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تعديل كود

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--(c) Coppyright by German Scripter--
--This Script is a free resource and my first script--

sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize()
textsToDraw = {}
maxrange = 25

function NPCnametag()

        for a,b in pairs(textsToDraw) do
            x,y,z = b[1],b[2],b[3]
            scx,scy = getScreenFromWorldPosition (x,y,z)
            camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix()
            if scx and scy and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX,camY,camZ,x,y,z+5) <= maxrange then 
            dxDrawFramedText(b[4],scx-0.5*dxGetTextWidth(b[4],2,"sans"),scy+30-0.5*dxGetFontHeight(2,"sans"),sx, sy+5,tocolor ( b[5], b[6], b[7], 255 ), 2,"sans")

function add3DText(x,y,z,text,r,g,b)

add3DText(1127.88123, -2036.97717, 70.44132,"[亗]-[ بيت الكينق ابوالغار ]-[亗]",255,255,0) --(1127.51685 -2036.97375 72.80264)
--	bsp:   add3DText(-1964.9000244141, 293.79998779297, 35.099998474121,"Supersave.",r,g,b)

function dxDrawFramedText ( message , left , top , width , height , color , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI , frameColor )
	color = color or tocolor ( 00, 255 , 255 , 00 ) --Color
	frameColor = frameColor or tocolor ( 000 , 000 , 000 , 255 ) --Color
	scale = scale or 6
	font = font or "sans"
	alignX = alignX or "left"
	alignY = alignY or "top"
	clip = clip or false
	wordBreak = wordBreak or false
	postGUI = postGUI or false
	dxDrawText ( message , left + 1 , top + 1 , width + 1 , height + 1 , frameColor , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI )
	dxDrawText ( message , left + 1 , top - 1 , width + 1 , height - 1 , frameColor , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI )
	dxDrawText ( message , left - 1 , top + 1 , width - 1 , height + 1 , frameColor , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI )
	dxDrawText ( message , left - 1 , top - 1 , width - 1 , height - 1 , frameColor , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI )
	dxDrawText ( message , left , top , width , height , color , scale , font , alignX , alignY , clip , wordBreak , postGUI )

هذا الكود عبار عن تكست ثري دي يجي انا ابيه صوره مب تكست كيف ؟

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