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  1. i want save grid list rows to xml, and load from xml.. but how to make this?
  2. i want make a joinquit script, but i want the join, disconnect..etc messages show in right side, like killmessages, it is possible? if yes, how??
  4. Hello everyone! I am new to this scripting stuff so I am looking for help. For the last few days I have been trying to make work SetElementModel and have no success. What I want this script to do is to change one vehicle to another while you are driving it. Any suggestions? Here is link to the site- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementModel. Also here is the code I used. addCommandHandler ( "changeveh", function ( thePlayer, command, newModel ) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) newModel = tonumber ( newModel ) if theVehicle and newModel then setElementModel ( theVehicle, newModel ) end end )
  5. ..this is not the full code from my nametag: when i press 'T', the chaticon appear on everybody.. how to fix this? i want, when a player, or me press 'T', the ballon show just on the player, or on me, not on everyplayers... sorry for my terrible english .. :c
  6. Hello , i just need to make Player blip for only 2 teams , Admins and Events Organization Zone , i tried local allowedTeam{} but not working , still working for all Players at F11 , local restrictedTeams = { ["Admins"] = true, ["Events Organization Zone"] = true } local textFont = "default-bold" local textScale = 1 local heightPadding = 1 local widthPadding = 1 local xOffset = 8 local minAlpha = 10 local textAlpha = 255 local floor = math.floor local w,h = guiGetScreenSize() local function drawMapStuff() if (restrictedTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(getLocalPlayer()))] ~= nil) then if isPlayerMapVisible() then local sx,sy,ex,ey = getPlayerMapBoundingBox() local mw,mh = ex-sx,sy-ey local cx,cy = (sx+ex)/2,(sy+ey)/2 local ppuX,ppuY = mw/6000,mh/6000 local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(textScale,textFont) local yOffset = fontHeight/2 local blips = getElementsByType("blip") for k,v in ipairs(blips) do local attached=getElementAttachedTo(v) if isElement(attached) and getElementType(attached)=="player" then local px,py = getElementPosition(attached) local x = floor(cx+px*ppuX+xOffset) local y = floor(cy+py*ppuY-yOffset) local pname = getPlayerName(attached) local nameLength = dxGetTextWidth(pname,textScale,textFont) local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(attached) local _,_,_,a = getBlipColor(v) if a>minAlpha then dxDrawBorderedText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,false,false) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapStuff) function dxDrawBorderedText(text, left, top, right, bottom, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak,postGUI) for oX = -1, 1 do for oY = -1, 1 do dxDrawText(text, left + oX, top + oY, right + oX, bottom + oY, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak,postGUI) end end dxDrawText(text, left, top, right, bottom, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) end
  7. Hello everyone! I am new to this scripting stuff so I am looking for help. For the last few days I have been trying to make work SetElementModel and have no success. What I want this script to do is to change one vehicle to another while you are driving it. Any suggestions? Here is link to the site- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementModel
  8. xyair12

    no servers appear

    Hi, how are you friends, I have a problem. When I open the MTA and inside server browsers and no servers appear, there is no server help. thanks.
  9. Zero123

