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  1. Let me introduce my self, I am Skinny for 3-4 moths i am working with LUA language. and these days i saw the fall of Great OwlGaming Mta Roleplay Server(i am late). i saw so many sad people, and a ideea just pop out, i was wondering there is no mta english roleplay servers! And i just want to know, what players expect if a new mta server will come, and it will be the next big project in memory of OwlGaming. So, what are your expectations, motions and thoughts about it?
  2. Olá pessoal Gostaria de saber se alguem pode me ajudar com isso, esse codigo faz parte de uma concessionaria, que estou editando as mensagens mas essas mensagens dai (voce nao tem dinheiro para comprar esse carro!) (voce pode comprar apenas 10 carros) ficam floodando aparece umas 20 vezes nao sei porque alguem consegue me dar uma ajuda aqui porfavor? Lembrando que esse mod foi retirado da Net não é meu function(Model, cost, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) abc = false local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1) for i, data in ipairs (data) do if data["Model"] == Model then abc = true break end end if #data >= 10 then outputChatBox("Você pode comprar apenas 10 veiculos!", source, 38, 122, 216, true) return end if abc == true then return end if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(cost) then takePlayerMoney ( source, cost ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(source) local shopID = getElementData ( source, "atVehShop") local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2 if shopID and shopsVehSpawns[shopID] then vehicle = createVehicle(Model, shopsVehSpawns[shopID][1], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][2], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][3], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][4], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][5], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][6]) else vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz) end setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) local NewID = getFreeID() local Placa = getElementData(vehicle,"Placa") if Placa == nil or not Placa then local NewPlate = getFreePlate(vehicle,id, source) end local Placa = getElementData(vehicle,"Placa") setElementData(vehicle, "ID", NewID) dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO VehicleList VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", NewID, Placa, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), Model, x-5, y+5, z, rz, color, "", 3, false, cost, 1000, 0) updateVehicleInfo(source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 150, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) else outputChatBoxError ("Você não tem dinheiro suficiente para esse carro!", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end)
  3. Olá pessoal, estou com um problema aqui com esse código, basicamente é um Painel da Policia, só que só funciona se o policia clicar com o rato no jogador, porem assim não funciona bem eu queria adicionar um comando por id, por exemplo: /policial (id) e abrir o painel desse jeito Alguém pode me ajudar to quebrando a cabeça com isso... Lembrando esse painel peguei na net não é meu! addEvent("N3xT.onClickPolicial", true) addEvent("N3xT.onAlgemar", true) addEvent("N3xT.onViatura", true) addEvent("N3xT.onAgarrar", true) addEvent("N3xT.onMultar", true) addEvent("N3xT.ItensPM", true) addEvent("N3xT.takeWeaponPM", true) addEventHandler("N3xT.onClickPolicial", root, function(click) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Policial")) then triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.onPainelPolicial", resourceRoot, click) end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onAlgemar", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then if not getElementData(receiver, "Algemado") then setElementData(receiver, "Algemado", true) message(source, "O jogador foi algemado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi algemado!", "info") else setElementData(receiver, "Algemado", nil) setPedAnimation(receiver, false) message(source, "O jogador foi desalgemado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi desalgemado.", "info") end end end ) local carros = {} function salvacarro(vei, assento, vitima) carros[source] = vei end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, salvacarro) addEventHandler("N3xT.onViatura", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") local vtr = carros[source] if (receiver) and (vtr) then local vrx, vry, vrz = getElementRotation(vtr) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(vtr) if not getElementData(receiver, "NaViatura") then if not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then setElementData(receiver, "NaViatura", true) message(source, "O jogador foi colocado na viatura.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi colocado na viatura!", "info") attachElements(receiver, vtr, 0.2, -1.5, 0, 0,0,90) setPedAnimation(receiver, 'ped','CAR_dead_LHS') setElementRotation(receiver, vrx, vry, vrz + 83) end else setElementData(receiver, "NaViatura", nil) message(source, "O jogador foi retirado da viatura.