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Hmm, progress?

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It's coming along pretty well. There haven't been more updates because there's nothing to update you guys on. We're still in beta and the team is still fixing bugs. Rest assured that it's coming soon though. I see no reason (and several other team members have said this) why it won't be released this month, although bear in mind that such an unforseeable reason could arise.

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4 days without updates now.. Embarassed

:shock: how terrible, now the world will be doomed :o

my guess is, that the team either is finishing the MTASA version to make it suitable for release, or they are doing some major bugfixing right now, and will soon release a new beta for the Beta test team.

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Are they gonna give us info on what bugs they are finding like usually what they do when they release a patch?

They only tell you the fixed bugs for a patch so that you can apply it if you are affected by one of those bugs. There's no point in telling you what bugs are fixed because at the end of the day, it makes no difference to you until release. People will just say "Yeah, so what?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol yeah ... think of it this way---> the longer till the next update the greater the update itself will be:D... I mean lets face it the last updates(except for the in-game voice cummunication update) werent all THAT special.. nice but not very special.. I believe this upcoming upd8 will be or is that wrong to think?

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