo_ ~= ' ' or aEditYear_ ~= '' or aEditYear_ ~= ' ' ) then 
				setButtonError ( aLabelErrorDayz , true , 'Succeed' )
				setButtonError ( aLabelErrorDayz , false , 'Date unexpectedly' )
	if ( source == aEditReUserName ) then 
		if ( aEditRePsa_ ~= '' or aEditRePsa_ ~= ' ' ) then 
			setButtonError ( aLabelErrorUserName  , true , 'Succeed' )  
			setButtonError ( aLabelErrorUserName , false , 'Correct your mistakes' ) 

function FunctionGet( ) 
	if ( isElement ( aEditRePassword ) and guiGetVisible ( aEditRePassword ) ) then
		local aEditRePsa_ , aEditConfrmPassword__ , aEditDay_ , aEditMo_ , aEditYear_ = guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) , guiGetText ( aEditConfrmPassword ) , guiGetText ( aEditDay ) , guiGetText ( aEditMo ) , guiGetText ( aEditYear )
			if ( aEditConfrmPassword__ == aEditRePsa_ )
			and ( guiGetText ( aEditReUserName ) ~= '' and guiGetText ( aEditReUserName ) ~= ' ' ) and ( aEditConfrmPassword__ ~= '' and aEditConfrmPassword__ ~= ' ' ) and ( tonumber ( aEditDay_ ) < 32 ) and ( tonumber ( aEditYear_ ) > 1950 ) 
			and ( tonumber ( aEditYear_ ) < 2018 ) and ( tonumber ( aEditMo_ ) < 13 ) then 
			guiSetEnabled ( ButtonCreateAnAccount , true ) 
			guiSetEnabled ( ButtonCreateAnAccount , false ) 

addEventHandler ( 'onClientClick' , root ,
function ( )
if ( aSkinsBoolean == true ) then 
if ( __isMouseInPosition ( screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.2933, screenW * 0.0838, screenH * 0.1517 ) ) then
	if ( isElement ( aPed_ ) ) then setElementModel ( aPed_ , ( tonumber ( aGrid:GetItemDetails ( 1 , aGrid:GetSelectedItem ( ) ) ) or 0 ) ) end
	if ( __isMouseInPosition ( screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.5050, screenW * 0.0963, screenH * 0.5383 ) ) then 
		fadeCamera ( false )
		aSkinsBoolean = false
			for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do 
				if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end
			if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end
		setTimer ( function ( ) 
			fadeCamera ( true ) 
			setTimer ( function ( ) if ( not isEventHandlerAdded ( 'onClientKey' , root , aKey_ ) ) then addEventHandler( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ ) end end ,  3000 , 1 ) 
			SelSkin ( ) 
			showCursor ( false )
		end , 8500 , 1 )
	elseif ( __isMouseInPosition ( screenW * 0.0125, screenH * 0.4617, screenW * 0.0963, screenH * 0.4950 ) ) then
	if ( aGrid:GetSelectedItem ( ) == -1 ) then return end
			if ( aGrid:GetItemDetails ( 1 , aGrid:GetSelectedItem ( ) ) == '285' and getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Group' ) ~= '[SWAT]' ) then OutPut ( '#FF0000 Only [SWAT]' ) return end
			if ( aGrid:GetItemDetails ( 1 , aGrid:GetSelectedItem ( ) ) == '287' and getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Group' ) ~= '[ARMY]' ) then OutPut ( '#FF0000 Only [ARMY]' ) return end
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aRenderText ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , getRootElement ( ) , aFunctionz_ ) 
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientKey' , getRootElement ( ) , aKey_ )
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer_ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer_ ) end end
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end end	
		removeEventHandler ( 'onClientSoundStopped' , resourceRoot , aFunctionSong )
		if ( isElement ( aSong_ ) ) then stopSound ( aSong_ ) end
		showCursor ( false )
		aSkinsBoolean = false
		fadeCamera ( false )
		setTimer ( function ( ) 
			setTimer ( function ( )
				for _,aPeds in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'ped' , resourceRoot ) ) do 
					if ( isElement ( aPeds ) ) then destroyElement ( aPeds ) end 
			end , 50 , 1 )
		end , 1500 , 1 )
		showCursor ( false ) 
		if ( Team == 'Police' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 0, 0, 255 )		
		if ( Team == 'Criminal' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 255 , 255 , 255 )	
		if ( Team == 'Doctor' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 24, 198, 238 )
		if ( Team == 'Grove Street' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 0, 128 , 0 )	
		if ( Team == 'Aztecas' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 0, 128, 255 )		
		if ( Team == 'Vagos' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 255, 200, 0 )		
		if ( Team == 'Ballas' ) then
				setTimer ( setPlayerNametagColor , 8150 , 1 , localPlayer , 128, 0, 128 )	
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end end	
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end end	
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end end	
		if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then if ( isTimer ( aTimer__ ) ) then killTimer ( aTimer__ ) end end	
		triggerServerEvent ( 'Spawn:Player_' , localPlayer , aGrid:GetItemDetails ( 1 , aGrid:GetSelectedItem ( ) ) , aValueSelected )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerDamage' , localPlayer ,
function ( )
	if ( getElementAlpha ( localPlayer ) ~= 255 ) then
		cancelEvent ( )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonCreateAnAccount ) then
		local aEditDay_ , aEditMo_ , aEditYear_ = guiGetText ( aEditDay ) , guiGetText ( aEditMo ) , guiGetText ( aEditYear )
		triggerServerEvent ( 'CreateAccount_' , localPlayer , guiGetText ( aEditReUserName ) , guiGetText ( aEditRePassword ) , aEditYear_ , aEditMo_ , aEditDay_ )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonLogin ) then
		triggerServerEvent ( 'LoginAccount_' , localPlayer , guiGetText ( aEditUsername ) , guiGetText ( aEditPassword ) )
end )

