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[HELP] Issue with setting a ped's skin


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So, i created two buttons in a gui, '>' for 'next skin' and '<' for previous skin. But unfortunately, the code doesn't seem to work very well. Any help regarding this would be really appreciated.

skin_btn_next = guiCreateButton(96, 273, 33, 16, ">", false, window)
skin_btn_previous = guiCreateButton(58, 273, 33, 16, "<", false, window)

function isSkinValid(skinid)
    local allSkins = getValidPedModels()
    for _, skin in ipairs(allSkins) do
        if skin == tonumber(skinid) then
            return true
            return false

ped = createPed(0, -2614.0212402344, 1451.1651611328, 7.1875, 180) 

local skin = getElementModel(ped)
local new_skin = skin + 1
local previous_skin = new_skin - 1

    if source == skin_btn_next then
        if isSkinValid(new_skin) then
            setElementModel(ped, new_skin)
            setElementModel(ped, new_skin + 1)
    if source == skin_btn_previous then
        setElementModel(ped, previous_skin)

(These are just the relevant parts of the script)

Entire script; https://pastebin.com/aYydg3TX

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local allSkins = getValidPedModels() -- get all skins, (this only has to be executed one time)

do -- DO this when pressing a button
  local index = 1 
  local skin = getElementModel(ped)
  local nextButtonUsed = true -- did I press right(true)?  Or left(false)

  -- find the (new) skin index from the table
  for i=1, #allSkins do
      if allSkins[i] == skin then
          index = i + (nextButtonUsed and 1 or -1)

  -- Index not matching the table? Adjust!
  if index < 1 then
      index = #allSkins
  elseif index > #allSkins then
      index = 1

  -- set the model
  setElementModel(ped, allSkins[index])


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3 hours ago, Bilal135 said:

It worked like a charm @IIYAMA. Thank you.

(Still figuring out how you did it) 


Feel free to ask questions about the code!

Manually debugging it makes understanding code a lot easier:


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