    Help pls

    Because when I want to add a group in acl from my admin panel I get this Error adding objet 'user.Zero' to group 'Moderator' Help pls
  10. Necesito ayuda por favor! Hola gente, soy algo nuevo en esto de crear scripts, y estoy intentando crear un script de zombies, mediante slothbot, y a esos "zombies" o bots, quiero cambiarles las animaciones al caminar. A ver si me explico mejor, estoy intentando crear bots mediante slothbot, los cuales deben estar destinados a seguir a los jugadores. Hasta ahí todo bien, no es algo tan complejo. Mi problema es el siguiente: ¿Cómo puedo hacer para cambiar la forma en la que caminan dichos bots? ¿Hay alguna forma de cambiar su animación al atacar/caminar? Gracias por su tiempo gente, un saludo grande!
  11. Hello I have a nametag script. And i have a chat-icon script too. But i want add the chat-icon thing to nametag script, above the player nametag. And do not appear for me, just another players. This is possible? If yes, how? Sorry for my bad english..
  12. This is the code: function onPlayerQuit ( thePlayer) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local nametagszin = getPlayerNametagColor ( thePlayer ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "ntszin", nametagszin ) end end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if ( playeraccount ) then local nametagszin = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "ntszin" ) if ( nametagszin ) then setPlayerNametagColor ( thePlayer, r, g, b ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin ) No error(s)/warning(s) in debugscript 3.. What wrong?
  13. Hello. I'm looking for pubg type (battle royale) mod. Are there any open sources available or someone selling the mod? This time DayZ mod is not a option, im looking for mod like pubg/h1z1/fortnite. i've played on that mod servers, they are awesome.
  14. Where can i download overdose effects with script for mta sa?
  15. Hy! I would like to make a dxDraw indicator that shows stamina. I wanted to make a picture, that fills up to a certain level based on a value, so I tried using dxDrawImageSection and RenderTarget too, but I couldn't make it. It is important that I want it to be relative, so like I have a 200x200 size picture that I draw in 80x80, or in 50x50 and so on based on the user's resolution. Could someone help me in this?
  16. i created a HUD with rectangles (bg rectangle, hp, armor...etc), and i want this make movable, so that move at the same time, but i don't know how to make this possible anyone can help? sorry for my bad english :c
  17. How to creaye a chat bot for output some words loop in main chat pls help me ?
  18. The resource starts, but the bot does not spawn. function bot () team = createTeam ("AngryBots", 255,255,255) exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot ( 2002.5241699219,1546.9384765625,13.5859375, 90, 124, 0, 0, 29, "waiting", true ) end addCommandHandler("bots",bot) <meta> <info author="Falke" version="2.0.0" type="misc" name="angrybots" description="This script will add Silent Hill to San Andreas" /> <script src="server.lua" type="server" /> <include resource="slothbot" /> </meta> Why does not the bot spawn?? Please, help me! Neither the "nemesi1" script is working now (it worked when i played MTA years ago...). I don't know what is happening ;-; *nemesi1: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5722
  19. i want change the needle color if speed >= 240, but does not working how to fix this? what wrong? no error(s)/warning(s)
  20. i created a dx panel, and i created some onClientClick event for this panel. but when i hide the panel, the onClientClick events are working.. how to fix this?
  21. entao eu baixei um script que tem traficante e eu gostaria que quando fizesse a entrega, a pessoa ficasse procurada, todavia nao sei fazer isso alguem pode me ajudar?
  22. Hello guys, what's up ? I've made myself an blip event script, that attach a blip on the admin on the map, and the user who kills it get a random item. The most complicated part of the script is working fine, but i have a problem... The problem is: When the admin kills himself, the event doesn't end, if i die 10x, i'll have the function still running, so everytime i die it gives the message and the item... The script: (i've already commented all the lines to get easier to understand...) --function blip has paremeter: theplayer function blip (thePlayer) --variable accountname receive the value of the getaccountname of the player, to see the player login accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) --if the player who triggered the blip function is a supermoderator or an admin then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then --output the message "special event - kill the adm identified as a $ on the map, the winner will get random items" outputChatBox ('#00BFFF==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00BFFF【 EVENTO ESPECIAL! 】#FFFFFF Mate o ADM identificado com o #098700cifrão ($) verde no mapa',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#FFFFFFO vencedor ganhará itens aleátorios!',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00BFFF==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) --attach a "$" blip to the admin or supermod who started the event blip = createBlipAttachedTo (thePlayer,52,10) --set the admin data blood to 100 setElementData(thePlayer, "blood",100) --set the admin data blip event to true setElementData(thePlayer, "eventoblip",true) --set the max slots of the admin backpack to 350 setElementData(thePlayer, "MAX_Slots",350) end end --add the command /eventoblip that triggers the function blip addCommandHandler("eventoblip", blip) --table that determine what items the player will be given local itens = { {"Banana"}, {"Kiwi"}, {"Pizza"} } --function that calculates the size of the table itens above function tamanho( tabela ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tabela ) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- function endevent has parameters: ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart function fimdoevento(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) -- if there is a attacker, and the element that killed him was a player, and the killed player has the data blip event then if attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" and getElementData(source,"eventoblip") == true then --declaring a local variable item that uses the tablecount system to pickup a random item of the table items local item = itens[math.random(tamanho(itens))][1] --declaring a local variable quantity, that's equal to 1x local quantidade = 1 --destroy the blip on the map after event is over destroyElement(blip) --remove the data blip event from staff setElementData(source, "eventoblip",false) --give to the attacker and the admin(test purposes) the random item, and quantity setElementData(attacker, item , quantidade) setElementData(source, item, quantidade) --output message "congratulations attackername killed the staff and wins X quantity of the X item" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ("#00a5ff Parabéns [#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(attacker).."#00a5ff] matou o Staff e ganhou [#ff0000 "..quantidade.."x "..item.."#00a5ff]!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) -- else if there is a attacker, and the attacker killed with a vehicle, and the killed player has the data blip event then elseif attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "vehicle" and getElementData(source,"eventoblip") == true then --destroy the blip on the map after event is over destroyElement(blip) --remove the data blip event from staff setElementData(source, "eventoblip",false) --give to the attacker and the admin(test purposes) the random item, and quantity setElementData(attacker, item , quantidade) setElementData(source, item, quantidade) --output message "congratulations attackername killed the staff and wins X quantity of the X item" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ("#00a5ff Parabéns [#FF0000" ..getPlayerName(attacker).."#00a5ff] atropelou o Staff e ganhou [#ff0000 "..quantidade.."x "..item.."#00a5ff]!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) -- if none of this conditions is true then the admin accidentally killed himself from falling or other causes else --output message "the staff adminname killed himself, the event is still running" outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ffO Staff ' .. getPlayerName(source) .. ' se matou, o evento continua.' ,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox ('#00a5ff==============================================================',getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) end end --add an event handler of type onplayerwasted, that triggers the fimdoevento (translating: endevent) function addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), fimdoevento) Thank you guys, and please if anyone is thinking to use the script, please have my credits in: Gabriel Bigardi
  23. Hello. I want create a dx timer which when the player disconnect, and connect again to the server then not reset the timer. Sorry for my bad english :c
  24. I do not speak English very well so sorry if you have some mistakes. Hello Community, beauty? A while ago I joined a RPG server and I came across a very cool Mod, it removes the "ports" of the buildings and leaves open in the style GTA V or GTA VC and I found it very interesting, I tried to do something like editing. Col But it didn't get the same I wanted to know how you do this or you have to download, I thank you from now on Print of how is the Mod https://prntscr.com/h97t3f
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