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  1. Hi! I've started learning to script LUA and i want to warp players TO me by command instead of admin panel but my currect script isn't working, some help would be appreciated. addCommandHandler( "w2m", function( sourcePlayer, command, targetPlayerName ) if targetPlayerName then -- We check if an target has been set if getPlayerFromName(targetPlayerName) then -- We get the player element instead of the player name. if not (targetPlayerName == getPlayerName(sourcePlayer)) then -- We make sure the player isn't trying to warp to himself setElementPosition( targetPlayerName, 0, 0, 3 ) else outputChatBox("[Error] You can't warp to yourself!", sourcePlayer, 255, 0, 0, false) return false end else outputChatBox("[Error] Player could not be found, maybe he/she is offline?", sourcePlayer, 255, 0, 0, false) return false end else outputChatBox("[Error] Please choose a target", sourcePlayer, 255, 0, 0, false) return false end end ) Error: Thanks in advance!
  2. I want create a help panel, with html, but i don't know how to make this.. Anyone can help?
  3. Hi. I've done little game. It's not GTA mirror but very simplistic simulator. I guess it's playable (for me surely) so enjoy if you want. Just couldn't find anything like this. Read the guide for some info. (I can't login to mta resources so post it here) Image: https://imgur.com/a/sMaEg Link: http://www118.zippyshare.com/v/bTtCDMtX/file.html Merry Christmas!
  4. Big thanks to people that gave me ideas for creating this resource. Developped a mode where you can set/remove the hat, but in the real test, I've found this bug when aiming specific weapons that change your camera. Is there any event that can be called when player aims the weapon, in order to make the hat dissapear from screen? (serverside)
  5. i want save grid list rows to xml, and load from xml.. but how to make this?
  6. Amigos lo que necesito es que cuando inicie seccion un personal de staff, suene una cancion personal/personalizada y que aparezca una notificacion (que sea en imagen) en la cual yo pueda editar la imagen si pueden pasarme un tutorial o el link del script se los agradeceria muchisimo.
  7. Clipper_

    Santa Hat

    For Christmas I want to create a script which adds a Santa Hat on the head of the local player by a command. During the development, I had 2 ideas: 1. Replacing the model of an existing Hat cloth is impossible and leads to a game crash. MTA seem to not have support for clothes ID, only for texture replacement. 2. Positioning another small object (with replaced texture and model) on top of the player's head is another solution. Here, the problem is the position where the hat should be placed: getting the coordonates of the highest "bone" of the ped with getPedBonePosition leads to small changes through the vales, so the hat is not moving with the head like it should behave. If you have a solution for getting the position of any body part (in this case the head), it will be a big help I will comment with the code if needed.
  8. i want make a joinquit script, but i want the join, disconnect..etc messages show in right side, like killmessages, it is possible? if yes, how??
  9. ..this is not the full code from my nametag: when i press 'T', the chaticon appear on everybody.. how to fix this? i want, when a player, or me press 'T', the ballon show just on the player, or on me, not on everyplayers... sorry for my terrible english .. :c
  10. Hello I have a nametag script. And i have a chat-icon script too. But i want add the chat-icon thing to nametag script, above the player nametag. And do not appear for me, just another players. This is possible? If yes, how? Sorry for my bad english..
  11. This is the code: function onPlayerQuit ( thePlayer) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local nametagszin = getPlayerNametagColor ( thePlayer ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "ntszin", nametagszin ) end end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if ( playeraccount ) then local nametagszin = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "ntszin" ) if ( nametagszin ) then setPlayerNametagColor ( thePlayer, r, g, b ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin ) No error(s)/warning(s) in debugscript 3.. What wrong?
  12. Ola, sou novo no grupo e iniciante em programação .lua, e criei um script de roubo (/hackear), mas estou com uma certa dificuldade para conclui-lo, criei os carros de valores, já os blindei e fixei no local para não explodirem e nem se mexerem, más o principal problema é que o roubo esta dando o pagamento no inicio, quando o player da /hackear, eu quero que ele receba só apos a conclusão do roubo, apos os 30seg estipulados , e que o player fique procurado, e caso ele morra durando o roubo ele não ganhe o dinheiro, e quero que apareça no chat global, para os policiais do SV possam ver e vir atras dele. (ALGUEM ME AJUDARIA A TERMINA-LO? OU ME ENSINE A TERMINA-LO?) Estou criando um serve RPG e quero criar meus proprios trabalhos e roubos, para que fique bem exclusivo.
