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  1. Balkan DayZ [EUROPE] [REBORN]|LOOTx2|ZM SHOP] IP: Features: Zombie Shop English More Guns Mission System Group System Zombie System Radar u A51 NO LAG
  2. Buenas!, este script está muy bueno, basicamente lo que hace es darte la posibilidad de seleccionar tu personaje con unos blink para moverte y a su vez decidír el sexo del mismo. El problema deviene cuando has seleccionado a tu personaje? este al iniciar se quita el skin que te pusiste y automaticamente se pone el skin inicial, no sé si me doy a entender?. Lo que quiero es saber como hago para qu el skin pretederminado de mi server Day-Z no reemplaze el de panel menú selección, aquí el script!: femaleSkins = {179, 93} maleSkins = {73, 287} --------**-------- -------//\\------- ------// \\------ -----// \\----- ----// \\---- ---// \\--- --// \\-- --\\ Settings //-- local defaultSex = "male" -- Set the default sex (Can be "male" or "female") -- Please note that any of the timers below are in milliseconds (ms) local skinCamTimer = 100 -- Timer to switch the camera to the selected skin (Change to a higher value if the camera doesn't switch to the Ped Selection Screen) local playerCamTimer = 100 -- Timer to switch the camera back to the player (Change to a higher value if the camera doesn't switch back to the player) local setSkinTimer = 50 -- Timer to override any skin change done by other scripts (Change to a higher value if the player's skin doesn't change) -- Scroll settings local autoScrollStart = 200 -- Set the time it takes in ms to enable auto scroll when holding down your arrow keys (cannot be lower than 50) local autoScrollSpeed = 80 -- Set the time it takes in ms to switch between skins when holding down your arrow keys (cannot be lower than 50) --// \\-- --\\ //-- ---\\ //--- ----\\ //---- -----\\ //----- ------\\ //------ -------\\//------- --------**-------- local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local origWidth,origHeight = 1280,960 local isScreenVisible = false local skinRequested = false function text(text, x, y, w, h, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) dxDrawText(text, x/origWidth*sWidth+1.5, y/origHeight*sHeight+1.5, w/origWidth*sWidth+1.5, h/origHeight*sHeight+1.5, tocolor(0,0,0,255), scale/origWidth*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) dxDrawText(text, x/origWidth*sWidth, y/origHeight*sHeight, w/origWidth*sWidth, h/origHeight*sHeight, color, scale/origWidth*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) end function image(x, y, w, h, image, rotation, rotationCenterOffsetX, rotationCenterOffsetY, color, postGUI) dxDrawImage(x/origWidth*sWidth, y/origHeight*sHeight, w/origWidth*sWidth, h/origHeight*sHeight, image, rotation, rotationCenterOffsetX, rotationCenterOffsetY, color, postGUI) end function mainScreen() dxDrawImage(0,0,sWidth,sHeight,"img/bg.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) text("Selecciona a tu superviviente:", 74, 35, 610, 136, tocolor(0, 155, 255, 255), 5.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) text("Soldado-Z: "..selectedSkin.."/"..totalSkins, 290, 198, 440, 249, tocolor(0, 155, 255, 255), 2.50, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) text("Use el ratón o las flechas de tu teclado para seleccionar. Presiona [Enter] cuando hallas decidido.", 322, 837, 1042, 875, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2.00, "default", "center", "center", false, false, true, false, false) image(473, 419, 96, 140, "img/arrow.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) image(767.75, 419, 96, 140, "img/arrow.png", 180, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) image(45, 207, 130, 131, "img/male.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) image(55, 380, 130, 131, "img/female.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) end function prevArrowBlink() image(473, 419, 96, 140, "img/arrow-blink.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) end function nextArrowBlink() image(767.75, 419, 96, 140, "img/arrow-blink.png", 180, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) end function maleActivated() image(45, 207, 130, 131, "img/male-active.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) end function femaleActivated() image(55, 380, 130, 131, "img/female-active.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true) end local prevButtonClickable = guiCreateStaticImage(0.36, 0.44, 0.08, 0.15, "img/transparent.png", true) local nextButtonClickable = guiCreateStaticImage(0.62, 0.44, 0.07, 0.15, "img/transparent.png", true) local maleButtonClickable = guiCreateStaticImage(0.06, 0.21, 0.10, 0.14, "img/transparent.png", true) local femaleButtonClickable = guiCreateStaticImage(0.06, 0.40, 0.07, 0.14, "img/transparent.png", true) function showClickables(isScreenVisible) guiSetVisible(prevButtonClickable,isScreenVisible) guiSetVisible(nextButtonClickable,isScreenVisible) guiSetVisible(maleButtonClickable,isScreenVisible) guiSetVisible(femaleButtonClickable,isScreenVisible) end showClickables(isScreenVisible) function toggleScreen() if isScreenVisible then closeScreen() else addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,mainScreen) if defaultSex == "male" then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,maleActivated) elseif defaultSex == "female" then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,femaleActivated) end isScreenVisible = true showClickables(isScreenVisible) showCursor(true) setTimer(function()showChat(false)end,200,1) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all",false) bindKey("enter","down",changePlayerSkin) end