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مساعدة في executeSQLQuery


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local check1 = executeSQLQuery( ' SELECT * FROM `bank` WHERE accname = ? ', getPlayerAccount(source) )
local x = check1[1]['bank']
outputChatBox('You Have Add '..x , source , 255,0,0)

انا ابي أسحب قيمة من داخل الجدول 

سويت هيك 

local x = checkData1[1]['bank']

فقال لي في الدي بيق لما سويت 

outputChatBox("You Have Add"..x, source , 255,0,0)

attempt to concatenate local x ( a nil value )

ساعدوني من فضلكم وشكرا لكم 

هدفي انو يجيب القيمة الي داخل الجدول الي هو عدد موجود في البنك وبيطلعه في الشات وشكراااا

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3 hours ago, XML said:

عندك اول شي

local x = check1[1]['bank']


مختلفه عن ذي

local x = checkData1[1]['bank']


حط اكوادك المخصصه لهذي النقطه كامله

أخوي انا في الكود تبعي مسويها check1

وانت تشوفها وذي هي الأكواد تبع النقطة وما إشتغل 

كل ذول وسويت لما الشخص يسوي كومند

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executeSQLQuery( ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bank` (accname, money) ' )

addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit" , bankmarker , function ( hitElement ) 
local checkData = executeSQLQuery( ' SELECT * FROM `bank` WHERE accname = ? ', getPlayerAccount(hitElement) )
local moneyPlaye =  getPlayerMoney ( hitElement  ) 
local nameplaye = getPlayerName ( hitElement )
if not ( type ( checkData ) == 'table' and #checkData == 0 or not checkData ) then
if moneyPlaye and nameplaye then 
triggerClientEvent (hitElement, "hit" , hitElement , moneyPlaye ,nameplaye , checkData[1].bank) 
triggerClientEvent (hitElement, "hit2" , hitElement ,moneyPlaye,nameplaye)

 addEvent ( "depoinbank" , true ) 
 addEventHandler ( "depoinbank" , root , function ( e1 ) 
 local checkData1 = executeSQLQuery( ' SELECT * FROM `bank` WHERE accname = ? ', getPlayerAccount(source) )
if getPlayerMoney ( source )  >= e1*1 then 
 if  ( type ( checkData1 ) == 'table' and #checkData1 == 0 or not checkData1 ) then
executeSQLQuery( ' INSERT INTO `bank` (accname, money) VALUES(?, ?) ', getPlayerAccount(source), e1 )
outputChatBox('You Have Add '..e1.." To bank" , source , 0,255,0)
takePlayerMoney ( source , e1 )
 local checkData = executeSQLQuery( ' SELECT * FROM `bank` WHERE accname = ? ', getPlayerAccount(source) )
 local x = checkData[1]['bank']
executeSQLQuery( ' UPDATE`bank` SET money = money + '..e1..' WHERE accname = ? ', getPlayerAccount(source))
takePlayerMoney ( source , e1 )
outputChatBox('Your money is now '..x , source , 0,255,0)
end )


addEvent ( 'hit' , true ) 
addEventHandler ( "hit" , root , function ( moneyPlaye ,nameplaye , checkData ) 
if moneyPlaye and nameplaye  then 
guiSetVisible ( windowbank , true ) 
showCursor ( true ) 
guiSetText ( bankplayername , "Player Name : "..nameplaye ) 
guiSetText ( moneyinbank , "Money in Bank : "..checkData.."$" ) 
guiSetText ( moneyout , "Your Money : "..moneyPlaye.."$" ) 
addEvent ( 'hit2' , true ) 
addEventHandler ( "hit2" , root , function (moneyPlaye ,nameplaye) 
if moneyPlaye and nameplaye then 
guiSetVisible ( windowbank , true ) 
showCursor ( true ) 
guiSetText ( moneyout , "Your Money : "..moneyPlaye.."$" ) 
guiSetText ( bankplayername , "Player Name : "..nameplaye )
guiSetText ( moneyinbank , "Money in Bank : 0$" ) 

المشكلة بطريقة كاملة في الكلينت 

guiSetText ( moneyinbank , "Money in Bank : "..checkData.."$" ) 

ما يشتغل 

On 15/12/2017 at 08:26, XML said:


ورنا الكود كامل .. مافيه طريقه نساعدك غير كذا


On 15/12/2017 at 04:07, #Soking said:

تأكد ان في الكولمن في شي اسمه 



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executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bank` (accname, money)")

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", bankmarker,
		local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bank WHERE accname = ?", getPlayerAccount(player))
		local Money =  getPlayerMoney(player) 
		local Name = getPlayerName(player)
		if not type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 or not result then
			if Money and Name then 
				triggerClientEvent(player, "hit" , player, Money, Name, result[1].money) 
			triggerClientEvent (player, "hit2", player, Money, Name)

addEvent("depoinbank", true) 
addEventHandler("depoinbank", root, 
	function ( e1 )
		local result1 = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bank WHERE accname = ?", getPlayerAccount(source))
		if getPlayerMoney(source) >= e1 then
			if type ( result1 ) == "table" and #result1 == 0 or not result1 then
				executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO bank (accname, money) VALUES(?, ?)", getPlayerAccount(source), e1)
				outputChatBox("You Have Add "..e1.." To bank" , source , 0,255,0)
				takePlayerMoney(source , e1)
				local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `bank` WHERE accname = ?", getPlayerAccount(source))
				local x = result[1]["money"]
				executeSQLQuery( " UPDATE bank SET money = money + "..e1.." WHERE accname = ? ", getPlayerAccount(source))
				takePlayerMoney(source , e1)
				outputChatBox("Your money is now "..x , source , 0,255,0)


Edited by #x1AhMeD,-09
ما نظرت كويس
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