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  1. Hello, I need help to complete a slow idle script for the vehicle, but I just could not get a good result, if you can help me, thank you! RX7_sound = { {"001.wav",494}, } function replacesound(player) for i,OBJ in ipairs(RX7_sound) do vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (OBJ[2]) if vehicle then sound = playSound (OBJ[1],looped = true) setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,25) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",root,replacesound)
  2. Hello There. Well my problem is really annoying. I downloaded MTA properly and after launching MTA everything was fine and when I click "Map Editor" a small window pops up "Starting local server.." Then nothing happens after that. I literally waited for 30 minutes. Thanks for your help!
  3. I need help to create this script that replaces objects across a table, thus getting more practical and quick to convert objects Garage_OBJ_DFF = { {"garage_1.dff",1455}, {"garage_2.dff",1455}, } Garage_OBJ_TXD = { {"garage_1.txd",1455}, {"garage_1.txd",1484}, } Garage_OBJ_COL = { {"garage_1.col",1484}, {"garage_2.col",1484}, } function replacemodels(player) for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_DFF) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadDFF object2 = engineReplaceModel end for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_TXD) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadTXD object2 = engineImportTXD end for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_COL) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadCOL object2 = engineReplaceCOL end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,replacemodels)
  4. I attached a song to my car, but when i'll go far away from car, the music starts from the beginning... s: how to fix this?
  5. client: function rtwjhrt() if isElement(ss) then stopSound(ss) return end local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) local gettext = guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( car ) local ss = playSound3D( 'asd.mp3', x, y, z ) setSoundMaxDistance( ss, 85 ) attachElements(ss,car) end addEvent("asd123asd456",true) addEventHandler("asd123asd456",root,rtwjhrt) server: function trig() triggerClientEvent(root,"asd123asd456",root) end addEvent( "asjdlaj", true ) addEventHandler( "asjdlaj", root, trig ) Why not hear the sound another players?
  6. Estou com o problema não consigo bloquer os trabalhos da agencia estou tentado a bloquear por eu fiz o codigo mais esta dando erro de debug pfvr alguem me ajude local Nível = getElementData (origem "Nível" ou 0) se Nível <5 depois outputChatBox ("teste") return end oq sera esta errado como corrigo Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo = {} Trab_Ambulancia_Blip = {} Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador = {} Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal = {} Trab_Ambulancia_LastEntrega = {} Entrega local = { {= 1564,06799, y = 1833,44080, z = 10,75031}, {x = -2723,76416, y = 557,64191, z = 14,55469}, {x = 1988,68262, y = -1432,54785, z = 14,77065}, {x = -315,68024, y = 1063,52026, z = 19,59375}, {x = -1525,02063, y = 2528,02954, z = 55,72723}, {x = -2201,01514, y = -2291.76367, z = 30,62500}, local } = local de trabalho "Motorista de Ambulancia " local TrabalhoFunc =" MotoristadeAmbulancia " local MaxLocal = 6 SalarioMin local, SalarioMax = 1500,4000 function TrabalhoPegar() local Level = getElementData(source "Level" or 0) if Level < 5 then outputChatBox("teste") return end setElementData(source,"Trabalhando",true) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF* #FF0000[Trabalho]#00FF00 "..Trabalho.."", source, 255, 255, 255,true) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF* #FF0000[Trabalho]#00FF00 Transporte o veiculo ate #FF0000BLIP Vermelho Gigante #00FF00 no seu F11", source, 255, 255, 255,true) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF* #FF0000[Trabalho]#FFFFFF para desistir use /abandonar ou saia do veiculo",source,255,255,255,true) if Trab_Ambulancia_LastEntrega[source] == "sucesso" then Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] = Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] + 1 else if not Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] then Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] = 1 else Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] = Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] end end if Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] > MaxLocal then Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] = 1 end Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source] = createVehicle(416,-53.86434, -217.51563 ,5.63623) setVehicleRotation (Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source], 0,0,173.8740234375) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source]) setVehicleLocked (Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source], true) local posid = Trab_Ambulancia_LastLocal[source] local x,y,z = Entrega[posid].x, Entrega[posid].y,Entrega[posid].z Trab_Ambulancia_Blip[source] = createBlip (x,y,z, 0, 5, 255, 0, 0,255, 0, 25000,source) Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[source] = createMarker (x,y,z-1,"cylinder", 10, 0, 200, 55, 255, source) triggerClientEvent (source,"contadortrab",source,x,y,z) addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[source], TrabalhoFinalizou) end addEvent("Trab:"..TrabalhoFunc.."", true) addEventHandler("Trab:"..TrabalhoFunc.."", getRootElement(), TrabalhoPegar) function TrabRemoveFunctions(toDestroi) Trab_Ambulancia_LastEntrega[toDestroi] = "cancelado" setElementData(toDestroi,"Trabalhando",false) removeEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[toDestroi],TrabalhoFinalizou) if Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[toDestroi] and isElement ( Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[toDestroi] ) then destroyElement( Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[toDestroi] ) end if Trab_Ambulancia_Blip[toDestroi] and isElement ( Trab_Ambulancia_Blip[toDestroi] ) then destroyElement( Trab_Ambulancia_Blip[toDestroi] ) end if Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[toDestroi] and isElement ( Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[toDestroi] ) then destroyElement( Trab_Ambulancia_Marcador[toDestroi] ) end end function TrabalhoAbandonar (player) if getElementType(player) == "player" then if getElementData(player, "Trabalhando") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000[Trabalho]#FFFFFF você desistiu do Trabalho de "..Trabalho.."",player,255,255,255,true) TrabRemoveFunctions(player) end end end addCommandHandler("abandonar", TrabalhoAbandonar) function TrabalhoSaiuVeiculo (leaver) if source == Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[leaver] and getElementData(leaver, "Trabalhando") == true then TrabRemoveFunctions(leaver) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF* #FF0000[Trabalho]#FFFFFF Você saiu do Veiculo e Desistiu do Trabalho de "..Trabalho.."",leaver,255,255,255,true) else return false end end function TrabalhoSaiuServer () TrabRemoveFunctions(source) if Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source] and isElement ( Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source] ) then destroyElement( Trab_Ambulancia_Veiculo[source] ) end end addEventHandler ("onVehicleExit",getRootElement(), TrabalhoSaiuVeiculo) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(), TrabalhoSaiuServer) function FunçãoFinalizou (jogador) se getElementType (jogador) == "jogador" então se getElementData (jogador, "Trabalhando") == verdadeiro então TrabRemoveFunctions (jogador) Trab_Ambulancia_LastEntrega [jogador] = "sucesso" dinheiro local = math.random (SalarioMin, SalarioMax) givePlayerMoney (player, tonumber (dinheiro)) setElementData (jogador, "Trabalhando", false) outputChatBox ("# FFFFFF * # FF0000 [Trabalho] #FFFFFF Você completou o Trabalho e Ganhou # FF0000" .. cash .. "$ ", jogador, 255,255,255, verdadeiro) triggerClientEvent (" fimdotrab ", raiz, jogador) end end end outputDebugString ("Trabalho" ..Trabalho .. "Iniciado")
  7. Hi, I need help creating a DX bar that when moved by the mouse it changes the acceleration of the vehicle function bar move () move = dxDrawImage(x*35, y*60, x*230, y*58, "bar.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) setVehicleHandling(v, "engineAcceleration", move ) end
  8. Help, what's wrong with the code? After the death of the player should be 1 hp.
  9. ^iiEcoo'x_)

