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Problem with GUI Memo


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Really weird problem. Debugscript shows an error, 'Unfinished string near Welcome to Ultimatium Freeroam'.

GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(0.46, 0.10, 0.48, 0.81, "Welcome to Ultimatium English Freeroam!
\nBefore getting started, all new players must go through the rules listed below, created to keepthe server clean
 of disturbers.
\n#1. Speak English only. As this is an English server, we can't tolerate any other language in public chats. However, if you wish to talk to someone in your own language, then you may use private messages.
\nSyntax: /pm [player name] [message].
\n#2. Do not disturb staff members. Pretty straight forward rule. Do not roam around / make noises near busy staff members, which can be identified by 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'
\nor 'L5' icon on their names.
\n#3. Do not insult or provoke anyone. We tend to keep a nice atmosphere here. Any insult against any player will not be tolerated, no matter what. Some insults inclue, 'Bitch', 'Mother:Oer, ':Oer', 'Asshole' etc.
\n#4. No racism. Calling someone names or anything basede on someone's real life complexion is strictly forbidden. In extreme cases, you might get a ban for it.
\n#5. Do not lie to staff members. If any staff member questions you about any server relat\nreport (not personal), you must answer honestly. If you lie, you'll eventually be caught and punished.
\n#6. Do not insult the server. Non-constructive criticism against the server can get you permanently banned in extreme cases.
\nThat's it for now. Enjoy playing!", true, GUIEditor.window[1])

Edited by Bilal135
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Tried this, still the same error.

GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(0.46, 0.10, 0.48, 0.81, "Welcome to Ultimatium English Freeroam!\n\nBefore getting started, all new players must go through the rules listed below, created to keepthe server clean of disturbers.\n\n#1. Speak English only. As this is an English server, we can't tolerate any other language in public chats. However, if you wish to talk to someone in your own language, then you may use private messages.\nSyntax: /pm [player name] [message].\n\n#2. Do not disturb staff members. Pretty straight forward rule. Do not roam around / make noises near busy staff members, which can be identified by 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'\nor 'L5' icon on their names.\n\n#3. Do not insult or provoke anyone. We tend to keep a nice atmosphere here. Any insult against any player will not be tolerated, no matter what. Some insults inclue, 'Bitch', 'Mother:Oer, ':Oer', 'Asshole' etc.\n\n#4. No racism. Calling someone names or anything basede on someone's real life complexion is strictly forbidden. In extreme cases, you might get a ban for it.\n\n#5. Do not lie to staff members. If any staff member questions you about any server relat\nreport (not personal), you must answer honestly. If you lie, you'll eventually be caught and punished.\n\n#6. Do not insult the server. Non-constructive criticism against the server can get you permanently banned in extreme cases.\n\nThat's it for now. Enjoy playing!", true, GUIEditor.window[1])
Edited by Bilal135
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You could try to load that text from a file or similar and then use guiSetText, similar to this:

local text
local file = fileOpen( "welcome_text.txt" )
if file then
  text = fileRead( file, fileGetSite(file) )
  fileClose( file )

-- things happen here...

	GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(0.46, 0.10, 0.48, 0.81, "", true, GUIEditor.window[1])
	guiSetText( GUIEditor.memo[1], text )

-- more things happen here...


Edited by 3aGl3
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memoText = [[Welcome to Ultimatium English Freeroam!

Before getting started, all new players must go through the rules listed below, created to keepthe server clean
 of disturbers.

#1. Speak English only. As this is an English server, we can't tolerate any other language in public chats. However, if you wish to talk to someone in your own language, then you may use private messages.
Syntax: /pm [player name] [message].

#2. Do not disturb staff members. Pretty straight forward rule. Do not roam around / make noises near busy staff members, which can be identified by 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'
or 'L5' icon on their names.

#3. Do not insult or provoke anyone. We tend to keep a nice atmosphere here. Any insult against any player will not be tolerated, no matter what. Some insults inclue, 'Bitch', 'Mother:Oer, ':Oer', 'Asshole' etc.

#4. No racism. Calling someone names or anything basede on someone's real life complexion is strictly forbidden. In extreme cases, you might get a ban for it.

#5. Do not lie to staff members. If any staff member questions you about any server relat\nreport (not personal), you must answer honestly. If you lie, you'll eventually be caught and punished.

#6. Do not insult the server. Non-constructive criticism against the server can get you permanently banned in extreme cases.

That's it for now. Enjoy playing!]]

GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(0.46, 0.10, 0.48, 0.81, memoText, true, GUIEditor.window[1])

Can you try this?

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