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why the hell?

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why is it laggin so much the game crashes? i got a ping of around 47 - 67 wich shold be good, but after 10 mins it just lockes up and dies on me,and hers my specs:

intel celron D 2.40 ghz

256 nvida gefoce fx 5500

512 mb ram btw it works fin on gta rumble pritty damn well infact lol.i waz hoping this would be much better :cry:

sever wise i went into a 32 player room......crashed, then a 10 player room....crashed again , and finally stayd there there ended up me and 1 other person and still locked up and crashed :cry::cry::cry:

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why is it laggin so much the game crashes? i got a ping of around 47 - 67 wich shold be good, but after 10 mins it just lockes up and dies on me,and hers my specs:

intel celron D 2.40 ghz

256 nvida gefoce fx 5500

512 mb ram btw it works fin on gta rumble pritty damn well infact lol.i waz hoping this would be much better :cry:

sever wise i went into a 32 player room......crashed, then a 10 player room....crashed again , and finally stayd there there ended up me and 1 other person and still locked up and crashed :cry::cry::cry:

Strange, I've been playing all day, pretty much since release, and only got a single game crash. Others in the server seemed to be pretty stable too.

As for the lag, if you mean framerate then that's a hardware limitation. 32 cars on screen at once will always be stressful, MTA or otherwise. If you mean sync, that depends entirely people's ping.

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2.40 Ghz Celeron D, yeah I know its not that good, but I run NO programs on the background.

ATI AIW 128 MB AGP video card


My internet connection is 5 Mbit Down/300 kbit Up

these specs are fair, and yet I still get FPS lag, more than any other SA multiplayer mod i've played.

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well i ended up 1 on 1 (2 ppl btw,me and onother) and still crashd i know my specs aint that good but rumble work fine even with a full sever,it might just be a ram thing or summut, 2.40 ghz actully aint that bad, my friends pc is 1.40 ghz or summut like that and gta runs fine (includeing rumble)

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X amount of GHz means nothing these days, Celerons are horrible CPUs, your friends 1.4GHz CPU is probably a AMD XP or a P4, whould are alot higher quality.

Your computer probably can't pull 25 FPS, and MTA cant send enough data (it sends data per frame) so that's where it crashes.

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2.40 ghz actully aint that bad, my friends pc is 1.40 ghz or summut like that and gta runs fine (includeing rumble)

*cough*celeron*cough* I think an AMD Athlon XP that runs at 1.0ghz would be more powerful than your 2.40ghz celeron, my friend had a 2.40ghz celeron for awhile but he upgraded when he saw my old P3 box was running faster :lol: You seriously need a new cpu

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i've done my testing, a amd 1600+(roughly 1.4ghz i think) would very easily out perform a 2.55ghz or so p4 without much problem at all because of how crappy intel chips tend to run these days.(and yes i am a very big amd+nvidia fan :D) but anyways random crashing seems odd, does it happen with other games by chance or only mta, if you have random crashes with other applications or games than you should be looking at hardware troubles, plus depending on type of games or applications, soem hardware issues very rarely show up.

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well i ended up 1 on 1 (2 ppl btw,me and onother) and still crashd i know my specs aint that good but rumble work fine even with a full sever,it might just be a ram thing or summut, 2.40 ghz actully aint that bad, my friends pc is 1.40 ghz or summut like that and gta runs fine (includeing rumble)

your PC is fit for running microsoft word etc. it doesnt meet the minimum requirements for GTA:SA, and certainly not for MTA:SA. its not lag, although the pings you said are actually not good. its your computer struggling to keep up.

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if you want proof i sure can prove it as well, the game i used to test was called soldier of fortune 2, when it came out i got it the very day of release, they said to run the game at its max and to run it on the resolution i was(1280x1024) you needed a p4 2.55ghz and the gfx card i was using at the time was a very low quality geforce 4, i think one of the first in its series and i had the minimum ram needed for the game. with the 1.4ghz amd cpu and the rest of my crappy hardware at the time, i turned up everything i could in the game and resolution as well and to my surprised it did work and it worked perfectly fine. though i had to reinstall graphics card drivers because the game blew them up during the first major explosion as they were not installed correctly but after that i never had a single issue playing game at max settings with a 1.4ghz amd processor where you would need a 2.55ghz p4 to do the job.

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its relly odd it only crashes on mta i got need for speed most wanted and i run that on full graphics and online (ok it crashes from time to time but not as often as mta :cry: ) i know my specs aint that great but if i can run nfsmw i can surly run mta :roll: cant the dev tem do summut about it i would relly love to have a proper go at it( i cant even finish a race :? wich is a bit dogdey) and i can run gta sa perfectly in top notch graphics(compleated it lol)

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its relly odd it only crashes on mta i got need for speed most wanted and i run that on full graphics and online (ok it crashes from time to time but not as often as mta :cry: ) i know my specs aint that great but if i can run nfsmw i can surly run mta :roll: cant the dev tem do summut about it i would relly love to have a proper go at it( i cant even finish a race :? wich is a bit dogdey) and i can run gta sa perfectly in top notch graphics(compleated it lol)

MTA:SA cant buy you more RAM and a proper games processor

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if you want proof i sure can prove it as well, the game i used to test was called soldier of fortune 2, when it came out i got it the very day of release, they said to run the game at its max and to run it on the resolution i was(1280x1024) you needed a p4 2.55ghz and the gfx card i was using at the time was a very low quality geforce 4, i think one of the first in its series and i had the minimum ram needed for the game. with the 1.4ghz amd cpu and the rest of my crappy hardware at the time, i turned up everything i could in the game and resolution as well and to my surprised it did work and it worked perfectly fine. though i had to reinstall graphics card drivers because the game blew them up during the first major explosion as they were not installed correctly but after that i never had a single issue playing game at max settings with a 1.4ghz amd processor where you would need a 2.55ghz p4 to do the job.

Lol, nice proof. Just because you were able to run the game with your processor doesn't mean it's better than the one that was recommended. You have no evidence that the game wouldn't work twice as well on a 2.55GHz P4, or slower P4 (not saying it will, just pointing out your irrationality).

And uhh, here are the requirements for SoF2:


PII - 400 MHZ


Voodoo 3

Average / Normal:

PIII - 700 MHZ

128 MB RAM

GeForce 2

High-End / Asskicking:

PIV - 1.5 GHZ

256 MB RAM

GeForce 3 or similar

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yeah well, i said my proseeser waz crap and i admit im low on funds lol £85 a week aint good :oops: soo its gonna take fuckin ages for me to get a good prosesser,plz i relly want 2 have a good enough go,i took all the graphics down on sa and took the sound off if works a bit better 4 like 20mins,but what im trying 2 say is that it workd awsome with mta:vc no crashes/lock ups. i know my pc can run mta:sa pefectly somehow :roll: not to sure how,is ther anyother way of lowering the graphics on sa,like going 2 the game folder and changeing the ini settings(come on there gotta be summut 4 me 2 play)

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i am going on the fact of the resolution and info posted back than, plus i did same with farcry, my processor is below the recommended for best settings and soem other specs of my pc are not up to par with farcry and yet my pc runs it at max like it would on a top of the line pc, same with doom 3. and i am basing my info on sof2 from what others had posted at the time and from info released from the game's company.

at the time i tested sof 2 i had a amd xp 1600+, geforce 2mx card and liek 256mb ram.

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