addEvent ( 'Remove:PanelLogin' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Remove:PanelLogin' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , false )
	showCursor ( false )
	fadeCamera ( false ) 
	setTimer ( function ( ) 
		fadeCamera ( true ) 
		SelSkin ( ) 
		showCursor ( false )
	end , 8500 , 1 )
end )
addCommandHandler ( 'AccountsManager' ,
function ( )
	--if ( getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Account' ) ~= 'aLua' or getElementData ( localPlayer , 'Account' ) ~= 'Teko' ) then return end
		guiSetVisible ( aManagerAccounts , not guiGetVisible ( aManagerAccounts ) )
		showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( aManagerAccounts ) ) 
end )

addEvent ( 'Remove:PanelLogin_' , true ) 
addEventHandler ( 'Remove:PanelLogin_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	guiSetVisible ( aWindowLog , false )
	showCursor ( false )
	fadeCamera ( false ) 
setTimer ( function ( ) 
		fadeCamera ( true ) 
		SelSkin ( ) 
		showCursor ( false )
	end , 8500 , 1 )
end )

function Ref( )
	triggerServerEvent ( 'EventS:GetAccounts_' , localPlayer )
addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart' , resourceRoot , Ref )

addEvent('SeAccounts' , true )
addEventHandler('SeAccounts' , getRootElement ( ),
function ( AccountName , AccountPassword , Serial , Year , Month , Day )
	local aRowz = guiGridListAddRow ( aGridListAccounts )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 1 , Serial , false , false )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 2 , AccountName , false , false )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 3 , AccountPassword , false , false )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 4 , Year , false , false )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 5 , Month , false , false )
		guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aRowz , 6 , Day , false , false )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonDeleteAccount ) then
		local aSelected_ = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aGridListAccounts )
			if ( aSelected_ ~= -1 ) then
			triggerServerEvent ( 'Delete:Account_' , localPlayer , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ , 1 ) , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ , 2 ) , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ , 3 ) )
			guiGridListRemoveRow ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	if ( source == ButtonChingPassword ) then
		local aSelected_ = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aGridListAccounts )
			if ( aSelected_ ~= -1 ) then
			triggerServerEvent ( 'CPassword:Account_' , localPlayer , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ , 1 ) , guiGridListGetItemText ( aGridListAccounts , aSelected_ , 2 ) , guiGetText ( aEditCPassword ) )
			guiGridListSetItemText ( aGridListAccount , aSelected_ , 3 , guiGetText ( aEditCPassword ) , false , false )
end )

fadeCamera ( false )
showCursor ( true )
showChat ( false )
showPlayerHudComponent ( 'all' , false )
setElementDimension ( localPlayer , 0 )
setElementInterior ( localPlayer , 0 )

function ShowC_ ( aState )
	return ( guiSetVisible ( aWindowC_ , aState ) )

ShowC_ ( true )

Cams = { 
	{ 1214 ,-1412 ,42 ,1177 ,-1323 ,14 } ,
	{ 884 ,-1628 ,78 ,825 ,-1557 ,39 } ,
	{ 764 ,-1273 ,23 ,667 ,-1285 ,0 } ,
	{ 864 ,-1100 ,38 ,767 ,-1108 ,15 } ,
	{ 1357 ,-1110 ,290 ,1378 ,-1189 ,231 },
	{ 835 ,-2068 ,17 ,834 ,-1968 ,18 } ,
	{ 1083 ,-1334 ,13 ,1179 ,-1324 ,39 } , 
	{ 1036 ,-1347 ,23 ,1103 ,-1273 ,17 } ,
	{ 1882 ,1342 ,50 ,1978 ,1343 ,22 }

