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  1. bom estou tentando ajeitar este script, más me deparei com o seguinte... ao abrir o menu da loja das skins, não está aparecendo o catalogo para selecionar as mesmas alguém sabe dizer o que fiz errado ? client side: local screen = {guiGetScreenSize()} local GUI = {} GUI.size = {300, 400+40} GUI.element = {} local skinoriginal = nil local function load_leftmenu() if isElement(window) then grid=guiCreateGridList(255,0,0,275,false,window) guiSetAlpha(grid,0.8) guiGridListAddColumn(grid,"Nome",0.7) guiGridListAddColumn(grid,"Preço",0.2) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(grid,false) bt_comprars = guiCreateButton(10,320,280,30,"Comprar",false,window,true) bt_provars = guiCreateButton(10,360,280,30,"Provar",false,window,true) bt_sairs = guiCreateButton(10,360+40,280,30,"Sair",false,window,true) loadcatalogos() end end local function addItem(item,price,selecionavel,r,g,b) if isElement(grid) then local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) local name = item local price = price or 0 guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,1,name,selecionavel,false) if type(r) == "number" then guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,1,r,g,b,255) end if selecionavel then return end i2 = guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,2,price,selecionavel,false) if type(r) == "number" then guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,2,r,g,b,255) end end end function loadcatalogos() if isElement(grid) then addItem("❖ Skins ❖",0,true,255,0,0) for i=1,#skins do local name,price = skins[i][2],skins[i][3] addItem("● "..name,price,false,255,165,0) end end end local function clear_window() local x = 10 local y = (screen[2] / 2 - GUI.size[2] / 2) if isElement(window) then destroyElement(window) end window = guiCreateWindow(x, y, GUI.size[1], GUI.size[2], "Loja de skins", false) end local function close() if isElement(window) then destroyElement(window) end showCursor(false) carRemove() end local function togglePanelLojaSkin() if isElement(window) == false then showCursor(true) clear_window() load_leftmenu() skinoriginal = getElementModel(localPlayer) carAdd() else destroyElement(window) showCursor(false) end end addEvent("togglePanelLojaSkin", true) addEventHandler("togglePanelLojaSkin", localPlayer, togglePanelLojaSkin) local function onGuiClickPanel (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if source == bt_sairs then close() triggerServerEvent("Leaves",localPlayer,localPlayer,skinoriginal) skinoriginal = nil elseif source == bt_comprars then local clothename = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid), 1) local clotheprice = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid), 2) if clothename == "" or clothename == nil then outputChatBox("Selecione uma roupa por favor.",255,255,255) return end local id = getId(clothename) if getPlayerMoney() < tonumber(clotheprice) then outputChatBox("Dinheiro insuficiente",255,255,255) return end outputChatBox("Comprada "..clothename,255,255,255) skinoriginal = id triggerServerEvent("Comprars",localPlayer,localPlayer,id,clotheprice) elseif source == bt_provars then local clothename = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid), 1) if clothename == "" or clothename == nil then outputChatBox("Selecione uma roupa por favor.",255,255,255) return end local id = getId(clothename) outputChatBox("Provando "..clothename,255,255,255) triggerServerEvent("Provars",localPlayer,localPlayer,id) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClickPanel) function getId(name) local id local name = string.gsub(name," ","") local name = string.gsub(name,"● ","") for i=1,#skins do if skins[i][2] == name then id = skins[i][1] break end end return id end function onQuitGame( reason ) if skinoriginal ~= nil then triggerServerEvent("Save",source,localPlayer,"skin",skinoriginal,nil) end end addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuitGame ) server side: markerse={} markerss={} mkl1 = {} local ppx,ppy,ppz = 217.68614196777,-98.584159851074,1004.2578125 local ppx2,ppy2,ppz2 = 202.348, -96.355, 1005.258 -1 mkl2 = {} local ppx3,ppy3,ppz3 = 212.49438476563,-96.010269165039,1004.2578125 mkl3 = {} --Load Lojas for i=1,#config do local x,y,z = config[i][1],config[i][2],config[i][3] markerse[i] = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder",1.5,29, 149, 27,255) createBlipAttachedTo(markerse[i],45,1,255,255,255,255,0,150) setElementData(markerse[i],"Store:DM",i) mkl1[i] = createMarker(ppx,ppy,ppz,"cylinder",1.5,29, 