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Found 5 results

  1. So I'm trying to do an inventory script and I'm having a problem with the dxTarget scaling. https://youtu.be/rCihMvRlvBs local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local render = dxCreateRenderTarget(screenW * 0.3994, screenH * 0.2652) local cx, cy = (screenW/2) - ((screenW * 0.3994) / 2), (screenH/2) - ((screenH * 0.2652) / 2) local scroll = 0.0000 local scrollV = 0.0255 local maxScroll = 0.0000 local selected = 47 local slots = {} local Color = tocolor(140, 140, 140, 150) local selectedColor = tocolor(0, 200, 255, 200) function dxInv() if render and isElement(render) then showCursor(true) dxDrawRoundedRectangle(screenW * 0.3994, screenH * 0.2652, screenW * 0.2012, screenH * 0.4697, 10, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 80), false) x, y = 0.0050, 0.0040 local load = getElementData(localPlayer, 'inv.mochila') slots = {} dxSetRenderTarget(render, true) for i=1,24 do dxDrawRectangle(screenW * x, screenH * (y - scroll), screenW * 0.0920, screenH * 0.0470, i == selected and selectedColor or Color, false) table.insert(slots, {screenW * x, screenH * (y - scroll), screenW * 0.0920, screenH * 0.0470}) dxDrawImage(screenW * (x + 0.0100), screenH * ((y + 0.0070) - scroll), screenW * 0.0700, screenH * 0.0350, "img/agua.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) x = x + 0.0990 if x >= 0.3850 then x = 0.0050 y = y + 0.0495 end end maxScroll = y - 0.2152 dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage(screenW * 0.3994, screenH * 0.2652, screenW * 0.2012, screenH * 0.4697, render) end end addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, dxInv) function scrollRoller(b, p) if p then if b == 'mouse_wheel_up' then scroll = math.max(0, scroll - scrollV) elseif b == 'mouse_wheel_down' then scroll = math.min(maxScroll, scroll + scrollV) end end end addEventHandler('onClientKey', root, scrollRoller) function clickSelect(b, s) if s == 'down' then if b == 'left' then for i,v in ipairs(slots) do if isMouseInPosition(v[1] + cy, v[2] + cx, v[3], v[4]) then selected = i end end end end end addEventHandler('onClientClick', root, clickSelect)
  2. My server does not appear in the list of servers, I have already tested the site at https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/ and there everything is OK, but it does not appear in the server list, what can it be? SERVER IP: mtasa://
  3. Perez