    Shader !

    Hello Can I use the first picture instead of the second picture in the Shader? Picture : 1 Picture : 2
  10. Hellow..!! After creating a DX image [ image created using "dxDrawImage" function ], can a GUI Window set font of that DX image ?? And how ?? [ i think "guiSetFont" function is not useful in this occasion. Because I tested it :3 ]
  11. vas1 = createObject ( 3529, -2112.55103, -249.87376, 35.32031, 0, 0, 0 ) function repairClickedVehicle( button, state, player ) if button == "left" and state == "down" then if getElementType( source ) == "object" then destroyElement(vas1) end end end addEventHandler( "onElementClicked", getRootElement( ), repairClickedVehicle ) This working fine... but when i reconnect, the object appear again.. how to fix this?
  12. Why I'm getting kicked for using compiled ahk? I'm playing on RP server. I need to pack it, because i don't want other people steal my code. But each time I login, AC kicking me with it. (VF #4 9KCC) I played with compressed exe before and started to give it away. cause it worked. But after update I'm getting kicked for it. Or what's wrong with script? I could share it, it's just text sender for RP. Any ideas? Waiting for answer...
  13. Hi guys..!! Now I am finding a way, how to create an arrow [ "Down arrow" pickup :- 1318 ] that every-time targeting one position. Like... there is an arrow on player's head and it leads the player to reach a position. So that arrow always target one position. What should i do to set the arrow's target to one position ?? Can you help me ??
  14. I want create a dxdraw rectangle and text on the map. But how to make this possible?
  15. Hi all, I'm putting together a section of My Account on my server, I want it to be a little window with a tabpanel that has the following tabs: Start (where it shows the basic statistics, name, type of account, level, etc) Configuration (where it will show buttons to change the password, delete the account, etc) Clan/Gang (where it would show data exported from the gangystem) For now I can not think of any other flap, if any one sees a utility to a flap I could also recommend it The problem is this, I am creating this through the freeroam resource GUI (since the My Account button is in the freeroam too, then I wanted to do everything together). The code is the following: wndCuenta = { 'wnd', text = 'LPMV2 - Mi Cuenta', x = 380, y = 190, width = 500, height = 800, controls = { {'tbp', id='tbp1', text='pruebaTabPanel', width=200 , height=200}, }, } The result: It's strange, but I say ... maybe the tab is missing for it to work, so I add it and the code looks like this: wndCuenta = { 'wnd', text = 'LPMV2 - Mi Cuenta', x = 380, y = 190, width = 500, height = 800, controls = { {'tbp', id='tbp1', text='pruebaTabPanel', width=200 , height=200}, {'tab', id='tab1', text='pruebaTab', width=200 , height=200}, }, } But the result is that when I want to open this section (My Account) it shows the last 2 errors in the debugscript (ignore 'callesgroove' resource) Somebody could help me? From already thank you very much!
  16. Guys,may be who has the code of rotate the camera on one axis, around the car? Very necessary!Please Sorry for my english.
  17. Hello there scripters, Im in a secret project of starting officially new and most popular idea In mta me and my friends started this project I dont want to say the name of it but it needs such a proffesional scriptors and 2 staff's which is need to be trusted and not paid at all, but the scriptors will be [aid and we need to discuss how much depends on the scriptors and on the script itself and on us, so imma tell some of what it indicates : - Systems ( alot of kinds ) - Custom gui - And much more Note: the idea will be explained to the scripter and tell him what to script, and this thread will be on until 5/26/2018. After this time done ill contact who posted in this thread, so when you tell me to contact you I WONT until this time done. bye and thanks we need atleast 5 scriptors tho c:
  18. this is my code: function onQuit(thePlayer) for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle",resourceRoot)) do if getElementData(v,"oveie") == getPlayerName(thePlayer) then destroyElement(v) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, onQuit ) but this does not working.. why? how to fix it?
  19. Resto

