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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I am communicating with you through a translator, so you may not fully understand my thoughts, but still. such a question, in our segment there are assemblies of ready-made servers (Russian-speaking), but the same problem occurs when installing on hosting. 1) I install it on a local server. 2) I connect the database. 3) I register and play quietly. And as I decide to upload to the hosting, there are problems with the login panel. 1) I upload the server assembly to the hosting. 2) I upload the database to MySQL. 3) I set a lock from strangers using the serial key (so that only my friends could play with me) 4) I register as usual. 5) I'm trying to log in, the server issues an error with the wrong password \ login (although I write everything correctly), I register in Cyrillic, everything works and logs in, I write some numbers, too, everything works, but it does not accept in English. what could this be related to? who can tell please! sorry, I forgot to break everything down by points, I hope that you will understand me, if that I will try to explain everything
  2. Como tirar Mensagen quando loga tao chata login: You successfully logged in
  3. Ayuda porfavor como pongo musica en Login Server side: function addNotification(player, text, type) if (player and text and type) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'addNotification', player, text, type); end end function loginPlayer(source, username, password) local account = getAccount ( username ) if ( account ~= false ) then local account = getAccount ( username, password ) if ( account ~= false ) then addNotification(source, "Te has logeado correctamente!", "success") logIn (source, account, password) triggerClientEvent("belepesfunkctsiker", source) else addNotification(source, "Contraseña Incorrecta!", "error") end else addNotification(source, "Contraseña Incorrecta!", "error") end end addEvent("attemptLogin", true) addEventHandler("attemptLogin", getRootElement(), loginPlayer) function registerPlayer(source, username, password) local account = getAccount (username) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then triggerClientEvent("belepesfunkctsikerregisztracio", source) addNotification(source, "Has creado la cuenta correctamente! Logeate para obtener tu nueva cuenta.", "success") else addNotification(source, "Un error a ocurrido!", "error") end else addNotification(source, "Una cuenta con el Username que ingreso ya existe!", "error") end end addEvent("attemptRegister", true) addEventHandler("attemptRegister", getRootElement(), registerPlayer) addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, function(cmd) if cmd == "logout" then cancelEvent() elseif cmd == "register" then cancelEvent() elseif cmd == "login" then cancelEvent() end end) Client Side: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local page = "http://mta/local/index.html" local initBrowser = guiCreateBrowser(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, true, true, false) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser(initBrowser) addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function() loadBrowserURL(source, page) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) addNotification("Porfavor Crea una cuenta o logeate!", "info") end ) function belepesfunkc(UsernameValue, PasswordValue) username = tostring(UsernameValue) password = tostring(PasswordValue) UsernameValue = nil PasswordValue = nil if (string.len(username)<4) then addNotification("Username should be at least 4 characters long.", "warning") elseif (string.len(username)>35) then addNotification("Username not be longer than 35 characters.", "warning") elseif (string.len(password)<4) then addNotification("Password should be at least 4 characters long.", "warning") elseif (string.len(password)>35) then addNotification("Password not be longer than 35 characters.", "warning") else triggerServerEvent("attemptLogin", getRootElement(), getLocalPlayer(), username, password) end end addEvent("belepesfunkc", true) addEventHandler("belepesfunkc", root, belepesfunkc) function belepesfunkct() destroyElement(initBrowser) destroyElement(zene) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) end addEvent("belepesfunkctsiker", true) addEventHandler("belepesfunkctsiker", getLocalPlayer(), belepesfunkct) function belepesfunkctsikerregisztraciohandler() executeBrowserJavascript ( theBrowser, "gotologinfromregister()" ) end addEvent("belepesfunkctsikerregisztracio", true) addEventHandler("belepesfunkctsikerregisztracio", getLocalPlayer(), belepesfunkctsikerregisztraciohandler) function belepesfunkcregisztral(UsernameValue, PasswordValue, PasswordConfirmValue) username = tostring(UsernameValue) password = tostring(PasswordValue) passwordC = tostring(PasswordConfirmValue) UsernameValue = nil PasswordValue = nil PasswordConfirmValue = nil if (string.len(username)<4) then addNotification("El nombre de usuario debe tener al menos 4 caracteres.", "warning") elseif (string.len(username)>35) then addNotification("El nombre de usuario no debe tener más de 35 caracteres.", "warning") elseif (string.len(password)<4) then addNotification("La contraseña debe tener al menos 4 caracteres.", "warning") elseif (string.len(password)>35) then addNotification("La contraseña no debe tener más de 35 caracteres.", "warning") elseif (password ~= passwordC) then addNotification("Las contraseñas no coinciden.", "error") else triggerServerEvent("attemptRegister", getRootElement(), getLocalPlayer(), username, password) end end addEvent("belepesfunkcregisztral", true) addEventHandler("belepesfunkcregisztral", root, belepesfunkcregisztral) local displayWidth, displayHeight = guiGetScreenSize(); local notificationData = {}; local notificationFont = dxCreateFont('files/fonts/roboto.ttf', 12 * 2, false); local iconsFont = dxCreateFont('files/fonts/icons.ttf', 12 * 2, false); addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() for k, v in pairs(notificationData) do if (v.State == 'fadeIn') then local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650; local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear'); if (alphaAnimation) then v.Alpha = alphaAnimation; else v.Alpha = 255; end if (alphaProgress > 1) then v.Tick = getTickCount(); v.State = 'openTile'; end elseif (v.State == 'fadeOut') then local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650; local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear'); if (alphaAnimation) then v.Alpha = alphaAnimation; else v.Alpha = 0; end if (alphaProgress > 1) then notificationData = {}; end elseif (v.State == 'openTile') then local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350; local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.StartX, 0, 0, v.EndX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear'); local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, v.Width, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear'); if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then v.CurrentX = tilePosition; v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth; else v.CurrentX = v.EndX; v.CurrentWidth = v.Width; end if (tileProgress > 1) then v.State = 'fixTile'; setTimer(function() v.Tick = getTickCount(); v.State = 'closeTile'; end, string.len(v.Text) * 45 + 5000, 1); end elseif (v.State == 'closeTile') then local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350; local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.EndX, 0, 0, v.StartX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear'); local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(v.Width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear'); if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then v.CurrentX = tilePosition; v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth; else v.CurrentX = v.StartX; v.CurrentWidth = 0; end if (tileProgress > 1) then v.AlphaTick = getTickCount(); v.State = 'fadeOut'; end elseif (v.State == 'fixTile') then v.Alpha = 255; v.CurrentX = v.EndX; v.CurrentWidth = v.Width; end roundedRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25 + v.CurrentWidth, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150 * v.Alpha / 255), _, true); dxDrawRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255 * v.Alpha / 255), true); if (v.Alpha == 255) then dxDrawText(v.Text, v.CurrentX + 25 + 10, 20, v.CurrentX + 25 + 10 + v.CurrentWidth - 20, 20 + 25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.40, notificationFont, 'center', 'center', true, false, true); end if (v.Type == 'error') then dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(215, 90, 90, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true); elseif (v.Type == 'warning') then dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(220, 180, 80, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true); elseif (v.Type == 'info') then dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(85, 180, 245, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true); elseif (v.Type == 'success') then dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(80, 205, 105, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true); end end end ) addEvent('addNotification', true); function addNotification(text, type) if (text and type) then if (notificationData ~= nil) then table.remove(notificationData, #notificationData); end table.insert(notificationData, { StartX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2), EndX = (displayWidth / 2) - ((dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20 + 25) / 2), Text = text, Width = dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20, Alpha = 0, State = 'fadeIn', Tick = 0, AlphaTick = getTickCount(), CurrentX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2), CurrentWidth = 0, Type = type or 'info' } ); playSoundFrontEnd(11); end end addEventHandler('addNotification', root, addNotification); function roundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI) if (x and y and w and h) then if (not borderColor) then borderColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200); end if (not bgColor) then bgColor = borderColor; end --> Background dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI); --> Border dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y - 1, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); -- top dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y + h, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); -- bottom dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); -- left dxDrawRectangle(x + w, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); -- right end end Les agradeceria la ayuda
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