149, 27,255) setElementDimension(mkl1[i],i) setElementInterior(mkl1[i],15,ppx,ppy,ppz) mkl2[i] = createMarker(ppx2,ppy2,ppz2,"cylinder",1.5,29, 149, 27,255) setElementDimension(mkl2[i],i) setElementInterior(mkl2[i],15,ppx2,ppy2,ppz2) mkl3[i] = createMarker(ppx3,ppy3,ppz3,"cylinder",1.5,29, 149, 27,255) setElementDimension(mkl3[i],i) setElementInterior(mkl3[i],15,ppx3,ppy3,ppz3) markerss[i] = createMarker(sx,sy,sz,"cylinder",1.5,29, 149, 27,255) if isElement(markerss[i]) then setElementDimension(markerss[i],i) setElementInterior(markerss[i],15,sx,sy,sz) setElementData(markerss[i],"Store:Saida",{x,y,z}) end end function enterstore(source,marker) local dm = getElementData(source,"Store:DM") or 0 unbindKey (source,"k", "down", entrarloja ) ----exports.Script_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) setElementInterior(source,15,sx,sy+2,sz+1) setElementRotation(source,0,0,srz) setElementDimension(source,tonumber(dm)) --setTimer(triggerClientEvent,500,1,source,"toggleHome",source) end function sairloja(source, marker) local dm = getElementData(source,"Store:DM") or 0 unbindKey (source,"k", "down", entrarloja ) ----exports.Script_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) local pos = getElementData(source,"Store:Saida") or {0,0,0} local sx,sy,sz = pos[1],pos[2],pos[3] setElementInterior(source,0,sx,sy+2,sz+1) setElementDimension(source,0) end function clothesmg(source) outputChatBox("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",source,255,255,255) outputChatBox("❖Ulitize os comandos para tirar ou por a peça de roupa/acessorio❖",source,255,255,255) outputChatBox("● /camisa - Camisa, camiseta, casaco e etc",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("● /calca - Cueca, bermuda, calça e etc",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("● /tenis - Chinelo, tenis, bota e etc",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("● /chapeu - Chapéu, boné, capacete e etc",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("● /oculos - Óculos, bandana, mascara e etc",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",source,255,255,255) end function MarkerHit ( marker, matchingDimension ) for bb=1,#markerse do if marker == markerse[bb] and matchingDimension then if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end setElementData(source,"Store:DM",bb) if isElementWithinMarker(source, marker) then enterstore(source, marker) end --triggerClientEvent(root, "addNotification", root, "Aperte 'k' para entrar na loja", "info") break end end for bb=1,#markerss do if marker == markerss[bb] and matchingDimension then if isPedInVehicle(source) then return end local pos = getElementData(marker,"Store:Saida") setElementData(source,"Store:Saida",pos) if isElementWithinMarker(source, marker) then sairloja(source, marker) end setElementData(source,"Store:DM",nil) setElementData(source,"Store:Saida",nil) --triggerClientEvent(root, "addNotification", root, "Aperte 'k' para sair da loja", "info") break end end for bb=1,#mkl1 do if marker == mkl1[bb] and matchingDimension then if getPedSkin(source) == 0 then local roupast = getElementData(source,"roupast") local roupasm = getElementData(source,"roupasm") local camisa = getElementData(source,"camisa") or false local calca = getElementData(source,"calca") or false local oculos = getElementData(source,"oculos") or false local tenis = getElementData(source,"tenis") or false local chapeu = getElementData(source,"chapeu") or false if camisa or calca or oculos or tenis or chapeu then for i=0, 17, 1 do removePedClothes ( source, i ) local clothesTexture, clothesModel = roupast[i],roupasm[i] if ( clothesTexture ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesTexture ~= "nil" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "nil" ) then local d = addPedClothes(source,tostring(clothesTexture),tostring(clothesModel),i) end end setElementData(source,"camisa",false) setElementData(source,"calca",false) setElementData(source,"oculos",false) setElementData(source,"tenis",false) setElementData(source,"chapeu",false) end setElementData(source,"inloja",true) clothesmg(source) triggerClientEvent(source,"togglePanelLoja",source) end break end end for bb=1,#mkl2 do if marker == mkl2[bb] and matchingDimension then triggerClientEvent(source,"togglePanelLojaSkin",source) break end end for bb=1,#mkl3 do if marker == mkl3[bb] and matchingDimension then if getPedSkin(source) == 0 then triggerClientEvent(source,"togglePanelLojaMassa",source) end break