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  1. could someone help me? I start the MTA, it loads more, the screen does not appear, I have reinstalled it too and it did not work, what can it be? https://pastebin.mtasa.com/455823672 I don't know if that can help I followed that step too https://upload.mtasa.com/u/846096373/Logfile.PML_ it doesn't show any error screens either, I've used malwerebytes, I've reinstalled C ++ and nothing, I can't even play GTA SA I click to start and it won't open, I downloaded the original rockstar games launcher, I've also tried with others from internet and does not work https://imgur.com/a/JpKHSnN I don't know if that can help because it's in Portuguese too, I pulled the PC log on the error my nick in Discord Ismael cu de barro#9414 after this screen nothing happens anymore https://imgur.com/ZBy8WUd
  2. Hello guys, I am hoping someone here can help me to do imposible task. I need vehicle doors to stay open after I enter vehicle. How to do it? Does somebody knows? Thank you very much!
  3. Hello Everyone, Can someone know about how to detect auto keypresses in mtasa, can we kick or something the person who user auto key presser automatically. Hope you give some solution for it.. Thank you.
  4. Boa noite, Estou fazendo um sistema de bot que atira na direção do player, esta funcionando tudo certo. Mais ele esta atirando muito para cima, na mesma direção mas, só que para cima, vou enviar uma print mostrando. Qual função posso usar para abaixar o tiro do ped https://ibb.co/s3BMdDX
  5. There's a server named FineMTA and I can not connect to it, but can to other servers. I tried to reinstall MTA, with original and cracked GTA:SA, but it's the same problem. My friend sent me his mods files but nothing changed. We talked with the admins and developers of the server but they had no idea what is the problem. Here is a picture of it: https://imgur.com/a/TJEikVU And here is an MTA diagnostic about my client, but I don't think it's the problem: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/506877440
  6. I want to create a system that could load another player
  7. alguém sabe me dizer se tem alguma função que faça o player n correr, e sim ficar só no trote normal
  8. So i tried to make a script which on client click on gui creates 4 markers randomly selected and to those 4 markers i attached a blip which is deleted with marker on markerhit but the problem i'm having is when the client leaves the vehcile it should destroy all markers and blips attached to it but it only destroys markers and 1 blip. I know my code is messy i'm learning tho ;/ Looking forward for any feedback ;/ Miejsca = { {-2374.76,848.06,40.26}, {-2411.90,917.68,45.58}, {-2503.44,918.54,64.94}, {-2502.92,899.47,64.90}, } Miejsca2 = { {-2175.37,-42.62,35.31}, {-2078.89,-1.16,35.32}, {-2027.23,-51.83,35.37}, {-2158.88,-6.57,35.32}, } Miejsca3 = { {-2509.17,-109.50,25.62}, {-2514.50,-190.11,25.15}, {-2540.79,-144.05,15.88}, {-2576.06,-142.61,6.54}, } Miejsca4 = { {-1929.75,1189.20,45.45}, {-1956.40,1189.02,45.45}, {-2053.97,1193.66,45.46}, {-2065.96,1161.57,46.66}, } Miejsca5 = { {-2575.85,1148.27,55.73}, {-2534.61,1141.51,55.73}, {-2479.18,1141.16,55.73}, {-2451.32,1139.70,55.73}, } Miejsca6 = { {-2880.85,737.10,29.49}, {-2863.24,682.77,23.44}, {-2877.86,797.28,35.74}, {-2837.11,877.44,44.06}, } miejscaa = 0 function Rozwoz(plr) if plr == localPlayer then miejscaa = math.random(1,6) if miejscaa == 1 then Miejsca = Miejsca elseif miejscaa == 2 then Miejsca = Miejsca2 elseif miejscaa == 3 then Miejsca = Miejsca3 elseif miejscaa == 4 then Miejsca = Miejsca4 elseif miejscaa == 5 then Miejsca = Miejsca5 elseif miejscaa == 6 then Miejsca = Miejsca6 end end StartPracaa(plr) end punktyp = 0 maxpunktyp = 4 markerdelete = createElement("markerusune") function StartPracaa(plr) if plr == localPlayer then for _,v in ipairs(Miejsca) do local blipGroupElement = createElement("blipGroupElement") markerPizzaStart = createMarker(v[1],v[2],v[3],"cylinder",3.0,255,255,255) blipPizzaStart = createBlipAttachedTo(markerPizzaStart,12) setElementParent(blipPizzaStart, blipGroupElement) setElementParent(markerPizzaStart,markerdelete) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",markerPizzaStart,function(plr) if plr == localPlayer then punktyp = punktyp + 1 if punktyp < maxpunktyp then outputChatBox("Trwa Oddawanie pizzy..") fadeCamera(false) triggerServerEvent("Freeze",localPlayer,localPlayer) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) outputChatBox("Jedz oddaj kolejna pizze") triggerServerEvent("unFreeze",localPlayer,localPlayer) end,5000,1) if isElement(blipGroupElement) then destroyElement(blipGroupElement) end setElementData( localPlayer, 'm', source) usunmarker(hitElement) elseif punktyp == maxpunktyp then if isElement(blipGroupElement) then destroyElement(blipGroupElement) end fadeCamera(false) setElementData( localPlayer, 'm', source) usunmarker(hitElement) triggerServerEvent("Freeze",localPlayer,localPlayer) setTimer(function() outputChatBox("wracaj na baze") fadeCamera(true) triggerServerEvent("unFreeze",localPlayer,localPlayer) end,5000,1) end end end) end end end function usunmarker(hitElement) destroyElement(getElementData(localPlayer, 'm') ) end function guipizza() dxDrawImage(10/scale, 0/scale, 1920/scale, 1080/scale, ":AC-Kosiarki/tlop.