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يعيال لا هنتم ابي كود يحول من الثواني الى


اللي عنده لا يبخل علينا غريبه ذي صح لكن قلت اغير الروتين بدال

ما اشغل مخي اطلب من الحلوين الطيبين مثلكم

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29 minutes ago, coNolel said:

دقائق : *60

ساعات 60*60

أيام 60*60*24




7*60*60*24*عدد الأشهر

... سنوات إلخ

انت مضيع انا ابي يوزفل فنكشن ترا اعرف احول والله ذذ

19 minutes ago, Abdul KariM said:

ذا يجيب تاريخ اليوم انا ابي تحويل من ثواني لدقايق

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function secondsToTimeDesc( seconds )
	if seconds then
		local results = {}
		local sec = ( seconds %60 )
		local min = math.floor ( ( seconds % 3600 ) /60 )
		local hou = math.floor ( ( seconds % 86400 ) /3600 )
		local day = math.floor ( seconds /86400 )
		if day > 0 then table.insert( results, day .. ( day == 1 and " day" or " days" ) ) end
		if hou > 0 then table.insert( results, hou .. ( hou == 1 and " hour" or " hours" ) ) end
		if min > 0 then table.insert( results, min .. ( min == 1 and " minute" or " minutes" ) ) end
		if sec > 0 then table.insert( results, sec .. ( sec == 1 and " second" or " seconds" ) ) end
		return string.reverse ( table.concat ( results, ", " ):reverse():gsub(" ,", " dna ", 1 ) )
	return ""


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8 minutes ago, #x1AhMeD,-09 said:

function secondsToTimeDesc( seconds )
	if seconds then
		local results = {}
		local sec = ( seconds %60 )
		local min = math.floor ( ( seconds % 3600 ) /60 )
		local hou = math.floor ( ( seconds % 86400 ) /3600 )
		local day = math.floor ( seconds /86400 )
		if day > 0 then table.insert( results, day .. ( day == 1 and " day" or " days" ) ) end
		if hou > 0 then table.insert( results, hou .. ( hou == 1 and " hour" or " hours" ) ) end
		if min > 0 then table.insert( results, min .. ( min == 1 and " minute" or " minutes" ) ) end
		if sec > 0 then table.insert( results, sec .. ( sec == 1 and " second" or " seconds" ) ) end
		return string.reverse ( table.concat ( results, ", " ):reverse():gsub(" ,", " dna ", 1 ) )
	return ""


انته راجل 100% وانا غبي في الحسابات xD 

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@Master_MTA انا مشبه عليها لكن هذي الوظيفة الاصلية

On ٢٦‏/١٠‏/٢٠١٥ at 00:52, #CroSs said:




. هذه الوظيفة تقوم بتحويل الوقت أو حسابه وترجع جدول مع سترنق





table, string FormatTime( float Time, string TimeFormula, bool Convert, string MaximumTimeFormula, table BannedTimeFormulas ) 


Required Arguments

  • Time : الوقت



  • TimeFormula : ..صيغة الوقت مثل ثانية ، ساعة ، يوم ، سنة ، الخ

Optional Arguments

  • Convert : . false ينحسب + القيمة الافتراضية هي false يتحول و true ، قيمة منطقية قائمة على أن الوقت المعطاه بيتحول أو بينحسب



  • MaximumTimeFormula : ...
    . ( قرن ) century القيمة الافتراضية هي + hour أعلى صيغة وقت الوظيفة راح تحسب بها ، يعني مثلاً تبي تحسب بالساعات فقط ، حط



  • BannedTimeFormulas : . صيغ الوقت إلي بتنحذف من جدول الوقت + ما راح تظهر في السترنق إلي يرجع ، طبعًا تحط الصيغ إلي تبي تحذفها في جدول + الافتراضي أنه يطلع الكل إذا كان قيمتهم مو صفر



صيغ الوقت المدعومة

( picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, centisecond, decisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century )