end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit ) function MarkerLeave ( marker, matchingDimension ) for bb=1,#markerse do if marker == markerse[bb] and matchingDimension then --exports.Script_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey (source,"k", "down", entrarloja) setElementData(source,"Store:DM",nil) break end end for bb=1,#markerss do if marker == markerss[bb] and matchingDimension then --exports.Script_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey (source,"k", "down", sairloja) setElementData(source,"Store:Saida",nil) break end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), MarkerLeave ) function Provar(source,tx,md,index) addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end addEvent("Provar",true) addEventHandler("Provar",root,Provar) function Remover(source,tx,md,index) removePedClothes ( source, index ) end addEvent("Remover",true) addEventHandler("Remover",root,Remover) function Leave(source,txs,mds) for i=0, 17, 1 do removePedClothes ( source, i ) local clothesTexture, clothesModel = txs[i],mds[i] --outputChatBox(i.."##"..tostring(clothesTexture).." - "..tostring(clothesModel)) if ( clothesTexture ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesTexture ~= nil ) and ( clothesModel ~= nil ) then addPedClothes(source,clothesTexture,clothesModel,i) end end local t,m = getPedClothesC(source) setElementData(source,"roupast",t) setElementData(source,"roupasm",m) setElementData(source,"inloja",false) saveClothes(source,t,m) end addEvent("Leave",true) addEventHandler("Leave",root,Leave) function Comprar(source,tx,md,index,price) takePlayerMoney(source,price) addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) local t,m = getPedClothesC(source) setElementData(source,"roupast",t) setElementData(source,"roupasm",m) saveClothes(source,t,m) end addEvent("Comprar",true) addEventHandler("Comprar",root,Comprar) function Provars(source,id) setPedSkin(source,id) end addEvent("Provars",true) addEventHandler("Provars",root,Provars) function Leaves(source,id) setPedSkin(source,id) if id == 0 then updateStats(source) end end addEvent("Leaves",true) addEventHandler("Leaves",root,Leaves) function Comprars(source,id,price) takePlayerMoney(source,price) setPedSkin(source,id) saveSkins(source,id) if id == 0 then updateStats(source) end end addEvent("Comprars",true) addEventHandler("Comprars",root,Comprars) function Comprarm(source,price,g,f) takePlayerMoney(source,price) setPedStat(source,21,g) setPedStat(source,23,f) saveStats(source) end addEvent("Comprarm",true) addEventHandler("Comprarm",root,Comprarm) function Save(source,id,i1,i2) if id == "skin" then local sid = i1 saveSkins(source,sid) else local clothesTexture, clothesModel = i1,i2 saveClothes(source,clothesTexture, clothesModel) --outputChatBox("ss") end end addEvent("Save",true) addEventHandler("Save",root,Save) function convertVet(vet,s) local vt2 = {} if s == "inver" then for i = 1,#vet do local id = i-1 vt2[id] = vet[i] end else for i = 0,#vet do local id = i+1 vt2[id] = vet[i] end end return vt2 end function loadClothes(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) and getElementModel(player) == 0 then local tx = getAccountData(account,"Clothessaver:Texture") local md = getAccountData(account,"Clothessaver:Model") local tx = convertVet(split(tx,","),"inver") local md = convertVet(split(md,","),"inver") setElementData(source,"roupast",tx) setElementData(source,"roupasm",md) for i=0, 17, 1 do removePedClothes ( player, i ) local clothesTexture, clothesModel = string.gsub(tostring(tx[i])," ","") ,string.gsub(tostring(md[i])," ","") --outputChatBox(i.." ## "..tostring(clothesTexture).." - "..tostring(clothesModel)) if ( clothesTexture ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesTexture ~= "nil" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "nil" ) then local d = addPedClothes(player,tostring(clothesTexture),tostring(clothesModel),i) end end end end addEvent( "Clothes:LOAD", true ) addEventHandler( "Clothes:LOAD", root, loadClothes ) function saveClothes(player,texture,model) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) then local texture = table.concat(convertVet(texture,"revert"),",") local model = table.concat(convertVet(model,"revert"),",") setAccountData(account, "Clothessaver:Texture", texture) setAccountData(account, "Clothessaver:Model", model) end end addEvent( "Clothes:SAVE", true ) addEventHandler( "Clothes:SAVE", root, saveClothes ) function loadSkins(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) then