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For a example, you can try below code.

Client Side :-

local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
local progress = 0

function ()
    progress = progress + 0.99
  local moveto1, moveto2 = interpolateBetween (screenW * 0.1475, screenH * 0.4648, 0, screenW * 0.5049, screenH * 0.4648, 0, progress, "SineCurve")
	dxDrawText(" This is a moving text ", moveto1, moveto2, screenW * 0.5264, screenH * 0.5417, tocolor(35, 204, 219, 255), 2.5, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, true, true, true)


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On 22/10/2018 at 17:40, DeadthStrock said:

For a example, you can try below code.

Client Side :-

local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
local progress = 0

function ()
    progress = progress + 0.99
  local moveto1, moveto2 = interpolateBetween (screenW * 0.1475, screenH * 0.4648, 0, screenW * 0.5049, screenH * 0.4648, 0, progress, "SineCurve")
	dxDrawText(" This is a moving text ", moveto1, moveto2, screenW * 0.5264, screenH * 0.5417, tocolor(35, 204, 219, 255), 2.5, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, true, true, true)


Thanks Man :D

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