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guiCreateMemo fix


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Infobox = guiCreateMemo(sWidth/700, sWidth/800, sWidth, sHeight,'How I can listen music from youtube?\n\nFirst open interner browser then go to site called dropbox(https://www.dropbox.com) and sing in or sing up.\nThen go to youtube and searche your song.\nWhen you are decided your song go to https://ytmp3.cc/ and but your song url to convert box.(Make sure you have "mp3" selected).',false,howToCreateSpeaker)

I try to make helpbox but lower resolutions this not show correct. How i can fix this?

Edited by Viudes
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@Viudes that community resource helps you create GUI quick and easy to use. I personally use it all the time. It does not pre-script any functions for you and it's much better than guessing positions for GUI elements. It also somewhat helps with scaling for different resolutions.

When you use the GUI editor and create your GUI, you can output the code for it and use it in your resource.

It most definitely will not hinder you from learning about scripting.

Give it a shot, never know what you might learn from it. :)

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