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) dxDrawImage(383/scale, 154/scale, 411/scale, 304/scale, ":AC-Kosiarki/logo.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) exports['yd-gui_system']:customButton('Rozpocznij Prace',799/scale, 457/scale, 323/scale, 167/scale) exports['yd-gui_system']:customButton('Zakoncz Prace',799/scale, 624/scale, 323/scale, 167/scale) pizzaokno = true end function guiTimer() dxDrawText("Trwa zaladunek pizzy , Dostawca skonczy zamowienie za : "..czas.." sekund", 733, 28, 1143, 128, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end function zakonczprace(plr) if plr == localPlayer then triggerServerEvent("ZniszczPojazdPizza",localPlayer,localPlayer) destroyElement(markerdelete) outputChatBox("zakonczyles\as prace") end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit",resourceRoot,function(plr) if plr == localPlayer then zakonczprace(plr) end end)
  9. Hi, I hope someone can help me with this question, I would like to display the latest server logs on a website using PHPSDK but I have a question on how to do it efficiently as it will update in real time. any ideas?
  10. Im working on a script wich create flames on the Thrusters of a vehicle (Mammoth Thruster of GTA Online), works well if you are the only that has a Thruster, but if someone also has a Thruster and gets out the vehicle, your Thruster will keep the attached elements and will not destroy the flames if you get out of the vehicle: Here is a video of what is happening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3z9fdnBG0w and serverside and clientside scripts that are involved Serverside: (Functions for creating the flames) function LightOn(vehicle, x, y, z) if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end light = createMarker ( x , y , z, "corona", 0.5, 255, 160, 0, 170 ) attachElements(light, vehicle, 0, -0.3, -0.8) end addEvent("lighton", true) addEventHandler("lighton", getRootElement(), LightOn) function LightOff() if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end if light then destroyElement(light) end end addEvent("lightoff", true) addEventHandler("lightoff", getRootElement(), LightOff) function ThrustersOn(vehicle, x, y, z) if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end superhitbox = createObject (3471, x , y , z) setElementAlpha(superhitbox, 0) firethrustl = createObject (2031, x , y , z) firethrustr = createObject (2031, x , y , z) attachElements(superhitbox, vehicle, 0, -10, -1) attachElements(firethrustl, vehicle, 0.47, -0.4, -0.2) attachElements(firethrustr, vehicle, -0.47, -0.4, -0.2) setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustl, false) setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustr, false) end addEvent("thrusterson", true) addEventHandler("thrusterson", getRootElement(), ThrustersOn) function ThrustersOff() if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end if not firethrustl then return end destroyElement(firethrustl) destroyElement(firethrustr) end addEvent("thrustersoff", true) addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff) Clientside: (Functions that triggers serverside events when you are in the Thruster) Thruster = 465 function SitOnThruster(thePlayer) if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle) == Thruster ) then bindKey("vehicle_fire", "down", shootProjectile) triggerServerEvent ( "onthruster", resourceRoot) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local h, m = getTime() triggerServerEvent("thrusterson", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) if h > 20 then triggerServerEvent("lighton", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) else return end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, SitOnThruster ) function Notsit(thePlayer) if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end if Thruster then triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) else return end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleExit", root, Notsit ) function killed() if Thruster then if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) then if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( localPlayer ) == 1 then return end triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z) else return end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, killed ) function shootProjectile() if not disparado then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle) == Thruster ) then if isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) == false then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) projectile = createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y+4, z-10) disparado = true setTimer ( function() disparado = false end, 1500, 1 ) else local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y, z-3) disparado = true setTimer ( function() disparado = false end, 1500, 1 ) end end end end I'm very confused, i'm trying to make the script only create element for each player.
  11. when a player(pedestrian) hits a marker(checkpoint , corona ...) ,all his weapons will be removed.