    Help please

    Helo all, can anyone tell me what functions i need for /blockpm <name> i used this PM system. local mycrpmpartner = {} function thePM(thePlayer,commandName,sendToName,...) local pmWords = { ... } local pmMessage = table.concat( pmWords, " " ) if sendToName then if getPlayerFromNamePart2(sendToName) then local toPlayer = getPlayerFromNamePart2(sendToName) if not (toPlayer == thePlayer) then --that () needed if not (pmMessage == "") then outputChatBox("#757575[PM] Message to #ff00ff" .. getPlayerName(toPlayer) .. ":#ffffff " .. pmMessage, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#FF0000[PM] Message from #ffFFff" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. ":#ffff00 " .. pmMessage, toPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) mycrpmpartner[thePlayer]=toPlayer mycrpmpartner[toPlayer]=thePlayer else outputChatBox("#FF0000[PM]Use:#ff9900 /pm [part of name] [message]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#FF000[PM] You cannot PM yourself #ff9900!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000[PM] Player not found! #FFFF00[#ff9900"..sendToName.."#FFFF00]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000[PM]Use:#ff9900 /pm [part of name] [message]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("pm", thePM) function getPlayerFromNamePart2 ( name ) if ( name ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local name_ = getPlayerName ( player ):gsub ( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ):lower ( ) if name_:find ( tostring ( name ):lower ( ), 1, true ) then return player end end end end
  20. Kostel

    Help me

    Salut! Am si eu o problema , am un server de M.T.A , este unu rp , doresc sa ii creez interioare , am putut face vreo 4-5 interioare , la pretul de 250.000 lei , am bagat in guvern vreo 50.000.000 lei , si acum cand incerc sa creez alt interior la pretul de 250.000 lei , imi zici ca guvernul nu-si permite aceasta propietate . Ma puteti ajuta cu un sfat ceva ? Multumesc frumos.
  21. Happyboi

    How to draw...

    Hello there mta community!, im new in this forum so sorry if theres mistakes in this topic...I need a help that can anyone give me the link/name of any program that you can draw items or stuff in it and make it in real in mta? with some scripts like the backpacks of dayz or customed cars how they do that? pls help if you know how.. and thanks!
  22. YukiDev

    Your imperssions?