  • . إذا صار خطأ false ترجع جدول فيه الوقت وسترنق فيه الوقت كـ كلام ، ويرجع


Source Code



function FormatTime( Time, TimeFormula, Convert, MaximumTimeFormula, BannedTimeFormulas ) 
    if ( type( Time ) == "number" and type( TimeFormula ) == "string" ) then 
        local SomeTable = { picosecond = Time / 1000000000000, nanosecond = Time / 1000000000, microsecond = Time / 1000000, 
            millisecond = Time / 1000, centisecond = Time / 100, decisecond = Time / 10, second = Time, minute = Time * 60, hour = Time * 3600, 
            day = Time * 86400, week = Time * 604800, month = Time * 2592000, year = Time * 31536000, decade = Time * 315360000, century = Time * 3153600000 
        MaximumTimeFormula = string.lower( tostring( MaximumTimeFormula ) ) 
        Time, MaximumTimeFormula = SomeTable[string.lower( TimeFormula )], SomeTable[MaximumTimeFormula] and MaximumTimeFormula or "century" 
        if ( Time ) then 
            local TimeTable, Time, String, Convert = {}, math.abs( Time ), "", not Convert 
            TimeTable["picosecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "picosecond" and Time * 1000000000000 % 10 or Time * 1000000000000 ) 
            TimeTable["nanosecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "nanosecond" and Time * 1000000000 % 10 or Time * 1000000000 ) 
            TimeTable["microsecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "microsecond" and Time * 1000000 % 10 or Time * 1000000 ) 
            TimeTable["millisecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "millisecond" and Time * 1000 % 10 or Time * 1000 ) 
            TimeTable["centisecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "centisecond" and Time * 100 % 10 or Time * 100 ) 
            TimeTable["decisecond"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "decisecond" and Time * 10 % 10 or Time * 10 ) 
            TimeTable["second"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "second" and Time % 60 or Time ) 
            TimeTable["minute"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "minute" and Time % 3600 / 60 or Time / 60 ) 
            TimeTable["hour"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "hour" and Time % 86400 / 3600 or Time / 3600 ) 
            TimeTable["day"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "day" and Time % 31536000 % 2592000 % 604800 / 86400 or Time / 86400 ) 
            TimeTable["week"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "week" and Time % 2592000 / 604800 or Time / 604800 ) 
            TimeTable["month"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "month" and Time % 31536000 / 2592000 or Time / 2592000 ) 
            TimeTable["year"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "year" and Time % 315360000 / 31536000 or Time / 31536000 ) 
            TimeTable["decade"] = math.floor( Convert and MaximumTimeFormula ~= "decade" and Time % 3153600000 / 315360000 or Time / 315360000 ) 
            TimeTable["century"] = math.floor( Time / 3153600000 ) 
            local TimeFormulas = { "picosecond", "nanosecond", "microsecond", "millisecond", "centisecond", "decisecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade", "century" } 
            for _, TimeFormula in next, TimeFormulas, ( { picosecond = 1, nanosecond = 2, microsecond = 3, millisecond = 4, centisecond = 5, decisecond = 6, second = 7, minute = 8, hour = 9, day = 10, week = 11, month = 12, year = 13, decade = 14 } )[MaximumTimeFormula] or 15 do TimeTable[TimeFormula] = nil end 
            if ( type( BannedTimeFormulas ) == "table" ) then for _, TimeFormula in ipairs( BannedTimeFormulas ) do TimeTable[string.lower( TimeFormula )] = nil end end 
            for _, TimeFormula in ipairs( { "century", "decade", "year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "decisecond", "centisecond", "millisecond", "microsecond", "nanosecond", "picosecond" } ) do 
                local Time = TimeTable[TimeFormula] 
                if ( Time and Time ~= 0 ) then 
                    TimeFormula = string.upper( string.sub( TimeFormula, 1, 1 ) )..string.sub( TimeFormula, 2, #TimeFormula )..( Time == 1 and "" or "s" ) TimeFormula = TimeFormula == "Centurys" and "Centuries" or TimeFormula 
                    String = ( String == "" and String or String..( Convert and " and " or ", " ) )..( Convert and Time.." "..TimeFormula or TimeFormula.." = "..Time ) 
            return TimeTable, String..( String ~= "" and " ." or "" ) 
        return false 
    return false 






print( select( -1, FormatTime( 10, "Day" ) ) ) --> 1 Week and 3 Days . الحساب print( select( -1, FormatTime( 10, "Decisecond" ) ) ) --> 1 Second . الحساب print( select( -1, FormatTime( 1, "Second", true ) ) ) --> Second = 1, Deciseconds = 10, Centiseconds = 100, Milliseconds = 1000, Microseconds = 1000000, Nanoseconds = 1000000000, Picoseconds = 1000000000000 . -- التحويل print( select( -1, FormatTime( 2.6, "day", nil, "hour" ) ) --> 62 Hours and 24 Minutes . --> hour الحساب + أعلى صيغة هي print( select( -1, FormatTime( 2.6, "day", nil, "hour", { "minute" } ) ) --> 62 Hours . --> شلنا الدقائق من الجدول والسترنق + hour الحساب + أعلى صيغة 

Author : #CroSs

:fadein: .


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