end function closeScreen() skinRequested = false firstTime = false setTimer(function()setCameraTarget(localPlayer)end,playerCamTimer,1) triggerServerEvent("setElemDimen",localPlayer,localPlayer,0) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,mainScreen) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,femaleActivated) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,maleActivated) isScreenVisible = false showClickables(isScreenVisible) showCursor(false) setTimer(function()showChat(true)end,200,1) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all",true) unbindKey("enter","down",changePlayerSkin) end function onSpawn(firstTime) if skinRequested == true or firstTime == true then toggleScreen() triggerServerEvent("setElemDimen",localPlayer,localPlayer,2) triggerServerEvent("setElemFrozen",localPlayer,localPlayer,true) setTimer(function()setCameraMatrix(-4949.8793945313, 1934.9215087891, 1.1398046016693)end,skinCamTimer,1) elseif firstTime == true then addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",localPlayer,onSpawn) end firstTime = false end addEvent("onJoin",true) addEventHandler("onJoin",root,onSpawn) function requestSkinChange() if skinRequested == false then skinRequested = true addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",localPlayer,onSpawn) if not firstTime == true then outputChatBox("¡Podrá seleccionar otro skin después del siguiente spanw!.",0,225,75,true) end end end bindKey("F4","down",requestSkinChange) function changePlayerSkin() toggleScreen() setPlayerTheirSkin() skinChosen = true triggerServerEvent("setElemFrozen",localPlayer,localPlayer,false) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",localPlayer,onSpawn) end function setChosenSkinOnSpawn() if skinChosen == true then setTimer(function()setPlayerTheirSkin()end,50,1) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",localPlayer,setChosenSkinOnSpawn) local ped = createPed(-4952.5239257813, 1940.0152587891, 1.1328125) setElementDimension(ped,2) local tune = playSFX3D("radio","Ambience",-4949.8793945313, 1934.9215087891, 1.1398046016693,true) setSoundVolume(tune,1) setSoundMaxDistance(tune,50) setElementDimension(tune,2) function getSelectedSkinID() local ID = skinTable[selectedSkin] return ID end function setMenuPedSkin() local ID = getSelectedSkinID() setElementModel(ped,ID) end function changeSex(sex) if source == maleButtonClickable or sex == "male" then defaultSex = "male" setPedAnimation(ped,"GANGS","Invite_Yes",_,_,false,false,_) skinTable = maleSkins totalSkins = #skinTable selectedSkin = 1 setMenuPedSkin() if isScreenVisible then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,femaleActivated) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,maleActivated) end elseif source == femaleButtonClickable or sex == "female" then defaultSex = "female" setPedAnimation(ped,"BEACH","SitnWait_loop_W",_,_,false,false,_) skinTable = femaleSkins totalSkins = #skinTable selectedSkin = 1 setMenuPedSkin() if isScreenVisible then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,maleActivated) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,femaleActivated) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",resourceRoot,changeSex) changeSex(defaultSex) function selectNextSkin() if selectedSkin == totalSkins then selectedSkin = 1 else selectedSkin = selectedSkin+1 end end function selectPrevSkin() if selectedSkin == 1 then selectedSkin = totalSkins else selectedSkin = selectedSkin-1 end end function setPlayerTheirSkin() local ID = getSelectedSkinID() setTimer(function()triggerServerEvent("changePlayerSkin",localPlayer,ID,selectedSkin)end,setSkinTimer,1) end -- Button prev < local renderprev = true function prevPedButton() if isScreenVisible then playSound("scroll.mp3") if renderprev == true then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,prevArrowBlink) renderprev = false end setTimer(function()removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,prevArrowBlink) renderprev = true end,50,1) selectPrevSkin() setMenuPedSkin() end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",prevButtonClickable,prevPedButton,false) bindKey("arrow_l","down",prevPedButton) -- Button next > local rendernext = true function nextPedButton() if isScreenVisible then playSound("scroll.mp3") if rendernext == true then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,nextArrowBlink) rendernext = false end setTimer(function()removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,nextArrowBlink) rendernext = true end,50,1) selectNextSkin() setMenuPedSkin() end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",nextButtonClickable,nextPedButton,false) bindKey("arrow_r","down",nextPedButton) -- Scroll functions function nextPed_scroll() timernext = setTimer( function() timernext2 = setTimer( function() nextPedButton() end ,autoScrollSpeed,0) end ,autoScrollStart,1) end bindKey("arrow_r","down",nextPed_scroll) function prevPed_scroll() timerprev = setTimer( function() timerprev2 = setTimer( function() prevPedButton() end ,autoScrollSpeed,0) end ,autoScrollStart,1) end bindKey("arrow_l","down",prevPed_scroll) function killAutoScroll_next() if isTimer(timerprev) then killTimer(timerprev) elseif isTimer(timerprev2) then killTimer(timerprev2) end end bindKey("arrow_l","up",killAutoScroll_next) function killAutoScroll_prev() if isTimer(timernext) then killTimer(timernext) elseif isTimer(timernext2) then killTimer(timernext2) end end bindKey("arrow_r","up",killAutoScroll_prev)
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