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Hello. Today I am giving you a gamemode inspired by the PUBG game!

Without unnecessary talk, I will show you how to properly enable gamemode!

It's easy to run this gamemode.

Begin with adding this to mods > deathmatch > acl > "Admin" group bottom:

        <object name="resource.pubg"></object>
        <object name="resource.pubg_config"></object>
So it will look like this:

    <group name="Admin">
        <acl name="Moderator"></acl>
        <acl name="SuperModerator"></acl>
        <acl name="Admin"></acl>
        <acl name="RPC"></acl>
        <object name="resource.admin"></object>
        <object name="resource.webadmin"></object>
        <object name="resource.acpanel"></object>
        <object name="resource.pubg"></object>
        <object name="resource.pb_config"></object>
*optionally; admin account for you, using         <object name="user.yourAccount"></object>
    at the bottom.

After doing that, open mtaserver.conf and add this at bottom (REMOVE all existing auto-start resources);

    <!-- pubg is the default gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. -->
    <resource src="pubg" startup="1" protected="0" />
The main gamemode is supposed to start all other depending resources with <include resource="resourceName" /> in meta.xml of the main gamemode resource.
So, after adding "pubg" / the main resource to autostartup, it should be sorted already.

Now, start the server and play! No accounts or SQL DB required for playing, guest-based!


It also contains commands such as:

pb-start force || This command forces gamemode start, no matter the amount of players in lobby.
pb-starttimer || This command force-starts the timer (default: 60 secs) to start running before auto-launching a new game from lobby, irrespective of amount of players.
pb-end dimension || Ends a certain gaming session abruptly, use the dimension ID's for lobbies that are printed to Server console (MTA Server(64).exe) to identify and stop a game while its still running.
pb-minplayers [min] || Override a player minimum for specific lobby




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