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  1. code: addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Jármű:", 3 ) end ) setTimer ( function ( ) local players = getElementsByType "player" for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do if ( isPedInVehicle(v) ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(v) local carname = getVehicleName(vehicle) setElementData ( v, "Jármű:", tostring(carname) ) else setElementData ( v, "Jármű:", "Nincs") end end end, 2500, 0 ) and i get this error: ERROR: Loading script failed: xy/xy.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '?' how to fix this?
  2. Hi, the problem in race gamemode is when i have money, and start a new map, the money will reset to 0. How to fix this irritating problem?
  3. Hello! sorry for the inconvenience again, could anyone guide me or give me a code to be able to "project" or "show" the local player model in a GUI? I try to get an inventory like PUBG, but I still can not figure out how to link a specific weapon number. I also have the problem that when the ammunition of a weapon is just automatically reloaded, and when the ammunition reserve is finished it also "erases" the player's weapon.
  4. Hi, I am Layoffin. And i am looking for a scripter that can help me with my gangwar server. gangwar gamemode and a little bit of help with gui. And modes! And talking about paid/unpaid. It will depend once we have talked a little bit more about the work! If Intrested link with me here>> https://discord.gg/w99ZEz
  5. Hola gente acabo de modificar una script de mi Day Z que te permite coger la mochila y con click derecho equipartela manualmente... He echo esto porque en el gamemod que descargue la mochila se te equipaba automáticamente (cosa que no me gustaba) He echo casi todo bien, pero el problema con lo que hice fué que al morir la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario y como consecuencia tampoco te deja arrojar otros items es como que bugea todo tu inventario =( Aqui les dejo mi script: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemName2 = itemName if itemName == "Patrol Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 12 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Patrol Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Vest Pouch Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 14 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Vest Pouch Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Assault Pack (ACU)" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 18 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Assault Pack (ACU)") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Alice Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 22 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Alice Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "British Assault Pack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 26 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"British Assault Pack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Czech Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 30 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Czech Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Coyote Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 36 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Coyote Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "CMRA Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 70 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"CMRA Backpack") == 1 then return end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if itemName == "Army Backpack" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "MAX_Slots") == 50 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Army Backpack") == 1 then return end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if loot then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName, (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), itemName) or 0) + itemPlus) if itemPlus == 0 then setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 0) else setElementData(loot, itemName, getElementData(loot, itemName) - 1) end local players = getElementsWithinColShape(loot, "player") if #players > 1 then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerChangeLoot", getRootElement(), loot) end end if getElementData(loot, "itemloot") then triggerServerEvent("refre:~emLoot", getRootElement(), loot, getElementData(loot, "parent")) end end addEvent("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerMoveItemInInventory", getRootElement(), onPlayerMoveItemInInventory) function onClientOpenInventoryStopMenu() triggerEvent("disableMenu", getLocalPlayer()) end function isPlayerInLoot() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "loot") then return getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentCol") end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Según noto esta todo bien pero porqué la mochila no desaparece de tu inventario? no se!! Espero me den una manito muchas gracias!!!.
  6. Una consulta chicos como hago para que este local sounds sea infinito ya que cuando activo esta script solo se reproduce una vez y luego se corta.. function onResourceStart() local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) --- Puede ser que halla un mal argumento aquí? porque el debugscript 3 me dice que sí!!!... local sound = playSound("sounds/respiracion.ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart)
  7. Como es esto? tengo estas funciones la primera es la función de que si te rompes los huesos no puedes correr ni saltar... La segunda es la función de que si tieens sueño no puedes correr pero SI saltar... Cúal es el problema? pues es que cuando te rompes los huesos puedes correr pero no saltar.... La verdad no se que pasa es como si estuvieran mezcladas las funciones (mal colocadas nosé). function checkBrokenbone() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "brokenbone") or getElementData(localPlayer,"sleep") <= 0 then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl("jump", false) toggleControl("sprint", false) else toggleControl("jump", true) toggleControl("sprint", true) end end end setTimer(checkBrokenbone, 1400, 0) --------------------------------------------------- --sleep function checkSleeping() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"sleep") <= 20 then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl ( "sprint", false ) else toggleControl ( "sprint", true ) end end end setTimer(checkSleeping,1400,0) Se supone que la idéa sería que si me rompo los huesos no pueda correr ni saltar y cuando tenga sueño no pueda correr pero SI saltar.... Cúal es la solución chicos?????