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi retirado da viatura!", "info") detachElements(receiver, getElementAttachedTo(receiver)) setElementPosition(receiver, px + 2, py + 2, pz) setPedAnimation(receiver) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onAgarrar", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then if not (getElementData(receiver, "Agarrado") == true) then setElementData(receiver, "Agarrado", true) message(source, "O jogador foi agarrado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi agarrado!", "info") attachElements(receiver, source, 0, 1, 0) else setElementData(receiver, "Agarrado", nil) message(source, "O jogador foi desagarrado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi desagarrado!", "info") detachElements(receiver, source) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onMultar", root, function(motivo, valor) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then local money = getPlayerMoney(receiver) if (money >= tonumber(valor)) then message(source, "A multa foi aplicada com sucesso.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi multado no valor de #00ff7fR$"..valor.." #ffffffpelo motivo: #a9a9a9"..motivo.."#ffffff.", "info") takePlayerMoney(receiver, tonumber(valor)) else message(source, "O jogador não possuí o valor da multa!", "error") end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.ItensPM", root, function(value, item, quantia) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) then local next = exports.n3xt_inventario if (value == 1) then local itemTable = next:getAllItens(receiver) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.refreshGridItemPM", resourceRoot, itemTable) elseif (value == 2) then next:takeItemS(source, receiver, item, tonumber(quantia)) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.setWindowPM", resourceRoot, 1) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.takeWeaponPM", root, function(arma) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) then local id = getWeaponIDFromName(arma) takeWeapon(receiver, id) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.setWindowPM", resourceRoot, 1) message(source, "A arma foi retirada com sucesso.", "success") message(receiver, "Foi retirado de você a arma #00ff7f"..arma.."#ffffff.", "info") end end ) function message(player, message, type) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", resourceRoot, message, type) end
  4. I have a problem with my MTA. When I try to enter a server the following error appears: Kicked (AC #4 File Locker). I've tried everything, erased everything, reinstalled both GTA San Andreas and MTA, but the problem remains. I greatly appreciate anyone who can help me.
  5. JohnDoom

    AC #4 File Locked

    Hello!! Today i was playing and them i had been kicked from the server, and the message was: AC #4 File Locked! I spend the entire day trying to solve this problem, but i couldn't... Someone know how to solve it? Pls, i need help!! And i am developing a server too, so i need to fix it ASAP!!! Thanks for the attention!
  6. Hi, today I show this model to you. This model changes the Come a Lot Hotel, by a mall with interior and business. My Discord: Andrewss2#2404, information here on Discord! Payment: Paypal. Images:
  7. n consigo configurar acl alguem me ajuda prfv necessito de ajuda pois n consigo configurar os cargos certinhos ex queria q o moderador edite somente os grupos de bases mas n consigo pois n consigo limitar isso ex moderador consegue se auto upar para dono(console) caso alguem saiba como resolve eu agredeceria mt de coraçao 2 dias tentando fazer isso
  8. Hi everybody, I'll start to publish my creations here in this forum. Today I show off this modelling. Replaces the circus hotel of Las Venturas by a cinema based on a real life building. The cinema screen is a resource called: Loki's Cinema Experience, you can find it in the mta community. Please contact me by Discord: Andrewss2#2404. UNIQUE DISCORD!!!!. Images:
  9. How about admin only map Editing.
  10. Polski Truckerski Serwer Polski Truckerski Serwer is the longest existing server with a truck theme, which will allow you to play the role of not only a truck driver, but also give you the opportunity to play the role of an employee of other services. For over twelve years we have been providing entertainment for fans of trucks on the Multi Theft Auto platform. Throughout this period, the server had the honor to host close to 100000 people who decided to check what we can do. Lots of people are still a part of the PTS community, thanks to which we have the satisfaction of working continuously. That’s all in terms of introduction, I invite you to the next part to get to know the server up close. Getting started can be tough - As a new member of the server community, you will have access to the core group of Truckers. This stage in your career is