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Opa, fiz aqui pra você (: 



local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
local resW, resH = 1366,768
local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH)

serverName = "Nome do Servidor"

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
	local time = getRealTime()
	local day = time.monthday
	local month = time.month
	local year = time.year + 1900

	dxDrawText(serverName.."\1-\1FPS: "..getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "fps").."\n"..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."\1-\1"..getTimeS(), x*1190, y*723, x*1360, y*757, tocolor(255, 254, 254, 150), x*1.00, "clear", "right", "center", false, false, false, true, false)

function  getTimeS() 
    local time = getRealTime() 
    local hours = time.hour 
    local minutes = time.minute 
    local seconds = time.second 
    if (hours >= 0 and hours < 10) then 
        hours = "0"..time.hour 
    if (minutes >= 0 and minutes < 10) then 
        minutes = "0"..time.minute 
    if (seconds >= 0 and seconds < 10) then 
        seconds = "0"..time.second 
    return hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds 

local fps = false

function getCurrentFPS() -- Setup the useful function
    return fps

local function updateFPS(msSinceLastFrame)
    -- FPS are the frames per second, so count the frames rendered per milisecond using frame delta time and then convert that to frames per second.
    fps = (1 / msSinceLastFrame) * 1000
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateFPS)

local function getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(table)
    -- Average FPS = (FPS1 + FPS2 + ... + FPSX) / X
    local totalFPS = 0
    for _, fps in pairs(table) do
        totalFPS = totalFPS + fps
    return totalFPS / #table

local currentSecondFPS = {}
local lastSecondTicks = getTickCount()
local lastFiveSecondsFPS = {}
local function smoothFPS()
    -- Do we have a FPS rate already?
    if not getCurrentFPS() then
    -- Insert current FPS into a table for reference
    table.insert(currentSecondFPS, getCurrentFPS())
    -- If a second passed, get the average FPS using the table
    -- (We always have at least one frame rendered, so dividing by 0 it's not a problem)
    if getTickCount() - lastSecondTicks >= 1000 then
        local averageFPSPerSecond = getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(currentSecondFPS)
        -- Reset variables
        currentSecondFPS = {}
        lastSecondTicks = getTickCount()
        -- Update the table containing last five seconds FPS
        -- Also update the FPS limit accordingly
        table.insert(lastFiveSecondsFPS, averageFPSPerSecond)
        -- Silently discard too old average FPS
        if #lastFiveSecondsFPS == 6 then
            table.remove(lastFiveSecondsFPS, 1)
        -- Get the average FPS of the average FPS of each of the last five seconds, and use the result as the frame limit
		setElementData(localPlayer, "fps", (math.ceil(getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(lastFiveSecondsFPS)))); -- Sets elementData "fps"
addEventHandler("onClientHUDRender", root, smoothFPS)


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18 hours ago, Tommy. said:

Opa, fiz aqui pra você ?



local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
local resW, resH = 1366,768
local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH)

serverName = "Nome do Servidor"

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
	local time = getRealTime()
	local day = time.monthday
	local month = time.month
	local year = time.year + 1900

	dxDrawText(serverName.."\1-\1FPS: "..getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "fps").."\n"..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."\1-\1"..getTimeS(), x*1190, y*723, x*1360, y*757, tocolor(255, 254, 254, 150), x*1.00, "clear", "right", "center", false, false, false, true, false)

function  getTimeS() 
    local time = getRealTime() 
    local hours = time.hour 
    local minutes = time.minute 
    local seconds = time.second 
    if (hours >= 0 and hours < 10) then 
        hours = "0"..time.hour 
    if (minutes >= 0 and minutes < 10) then 
        minutes = "0"..time.minute 
    if (seconds >= 0 and seconds < 10) then 
        seconds = "0"..time.second 
    return hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds 

local fps = false

function getCurrentFPS() -- Setup the useful function
    return fps

local function updateFPS(msSinceLastFrame)
    -- FPS are the frames per second, so count the frames rendered per milisecond using frame delta time and then convert that to frames per second.
    fps = (1 / msSinceLastFrame) * 1000
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateFPS)

local function getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(table)
    -- Average FPS = (FPS1 + FPS2 + ... + FPSX) / X
    local totalFPS = 0
    for _, fps in pairs(table) do
        totalFPS = totalFPS + fps
    return totalFPS / #table

local currentSecondFPS = {}
local lastSecondTicks = getTickCount()
local lastFiveSecondsFPS = {}
local function smoothFPS()
    -- Do we have a FPS rate already?
    if not getCurrentFPS() then
    -- Insert current FPS into a table for reference
    table.insert(currentSecondFPS, getCurrentFPS())
    -- If a second passed, get the average FPS using the table
    -- (We always have at least one frame rendered, so dividing by 0 it's not a problem)
    if getTickCount() - lastSecondTicks >= 1000 then
        local averageFPSPerSecond = getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(currentSecondFPS)
        -- Reset variables
        currentSecondFPS = {}
        lastSecondTicks = getTickCount()
        -- Update the table containing last five seconds FPS
        -- Also update the FPS limit accordingly
        table.insert(lastFiveSecondsFPS, averageFPSPerSecond)
        -- Silently discard too old average FPS
        if #lastFiveSecondsFPS == 6 then
            table.remove(lastFiveSecondsFPS, 1)
        -- Get the average FPS of the average FPS of each of the last five seconds, and use the result as the frame limit
		setElementData(localPlayer, "fps", (math.ceil(getAverageFPSOfFPSArray(lastFiveSecondsFPS)))); -- Sets elementData "fps"
addEventHandler("onClientHUDRender", root, smoothFPS)


Obrigado amigo

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