function HalfIntro ( ) 
	guiSetVisible ( aWindowC_ , false )
	fadeCamera ( true )
	setCameraMatrix ( 1214 ,-1412 ,42 ,1177 ,-1323 ,14 )
	TimerCamera = setTimer ( 
		function ( )
			if ( guiGetVisible ( aWindowLog ) ) then 
				getRandom = math.random ( #Cams )
				while ( getRandom == checkRandom ) do 
					getRandom = math.random ( #Cams )
				checkRandom = getRandom
				setCameraMatrix ( Cams [ getRandom ] [ 1 ] , Cams [ getRandom ] [ 2 ] , Cams [ getRandom ] [ 3 ] , Cams [ getRandom ] [ 4 ] , Cams [ getRandom ] [ 5 ] , Cams [ getRandom ] [ 6 ] )
				killTimer ( TimerCamera )
	, 7000 , 0 )
	return true
addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , resourceRoot ,
function ( )
	return ( ( source == ButtonShow ) and ( ShowC_ ( false ) and aMain_ ( ) ) or ( ( source == ButtonSkip ) and ( HalfIntro ( ) and triggerServerEvent ( 'GetInformation_' , localPlayer ) ) ) )
end )

function onPlayerQuit ( )
      -- when a player leaves, store his current money amount in his account data
      local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
      if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then -- if the player is logged in
            local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) -- get the player money
            setAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money", playermoney ) -- save it in his account
function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount )
      -- when a player logins, retrieve his money amount from his account data and set it
      if ( playeraccount ) then
            local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money" )
            -- make sure there was actually a value saved under this key (check if playermoney is not false).
            -- this will for example not be the case when a player plays the gametype for the first time
            if ( playermoney ) then
                  setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin )




ود السيرفر

Teams = {
	{ 'Grove Street' , 0, 128 , 0 , 'True' },
	{ 'Ballas' , 128, 0, 128 , 'True' },
	{ 'Vagos' , 255, 200, 0 , 'True' },
	{ 'Aztecas' , 0, 128, 255 , 'True' },
	{ 'Doctor' , 24, 198, 238 , 'True' },
	{ 'Police', 0, 0, 255 , 'True' },
	{ 'Criminal' , 255, 0, 0 , 'False' }
function OutPut ( aElement_ , aText_ )
	exports['guimessages']:outputServer( aElement_, aText_ )

executeSQLQuery ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS aAccountss___ ( AccountName , AccountPassword , Serial , Year , Month , Day )' )

for aTeams in ipairs ( Teams ) do 
	aTeam_ = createTeam ( Teams[aTeams][1] , Teams[aTeams][2] , Teams[aTeams][3], Teams[aTeams][4] )
	if ( Teams[aTeams][5] == 'True' ) then setTeamFriendlyFire ( aTeam_ , false ) end

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted' , getRootElement ( )  , 
function ( _,aKiller )
	if ( aKiller and getElementType ( aKiller ) == 'player' and source ~= aKiller ) then
		local aTeam_ , aTeamW = getPlayerTeam ( aKiller ) , getPlayerTeam ( source )
			if ( aTeam_ and aTeamW and getPlayerTeam ( source ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then
				setElementData ( aKiller , 'WantLvl' , 6 )
end )

function SetPlayerControlsState( Element , State )
	setPedWeaponSlot( Element, 0 )
    toggleControl( Element, "fire", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "aim_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "next_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "previous_weapon", State )

for _,Players in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do 
	SetPlayerControlsState( Players , true )

function SetPlayerControlsState( Element, State )
	setPedWeaponSlot( Element, 0 )
    toggleControl( Element, "fire", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "aim_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "next_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "previous_weapon", State )

GangJon, Out = createMarker(301.3, 191.24, 1007.17+1,"arrow", 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140), createMarker(2849.01, 1290.51, 11.39+1,"arrow", 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140), createMarker(2448.31, -1843.51, 351.56+1,"arrow", 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140), createMarker(1481.05, -1772.31, 18.8+1,"arrow", 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140)
setElementDimension( Out, 2017 )
setElementInterior( GangJon, 3 )

function ( Player )
	if ( not isPedInVehicle(Player) and getElementType(Player) == "player" and getPlayerTeam ( Player ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then
		setElementPosition( Player,2842.57, 1290.65, 11.39)
		setElementInterior( Player, 0 )
		setElementDimension( Player, 2017 )
		setElementRotation ( Player , 0 , 0 , 93 )
		SetPlayerControlsState( Player, false )
end )