mandatory and important for newcomers. By working as a driver of various types of trucks, you will gain the required experience, get to know the server from the inside and you will be able to enjoy the game on the server. After getting to know the server, you have three options. You can transport goods as a trucker, apply for admission to one of the companies on the server, or try your hand at one of the three factions. If you get bored of working as a gray mouse in a company / faction, you can try to buy a company or create your own company. There is a company panel on the server, thanks to which, when hiring in the company, the boss can see how many courses you have done and the amount you have earned for the company. There is also a system of taxes and various fees for companies, so that every company can go bankrupt or be auctioned off by you! Companies develop using the company level system, the maximum company level is 10. On the server, players currently have three factions at their disposal, such as: Road Transport Inspection - The main mission of this faction is to monitor other road traffic participants. Measuring speed, checking the weight of the vehicle, reacting to offenses, etc. Emergency Medical Service - Treatment of other people is your main goal. In the event of an accident, you will receive a notification that the player in question needs your help. The matter looks simple, you receive a report, go to the accident and use the faction panel to heal the player. Road Assistance - As the name suggests, your task will be to efficiently repair vehicles from other players. The reporting system is quite simple. You receive a notification, ask the player to pay the required amount to the account of the faction, then go to the repair site and use the spray to repair the vehicle. For people who have more fun driving trucks, there are several different types of companies available on the server. Each company has something different to offer you, so it's best to visit our forum to find out about the company. There are several systems on the server to diversify the game. These are, among others: Fuel System - There are three types of fuel on the server. Diesel, petrol and gas. The tanks in vehicles vary in size, from 20 liters to 900 liters. Each vehicle has a different fuel consumption, so you have to be careful and closely monitor the condition of your fuel tank, and if necessary, refuel at one of the available stations. Prices at the stations vary and change every few days, so sometimes it's good to ask other drivers through the CB Radio where it is the cheapest at a given time. Hunger system - A simple system that simulates our character's hunger, from time to time the character's HP level will drop. If the HP level drops to 0%, of course, you will die, but don't worry. Your character will respawn at the nearest hospital, where it is possible to pay for treatment. Fatigue system - Every driver will get tired someday, so you have to be careful about the level of fatigue. If your fatigue level is higher than 30%, you will be able to reduce it by drinking coffee at a fuel station or taking a quick nap in one of the many hotels available on the server. ViaToll system - More precisely, the toll motorway system, there are gates located throughout the San Andreas map, which collect "impulses". They are located on the highways. Buying such impulses costs $25 per impulse. I will not reveal more, visit our server and see what else we have for you. If you are into the subject of trucks and want to visit the server, you will not be disappointed. The climate on the server will convince you to stay with us for longer. Forum address: www.truckers.com.pl Discord: discord.truckers.com.pl Server address: mta.truckers.com.pl:22003 Our FP: https://www.facebook.com/PolskiTruckerskiSerwer/
  11. Polski Truckerski Serwer Polski Truckerski Serwer to najdłużej istniejący serwer o tematyce truck, który pozwoli wcielić Ci się w rolę nie tylko kierowcy ciężarówki, ale też da możliwość stać się pracownikiem służb porządkowych. Od ponad dwunastu lat zapewniamy rozrywkę dla fanów pojazdów ciężarowych na platformie Multi Theft Auto. Przez cały ten okres serwer miał zaszczyt gościć blisko sto tysięcy osób, które postanowiły sprawdzić na co Nas stać. Wiele osób nadal jest częścią społeczności PTS, dzięki czemu mamy satysfakcję z ciągłej pracy. Tyle słowem wstępu, zapraszam do dalszej części, aby poznać serwer z bliska. Początki bywają trudne – Jako nowi członkowie społeczności serwerowej, będziecie mieć dostęp do podstawowej grupy Truckerów. Ten etap Waszej kariery jest obowiązkowy i ważny dla waszego serwerowego rozwoju. Dzięki pracy jako kierowca różnego rodzaju pojazdów ciężarowych zdobędziesz wymagane doświadczenie, poznasz serwer od środka i będziesz mógł cieszyć się z gry w naszej społeczności. Po zapoznaniu się z zasadami rozgrywki, masz trzy opcje. Możesz wozić towary jako trucker, postarać się o przyjęcie do jednej z firm na serwerze, bądź też spróbować swoich sił w jednej z trzech frakcji. Jeżeli