  8. Hey guys,i think its not possible,but is there any way to replace the sniper scope without replacing the whole gun?
  9. Hello, can someone give me some hints how to set a carrying animation on a player and he will be able to walk/run? Thanks in advance
  10. The default max money is 99 999 999$. Can i this max money increase to (for example) 200 000 000$?
  11. i have this code in client side: function onMachineClick(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, element) if element and getElementType( element ) == "object" and button == "left" and state == "down" and getElementModel(element) == 1829 then triggerServerEvent ("eszakirablas", root, getLocalPlayer()) end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), onMachineClick) but i want add this to server side, is it possible?
  12. i have this code: addEvent( "eszakirablas", true ) addEventHandler( "eszakirablas", root, function (thePlayer) if ( idozito [ thePlayer ] ~= nil ) then outputChatBox ( "#01AC41[SuperFun] #FFffFFA következő széfrablásig várnod kell #01AC41".. math.floor ( getTimerDetails ( idozito [ thePlayer ] ) / 60000+1 ) .." percet.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ); else setElementFrozen(thePlayer, true) setPedAnimation(thePlayer , "rob_bank", "cat_safe_rob", 10000, true, true, true, false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,10000,1,thePlayer,false) randomM = math.random(500000,1500000) setTimer(function() givePlayerMoney(thePlayer,randomM) end,10000,1) setTimer(outputChatBox, 10000,1,"#01AC41[SuperFun] #FFffFFÖsszesen raboltál #01AC41"..randomM.." #ffffffforintot.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) setTimer(outputChatBox, 900000, 1,"#01AC41[SuperFun - #8C8C8CÉszaki] #FFffFFAz #01AC41északin #FFffFFújra kirabolhatod a széfet! #01AC41(/eszaki)",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) setTimer(Boltrablas,900000,1) idozito [ thePlayer ] = setTimer ( function ( thePlayer ) idozito [ thePlayer ] = nil; end, 900000, 1, thePlayer); end end ) and when the animation stop, and i change my skin, start off the animation.. how to fix this bug??
  13. i want make a script, which create objects every 15 minutes, and when i click on a object, then play a animation, and remove object & give me money, how to make this? sorry for my bad english.. :c
  14. i have a loginpanel, and i added this lines: time = getTickCount() x = 1000 y = 200 z = 20 function anim() x = x+0.31 y = y+0.32 setCameraMatrix(x,y,z, 0, 0, 0) if (getTickCount() - time >= 5000) then removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), anim) end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), anim) but when i log in, how to set camera to the player? because when i login, the loginpanel disappear, and the camera stay there sorry for my bad english :c
  15. local start = getTickCount() local one, one1 = -300, 604 local two, two1 = 0, 604 local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local text = "" local pic = "j" function draw() local x,y = interpolateBetween(one, one1, 0, two, two1, 0, (now - start) / ((start + 1500) - start), "Linear") local now = getTickCount() dxDrawRectangle(x,y, screenW * 0.2306, screenH * 0.0356, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 130), false) dxDrawText(" * "..text, x, y, screenW * 0.2340, screenH * 0.7044, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerChangeNick", root, function(oldName, newName) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,draw) text = string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", getPlayerNametagColor(source)) .. oldName .. " #FFffFFneve mostantól " .. string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", getPlayerNametagColor(source)) .. newName .. "" pic = "c" setTimer ( function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw) end, 5000, 1 ) end ) this is my code. the dx things are working, just the animation does not working how to fix? sorry for my very bad english :C
  16. Hola Que tal Alguien me podría ayudar pasándome el (scrip,Resour) de mta dayz de Evento S y Evento Bullet o carro alguien que me pueda ayudar lo necesito urgente para mi server selos agradecería mucho solo nesecitaria los archivos winrar
  17. Hello everybody! I want to offer you a new language for writing scripts for MTA: SA. By the tags in the topic, you've already seen that it's Puthon 3. Many will say that Python 3 is bad for scripting, but it's not! It is similar to lua but has a wider OOP, and has the ability to connect modules. In the Internet very little material on lua, it is available but only in English, and what to do to the Russian community? The Russian segment in the MTA is very large, and lua materials are very small. Of course, the small amount of materials on the Internet for lua is not the reason for switching to Python 3. I understand that I will have to rewrite all functions from scratch, but this can prolong the life of the MTA. Python 3 is not one language that can be used as scripting under MTA: SA, there is also a wonderful language JavaScript v5. Many multiplayer use it as a language for writing scripts. This is just my opinion. I just suggested that the idea is not bad. Decide for you, dear multiplayer developers. Oh, sorry for my bad English!