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Out ,
function ( Player )
    if ( getElementType(Player) == "player" and getPlayerTeam ( Player ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) ) then
		setElementPosition( Player,298.23, 191.11, 1007.18 )
		setElementInterior( Player, 3 )
		setElementDimension( Player, 0 )
		SetPlayerControlsState( Player, true )
end )

addEventHandler( 'onMarkerHit' , aMarkerBanker,
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( getElementType( aPlayer ) == 'player' ) then
		if ( getElementData ( aPlayer , 'PIN' ) ) then
			triggerClientEvent ( aPlayer , 'Bank:OpenWindow' , aPlayer , true )
			triggerClientEvent ( aPlayer , 'Bank:OpenWindow' , aPlayer , false )
end )

addEventHandler( 'onMarkerHit' , aMarkerObject,
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( getPlayerTeam ( aPlayer ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) and getElementType( aPlayer ) == 'player' ) then
		moveObject ( aObject1 , 3500 , -52.900001525879 , -358.39999389648 , 489, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
		moveObject ( aObject2 , 3500 , -52.799999237061 , -367.10000610352 , 588.20001220703, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
end )

addCommandHandler ( 'removeAcasddsgfdfsasdasfdadascounts' , 
function ( Player )
	for _,Accounts in ipairs ( getAccounts ( ) ) do 
		removeAccount ( Accounts )
end )

addEvent ( 'JailPlayer' , true )
addEventHandler( 'JailPlayer' , root , 
function ( aAmount )
	setPlayerJail ( source , aAmount , 5500 )
end )

addEvent ( 'UnJailPlayer' , true )
addEventHandler( 'UnJailPlayer' , root , 
function ( )
	fadeCamera ( source , false )
		setTimer ( function ( source )
			fadeCamera ( source , true )
			setElementPosition ( source , 298.91, 191.19, 1007.18 )
			setElementDimension ( source , 0 )
			setElementInterior ( source , 3 )
			setElementRotation ( source , 0 , 0 , 89 )
			setElementData ( source , 'aJaileAmount' , false )
			SetPlayerControlsState( source , true )
	end , 3000 , 1 , source )
end )

addEventHandler( 'onMarkerHit' , aMarkerUnJail,
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( getElementData ( aPlayer , 'aJaileAmount' ) and getElementType( aPlayer ) == 'player' ) then
			triggerClientEvent ( aPlayer , 'RemoveJail' , aPlayer )
			setElementData ( aPlayer , 'WantLvl' , 6 )
			setElementData ( aPlayer , 'aJaileAmount' , false )
			SetPlayerControlsState( aPlayer , true )
			OutPut ( root , '#FFFFFF[Jail System] #FF0000 This Player #FFFFFF ( '..getPlayerName ( aPlayer )..' ) #FF0000 : Out of Jail !!!' )
end )

addEvent ( 'SetWn' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'SetWn' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	setPlayerWantedLevel( source , getElementData( source , 'WantLvl' ) )	
	setAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Money:WantLvl' , getElementData ( source , 'WantLvl' ) )
end )

addEvent ( 'OpenObjects' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'OpenObjects' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	moveObject ( aObject1 , 3500 , -52.900001525879 , -358.39999389648 , 489, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
	moveObject ( aObject2 , 3500 , -52.799999237061 , -367.10000610352 , 588.20001220703, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
	OutPut ( root , '#FFFFFF[Jail System] #DEFF00 a Door Jail Opend By : '..getPlayerName ( source ) )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onMarkerLeave' , aMarkerObject,
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( getPlayerTeam ( aPlayer ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Police' ) and getElementType( aPlayer ) == 'player' ) then
		moveObject ( aObject1 , 3500 , -52.900001525879 , -358.39999389648 , 528.20001220703, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
		moveObject ( aObject2 , 3500 , -52.799999237061 , -367.10000610352 , 528.20001220703, 0, 0, 0, 'OutBounce' )
end )

function setPlayerJail ( aPlayer , aAmount , Timer ) 
	setTimer ( function ( aPlayer )
		setElementData ( aPlayer , 'aJaileAmount' , aAmount )
		setElementData ( aPlayer , 'WantLvl' , 0 )
		SetPlayerControlsState( aPlayer , false )
		triggerClientEvent ( aPlayer , 'CreateObjects:Jail' , aPlayer )
		setElementPosition ( aPlayer , 2832.9, 1286.55, 10.78 )
		setElementDimension ( aPlayer , 2017 )
		setElementInterior ( aPlayer , 0 )
	end , Timer , 1 , aPlayer )

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	if ( getElementData ( source , 'aJaileAmount' ) ~= false ) then
		setAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Jail:Save' , getElementData ( source , 'aJaileAmount' ) )
		setAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Jail:Save' , false )
end )

setElementDimension ( aObject1 , 2017 )
setElementDimension ( aObject2 , 2017 ) 

addEventHandler ( 'onElementDataChange' , getRootElement ( ),
function ( data )
	if ( data == 'WantLvl' ) then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source , getElementData ( source , 'WantLvl' ) ) end
		if ( data == 'Money' ) then setPlayerMoney ( source , ( getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) or 0 ) ) end 

end )

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	local aAccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
		if ( isGuestAccount ( aAccount ) ) then
			setAccountData ( aAccount , 'Money:Account' , ( getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) ) )
end ) 