znudzi Ci się praca jako szara myszka w firmie/frakcji, możesz postarać się o zakup firmy, bądź też stworzyć nową. Po zatrudnieniu w firmie, dzięki panelowi firmowemu, szef ma możliwość zobaczenia ile kursów wykonałeś, oraz jaką kwotą zasiliłeś wspólne konto. Wypłatę za swoją pracę otrzymujesz w systemie cotygodniowym. Na serwerze mamy też system podatków i opłat dla firm, przez co każda z nich może zbankrutować lub może zostać wylicytowana właśnie przez Ciebie! Firmy rozwijają się za pomocą systemu poziomów, a maksymalnym poziomem który mogą osiągnąć jest 10. Na serwerze do dyspozycji graczy aktualnie są trzy frakcje takie jak: Inspekcja Transportu Drogowego – Waszą główną misją w tej frakcji jest pilnowanie innych uczestników w ruchu drogowym. Mierzenie prędkości, sprawdzanie masy pojazdu, reagowanie na wykroczenia. Pogotowie – Leczenie innych osób to Wasz główny cel. Jeżeli dojdzie do wypadku, otrzymacie powiadomienie, iż dany gracz potrzebuje Waszej pomocy. Sprawa wygląda prosto, otrzymujecie zgłoszenie, jedziecie do wypadku i przy pomocy panelu frakcyjnego leczycie danego gracza. Pomoc Drogowa – Jak sama nazwa mówi, Waszym zadaniem będzie sprawna naprawa pojazdów innych graczy. System zgłoszeń jest dość prosty. Otrzymujecie zgłoszenie, prosicie gracza o wpłatę wymaganej kwoty na konto frakcji, po czym udajecie się na miejsce naprawy i przy pomocy spray’a naprawiacie pojazd. Dla osób, które większą frajdę mają z jazdy pojazdami ciężarowymi, nasz serwer ma rozbudowaną ofertę dostępnych miejsc pracy. Każda z firm ma Wam coś innego do zaoferowania, a najwięcej informacji o nich znajdziecie na naszym forum, więc zachęcamy do odwiedzin. Dla urozmaicenia rozgrywki na serwerze jest kilka systemów. Między innymi: System paliw – są trzy rodzaje paliw na serwerze. Diesel, benzyna oraz gaz. Zbiorniki w pojazdach są różnej wielkości, od 20 litrów, aż do 900 litrów. Każdy z pojazdów ma różne spalanie, więc trzeba być ostrożnym i bacznie obserwować stan naszego baku, a w razie potrzeby uzupełnić paliwo na jednej z dostępnych stacji. Ceny na stacjach są różne i zmieniają się co kilka dni, więc czasem dobrze zapytać innych kierowców przez CB Radio gdzie w danym czasie jest najtaniej. System głodu – Prosty system symulujący głód naszej postaci, co jakiś czas poziom HP postaci będzie spadać. Jeżeli poziom HP spadnie do stanu 0% oczywiście dojdzie do zgonu, ale bez obaw. Wasza postać odrodzi się w najbliższym szpitalu, w którym jest możliwość wykupienia leczenia. System zmęczenia – Każdy kierowca kiedyś się zmęczy, dlatego musicie uważać na poziom zmęczenia. Jeżeli Wasz poziom zmęczenia będzie większy, niż 30% będziecie mogli go zredukować po przez wypicie kawy na stacji, czy też szybkiej drzemki w jednym z wielu hoteli dostępnych na serwerze. System ViaToll – Dokładniej mówiąc system płatnych autostrad, na całej mapie San Andreas rozstawione są bramki, które pobierają „impulsy”. Są one rozmieszczone na autostradach. Kupno takich impulsów wiąże się z kosztem $25. Więcej nie będę zdradzał, odwiedź nasz serwer i przekonaj się co jeszcze mamy dla Was. Jeżeli kręci Cię tematyka ciężarówek i masz ochotę poznać coś nowego, nie będziesz rozczarowany. Klimat jaki u nas panuje przekona Cię do pozostania z nami na dłużej. Adres forum: www.truckers.com.pl Discord: discord.truckers.com.pl Adres serwera: mta.truckers.com.pl:22003 Nasz FP: https://www.facebook.com/PolskiTruckerskiSerwer/
  12. Hi, im trying to prevent player from putting off crate, please help me if you know how to fix it. thats how crate is attached to fork: [lua] skrzynieGraczy[client] = createObject(obiekty[praca].idObiektu, 0, 0, 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(skrzynieGraczy[client],false) setElementFrozen(skrzynieGraczy[client],true) stopObject(skrzynieGraczy[client]) attachElements(skrzynieGraczy[client],wozkiGraczy[client],0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0) [/lua] Here is video that showing my problem: https://gyazo.com/ff5ab17194ce5a99b0c8f972ce20c5fc
  13. Estava configurando um script de samu que ao cair o player inicia uma animação e pode ser curado pelo samu, porem ele pode abrir paineis como f1, f2, f3 e etc, queria saber como posso cancelar isso, quando ele cair bloquear ele de usar esses paineis. Por favor me ajudem. hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador ) hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador ) hpMin = 20 Tempo = {} ColMedic = {} function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function ChecarVida() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 1 then if getElementHealth(player) <= hpMin then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end else setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) end end end setTimer(ChecarVida, 200, 0) function ChecarVidaA() for i, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if getElementHealth(player) >= 31 then setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementFrozen(player, false ) end end end end setTimer(ChecarVidaA, 200, 0) function