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[Help] Custom Mute System


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I created a custom mute system, and when a player is muted, it's all good as he gets unmuted after the mute time has passed, but if he reconnects, he's no more muted and can still talk, whereas the script thinks he is muted and attempts to unmute an already unmuted player. 

I tried using setElementData and getElementData when a muted player quits and then joins before the mute time has passed, but it didn't work out so I've no idea now. (Not included in the code below).

Have a look at the code. Any help regarding this will be appreciated.

if reason == "1" then
if isPlayerMuted(target) then return outputChatBox("Player is already muted.", player, 255, 0, 0) end
setPlayerMuted(target, true)
outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been muted by "..plrname.."!", root, 13, 107, 39, true)
setPlayerMuted(target, false)
outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been unmuted by Console.", root, 13, 107, 39, true)
end, 30000, 1)


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if reason == "1" then
if isPlayerMuted(target) then return outputChatBox("Player is already muted.", player, 255, 0, 0) end
if not ( playeraccount ) and isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then return end
setPlayerMuted(target, true)
setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", true)
outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been muted by "..plrname.."!", root, 13, 107, 39, true)
local quitacc = getAccountData(playeraccount, "quit")
if (quitacc) then return end
setPlayerMuted(target, false)
setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", false)
outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been unmuted by Console.", root, 13, 107, 39, true)
end, 30000, 1)

function muteOnLogin(_, playeraccount)
if not ( playeraccount ) and isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then return end
local muted = getAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs")
if not (muted) then return end
setPlayerMuted(source, true)
outputChatBox("muted", root)
setPlayerMuted(source, false)
outputChatBox("unmuted", root)
setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", false)
end, 30000, 1)
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, muteOnLogin)

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,
function(_, playeraccount)
if not muted then return end
if not (playeraccount) and isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then return end
local muted = getAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs")
setAccountData(playeraccount, "quit", true)

Didn't work, am I doing something wrong here? It mutes the muted player if he reconnects but doesn't unmute, and "Player has been unmuted by console" appears before "unmuted".

Edited by Bilal135
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if reason == "1" then
	if isPlayerMuted(target) then return outputChatBox("Player is already muted.", player, 255, 0, 0) end
	if playeraccount then else return end
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then return end
	setPlayerMuted(target, true)
	setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", true)
	outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been muted by "..plrname.."!", root, 13, 107, 39, true)

function muteOnLogin(_, playeraccount)
	if playeraccount then else return end
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then return end
	local muted = getAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs")
	if muted then
		setPlayerMuted(source, true)
		outputChatBox("muted", root)
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, muteOnLogin)

-- addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,
-- function(_, playeraccount)
-- if not muted then return end
-- if not (playeraccount) and isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then return end
-- local muted = getAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs")
-- setAccountData(playeraccount, "quit", true)
-- end)

-- dont need it u already stored mutedfor30secs


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I don't know if this will work, just modified urbans code to how I'd s

    --[[if reason == "1" then --So this code block isn't in a function?  I assume it's pasted with no function, but if not, put it in a function...
        if isPlayerMuted(target) then 
            outputChatBox("Player is already muted.", player, 255, 0, 0) 
        if playeraccount then
            if not isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
                setPlayerMuted(target, true)
                setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", true)
                outputChatBox("* "..name.." has been muted by "..plrname.."!", root, 13, 107, 39, true)
function muteOnLogin(_, playeraccount)
    if playeraccount then 
         if not isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then 
             local muted = getAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs")
             if muted ~= false then
    	         setPlayerMuted(source, true)
    	         outputChatBox("muted", source) --You tried outputting message to root :/ try avoid this...

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, muteOnLogin)

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,
function(_, playeraccount)
    if (playeraccount) and not isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
        if isPlayerMuted(source) then 
            setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", true) 

To be honest...  Too lazy to comment it all xD but basically you were using root, playeraccount, and all sorts of weird stuff when "source" would of done the job, every time you look on the wiki, look at what the source element is...  When a player triggers a function by doing an action (logging in, quitting, entering a vehicle) you can use "source" as the source element is the player, the wiki tells you this :D

Also I assume the code above muteOnLogin isn't just loose in your actual script like that, if it is, you should put it in a function or tell me what you want done with it, this might help if it's not in a function....

function muteThePlayer(player,_,target)
    if reason == "1" then 
        if isPlayerMuted(target) then 
            outputChatBox("Player is already muted.", player, 255, 0, 0) 
        if playeraccount then
            if not isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
                setPlayerMuted(target, true)
                setAccountData(playeraccount, "mutedfor30secs", true)
                outputChatBox("* "..target.." has been muted by "..player.."!", source, 13, 107, 39, true)

addCommandHandler("mute", muteThePlayer)

You were doing this: "if playeraccount then else return end" This literally does NOTHING!  Something should be after "then" even if it's another if, the fact you put and else in there is beyond me.... 

This code might not work, but I hope it helps somehow, make sure to /debugscript 3 when you login and tell us what it says :D also look at console for errors.

Edited by kieran
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feel free to edit.

--< [ /mute ] >--
local playerMuteTimer = {}

function insertToPlayerAccount(player, data, value)
    return setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player), data, value)

function getFromPlayerAccount(player, data)
    return getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player), data)

--< [ Info ] >--
addCommandHandler("muteinfo", function(player,cmd)
    if isPlayerMuted(player) then    
        outputChatBox(core:getSyntax("warning").." Némítva vagy még "..math.ceil(getTimerDetails(playerMuteTimer[player])/60000).." percig.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)    
        outputErrorMSG("Nem vagy némítva!", player)

--< [ Kilépés ] >--
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function()
    if isTimer(playerMuteTimer[source]) then
        outputChatBox("#FB5555[Offline Némítás]:#00B4FF "..getPlayerName(source).."#FFFFFF némítva lett a rendszer által "..math.ceil(getTimerDetails(playerMuteTimer[source])/60000).." percre.", root, 255, 0, 0, true)    
        insertToPlayerAccount(source, "account#muted", math.ceil(getTimerDetails(playerMuteTimer[source])/60000))

--< [ Bejelentkezés ] >--
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root,function()
    local playerMuted = getFromPlayerAccount(source, "account#muted")
    if not playerMuted then return end
    if (playerMuted >= 0) then
        setPlayerMuted(source, true)        
        setElementData(source, "char#muted", 1)
         playerMuteTimer[source] = setTimer(function()
            outputChatBox("#FB5555[Némítás]:#00B4FF "..getPlayerName(source).."#FFFFFF némítása lejárt.", root, 255, 0, 0, true)
              insertToPlayerAccount(source, "account#muted", 0)
            removeElementData(source, "char#muted")
        outputChatBox(core:getSyntax("warning").." Némítva vagy még "..math.ceil(getTimerDetails(playerMuteTimer[source])/60000).." percre.", source, 255, 255, 255, true)        


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