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please help me please :'(


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I made a script mode is about if a person chooses or selects the skin car infernus he gives him but I do not want him if he chooses to give to others I want to give to himself alone. i know its a source but how i use please.

Infernuspanel = {
    button = {},
    window = {},
    label = {}

--320, 106, 642, 491

function panelwindow ()
	local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize( )
        Infernuspanel.window[1]= guiCreateWindow(sx*( 320/1280 ), sy*( 106/720 ), sx*( 642/1280 ), sy*( 491/720 ), "", false)
		guiWindowSetSizable(Infernuspanel.window[1], false)
		guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.window[1], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[1] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 60/1280 ), sy*( 128/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1])
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[1], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[2] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 60/1280 ), sy*( 289/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1])
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[2], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[3] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 60/1280 ), sy*( 441/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1])
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[3], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[6] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 470/1280 ), sy*( 441/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1])
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[6], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[5] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 470/1280 ), sy*( 289/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1])
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[5], 0.00)
        Infernuspanel.button[4] = guiCreateButton(sx*( 470/1280 ), sy*( 128/720 ), sx*( 99/1280 ), sy*( 40/720 ), "", false, Infernuspanel.window[1]) 
        guiSetAlpha(Infernuspanel.button[4], 0.00)		
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[1], infi1, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[6], infi2, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[3], infi3, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[4], infi4, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[5], infi5, false)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[2], infi6, false)

-- Show Window
local value = false

function visible ()
if value == false then
	value = true
	elseif value == true then
	value = false
bindKey("F3","down", visible)

-- Load Infernus

local msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue = 0, 255, 0

function infi1 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus1.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus1.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus1 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)

function infi2 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus2.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus2.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus2 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)
		engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "vehiclegrunge256",arac)

function infi3 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus3.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus3.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus3 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)

function infi4 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus4.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus4.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus4 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)

function infi5 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus5.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus5.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus5 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)

function infi6 ()
		InfiTexture = engineLoadTXD ( "InfiMod/infernus6.txd" )
		engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 )
		InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "InfiMod/infernus6.dff", 411 )
		engineReplaceModel ( InfiModel, 411 )
		outputChatBox("Infernus5 Yüklendi.", theplayer, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)


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addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[1], infi1)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[6], infi2)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[3], infi3)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[4], infi4)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[5], infi5)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[2], infi6)


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