SetarCaidoComHS() player = source if not getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then removePedFromVehicle(player) setElementHealth(player, 20) setElementData(player, "PlayerCaido", true) setPedAnimation(player, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", -1, false, true, false) setTimer(function() if getElementData(player, "PlayerCaido") then killPlayer(player) end end, 240000, 1) end end addEvent("OnHS", true) addEventHandler("OnHS", getRootElement(), SetarCaidoComHS) function curar_jogador ( thePlayer, comando, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "CB") ) then local player_a_ser_curado = getPlayerFromPartialName ( nick ) local samux, samuy, samuz = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local curadox, curadoy, curadoz = getElementPosition ( player_a_ser_curado ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( samux, samuy, samuz, curadox, curadoy, curadoz ) if player_a_ser_curado == thePlayer then outputChatBox("#bebebeVocê não pode se curar!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end if ( dist > 3 ) then outputChatBox("#bebebeChegue mais perto do jogador!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif ( dist < 3 )then setPedAnimation( thePlayer, "MEDIC", "CPR", 4500, true, false, false, false) setTimer ( function() setElementHealth ( player_a_ser_curado, 100 ) setPedAnimation(player_a_ser_curado, false) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_curado, false ) setElementData(player_a_ser_curado,"PlayerCaido",false) end, 4500, 1 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler ( "curar", curar_jogador )
  14. Vanku14

    Car shop

    Hello guys i am doing roleplay mta server right now but o cant find a car shop can someone give me a link for carshop who is working please
  15. local gate = createObject(980, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147, 0, 0, 110) local marker = createMarker(1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147, "cylinder", 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) function moveGate(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. nomeAcc, aclGetGroup("TDF")) then moveObject(gate, 3000, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 20) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) function move_back_gate() moveObject(gate, 3000, 1001.5, -1096.9000244141, 25.60000038147) end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker, move_back_gate) I think its all ok with this code, but... ERROR. I wrongly have deleted a wrong line on my code, thats all ok now guys, i think. local nomeAcc = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (source))
  16. Em alguns meses eu estava jogando SA-MP e coloquei um mod de um veículo pesado no jogo e o som dos veiculos sumiram do nada e depois de alguns dias jogando o MTA o som dos veiculos também sumiram (dentro de uns 3 dias no max) e eu tentei resolver esse bug e como não consegui deixei de lado e essa semana eu estava pesquisando a forma de resolver mas infelizmente não achei nada. No SA-MP o som todo dos veiculos sumiram , já o MTA eu consigo escutar derrapagens e o som some enquanto estou dentro dele , quando eu saio do veiculo o som aparece de acordo com a posição que fico perto do veiculo , eu troquei os sons do GTA por sons modificados e depois coloquei os sons originais e já mexi nas configurações do MTA e não deu em nada. E recentemente eu estava jogando MTA normalmente e percebi que eu não estava conseguindo escutar a rádio modificada dos servidores e isso não é erro de algum servidor porque todo dia eu jogava nele e coloquei um script de rádio em meu servidor e meu amigo conseguia escutar e eu não. Não sei se deu pra vocês entenderem mas espero que consigam me ajudar.
  17. Estou tendo um problema com otimização de um script, tenho um script de TXD compartilhada, que muda a txd da viatura para todos por meio de um triggerClientEvent em serverside em todo mundo com o "root" quando o cara digita um comando, porem fiz uns testes e todos os 35 players que estavam online no momento do teste tiveram uma queda de FPS bem grande no momento que a textura foi trocada para todos quando eu dei o comando de trocar na minha viatura, tem algum metodo de otimizar isso ou resolver essa queda de fps? (Utilizo applyShader de uma imagem PNG trocando a imagem da txd original assim alterando ela)
  18. Здравствуйте, дорогие обитатели форума Multi The Auto San Andreas. Не давно открылся сервер в просторе : MTA:SA Этот проект мы назвали: Sworld Project. На проекте вас ждёт бонус: 100k SworldCoin В Донате это 1кк. Панель управления игрока: F1 Интерфейс сервера! Хорошая оптимизация, хороший автопарк проекта, всем удачи хочется видеть онлайн 100 человек) Наша группа VK: https://vk.com/sworld_rpg IP: mtasa://
