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  1. function privateMessage(thePlayer,commandName,sendToName,...) local pmWords = { ... } local pmMessage = table.concat( pmWords, " " ) if sendToName then if (getPlayerFromParticalName (sendToName)) then toPlayer = (getPlayerFromParticalName (sendToName)) if isPlayerMuted ( thePlayer ) then outputChatBox ( "You Cannot Send Pm Message, Because You Are Muted" thePlayer, r, g, b, true ) else if not (toPlayer == thePlayer) then if not (pmMessage == "") then outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Üzenet neki: #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(toPlayer) .. "#FF0000: " .. pmMessage, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Üzenet tőle: #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. "#00FF00: " .. pmMessage, toPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Helytelen használat! Helyes:#FFFFFF /pm <név> <üzenet>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Magaddal nem tudsz csevegni#FFFFFF!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Játékos nem található! #FFFF00(#FFFFFF"..sendToName.."#FFFF00)", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#0088FF[#c8c8c8Privát]#FFFFFF Helytelen használat! Helyes:#FFFFFF /pm <név> <üzenet>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end end addCommandHandler("pm", privateMessage) i want, when a player muted, he cannot send pm to other player, why not working this? sorry for my very bad English:c
  2. function fvalt( prevSlot, newSlot ) if getElementData (target, "greenzone") then setPedWeaponSlot(source,0) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, fvalt ) i added this to a greenzones script, but this doesn't working, why?
  3. So I'm working on a gamemode/server that I plan to possibly host on a larger scale. The project is only for my own amusement and may never be hosted on a large scale, or even finished, however I'd still like to prepare for that. While player interactions on a small scale can be tested easily by using a laptop, virtual pc etc. I was also wondering how one would test load specific things. For example what happens when a player enters a populated area and has to stream in many elements that require shaders or similar. What happens to per player dxDraws like nametags or chat bubbles? Does anyone have any experience with such things and would share? Can peds be used instead of actual players? (I imagine some extra script would be possible but that shouldn't be to big a problem)
  4. DarkxD


    Hallo, please help me!
  5. problem, did Shader skin player, but it only sees the player who entered the command, or only those who have the same skin. other players who did not enter and command them not to be schöder How to make that it was visible Shader .
  6. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), function () local name = getPlayerName ( source ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." kilépett a tulajdonos szolgálatból!", "success") end end ) what wrong? onPlayerLogin working with this.. wtf?!
  7. hey guys. How can i change a changer for only one player in server side? thx, for help!
  8. How can I move a player naturally from one point to another? setElementPosition
  9. Well...I need to freeze a player during 3 seconds when he collides a ColCuboid, independent if he is in a vehicle or not. After this time, the player is unfreezed and will be only freeze again if he goes out the collider and enters it again. The collider is on a serverside script, but I read at the "Wiki MTA" an information that Freeze commands are only clientside... I tried to make all the script clientside but when I did, the script simply doesn't work and don't show any error. Reason: The player must wait the gate's movement ending so he can pass. The gate's movement lasts 3 seconds. PS: The gate is already working fine with the collider. Here is the serverside script working well without the freeze commands: gateilhaFA1 = createObject ( 968, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 270, 270 ) ZonailhaFA1 = createColCuboid ( -3356.7001953125, 459.89999389648, 9.6999998092651, 15.0, 5, 5.0 )--Zona em cubo de colisão. function GateIlha1Open (source) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("MapEditor")) then moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 90, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Acesso permitido.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Acesso negado.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Open ) function GateIlha1Close () moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, -90, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Close ) And here is the script with the freeze command and timer: gateilhaFA1 = createObject ( 968, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 270, 270 ) ZonailhaFA1 = createColCuboid ( -3356.7001953125, 459.89999389648, 9.6999998092651, 15.0, 5, 5.0 )--Zona em cubo de colisão. function GateIlha1Open (source, player) local player = getLocalPlayer() if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("MapEditor")) then outputChatBox ( "Acesso permitido.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 90, 0 ) setElementFrozen( player, true ) toggleAllControls( player, false ) setTimer ( function( source ) setElementFrozen( player, false ) toggleAllControls( player, true ) end, 3000, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "Aguarde o portão se abrir.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Acesso negado.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Open ) function GateIlha1Close () moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, -90, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Close ) How to create a Freeze with collider and timer?
  10. Hello everyone. I was testing some commands on Console, and I can use normally this to make the player User#ff00ffname logout from the server. aexec User#ff00ffname logout BUT If I try this below, it doesn't work. aexec User#ff00ffname disconnect or aexec User#ff00ffname quit Can someone explain a way to make it? Or it is not possible anyway?
  11. Hey, I want to move some parts of my script to be completly clientside as it doesn't need to be serverside. So instead of creating a vehicle on the server, I thought about creating it on the client. But warpPedIntoVehicle does not allow to warp the player, who is a serverside element, into the clientside vehicle. Therefore I need to trigger a server event just to create the vehicle and warp the player into it, even though the server has nothing much to do with it. Since its a race gamemode, the player cannot just enter the vehicle manually. Does anyone know a workaround for this problem? Bonsai
  12. function giveWeaponsOnSpawn0 ( ) giveWeapon ( source, 31, 3000 ) -- Gives the M4 weapon with 200 ammo takePlayerMoney ( source, 20 ) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough money.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end addEvent( "giveweaponm4", true ) addEventHandler( "giveweaponm4", root, giveWeaponsOnSpawn0 ) what wrong in this?
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