local id = getAccountData(account,"Skinsaver:ID") or 0 setPedSkin(player,id) if id == 0 then loadStats(player) end end end addEvent( "Skins:LOAD", true ) addEventHandler( "Skins:LOAD", root, loadSkins ) function saveSkins(player,id) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) then setAccountData(account, "Skinsaver:ID", id) end end addEvent( "Skins:SAVE", true ) addEventHandler( "Skins:SAVE", root, saveSkins ) function loadStats(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) then if getPedSkin(player) ~= 0 then return end local stats1 = getAccountData(account,"statsaver:gordo") or 0 local stats2 = getAccountData(account,"statsaver:forte") or 0 setElementData(player,"statsaver:gordo",stats1) setElementData(player,"statsaver:forte",stats2) setPedStat(player,21,stats1) setPedStat(player,23,stats2) end end addEvent( "Stats:LOAD", true ) addEventHandler( "Stats:LOAD", root, loadStats ) function saveStats(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount(account) ) then if getPedSkin(player) ~= 0 then return end local stats1 = getPedStat(player,21) --gordo local stats2 = getPedStat(player,23) --forte setAccountData(account, "statsaver:gordo", stats1) setAccountData(account, "statsaver:forte", stats2) setElementData(player,"statsaver:gordo",stats1) setElementData(player,"statsaver:forte",stats2) end end addEvent( "Stats:SAVE", true ) addEventHandler( "Stats:SAVE", root, saveStats ) function updateStats(player) if getPedSkin(player) == 0 then local stats1 = getElementData(player, "statsaver:gordo") local stats2 = getElementData(player, "statsaver:forte") setPedStat(player,21,stats1) setPedStat(player,23,stats2) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() setPedSkin(source,0) loadClothes(source) loadStats(source) setTimer(loadSkins,1000,1,source) end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function(res) if (getResourceName(res) == getResourceName(getThisResource())) then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setPedSkin(player,0) loadClothes(player) setTimer(loadSkins,1000,1,player) --setTimer(triggerClientEvent,1000,1,player,"togglePanelLojaMassa",player) end end end) function quitPlayer ( quitType ) local skin = getElementModel(source) setElementModel(source,0) saveStats(source) local nudate = getElementData(source,"nu") local roupast = getElementData(source,"roupast") local roupasm = getElementData(source,"roupasm") if nudate then for i=0, 17, 1 do removePedClothes ( source, i ) local clothesTexture, clothesModel = roupast[i],roupasm[i] if ( clothesTexture ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "vazio" ) and ( clothesTexture ~= "nil" ) and ( clothesModel ~= "nil" ) then local d = addPedClothes(source,tostring(clothesTexture),tostring(clothesModel),i) end end setElementData(source,"nu",false) end local t,m = getPedClothesC(source) saveClothes(source,t,m) saveSkins(source,skin) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, quitPlayer ) function updateroupa(source) local roupast = getElementData(source,"roupast") local roupasm = getElementData(source,"roupasm") local camisa = getElementData(source,"camisa") or false local calca = getElementData(source,"calca") or false local oculos = getElementData(source,"oculos") or false local tenis = getElementData(source,"tenis") or false local chapeu = getElementData(source,"chapeu") or false if camisa then local index = 0 removePedClothes(source,index) else local index = 0 local tx,md = roupast[index],roupasm[index] addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end if calca then local index = 2 removePedClothes(source,index) else local index = 2 local tx,md = roupast[index],roupasm[index] addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end if oculos then local index = 15 removePedClothes(source,index) else local index = 15 local tx,md = roupast[index],roupasm[index] addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end if tenis then local index = 3 removePedClothes(source,index) else local index = 3 local tx,md = roupast[index],roupasm[index] addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end if chapeu then local index = 16 removePedClothes(source,index) else local index = 16 local tx,md = roupast[index],roupasm[index] addPedClothes(source,tx,md,index) end end function nu(source,cmd) local loja = getElementData(source,"inloja") if loja then outputChatBox("Saia da loja primeiro",source,255,255,255) return end if getPedSkin(source) ~= 0 then return end if cmd == "camisa" then local camisa = getElementData(source,"camisa") or