  13. Where can i download overdose effects with script for mta sa?
  14. The resource starts, but the bot does not spawn. function bot () team = createTeam ("AngryBots", 255,255,255) exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot ( 2002.5241699219,1546.9384765625,13.5859375, 90, 124, 0, 0, 29, "waiting", true ) end addCommandHandler("bots",bot) <meta> <info author="Falke" version="2.0.0" type="misc" name="angrybots" description="This script will add Silent Hill to San Andreas" /> <script src="server.lua" type="server" /> <include resource="slothbot" /> </meta> Why does not the bot spawn?? Please, help me! Neither the "nemesi1" script is working now (it worked when i played MTA years ago...). I don't know what is happening ;-; *nemesi1: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5722
  15. i created a HUD with rectangles (bg rectangle, hp, armor...etc), and i want this make movable, so that move at the same time, but i don't know how to make this possible anyone can help? sorry for my bad english :c
  16. Boa Tarde, preciso de ajuda nessa função aqui Eu tentei fazer com que a a skin da arma nao apareça na mira, mas ainda continua aparecendo quando eu miro rápido local state local objects = {} bindKey ( "aim_weapon", "both", function ( _, state ) if getPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer ) == 6 then if ( state == "down" ) then alpha = 0 elseif ( state == "up" ) then alpha = 255 end state = state for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "object", root, true ) ) do if isElementAttachedToBone ( v ) then local id = getElementModel ( v ) if ( id == 3026 ) or ( id == 2401 ) or ( id == 2384 ) or ( id == 2407 ) or ( id == 1248 ) or ( id == 2399 ) or ( id == 1252 ) or ( id == 1575 ) or ( id == 1576 ) or ( id == 1835 ) or ( id == 2189 ) or ( id == 1832 ) or ( id == 1833 ) or ( id == 1834 ) or ( id == 1837 ) or ( id == 1838 ) or ( id == 2725 ) or ( id == 1816 ) or ( id == 2644 ) or ( id == 1767 ) or ( id == 2726 ) then table.insert(objects, v) setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) end end end setTimer(verifyAlpha(alpha), 200, 1) end end) function verifyAlpha(n) if (state == "down") then for i, object in pairs(objects) do if ( not getElementAlpha(object) == n) then setElementAlpha(object, n) table.remove(objects, i) end end end end
  17. i want change the needle color if speed >= 240, but does not working how to fix this? what wrong? no error(s)/warning(s)
  18. client side: server side: c.lua:5: attempt to concatenate local amount
  19. i created a dx panel, and i created some onClientClick event for this panel. but when i hide the panel, the onClientClick events are working.. how to fix this?
  20. entao eu baixei um script que tem traficante e eu gostaria que quando fizesse a entrega, a pessoa ficasse procurada, todavia nao sei fazer isso alguem pode me ajudar?
  21. I want convert Vice City map to my server, it is possible somehow?
  22. I'm trying to create a blip with a icon id of 51 in all the cars in my server, but as soon as I add more cars it starts lagging, how can I iterate through all of them without lagging?!
  23. Hello. I want create a dx timer which when the player disconnect, and connect again to the server then not reset the timer. Sorry for my bad english :c
  24. I do not speak English very well so sorry if you have some mistakes. Hello Community, beauty? A while ago I joined a RPG server and I came across a very cool Mod, it removes the "ports" of the buildings and leaves open in the style GTA V or GTA VC and I found it very interesting, I tried to do something like editing. Col But it didn't get the same I wanted to know how you do this or you have to download, I thank you from now on Print of how is the Mod https://prntscr.com/h97t3f
  25. function ccv (thePlayer) local accountname = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then setTimer(function() ve1 = createVehicle ( 535, -2220.98706, -129.69173, 35.32031 ) ma1 = createMarker ( -2221.09668, -129.61031, 33.88103, "cylinder", 7.5, 255, 255, 0, 5 ) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("ccvp", ccv) function marker1() destroyElement(ve1) destroyElement(ma1) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", ma1, marker1) when i walk into the marker, nothing happens
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