  18. Hola GENTE! POR FAVOR SE LOS RUEGO Y ESPERO ME DIGAN COMO SE HACE?????????????????? Verán, en simples palabras lo que busco es saber como puedo poner MASCARAS DE GAS, CHALECOS Y ESOS ACCESORIOS QUE SE VEN EN LOS DAYZ CUANDO VAS LOOTEANDO EN EL DAYZ... A lo que me refiero es que así como existen los skins en cada punto de LOOTEO dentro de cada GAMEMOD que una persona descarga por internet? deseo saber como puedo agregar esas mascaras que se ponen encima de tu personaje... Espero me halla sido claro.... Lo que pido es algo que he visto en pocos servers de MTA y es algo que existe en el verdadero Dayz, como cuando vas jugando DayZ ORIGINAL y te encuentras con un chaleco o una mascara y te la pones... Ojala me digan muchas gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. local iras = getElementData(player, "typing") and " [ÍR...]" or "" dxDrawText ( playerName.." "..iras, sx+1, sy - offset, sx+1, sy - offset+1, tocolor(0,0,0,255), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, srfont, "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true, true ) What wrong?
  20. What can I use to make all players invisible and just what is playing visible?
  21. i downloaded a jail script from community, and when i add me to a jail, i can access the F1 how to disable fr gui in jail? server: Command = get("command") -- getTheCommand rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ------ function getData(to) local file = xmlLoadFile("data.xml") jTable = {} tTable = {} if file then for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"Jails",0)))do local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"name") local posX,posY,posZ = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posZ") local int = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"int") local dim = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"dim") table.insert(jTable, {name,posX,posY,posZ,int,dim}) end for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"time",0)))do local times = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"times") for i =1,50 do local iTime = gettok ( times, i, string.byte(',') ) if iTime then -- if tonumber(iTime) > 59.5 then iTime = math.floor(iTime / 60) iTimeDes = "Minutes" if iTime > 59.5 then iTime = math.floor(iTime / 60) iTimeDes = "Hours" end else iTimeDes = "Seconds" end table.insert(tTable,{iTime,iTimeDes}) end end end end triggerClientEvent(to,"sendDataz",to,jTable,tTable) -- sending to client event end addEvent("getDataz",true) addEventHandler("getDataz",root,getData) addCommandHandler ( Command, -- Adding The Command Handler function ( player, cmd ) if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "function.banPlayer" ) then triggerClientEvent(player,"jailShow",player) else outputChatBox(" Access Denied ",player,255,0,0) end end ) anims = { "F_smklean_loop", "M_smklean_loop", "M_smkstnd_loop", "M_smk_drag", "M_smk_in", "M_smk_loop", "M_smk_out", "M_smk_tap" , } function removeVehicle(thePlayer) if isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) then destroyElement(getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)) end end function JailHim(jailed,theJails,time,timeDes,showWho,timeReady) thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(jailed) if not thePlayer then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",source,255,0,0,true) return end removePedFromVehicle(thePlayer) for k,v in ipairs ( jTable ) do if theJails == v[1] then theJail = v end end if theJail then if tostring(time) then if timeReady == true then theTimex = tonumber(time) else theTimex = gettok ( time, 1, string.byte(timeDes) ) end if timeDes == "Hours" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*60*60*1000) elseif timeDes == "Minutes" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*60*1000) elseif timeDes == "Seconds" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*1000) end startJailTimer ( thePlayer , theTimex ) local x,y,z = theJail[2],theJail[3],theJail[4] local int = theJail[5] local dim = theJail[6] setElementInterior ( thePlayer, int ) setElementDimension ( thePlayer, dim ) setElementPosition (thePlayer,x,y,z ) setElementData(thePlayer,"jailed",true) setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(thePlayer).."-j",true) toggleControl(thePlayer,"fire",false) if showWho ~= true then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Jailed [ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] at "..theJail[1].." For "..time,source,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Have Been Jailed By [ "..