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerJoin' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	setElementData ( source , 'WantLvl' , 0 )
	setElementData ( source , 'Money' , 0 )
end )

addEvent('EventS:GetAccounts_', true )
addEventHandler('EventS:GetAccounts_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	aValues = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aAccountss___' )
		if ( #aValues ~= 0 ) then
			for v in ipairs ( aValues ) do 
				triggerClientEvent ( source , 'SeAccounts' , source , aValues[v]['AccountName'] , aValues[v]['AccountPassword'] , aValues[v]['Serial'] , aValues[v]['Year'] , aValues[v]['Month'] , aValues[v]['Day'] )
end )

addEvent ( 'CreateAccount_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'CreateAccount_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aAccountName , aAccountPassword , Year , Month , Day )
logOut ( source )
	local aAccount_ = getAccount ( tostring( aAccountName ) )
		if ( aAccount_ == false ) then
			local aAccount_1 = addAccount( tostring( aAccountName ) , tostring( aAccountPassword ) )
			if ( aAccount_1 ) then
				logIn ( source , aAccount_1 , aAccountPassword )
				executeSQLQuery( 'INSERT INTO aAccountss___ VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )' , aAccountName , aAccountPassword , getPlayerSerial ( source ) , Year , Month , Day )
				setAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Account:Bank' , 0 )
				triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Remove:PanelLogin' , source , tostring( aAccountName ) , tostring( aAccountPassword ) )
				spawnPlayer ( source , -2405, -598, 132.65 )
				fadeCamera ( source , true )
				setElementData ( source , 'Money' , 1000000 )
				exports['guimessages']:outputServer( source, '#FFFFFF[Gta-PaN] #00FF4DIt was set up your account and give you the amount of #FF0000: #00FF4D$1,000,000' , 255, 255, 255 )
		exports['guimessages']:outputServer( source, '#FFFFFF[Gta-PaN]#FF0000 This account already exists' , 255, 255, 255 )
end )

aValueMarker , aValuePlayer , aTimer = { } , { } , { }

addCommandHandler ( 'MarkerM' , 
function ( Player )
	if ( getPlayerTeam ( Player ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Doctor' ) ) then
		if ( getElementData ( Player , 'WantLvl' ) == 0 ) then
			if ( isElement( aValueMarker[Player] ) ) then
				destroyElement( aValueMarker[Player] )
				aValueMarker[Player] = nil
				setElementFrozen( Player, false )
				toggleAllControls( Player, true )
			if ( isElement( aValueMarker[Player] ) ) then destroyElement( aValueMarker[Player] ) aValueMarker[Player] = nil end
				setElementFrozen( Player, true )
					toggleAllControls( Player, false )
						aTimer[Player] = setTimer ( function ( Player )
						local aPos_ = { getElementPosition ( Player ) }
						aValueMarker[Player] = createMarker ( aPos_[1] , aPos_[2] , aPos_[3] - 1 , 'cylinder', 2, 100, 100, 255, 255 )
						setElementInterior( aValueMarker[Player], getElementInterior( Player ) )
						setElementDimension( aValueMarker[Player], getElementDimension( Player ) )
						OutPut ( Player , "#009AFF[Doctor System]#6BFF00 Hi Doctor" )
						end , 200 , 1 , Player )
			OutPut ( Player , "#009AFF[Doctor System]#FF0000 You are required" ) toggleAllControls( Player, true )
end )

function Check_ ( )
	if ( isElement( aValueMarker[source] ) ) then destroyElement( aValueMarker[source] ) aValueMarker[source] = nil end
	toggleAllControls( source, true )
addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', getRootElement ( ) , Check_ )
addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', getRootElement ( ) , Check_ )

setTimer( function( )
	for aWon , Marker in pairs( aValueMarker ) do
		for _,aPlayers in ipairs( getElementsWithinColShape ( getElementColShape( Marker ), 'player' ) ) do
			if ( aPlayers ~= aWon ) then
				if ( getElementData ( aPlayers , 'Money' ) >= 1500 ) then
					if ( getElementHealth ( aPlayers ) ~= 100 and getElementHealth ( aPlayers ) ~= 200 ) then
						setElementHealth ( aPlayers , getElementHealth ( aPlayers ) + 20 ) 
						setElementData ( aPlayers , 'Money' , getElementData ( aPlayers , 'Money' ) - 1500 ) 
						setElementData ( aWon , 'Money' , getElementData ( aWon , 'Money' ) + 1500 ) 
						OutPut ( aPlayers , "#009AFF[Doctor System] #00FFF3 Health +20 " )
						OutPut ( aPlayers , "#009AFF[Doctor System] #FF0000 Your Health is Full" )
					OutPut ( aPlayers , "#009AFF[Doctor System] #FF0000 You Don't Have a Money" )
end , 3000 , 0 )

addEvent ( 'LoginAccount_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'LoginAccount_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aAccountName_ , aAccountPassword_ , RememberUsername , RememberPassword )
	if ( getPlayerPing ( source ) < 1000 ) then
		if ( isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( source ) ) ) then logOut ( source ) end
			local aAccount_ = getAccount ( aAccountName_ , aAccountPassword_ )
				if ( aAccount_ ~= false ) then
				logIn ( source , aAccount_ , aAccountPassword_ )
				triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Remove:PanelLogin_' , source )
		OutPut ( source , 'Your Ping !!!!!!!' )
end )