    Hmmm, i was playing MTA Battlegrounds...And MTA is pretty good.... I'm 10/10 SAMP Developer, and its pretty booooring cuz there is nothing more to show unicate... ( I'm in SAMP world since 2013 ) So, why I'm opening this topic? - I want your imperssions from MTA, and I need some help if you understand well MTA Scripting... My question: - Write your imperssions down (including scripting imperssions) - I want to know, what language is used to script a server (main lang, like for SAMP its PAWN ), I don't understand WIKI well, and i don't have alot of time, just let me know what language is used for scripting so i can start <3 !!! - Biggest request from me: ENJOY ! <3
  23. Hi. So I was wondering about how to make a custom currency, so i have the default & the donator coin f.e. Could somebody help me with this? Like how to do it. And if possible, some code. Thanks
  24. Hello! I've been working with MTA team on implementing the ability to play custom IFP animations in MTA since a couple of months. Today, I want to notify you all that it's done after a lot work, this means you can create your own IFP animations in 3ds Max using Kam's script, play them in MTA:SA (not released yet) using Lua scripting functions. I've created my pull request on github which you can find here. Everything's pretty much done, but there's one problem, the pull request cannot be merged into the master branch because there's a lot of code to go through, this will make fixing bugs very difficult, so we'll need to test everything in every way possible before releasing. MTA used to have a lot of developers back in the days who designed the core of the software that we have today, I appreciate their work, and I'm forever grateful for their contribution. There are still a few developers from the MTA team and other old contributors who spends hours upon hours on making MTA better, and get literally nothing out of MTA for their work, but they still do it . My point is, MTA has potential, and together, we can make it better, not having enough time to test everything out is on the main reason why we still don't have this feature implemented into MTA's main branch, so I'm here to ask the community for help in testing this feature. There are so many gamemodes that can take advantage of this feature. We still have plenty of RP servers here, and they still keep increasing till this day. RP servers have almost everything they need, server developers keep trying their best to push the limits in order to have more realism, I honestly believe this will fix that problem, or at least improve it. Here are two video: What is IFP? IFP is the animation file format for GTA III, SA, and VC. Adding support for this file format will allow us to play any custom animation which are made for GTA:SA and GTA:VC. You can load as many IFP files you wish to, you can have hundreds of thousands of animations. Note: GTA III animations are not supported for now. How you can help: As much as everyone wants to have custom animations in MTA, I would love to see them as well. You can help by testing different IFP files, and report bugs on this thread. Download the new MTA:SA from here: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/67st54i25p8ge8is/artifacts/InstallFiles.zip Right-click on InstallFiles.zip, extract the files to some location on your computer, I usually extract them to my desktop. Download the resources from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TIK0-M3CNFR_1Yjn6pjImrS7184SS8jS/view?usp=sharing Create a folder with name "resources" in InstallFiles\server\mods\deathmatch, and extract resources.zip to InstallFiles\server\mods\deathmatch\resources. Start your MTA:SA server from location: InstallFiles\server\MTA Server.exe, and then start the ifp test resource from console "start ifptest" Now launch MTA from InstallFiles\Multi Theft Auto.exe, join your server. Use keys 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to play the custom parkour animation from parkour.ifp in ifptest. How to report bugs? When you are playing custom animations, if something's not working the way it should be, or if MTA crashes then please fill this form and reply to this thread: IFP download link: (put the download link here for IFP, so I can download and test it myself) Description: (Explain what the bug is) Steps To Reproduce: (write the steps on how I can reproduce the bug myself) Example: IFP download link: https://www.website.com/gta4.ifp Description: When I play this animation named "CartWheel," I can't move for a while, and MTA crashes. Steps To Reproduce: 1. Load "gta4.ifp". 2. play animation named "CartWheel" using setPedAnimation. 3. MTA crashes. If you want to submit the bug report by PM on forum then feel free to do so. I've added the resource "ifptest" to show you how to play custom animations. You can check how I did it by checking InstallFiles\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\ifptest\client.lua. About the new Lua functions, quoting myself: "There are three new Lua functions added: // loads IFP with a custom block name ifp engineLoadIFP ( string ifp_file_path, string custom_block_name ) // this will replace an internal GTA animation with custom one, it's a light-weight operation, // don't worry too much about performance. Different peds can have different running, walking, // crouching, shooting, etc. animations all running simultaneously because we are not actually // replacing animation hierarchies, we are merely storing everything in std::map which is in // CClientPed. When an animation triggers, we get the ped by clump, and play the animation // we wish to play. setPedAnimation works a little different than this, but the idea is same. bool engineReplaceAnimation ( ped thePed, string block_name, string anim_name, string custom_block_name, string custom_anim_name ) // This will restore animation replaced using engineReplaceAnimation, if only 1 parameter // is provided which is ped, then it will restore all animations, if block name is also provided, // then it will restore animations of that block only, if animation name is provided as well, // it will restore that specific animation only. bool engineRestoreAnimation ( ped thePed [, string block_name, string anim_name ] ) " To add your own ifp file, just add this to meta.xml: <file src="YourIFPFileNameHere.ifp" /> then in client-side Lua script, you can do: local customIfp = engineLoadIFP ("YourIfpNameHere.ifp", "YourCustomBlockNameHere") setPedAnimation ( localPlayer, "YourCustomBlockNameHere", "YourCustomAnimationNameHere" ) If you have any questions, write them here.
  25. I wanna know how to use ipairs and pairs correctly plz
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