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFF00] at "..theJail[1].." For "..time,thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end outputChatBox("** #FFFF00[ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] Has Been Jailed For "..time,root,255,0,0,true) local randomAnim setPedAnimation(thePlayer,"SMOKING",anims[math.random(#anims)],theTimex/2) else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select Time !",source,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Jail !",source,255,0,0,true) end end addEvent("JailHimx",true) addEventHandler("JailHimx",root,JailHim) function unJailHim(jailed,showWho) thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(jailed) if not thePlayer then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",source,255,0,0,true) return end --if getElementData(thePlayer,"jailed") == true then setElementInterior ( thePlayer, 0) setElementDimension ( thePlayer, 0 ) setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 1552.9108886719, -1675.5844726563, 16.1953125) setElementData(thePlayer,"jailed",false) setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(thePlayer).."-j",false) if showWho ~= true then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Released [ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00]",source,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Have Been Released by [ "..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFF00]",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end outputChatBox("** #FFFF00[ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] Has Been Released ",root,255,0,0,true) setPedAnimation(thePlayer) stopJailTimer(Player) toggleControl(thePlayer,"fire",true) -- setTimer(killPed,1500,1,thePlayer) --else -- outputChatBox("The Player is Not Jailed !",source,255,0,0,true) --end end addEvent("unJailHim",true)-- unJail addEventHandler("unJailHim",root,unJailHim) addEvent("onJailEnd",true) addEventHandler("onJailEnd",root,function(player) unJailHim(getPlayerName(player),true) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root, -- Check If He Is Jailed [ OnSpawn ] function() if getElementData(source,"jailed") == true then randomJail = jTable[math.random(#jTable)] if randomJail then x,y,z = randomJail[2],randomJail[3],randomJail[4] int = randomJail[5] dim = randomJail[6] setElementInterior ( source, int ) setElementDimension(source,dim) setElementPosition (source,x,y,z ) end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, -- Check If He Is Jailed - By Serial [ OnJoin ] function() if getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(source).."-j") == true then randomJail = jTable[math.random(#jTable)] if randomJail then x,y,z = randomJail[2],randomJail[3],randomJail[4] int = randomJail[5] dim = randomJail[6] setElementInterior ( source, int ) setElementDimension(source,dim) setElementPosition (source,x,y,z ) -- time = getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(source).."-t",time) or 5 * 1000 startJailTimer(source,time) setElementData(source,"jailed",true) end end end ) ---- function startJailTimer(Player,theTime) -- to start mission timer .. if Player then TimerDisplay = textCreateDisplay() m,s,cs = msToTimeStr(theTime) fullTime = m..":"..s TimerText = textCreateTextItem ( "Time Left : "..tostring(fullTime).."", 0.39, 0.7 ,"medium",0,255,0,255,2.0,"left","center",255) textDisplayAddText ( TimerDisplay, TimerText ) textDisplayAddObserver ( TimerDisplay, Player ) sortTimer:~(Player,TimerText,theTime) end end --Robbed from JailTimerr resource , and it was robbed from arc_ :p function msToTimeStr(ms) if not ms then return '' end if ms < 0 then return "0","00","00" end local centiseconds = tostring(math.floor(math.fmod(ms, 1000)/10)) if #centiseconds == 1 then centiseconds = '0' .. centiseconds end local s = math.floor(ms / 1000) local seconds = tostring(math.fmod(s, 60)) if #seconds == 1 then seconds = '0' .. seconds end local minutes = tostring(math.floor(s / 60)) return minutes, seconds, centiseconds end function sortTimer:~(plr,timer,time) -- to sort timer's :~ .. if timer and time then if isTimer(timer:~Timer) then killTimer(timer:~Timer) end timer:~Timer = setTimer(function(plr) time = time - 70 m,s,cs = msToTimeStr(time) fullTime = m..":"..s textItemSetText(timer,"Time Left : "..tostring(fullTime).."") if plr then setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(plr).."