  12. Hello , I'm Fars , leader of Run-spirit clan , a Community-clan in ffs server. I'm a Run player. I m in need of a simple script: when a player(pedestrian) hits a marker(checkpoint , corona ...) ,all his weapons will be removed.
  13. Hello, I have a similar functions which activated when the client clicked on the button. Now Im calling they like different functions. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[1], setCtrl1, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[2], setCtrl2, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[3], setCtrl3, false) I want to call one function when I push the different buttons addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[1], setCtrl, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[2], setCtrl, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[3], setCtrl, false) But also I want to do this with a different actions in function. Unfortunely, I did not found the way how can I check the button which clicked. Im planing to do something like this: -- This just an example function() if ctrl[1] then --do something elseif ctrl[2] then --do anything elseif ctrl[3] then --do this but it actually looks like previous end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[1], setCtrl, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[2], setCtrl, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ctrl[3], setCtrl, false)
  14. Здравствуйте, недавно появилась задача подключить Google Authenticator на сервер, но я не знаю как создавать токен и получать код по времени, прошу объяснить
  15. So I wanted to ask if someone would explain to me how to make my own shaders, I immediately say that I know there is an MTA page with examples but I don't understand anything of them so I prefer someone to explain it to me and what it is and how to create although the easiest script with shaders
  16. Hello. I am new to creating servers but I just wanted to host a server with my friends, but I don't know what the IP of my server is. When I open console, it just says my server IP is "auto". How do I get the IP of my server?
  17. local vehicle; function makeVeh(player, cmd, vehID) if (vehID) then else outputChatBox("#FFFFFF[#FF4F4fHiba#FFFFFF] Használat : /makeveh [Modell ID]", player, 255, 0, 0, true ); end end addCommandHandler("makeveh", makeVeh) Worthless Cynomys youtube videói alapján el kezdtem scriptelni, már sikerült egy alap hud-ot írnom 0-ról, de valamiért itt elakadtam. A problémám kifejtve : Ha az outputChatBox végére odarakom a true-t (Ugye hogy színkódolt-e) akkor nem írja ki az üzenetet, és próbáltam úgy is, hogy kitörlöm a 255, 0, 0,-t a scriptből, de úgy sem. Valaki erre egy megoldást? (Worthless-nél a szövegen és a színkódon kívül ugyan így volt írva, és nála működött.)
  18. Any ideas how can I calculate the camera perspective's 4 corners into a flat 2D map? Here's what the camera should see: And here is what should it look like from the outside: I need to calculate the 4 points position
  19. how can i implement voice chat phone and radio in mta? ( for roleplay server )
  20. Olá estou com problemas em meu emprego, todo mundo mesmo quem não está atrabalhando neste emprego consegue spawnar o veiculo do trabalho apenas indo até o marker, tentei por uma proteção que faça com quem tem a skin do emprego consiga pegar o carro e o destruir. porém nenhum resultado se conseguirem me ajudar agraçederia muito. local marker = createMarker(2681.17285, -1957.08862, 12.7, "cylinder", 1.0, 0, 0, 255, 255) local Dmarker = createMarker(2679.63989, -1968.49829, 12.5, "cylinder", 3.0, 255, 0, 0, 100) function enterVehicle ( player, seat, jacked ) --quando um jogador entra em um veículo policeLimpador = { [552]=true} --ID Veiculos Policiais policeLimpadorSkins = { [27]=true } --ID Skins Policiais if ( policeLimpador[getElementModel(source)] ) and ( not policeLimpadorSkins[getElementModel(player)] ) then --se o veículo é um dos 4 carros da polícia, ea pele não é uma pele polícia cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "#ff0000Somente Motoristas podem entrar neste veiculo", player, 255, 255, 255, true ) --and tell the player why end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) --add an event handler for onVehicleStartEnter function Vehicle( thePlayer ) if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) veh = createVehicle(552, 2687.59, -1970.002, 13.547, -0, 0, 266.348 ) warpPedIntoVehicle(thePlayer, veh) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, enterVehicle) function destroy (hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "Vehicle" then destroyElement(hitElement) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Dmarker, destroy)
