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fetchRemote problems


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Hi there! I've recently discovered 2 problems:

1. I can't trigger fetchRemote inside another fetchRemote function. Example:

fetchRemote("http_stuff",function(resp) -- everything OK here
    -- some magic here

function myfunc(args)
  fetchRemote("httpStuff_x2",function(resp2) print("done x2") end) -- it won't trigger but i'll see 'done x2' message

2. i can't store information into variables inside fetchRemote func. Example:

local variable
fetchRemote("http_stuff",function(resp) -- everything OK here
    variable = resp
    print(variable) -- OK

print(variable) -- nil

I don't know what to do ?

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The syntax:

bool fetchRemote ( string URL[, string queueName = "default" ][, int connectionAttempts = 10, int connectTimeout = 10000 ], function callbackFunction, [ string postData = "", bool postIsBinary = false, [ arguments... ] ] )


Problem 1

Always be called

The callback function will always be called, even if there is an error.

function myCallback( responseData, errno )
	if errno == 0 then



Problem 2

Execution order:


Line: 1

local variable

Line: 2


Making a network request.


Line: 6


Line: 7

print(variable) -- nil



---------- Waiting for the network request to be finished ----------



Line: 2


Callback function will be called after a delay. The delay can be long or short, depending on the response. If not response, it will be called eventually with an error.


connectTimeout: Number of milliseconds each connection attempt will take before timing out



Line: 3

 variable = resp

Line: 4

    print(variable) -- OK

Line: 5



Callback functions in combination with the network are always async. The code doesn't wait for these callback functions.



Edited by IIYAMA
  • Thanks 1
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