-t",time) end if ( tonumber(m) <= 0 and tonumber(s) <= 0 and tonumber(cs) <= 0 ) then onTimerFinish(plr,timer) end end , 50 , 0 ,plr ) end end function stopJailTimer(Player) textDestroyDisplay(TimerDisplay) if TimerText then textDestroyTextItem(TimerText) end if isTimer(timer:~Timer) then killTimer(timer:~Timer) end end function onTimerFinish(Player) -- on timer end stopJailTimer(Player) triggerEvent("onJailEnd",Player,Player) end client: lp = getLocalPlayer() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) setElementData(lp,"jailed",false) ------ addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function() triggerServerEvent("getDataz",lp,lp) end ) desz = {} addEvent("sendDataz",true) addEventHandler("sendDataz",root,function(jTable,tTable) ------ jWin = guiCreateWindow(460,172,445,416,"Jail System v2.1",false) --- Center Window --- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(jWin,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(jWin,x,y,false) ----- Center Window ----- guiSetVisible(jWin,false) guiWindowSetSizable(jWin,false) ------------------------- jBut = guiCreateButton(247,338,167,31,"Jail Him",false,jWin) tGrid = guiCreateGridList(240,184,190,144,false,jWin) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(tGrid,0) ------- -- sEdit = guiCreateEdit(14,380,217,23,"Search ..",false,jWin) -- -------- local timeC = guiGridListAddColumn( tGrid, "Time", 0.85 ) if timeC then for k,v in ipairs ( tTable ) do local time = v[1] local des = v[2] local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tGrid ) desz[row] = des guiGridListSetItemText ( tGrid, row, timeC, time.." "..des, false, true ) end local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tGrid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tGrid, row, timeC,"Other ..", false, true ) end -------- jGrid = guiCreateGridList(240,31,190,144,false,jWin) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(jGrid,0) -------- local jailC = guiGridListAddColumn( jGrid, "Jail", 0.85 ) for k,v in ipairs ( jTable ) do local name = v[1] local row = guiGridListAddRow ( jGrid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( jGrid, row, jailC, name, false, false ) end jcBut = guiCreateButton(246,378,172,24,"Close",false,jWin) function jailShow () guiSetVisible(jWin,not guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) guiSetInputEnabled(guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) destroyElement(pList) -- Players List pList = guiCreateGridList(14,31,218,338,false,jWin) column = guiGridListAddColumn( pList, "Player", 0.85 ) if ( column ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do row = guiGridListAddRow ( pList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( pList, row, column, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false ) end end -- Players List end addEvent("jailShow",true) addEventHandler("jailShow",root,jailShow) function changeText(button,state,x,y) selectedRow, selectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( pList ) sPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText( pList, selectedRow, selectedCol ) local thePlr = getPlayerFromName(sPlayer) if thePlr then local isJailed = getElementData(thePlr,"jailed") if isJailed == false then guiSetText(jBut,"Jail Him") elseif isJailed == true then guiSetText(jBut,"Release Him") end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,changeText) function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) selectedRow, selectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( pList ) sPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText( pList, selectedRow, selectedCol ) jail = guiGridListGetItemText ( jGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( jGrid ), 1 ) time = guiGridListGetItemText ( tGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( tGrid ), 1 ) timeDes = tostring(desz[guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( tGrid )]) if ( source == jBut ) then if guiGetText(jBut) == "Jail Him" then if time ~= "Other .." then triggerServerEvent("JailHimx",lp,sPlayer,jail,time,timeDes) else createTimeSelect(sPlayer,jail) end elseif guiGetText(jBut) == "Release Him" then triggerServerEvent("unJailHim",lp,sPlayer) end ---------- elseif ( source == jcBut ) then guiSetVisible (jWin, false) showCursor (false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", root, onClick ) ------------ end ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",root,function(at) if getElementData(source,"jailed") == true then if at then cancelEvent() end end end ) ------- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function() if source == sEdit then guiSetText(sEdit,"") --[[ else guiSetText(sEdit,"Search ..") --]] end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",root,function() if