    Help me please

    i got alot of MTA timed out like timing out 5 times in 1 minute i cant stay in any server for 2 mins, what shall i do plz
  4. Hello, I'm using this level system. I would like someone to help me with a script. As soon as the player climbs the level. He would win some items. And a message would appear stating that he has Went up the level. Can someone help me ? File Cliente: local sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() local windowRank = guiCreateWindow ( (sW-500)/2, (sH-400)/2, 500, 400, "Manage Players Level System", false ) guiWindowSetSizable ( windowRank, false ) guiSetVisible ( windowRank, false) local windowRankGridList = guiCreateGridList ( 10, 28, 360, 360, false, windowRank ) local windowRankColumn = guiGridListAddColumn( windowRankGridList, "Name", 0.90 ) local windowRankEdit = guiCreateEdit( 383, 150, 100, 30, "", false, windowRank) local windowRankEdit2 = guiCreateEdit( 383, 250, 100, 30, "", false, windowRank) local windowRankButton = guiCreateButton( 383, 358, 100, 30, "Change", false, windowRank) local windowRankLabelLevel = guiCreateLabel(383, 120, 100, 20,"Level: None", false, windowRank) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (windowRankLabelLevel, "center") local windowRankLabelExp = guiCreateLabel(383, 220, 100, 20,"Experiencia: None", false, windowRank) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (windowRankLabelExp, "center") local ranksTable = { {"1","Treinamento","1000"}, {"2","Cadete Júnior","2000"}, {"3","Cadete","3000"}, {"4","Cadete Sênior","4000"}, {"5","Cadete de 1ª Classe","5000"}, {"6","Recruta","5800"}, {"7","Soldado","8100"}, {"8","Soldado Raso de 2ª Classe","11000"}, {"9","Soldado Raso","14600"}, {"10","Soldado Raso de 1ª Classe","18800"}, {"11","Especialista","23800"}, {"12","Especialista de Artilharia","29600"}, {"13","Especialista Técnico","36300"}, {"14","Especialista de 1ª Classe","44100"}, {"15","Patrulheiro","53000"}, {"16","Soldado EP","63000"}, {"17","Cabo","74500"}, {"18","Líder de Tiro","87400"}, {"19","Sargento de 3ª Classe","102000"}, {"20","Sargento de 2ª Classe","118400"}, {"21","Sargento","136700"}, {"22","Sargento de 1ª Classe","157200"}, {"23","Sargento de Apoio","180000"}, {"24","Sargento de Artilharia","205200"}, {"25","Sargento Mestre","233300"}, {"26","Primeiro Sargento","264400"}, {"27","Sargento Comandante","298700"}, {"28","Sargento de Artilharia Mestre","336500"}, {"29","Sargento Maior","378000"}, {"30","Sargento de Companhia","423700"}, {"31","Candidato a Sargento Oficial","473700"}, {"32","Sargento Oficial","528400"}, {"33","Sargento Oficial Chefe","588100"}, {"34","Sargento Oficial Chefe de 1ª Classe","653400"}, {"35","Sargento Oficial Mestre","724400"}, {"36","Intendente","801600"}, {"37","Cadete-Oficial Júnior","885500"}, {"38","Cadete-Oficial Sênior","976400"}, {"39","Aspirante","1074800"}, {"40","Segundo Tenente","1181100"}, {"41","Primeiro Tenente","1296000"}, {"42","Subtenente","1419700"}, {"43","Tenente","1552900"}, {"44","Tenente-Coronel","1696200"}, {"45","Tenente-Capitão","1849900"}, {"46","Capitão","2014800"}, {"47","Capitão 1","2191200"}, {"48","Capitão 2","2380000"}, {"49","Capitão 3","2581500"}, {"50","Coronel ","2796400"}, {"51","Brigadeiro","3025300"}, {"52","Marechal de Campo","3268800"}, {"53","Comandante","3527500"}, {"54","Alto-Comandante","3801900"}, {"55","Supremo Comandante","4092800"}, {"56","Major-General","4400600"}, {"57","Tenente-General","4726000"}, {"58","General-Marechal de Campo","5069500"}, {"59","Segundo Tenente SF","5431800"}, {"60","Primeiro Tenente SF'","6000000"}, {"61","Subtenente SF'","6568200"}, {"62","Tenente SF","7136400"}, {"63","Tenente-Coronel SF'","7704600"}, {"64","Tenente-Capitão SF","8272800"}, {"65","Capitão SF","8841000"}, {"66","Capitão 1 SF","9409200"}, {"67","Capitão 2 SF","9977400"}, {"68","Capitão 3 SF","10545600"}, {"69","Coronel SF","11113800"}, {"70","General de Exército","11692000"} } function getPlayerRankName() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return ranksTable[2] end end end function getPlayerRankExperience() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return tonumber(ranksTable[3]) end end end function mainRanks() if getElementData(localPlayer, "logedin") == true then if getElementData(localPlayer, "experience") > getPlayerRankExperience() then if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then setElementData(localPlayer, "level", getElementData(localPlayer, "level") + 1) end end dxDrawImage ( sW/22, sH/2.8, sW/60, sH/60, "images/level/rank"..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..".jpg" ) dxDrawText ( getPlayerRankName().." ("..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..")",sW/65, sH/3.6, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 240, 230, 140, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ( "Experiência atual: "..getElementData(localPlayer, "experience"), sW/65, sH/3.27, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then dxDrawText ( "Experiencia necessario: "..getPlayerRankExperience(),sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) else dxDrawText ( "O máximo foi alcançado",sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, mainRanks ) function toggleWindowRanks() if getElementData(localPlayer, "adminRanks") == true then if guiGetVisible(windowRank) == false then guiSetVisible(windowRank, true) showCursor(true) for k, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (v, "logedin") == true then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( windowRankGridList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( windowRankGridList, row, windowRankColumn, getPlayerName ( v ), false, false ) end end else guiSetVisible(windowRank, false) showCursor(false) guiGridListClear(windowRankGridList) end end end bindKey("F7", "down", toggleWindowRanks) function windowRankClick() local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText ( windowRankGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( windowRankGridList ), 1 ) if source == windowRankGridList then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(windowRankGridList) == 1 then guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level")) guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience")) else guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: None") guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: None") end end if source == windowRankButton then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(windowRankGridList) == 1 then local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText ( windowRankGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( windowRankGridList ), 1 ) if guiGetText(windowRankEdit) ~= "" then setElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level", tonumber(guiGetText(windowRankEdit))) guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level")) end if guiGetText(windowRankEdit2) ~= "" then setElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience", tonumber(guiGetText(windowRankEdit2))) guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience")) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000[LEVEL SYSTEM]: #FFFFFFSelecione o Player!", thePlayer, 171, 205, 239, true) end end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", windowRank, windowRankClick)
  5. Hello I'm using a level system. When level up the player gains items. But when dying, instead of the items disappearing from the inventory, the items continue. What is wrong with Script? And I would also like for an OutputChatbox as soon as I level up. Can anybody help me ... Cliente: function System () if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"level") == 2 then setElementData(localPlayer,"Winchester 1866", 1) setElementData(localPlayer,"7Rnd. 1866 Slugs", 14) elseif getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"level") == 3 then setElementData(localPlayer,"Sawn-Off Shotgun", 1) setElementData(localPlayer,"2Rnd. Slug", 14) end end setTimer(System,100,0)
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