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[BUG] Removing collision from vehicle


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Hi everyone!

Im trying to make a resource that remove your vehicle collision when you press H. The purpose of this resource is that no one can crash in your vehicle, this function is working fine, but when you hit someone that dont have ghost activated, his car get crashed. I want to make possible if you have ghost activated no one can crash in your car and you cant crash each others cars. 

I added line 11 because i think that making this function again changing sides would work, but didnt happen. 


local ghostOpt = false

function setVehicleGhost()
	local sourceVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")

	for _, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do
		-- No one can crash you
		setElementCollidableWith(vehicle, sourceVehicle, not ghostOpt)
		-- You cant crash no one
		setElementCollidableWith(sourceVehicle, vehicle, not ghostOpt)

addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root, setVehicleGhost)

function ghostMode()
	local v = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)

	if(v == nil or v == false) then
		outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[#FFFFFF #7AF1B9PDB #FFFFFF]#FFFFFF#CBCECE Você precisa estar em um veiculo", 255, 255, 255, true)

	if(ghostOpt) then
		outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[#FFFFFF #7AF1B9PDB #FFFFFF]#FFFFFF#CBCECE Ghost desativado", 255, 255, 255, true)
		-- Ghost deactivated
		ghostOpt = false
		outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[#FFFFFF #7AF1B9PDB #FFFFFF]#FFFFFF#CBCECE Ghost ativado", 255, 255, 255, true)
		-- Ghost activated
		ghostOpt = true

bindKey("h", "down", ghostMode)

function onStreamIn()
	if(ghostOpt) then
		if(getElementType(source) == "vehicle") then

addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, onStreamIn)



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Hello! Make it a server side command and use triggerClientEvent to trigger an event for everyone on clientside. In this event, pass the vehicle that should be ghosted, and on clientside disable that given vehicles collision. Doing this will disable the collisions of that vehicle to all ONLINE players, making it uncollidable for everyone. 

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1 minute ago, WorthlessCynomys said:

Hello! Make it a server side command and use triggerClientEvent to trigger an event for everyone on clientside. In this event, pass the vehicle that should be ghosted, and on clientside disable that given vehicles collision. Doing this will disable the collisions of that vehicle to all ONLINE players, making it uncollidable for everyone. 

Thanks for your answer!

But, if someone spawn a car i receive a onClientElementStreamIn event, and when i receive this i call setVehicleGhost() function again, when i use getElementsByType("vehicle") shoudnt be returned all online server vehicles? 

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