source == sEdit then ------ guiGridListClear(pList) for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local name = string.lower(getPlayerName(v)) if name then if string.find (name,string.lower(guiGetText(sEdit)) ) then row = guiGridListAddRow ( pList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( pList, row, column, getPlayerName ( v ), false, false ) end end end end ------ end ) ------ function createTimeSelect(theJailed,theJail) if not tostring(theJailed) then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",255,0,0,true) return end if not tostring(theJail) then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Jail !",255,0,0,true) return end if isElement(TimeSelect_Window) then return end TimeSelect_Window = guiCreateWindow(550,397,270,125,"Enter Time",false) -- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(TimeSelect_Window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(TimeSelect_Window,x,y,false) -- -- guiSetVisible(jWin,false) -- TimeSelect_Edit = guiCreateEdit(15,37,89,26,"",false,TimeSelect_Window) TimeSelect_Label = guiCreateLabel(110,41,10,15,"in",false,TimeSelect_Window) TimeSelect_Grid = guiCreateGridList(126,31,130,95,false,TimeSelect_Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(TimeSelect_Grid,2) --- column = guiGridListAddColumn( TimeSelect_Grid, "", 0.80 ) r1 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) r2 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) r3 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r1, column, "Hours", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r2, column,"Minutes", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r3, column, "Seconds", false, false ) TimeSelect_Button = guiCreateButton(14,72,91,40,"OK",false,TimeSelect_Window) -- function onOk() if source == TimeSelect_Button then -- removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,onOk) -- ---------------- theTime = guiGetText(TimeSelect_Edit) timeType = guiGridListGetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( TimeSelect_Grid ) ) -- destroyElement(TimeSelect_Window) jailShow () -- if tonumber(theTime) then if tostring(timeType) then triggerServerEvent("JailHimx",lp,theJailed,theJail,theTime.." "..timeType,timeType,true) else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select , Hours or Minutes or Seconds !",255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Enter a Number !",255,0,0,true) end ---------------- end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,onOk) end
  22. He echarías una mano te lo ruego? Me solucionarías estas líneas?... function debugJump() if PedControlState("jump") then Aqui el error ---- attempt to call global ´PedControlState´ (a nil value) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "jumping", true) setTimer(debugJump2, 650, 1) end end setTimer(debugJump, 100, 0) function debugJump2() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "jumping", false) end Y luego esta parece ser el mismo error que el de arriba: function debugShooting() if PedControlState("fire") then -- Error-- attempt to call global ´PedControlState´ (a nil value) local weapon = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) local noise = getWeaponNoise(weapon) or 0 setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shooting", noise) if shootTimer then killTimer(shootTimer) end shootTimer = setTimer(debugShooting2, 100, 1) end end setTimer(debugShooting, 100, 0) function debugShooting2() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shooting", 0) shootTimer = false end
  23. Okey, so i have made a script, a logging script, it logs litterally everything, and has 3 exported functions, they are used to create log files, but for some reason, when i want to call them from a separate script using call function["exports.*"] it just throws me an error.["failed to call 'fall_log:createLog'"].I can use the functions in the same script["fall_log"], but cant use somewhere else, for example in "fall_admin-system", indicating, that the script in "fall_log" works correctly, so any ideas?Here's my call[every argument is valid, and not not, if it matters.]: exports.fall_log:createLog("This is a test","fall_admin/log.json") I still dont rly want to give out the script for fall_log, but if i really need, then okey.
  24. I think the Title says it all. What dxSetRenderTarget() is used for?And could you give me some example other than on the wiki?
  25. when i driveing the car, then the exhaust fire. where can i download this script?
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