Blip = {
	{ -2671, 258, 0, 14 },
	{ -2625, 208, 0, 6 },
	{ -2336, -166, 0, 10 },
	{ 2400, -1982, 0, 6 },
	{ 1369, -1280, 0, 6 },
	{ 1556, -1675.6, 0, 30 },
	{ 2106, -1806, 0, 29 },
	{ 1200, -918, 0, 10 },
	{ 811, -1616, 0, 10 },
	{ 2419, -1509, 0, 14 },
	{ 2397, -1900, 0, 14 },
	{ 929, -1353, 0, 14 },
	{ 2065, -1832, 0, 63 },
	{ 1025, -1025, 0, 63 },
	{ 488, -1740, 0, 63 },
	{ -2093, -2464, 0, 6 },
	{ -2155, -2460, 0, 14 },
	{ -1213, 1830, 0, 14 },
	{ 2333, 61, 0, 6 },
	{ 2333, 75, 0, 29 },
	{ 242, -178, 0, 6 },
	{ 203, -202, 0, 29 },
	{ 172, 1176, 0, 14 },
	{ 1367, 248, 0, 29 },
	{ -315, 829, 0, 6 },
	{ 2472, 2033, 0, 29 },
	{ 2393, 2041, 0, 29 },
	{ 2366, 2071, 0, 29 },
	{ 1872, 2072, 0, 29 },
	{ 2102, 2228, 0, 14 },
	{ 2083, 2224, 0, 29 },
	{ 2546, 2085, 0, 6 },
	{ 2159, 943, 0, 6 },
	{ 2638, 1671, 0, 14 },
	{ 2638, 1849, 0, 29 },
	{ 2838, 2407, 0, 14 },
	{ 2756, 2477, 0, 29 },
	{ 2169, 2795, 0, 29 },
	{ 777, 1871, 0, 6 },
	{ 1158, 2072, 0, 29 },
	{ 1224.09, 324.72, 0,22 },
	{ 1457.3388671875, -1137.3828125, 24.964199066162,45 },
	{ 499.7314453125, -1360.240234375, 17.333992004395,45 },
	{ 2247.169921875, -1665.5107421875, 15.4765625,45 },
	{ 1657.0146484375, 1731.369140625, 10.82811164856,45 },
	{ 2573.98828125, 1904.5361328125, 11.02343754,45 },
	{ -1882.0166015625, 864.1875, 35.171875,45 },
	{ -2375.0673828125, 908.19921875, 45.4453125,45 },
	{ 2009.49, -1438.38, 13.56,22 },
	{ 1219.57, -1337.02, 12.92,22 },
	{ 1602.96, 1827.73, 10.82,22 },
	{ 2288.86, 2429.86, 10.82,30 },
	{ -1579.35, 659.37, 19.54,30 },
	{ -2650.32, 588.07, 14.45,22 },
	{ 2351, 2532, 0, 29 },
	{ 347.15, -1809.08, 4.53 , 21 }

for i = 1 , # Blip do setBlipVisibleDistance( createBlip( Blip[i][1], Blip[i][2] ,Blip[i][3], Blip[i][4] ) , 250 ) end

Spawns = { 
	['Police'] = { 1545.84, -1610.8, 13.38, 0, '0, 0, 255' },
	['Criminal'] = { 331.63, -1517.37, 35.87, 231, '255, 0, 0' },
	['Doctor'] = { 1185.84, -1324.18, 13.56, 267, '24, 198, 238' },
	['Grove Street'] = { 2522.69, -1669.59, 14.96, 89, '0, 128 , 0' },
	['Aztecas'] = { 1791.86, -1926.86, 13.39, 357, '0, 128, 255' },
	['Vagos'] = { 2224.91, -1088.39, 30.7, 119, '255, 200, 0' },
	['Ballas'] = { 2202.66, -1364.02, 25.86, 180, '128, 0, 128' }