  19. Olá, estou a precisar de ajuda neste script. Eu não sei como resolver isto de alguem puder ajudar agradecia. Este é o erro: WARNING: [SCRIPTS]/san_accounts/Szerver.lua:84: dbPoll failed; Field 'admin' doesn't have a default value Código: function onRegisterClick(player, username, password2) --, email) if isTimer(timer2) then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Estamos com uma quantidade grande de pessoas tentando registrar ao mesmo tempo, tenha paciência","error") return end timer2 = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) local password = md5(password2) local registerQuery = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username LIKE '".. tostring(username) .."' or mtaserial = '".. getPlayerSerial(player) .."'"), -1) local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password2)) if ( accountAdded ) then outputChatBox ( "Obrigado por registrar " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "", player ) for _, row in ipairs(registerQuery) do if row["username"] == username then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"O nome de usuário está ocupado!","error") return end if row["mtaserial"] == getPlayerSerial(player) and not serials[getPlayerSerial(player)] then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Este serial já está conectado a uma conta!","error") return end end local registerInsert = dbQuery(connection, "INSERT INTO accounts SET username = ?, password = ?, mtaserial = ?, ip = ?, regdate = NOW(), lastlogin = NOW()", username, password, getPlayerSerial(player), getPlayerIP(player)) local result, num, insertID = dbPoll(registerInsert, -1) if insertID then exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Registro bem sucedido! Agora você pode entrar!","success") setElementData(player, "acc:id", insertID) triggerClientEvent(player, "login:setPlayerPanelState", player, "login") end else exports.san_infobox:addNotification(player,"Este usuario ja existe!","error") outputChatBox ( "Este usuario ja existe!", player ) return end end addEvent("onRegisterClick", true) addEventHandler("onRegisterClick", root, onRegisterClick) Sublinhei a laranja a linha que está a dar erro.
  20. testdoor = createObject(1499, 1580.03149, -1631.73987, 13.38281) bindKey(source, "e", "down", function() local currentFreezeStatus = isElementFrozen ( testdoor ) if currentFreezeStatus then setElementFrozen ( testdoor, not currentFreezeStatus ) outputChatBox("You have closed the door!",255,255,255) else setElementFrozen ( testdoor, currentFreezeStatus ) outputChatBox("You have opened the door!",255,255,255) end end) its showing an error bad argument @ 'bindkey' [expected player argument 1, but nil]
  21. Hi friends, I have a small problem In the console it gives this warning Bad argument @ 'setElementModel' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '100'] Which corresponds to the following line setElementModel (tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "cSkin"))) cods ---- admin duty skin ---- addCommandHandler("a209", function ( thePlayer, command ) if tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "pAdmin")) < 10 then return false end setElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "dSkin", 209) setElementModel (thePlayer, 209) end) --- admin off skin ---- addCommandHandler("o209", function ( thePlayer, command ) if tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "pAdmin")) < 10 then return false end setElementModel (tonumber(getElementData(accSys:getPlayerAcc(thePlayer), "cSkin"))) end) in part of ---- admin duty skin ---- There is no problem in the ---- admin duty skin ---- part but In the second part, --- admin off skin ----, when I order, Warning comes The second part must set the player model from the part of cSkin But it does not and gives high warning Sorry for the bad English language Please help me, my only hope is you
  22. Versão = 1.5.8-release-20860.0.0.000 Tempo = Sat Apr 24 15:06:02 2021 Módulo = D:\jogos\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Código = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x003C91CC EAX=212B4C68 EBX=212B4C58 ECX=0177FA78 EDX=001AC31C ESI=0000000000 EDI=000000001 EBP=0177FC2 8 ESP=0177FA58 EIP=007C91CC FLG=00210202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B https://pastebin.mtasa.com/999993530
  23. tem algo errado aqui rapaziada? have something wrong in the script? local x,y,z,dim,inter,rot = unpack(fromJSON(v.pos)); Erro no Console WARNING: fv_bank\server.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] [2021-04-23 14:41:42] ERROR: fv_bank\server.lua:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [2021-04-23 14:41:48] WARNING: fv_bank\server.lua:33: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] [DUP x3] [2021-04-23 14:41:48] ERROR: fv_bank\server.lua:33: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [DUP x3](editado)
  24. Hello, is there any plugin or anything to add SAMP 0.3.7 objects to MTA SA Map Editor? SAMP Constructor is a bit complex and hard for me, so I use MTA Map Editor because it's so easy. I don't want it to replace any objects, just add SAMP objects in MTA Map editor, any solutions? Thank you.
  25. Kopyalanabilir adreslerimiz; Discord: https://discord.gg/Uqh3ZQh4XS Sunucu İP: mtasa://
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