  21. Hello! I have a script but i dont understand what is the problem. heres the code: fadeCamera(true, 0.3) setCameraMatrix(2410.69263, -1657.63013, 40.17338, 2442.47388, -1658.73975, 27.61846) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("crosshair",false) showCursor(true) local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize(); local loginPanelX,loginPanelY; local joinTick; local margin = getResponsiveSize(10) local buttonWidth,buttonHeight = getResponsiveSize(360), getResponsiveSize(60) local strings = { ["loginBtn"] = "Bejelentkezés", ["registerBtn"] = "Regisztráció" } local function getResponsiveSize(size) return(screenX/1920) * size end local windowWidth,windowHeight = getResponsiveSize(400), getResponsiveSize(450) function showLoginPanel() joinTick = getTickCount(); addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawLoginPanel) end function drawLoginPanel() loginPanelX,loginPanelY = interpolateBetween(-windowWidth, screenY/2 -windowHeight/9, 5, screenX/1.600 -windowWidth, screenY/1.500 -windowHeight,0, (getTickCount()-joinTick)/1000, "OutBounce" ); dxDrawRectangle(loginPanelX, loginPanelY, windowWidth,windowHeight, tocolor(0,0,0,190)) drawButton(loginPanelX + windowWidth/2 - buttonWidth/2 + margin, loginPanelY + windowHeight - buttonHeight - margin, buttonWidth - margin*2, buttonHeight, strings.loginBtn, tocolor(0,0,0,150), tocolor(255,48,48,160), tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end function drawButton(x,y,w,h,text,backgroundColor,hoverColor,textColor, font, textSize) if (isCursorInPosition(x,y,w,h)) then dxDrawRectangle(x,y,w,h,hoverColor) else dxDrawRectangle(x,y,w,h,textColor, font, textSize) end centerText(text, x,y,w,h,textColor) end function isCursorInPosition(x,y,w,h) local cursorX,cursorY = getCursorPosition(); cursorX,cursorY = cursorX * screenX, cursorY * screenY return(cursorX >= x and cursorX <= x + w) and (cursorX >= y and cursorY <= cursorY + h) end function centerText(text,x,y,w,h,textColor,font,size) dxDrawText(text, x + w/2, y + h/2, x + w/2, y + h/2, textColor,size,font, "center", "center", false,false,false,true) end showLoginPanel(); heres some pictures from debugscript 3: https://imgur.com/a/KgUtNv3
  22. Eu quero pedir ajuda para solucionar um problema, estou tentando modificar o chat nativo desabilitando com um codigo e colocando um mod de chat local e um global para o mapa mas não esta funcionando. Eu queria saber se alguem ja passou por algo assim e se sabe me ajudar
  23. Estou desenvolvendo esse Script do zero , e ele esta me dando erros no "toggleAllControls" e o "setElementFronzen" no "setTimer" no serverSide! Essa é a Linha do script : function fabricarParafal () local money = getPlayerMoney ( source ) if ( money >= 1000) then takePlayerMoney (source, 1000) setElementFrozen (source, true) toggleAllControls (source, false) setPedAnimation (source, "UZI", "UZI_reload", 5000, true, false, false, false) giveWeapon (source, 31, 100, true) outputChatBox ("#708090[ #FF0000 ᴠᴇɴᴅᴇᴅᴏʀ ᴅᴇ ᴀʀᴍᴀs #708090] #FFFFFF ᴠᴏᴄᴇ ᴇsᴛᴀ ғᴀʙʀɪᴄᴀɴᴅᴏ ᴜᴍᴀ #000000 ᴘᴀʀᴀғᴀʟ #FFFFFF !.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) setTimer(function() setElementFrozen(source, false) toggleAllControls (source, true) end, 5000, 1) else outputChatBox ("#708090[ #FF0000 ᴠᴇɴᴅᴇᴅᴏʀ ᴅᴇ ᴀʀᴍᴀs #708090] #FFFFFF ᴠᴏᴄᴇ ɴᴀᴏ ᴛᴇᴍ #000000 ᴅɪɴʜᴇɪʀᴏ #FFFFFF !.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEvent ("fParafal", true) addEventHandler("fParafal", getRootElement(), fabricarParafal) https://prnt.sc/udbg98 e se eu Corrigir isso colocando o "source" na linha "function fabricarParafal (..source..)" , ele nao funciona a verificaçao do Dinheiro
  24. Some images of my code: https://imgur.com/a/NBGSEQK Console error: https://imgur.com/a/YA6uKIL What is wrong with that code?
  25. Hello i need help with this gamemode i dont know how i can fix this error, thank for ur attention, sorry for my english. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Server marked as STARTING [Pterodactyl Daemon] Checking size of server data directory... [Pterodactyl Daemon] Disk Usage: 321M / 31000M [Pterodactyl Daemon] Ensuring correct ownership of files. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Running server preflight. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Starting server container. steam user is not set. Using anonymous user. No appid set. Starting Server :/home/container$ ./mta-server64 --port ${SERVER_PORT} --httpport ${SERVER_WEBPORT} -n /entrypoint.sh: line 46: ./mta-server64: Permission denied [Pterodactyl Daemon] Server marked as OFF [Pterodactyl Daemon] ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ---------- [Pterodactyl Daemon] Exit Code: 126 [Pterodactyl Daemon] Out of Memory: false [Pterodactyl Daemon] Error Response: [Pterodactyl Daemon] Aborting automatic reboot due to crash within the last 60 seconds.
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