addEvent ( 'Spawn:Player_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Spawn:Player_', root,
function ( aModel , Team )
	showPlayerHudComponent( source, 'all', false )
	showChat( source, false )
		function( source, Team )
			return spawnPlayer( source, Spawns[Team][1], Spawns[Team][2], Spawns[Team][3], Spawns[Team][4], aModel, 0, 0, getTeamFromName( Team ) ), fadeCamera( source, true ), showChat( source, true ), showPlayerHudComponent( source, 'all', true ), setCameraTarget( source, source )
	, 8500, 1, source, Team )
end )
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( ) 
	if ( getElementData ( source , 'aK_' ) == false ) then
		local Team, aModel = getTeamName( getPlayerTeam( source ) ), getElementModel( source )
				if ( Spawns[Team] ) then 
					else return end
		showPlayerHudComponent( source, 'all', false )
		showChat( source, false )
		fadeCamera( source, false )
			function( source )
				local Team, aModel = getTeamName( getPlayerTeam( source ) ), getElementModel( source )
				if ( Spawns[Team] ) then 
					return spawnPlayer( source, Spawns[Team][1], Spawns[Team][2], Spawns[Team][3], Spawns[Team][4], aModel, 0, 0, getTeamFromName( Team ) ), fadeCamera( source, true ), showChat( source, true ), showPlayerHudComponent( source, 'all', true ), setCameraTarget( source, source )
					return spawnPlayer( source, 1201.02, -1337.73, 13.4, aModel, 0, 0, getTeamFromName( Team ) ), fadeCamera( source, true ), showChat( source, true ), showPlayerHudComponent( source, 'all', true ), setCameraTarget( source, source )
		, 5800, 1, source )
end )

function SetPlayerControlsState( Element, State )
	setPedWeaponSlot( Element, 0 )
    toggleControl( Element, "fire", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "aim_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "next_weapon", State )
    toggleControl( Element, "previous_weapon", State )
GangJon , Out = createMarker( 1457, -1009.92, 26.84+1,'arrow', 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140 ), createMarker( 1321.69, -935.89, 1086.01 + 1 ,'arrow', 1.3, 255, 200, 0, 140 )

for aValue = 0 , 49 do
	setGarageOpen ( aValue , true )

Vehicles_ = { }
addEvent ( 'createVehicle_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'createVehicle_' , getRootElement ( ),
function ( aNameVehicle )
	if ( aNameVehicle ) then
		local ID_ , Pos_ = getVehicleIDFromName ( aNameVehicle ) , { getElementPosition ( source ) }
			if ( Vehicles_[source] and isElement ( Vehicles_[source] ) ) then destroyElement ( Vehicles_[source] ) Vehicles_[source] = nil end
			Vehicles_[source] = createVehicle ( ID_ , unpack ( Pos_ ) )
			warpPedIntoVehicle ( source , Vehicles_[source] )
				local Color_ = { getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) }
				setVehicleColor ( Vehicles_[source] , unpack ( Color_ ) )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	if ( Vehicles_[source] ) then
		if ( isElement ( Vehicles_[source] ) ) then
			destroyElement ( Vehicles_[source] )
			Vehicles_[source] = nil
end )

setElementDimension( Out, 1 )

addEventHandler('onMarkerHit', getRootElement ( ),
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( source == GangJon and getElementType(aPlayer) == 'player' and not isPedInVehicle( aPlayer ) ) then
		setElementPosition( aPlayer , 1321.71, -940.02, 1086.01 )
		setElementDimension( aPlayer, 1 )
		SetPlayerControlsState( aPlayer, false )
end )

addEventHandler('onMarkerHit', getRootElement ( ),
function ( aPlayer )
	if ( source == Out and getElementType(aPlayer) == 'player' and not isPedInVehicle( aPlayer ) ) then
		setElementPosition( aPlayer , 1456.59, -1020.27, 24.4 )
		setElementDimension ( aPlayer , 0 )
end )

function convertNumber ( number )  
	local formatted = number  
	while true do      
		formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')    
		if ( k==0 ) then      
	return formatted

addEvent ( 'GetInformation_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'GetInformation_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	local Value_ = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aAccountss___ WHERE Serial = ? ' , getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) 
		for v in ipairs ( Value_ ) do
			triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Send_:' , source , Value_[v]['AccountName'] , Value_[v]['AccountPassword'] )
	triggerClientEvent ( source , 'ShowWindow:Log', source )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:WithdrawnMoney' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:WithdrawnMoney' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aText )
local aText = tonumber ( aText )
	if ( getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Account:Bank' ) >= aText ) then
		setElementData ( source , 'Money' , getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) + aText )
		setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , ( getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Account:Bank' ) - aText ) )
		OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FFAB00It was Withdrawn and the amount of #FF0000: #00FF44$"..convertNumber ( aText ) )
		triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , source )
		OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FF0000You do not have many of the money in the bank" )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:DepositMoney' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:DepositMoney' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aText )
local aText = tonumber ( aText )
	if ( getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) >= aText ) then
		setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , ( getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) , 'Account:Bank' ) + aText ) )
		setElementData ( source , 'Money' , getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) - aText )
		OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FFAB00It was Deposit and the amount of #FF0000: #00FF44$"..convertNumber ( aText ) )	
		triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , source )
		OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FF0000You do not have many of the money in the hand" )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:WithdrawnAllMoney' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:WithdrawnAllMoney' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	setElementData ( source , 'Money' , ( getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) + tonumber ( getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) ) ) )
	OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FFAB00It was Withdrawn and the amount of #FF0000: #00FF44$"..convertNumber ( tonumber ( getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) ) ) )	
	setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , 0 )
	triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , source )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:DepositAllMoney' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:DepositAllMoney' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( )
	setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , ( getElementData ( source ,'Bank' ) + getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) ) )
	OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FFAB00It was Deposit and the amount of #FF0000: #00FF44$"..convertNumber ( getElementData ( source , 'Money' ) ) )	
	setTimer ( setElementData , 100 , 1 , source , 'Money' , 0 ) 
	triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , source )
end )