false local data,roupa = camisa,"camisa" if data then setElementData(source,roupa,false) outputChatBox("Voce colocou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) else setElementData(source,roupa,true) outputChatBox("Voce tirou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) end updateroupa(source) elseif cmd == "calca" then local calca = getElementData(source,"calca") or false local data,roupa = calca,"calca" if data then setElementData(source,roupa,false) outputChatBox("Voce colocou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) else setElementData(source,roupa,true) outputChatBox("Voce tirou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) end updateroupa(source) elseif cmd == "oculos" then local oculos = getElementData(source,"oculos") or false local data,roupa = oculos,"oculos" if data then setElementData(source,roupa,false) outputChatBox("Voce colocou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) else setElementData(source,roupa,true) outputChatBox("Voce tirou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) end updateroupa(source) elseif cmd == "tenis" then local tenis = getElementData(source,"tenis") or false local data,roupa = tenis,"tenis" if data then setElementData(source,roupa,false) outputChatBox("Voce colocou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) else setElementData(source,roupa,true) outputChatBox("Voce tirou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) end updateroupa(source) elseif cmd == "chapeu" then local chapeu = getElementData(source,"chapeu") or false local data,roupa = chapeu,"chapeu" if data then setElementData(source,roupa,false) outputChatBox("Voce colocou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) else setElementData(source,roupa,true) outputChatBox("Voce tirou o(a) "..roupa,source,255,255,255) end updateroupa(source) end end addCommandHandler("camisa",nu) addCommandHandler("calca",nu) addCommandHandler("oculos",nu) addCommandHandler("chapeu",nu) addCommandHandler("tenis",nu) Server side2: config = { {2244.4619140625,-1665.0860595703,14.4765625}, {460.76547241211,-1500.9693603516,30.057741165161}, } sx,sy,sz,srz = 207.6900177002,-110.68050384521,1004.1328125,0 skins = { {0,"CJ",500}, {25,"Skin1",500}, {11,"Skin2",500}, {73,"Skin3",500}, {72,"Skin4",500}, {19,"Skin5",500}, {37,"Skin6",500}, {73,"Skin7",500}, {35,"Skin8",500}, {14,"Skin9",500}, {15,"Skin10",500}, {16,"Skin11",500}, {34,"Skin12",500}, {13,"Skin13",500}, {89,"Skin14",500}, {79,"Skin15",500}, {18,"Skin16",500}, } Calcas = { {"0","Cueca Branca",500}, {"8","Cueca Preta",500}, {"9","Cueca Corações",500}, {"39","Calça Dragão",500}, {"40","Calça Jeans",500}, {"7","Calça Jeans2",500}, {"1","Calça Camuflada",500}, {"2","Calça Cinza Camuflada",500}, {"3","Calça Cinza",500}, {"4","Calça Khaki",500}, {"5","Calça de Pista",500}, {"6","Calça de Pista Treris",500}, {"10","Calça Branca ",500}, {"11","Calça Vermelha Listra",500}, {"12","Calça Cinza Listra",500}, {"13","Calça Azul Listra",500}, {"14","Calça Verde Listra",500}, {"26","Calça Verde",500}, {"27","Calça Vermelha",500}, {"28","Calça Bege",500}, {"29","Calça Verde M",500}, {"32","Calça PretaF",500}, {"33","Calça AzulF",500}, {"34","Calça CBy",500}, {"35","Calça CBy2",500}, {"41","Calça Banana",500}, {"36","Calça Social1",500}, {"37","Calça Social2",500}, {"42","Calça Social3",500}, {"43","Calça Social4",500}, {"44","Calça Melancia",500}, {"18","Calça Arrow Colorida",500}, {"15","Bermuda Branca",500}, {"16","Bermuda Vermelha",500}, {"17","Bermuda Vermelha2",500}, {"19","Bermuda Preta",500}, {"20","Bermuda Verde",500}, {"21","Bermuda LP",500}, {"22","Bermuda LVerd",500}, {"23","Bermuda LVerm",500}, {"24","Bermuda LA",500}, {"25","Bermuda Verde",500}, {"30","Bermuda Bege",500}, {"31","Bermuda AE",500}, } Rosto = { {"1","Mascara",500}, {"0","Oculos + Nariz",500}, {"3","Oculos 1 Grau",500}, {"4","Oculos Fundo De Garrafa",500}, {"9","Oculos H Escuro",500}, {"10","Oculos S Escuro",500}, {"14","Oculos S1 Escuro",500}, {"15","Oculos S2 Escuro",500}, {"16","Oculos S3 Escuro",500}, {"11","Oculos Noia 1.0",500}, {"12","Oculos Noia 2.0",500}, {"13","Oculos Noia 3.0",500}, {"2","Tapa Olho",500}, {"5","Bandana Vermelha",500}, {"6","Bandana Azul",500}, {"7","Bandana Verde",500}, {"8","Bandana Preta",500}, } Cabeca = { {"0","Bandred",500}, {"1","Bandblue",500}, {"2","Bandgang",500}, {"3","Bandblack",500}, {"4","Bandred2",500}, {"5","Bandblue2",500}, {"6","Bandblack2",500}, {"7","Bandgang2",500}, {"8","Capknitgrn",500}, {"9","Captruck",500}, {"10","Cowboy",500}, {"11","Hattiger",500}, {"12","Helmet",500}, {"13","Moto",500}, {"14","Boxingcap",500}, {"15","Hockey",500}, {"16","Capgang",500}, {"17","Capgangback",500}, {"18","Capgangside",500}, {"19","Capgangover",500}, {"20","Capgangup",500}, {"21","Bikerhelmet",500}, {"22","Capred",500}, {"23","Capredback",500}, {"24","Capredside",500}, {"25","Capredover",500}, {"26","Capredup",500}, {"27","Capblue",500}, {"28","Capblueback",500}, {"29","Capblueside",500}, {"30","Capblueover",500}, {"31","Capblueup",500}, {"32","Skullyblk",500}, {"33","Skullygrn",500}, {"34","Hatmancblk",500}, {"35","Hatmancplaid",500}, 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"trilby", price = 200 }, [49] = {Texture = "trilbylght", Model = "trilby", price = 200 }, [50] = {Texture = "bowler", Model = "bowler", price = 200 }, [51] = {Texture = "bowlerred", Model = "bowler", price = 200 }, [52] = {Texture = "bowlerblue", Model = "bowler", price = 200 }, [53] = {Texture = "bowleryellow", Model = "bowler", price = 200 }, [54] = {Texture = "boater", Model = "boater", price = 200 }, [55] = {Texture = "bowlergang", Model = "bowler", price = 200 }, [56] = {Texture = "boaterblk", Model = "boater", price = 200 } }, [17] = { [0] = {Texture = "gimpleg", Model = "gimpleg", price = 3000 }, [1] = {Texture = "valet", Model = "valet", price = 3000 }, [2] = {Texture = "countrytr", Model = "countrytr", price = 3000 }, [3] = {Texture = "croupier", Model = "valet", price = 3000 }, [4] = {Texture = "policetr", Model = "policetr", price = 3000 }, [5] = {Texture = "balaclava", Model = "balaclava", price = 3000 }, [6] = {Texture = "pimptr", Model = "pimptr", price = 3000 }, [7] = {Texture = "garageleg", Model = "garagetr", price = 3000 }, [8] = {Texture = "medictr", Model = "medictr", price = 3000 } } } function getIndexSlot(name) local index = nil local slot = nil if index == nil then for i=1,#Camisas do if Camisas[i][2] == name then index = 0 slot = tonumber(Camisas[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Cabelos do if Cabelos[i][2] == name then index = 1 slot = tonumber(Cabelos[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Calcas do if Calcas[i][2] == name then index = 2 slot = tonumber(Calcas[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Calcados do if Calcados[i][2] == name then index = 3 slot = tonumber(Calcados[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t1 do if t1[i][2] == name then index = 4 slot = tonumber(t1[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t2 do if t2[i][2] == name then index = 5 slot = tonumber(t2[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t3 do if t3[i][2] == name then index = 6 slot = tonumber(t3[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t4 do if t4[i][2] == name then index = 7 slot = tonumber(t4[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t5 do if t5[i][2] == name then index = 8 slot = tonumber(t5[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t6 do if t6[i][2] == name then index = 9 slot = tonumber(t6[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t7 do if t7[i][2] == name then index = 10 slot = tonumber(t7[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t8 do if t8[i][2] == name then index = 11 slot = tonumber(t8[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#t9 do if t9[i][2] == name then index = 12 slot = tonumber(t9[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Cordoes do if Cordoes[i][2] == name then index = 13 slot = tonumber(Cordoes[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Relogios do if Relogios[i][2] == name then index = 14 slot = tonumber(Relogios[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Rosto do if Rosto[i][2] == name then index = 15 slot = tonumber(Rosto[i][1]) break end end end if index == nil then for i=1,#Cabeca do if Cabeca[i][2] == name then index = 16 slot = tonumber(Cabeca[i][1]) break end end end return index,slot end function getTexAndModel(index,slot) return clothes[index][slot].Texture, clothes[index][slot].Model end function getPedClothesC(source) if isElement(source) then if ( getElementModel(source) == 0 ) then local texture = {} local model = {} for i=0, 17, 1 do local clothesTexture, clothesModel = getPedClothes(source, i) if ( clothesTexture ~= false ) then texture[i] = clothesTexture model[i] = clothesModel else texture[i] = "vazio" model[i] = "vazio" end end return texture,model else outputConsole("Fatal Error", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end
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