addEvent ( 'Bank:SendMoney' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Bank:SendMoney' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aAmount , aPIN_ )
	if ( getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) >= aAmount and getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) >= 10000 ) then
		for _,Players in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do 
			if ( getElementData ( Players , 'PIN' ) == 'PIN:'..aPIN_ ) and ( Players ~= source ) then
				setElementData ( Players , 'Bank' , getElementData ( Players , 'Bank' ) + aAmount ) 
				setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) - aAmount ) 
				triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , source )
				triggerClientEvent ( Players , 'Bank:RefreshLabels' , Players )
				OutPut ( Players , '#1DD3C7Player #01B4A8 ( #00FF44'..getPlayerName ( source ) ..' #01B4A8) #1DD3C7send you an amount of #FF0000: #00FF44$'..convertNumber ( aAmount ) )	
				OutPut ( source , '#1DD3C7Sent' )	
		OutPut ( source , "#009AFF[Bank System] : #FF0000Do not have enough money or Amount < $10,000" )	
end )	

addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( _,aAccount )
	setElementData ( source , 'Bank' , getAccountData ( aAccount , 'Account:Bank' ) )
	setElementData ( source , 'PIN' , getAccountData ( aAccount , 'PIN:Account' ) )
	setElementData ( source , 'aJaileAmount' , getAccountData ( aAccount , 'Jail:Save' ) ) 
	setElementData ( source , 'Money' , getAccountData ( aAccount , 'Money:Account' ) ) 
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onElementDataChange' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( Element_ )
	if ( Element_ == 'Bank' ) then
		local aAccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) 
			setAccountData ( aAccount , 'Account:Bank' , tonumber ( getElementData ( source , 'Bank' ) ) )
end )

addEvent ( 'Trigger:RecoveryAccount' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Trigger:RecoveryAccount' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( OldSerial , Password , Account , Year , Mo , Day )
	local Value_ = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aAccountss___ WHERE Serial = ? ' , OldSerial )
		if ( #Value_ ~= 0 ) then
			for v in ipairs ( Value_ ) do 
				if ( Value_ and Account == Value_[v]['AccountName'] and Password == Value_[v]['AccountPassword'] and Year == Value_[v]['Year'] and Mo == Value_[v]['Month'] and Day == Value_[v]['Day'] ) then 
					executeSQLQuery('UPDATE aAccountss___ SET Serial = ? WHERE Serial = ? ' , getPlayerSerial ( source ) , OldSerial ) 
						logOut ( source )
							OutPut ( source , '#00FF1EAccount has been successfully retrieving' )		
								local Value1_ = executeSQLQuery( 'SELECT * FROM aAccountss___ WHERE Serial = ? ' , OldSerial )
									for v in ipairs ( Value1_ ) do 
										if ( Value1_[v]['AccountName'] ~= Account ) then
											executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM aAccountss___ WHERE AccountName = ? " , getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) )
											removeAccount ( getAccount ( tostring ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) ) )
							logIn ( source , getAccount ( Value_[v]['AccountName'] ) , Value_[v]['AccountPassword'] )
						triggerClientEvent ( source , 'Remove:PanelLogin' , source )
		OutPut ( source , '#FF0000There is an error in the information' )
end )

addEvent ( 'Delete:Account_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'Delete:Account_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aSerial_ , Name , Password )
	local GetAccount_ = getAccount ( Name , Password )
	removeAccount ( GetAccount_ )
	executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM aAccountss___ WHERE Serial = ? " , aSerial_ ) 	
end )

addEvent ( 'CPassword:Account_' , true )
addEventHandler ( 'CPassword:Account_' , getRootElement ( ) ,
function ( aSerial_ , Name , NewPassword )
	local GetAccount_ = getAccount ( Name , Password )
	setAccountPassword ( GetAccount_ , NewPassword )
	executeSQLQuery('UPDATE aAccountss___ SET AccountPassword = ? WHERE Serial = ? ' , NewPassword , aSerial_ )
end )

function onPlayerQuit ( )
      -- when a player leaves, store his current money amount in his account data
      local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
      if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then -- if the player is logged in
            local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) -- get the player money
            setAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money", playermoney ) -- save it in his account
function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount )
      -- when a player logins, retrieve his money amount from his account data and set it
      if ( playeraccount ) then
            local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money" )
            -- make sure there was actually a value saved under this key (check if playermoney is not false).
            -- this will for example not be the case when a player plays the gametype for the first time
            if ( playermoney ) then
                  setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin )


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