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  1. Hi, I want to get list of visible elements (in my case pickups) to player in client-side code so I can loop through these elements. By visible, I mean literally player can "see" with their own eyes. You can also think it as loaded/rendered elements within given range. eg. element list of in 400.0 meters radius with player in center. I couldn't find proper function for it. Thank you for your further helps. Edit: these pickups are created server-side
  2. Hello, does anyone here know how to install MTA without administrator privileges? I can't install it on my old computer since the admin account is disabled. I just wanna play the game, but it says that I've to have admin perms. Does anyone have a portable MTA or something?
  3. I decided to dive into the world of rotations. I know this might be incomplete and even incorrect: function openCapo() local theVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local value1 = guiScrollBarGetScrollPosition(caposcroll) if theVeh and value1 then setVehicleComponentRotation (theVeh, bonnet_dummy, value1, rY, rZ) end end I've a GUI already created, and the visibility key bound. The first scrollbar (caposcroll) should affect the bonnet_dummy. This was made with absolute basic thinking process: "if I want doors to open, I need to get the position of the scrollbar". However, I know I still need to tell the game what's the math.min, what's the math.max, and, I think, to also give the order to respond only when the scrollbar is moved. I would appreciate a finger to point me in the right direction.
  4. Here's the script: inFourD = createMarker (2019.76953125, 1007.0116577148, 9.7203125, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 153) function inFourDragons (player, matchingDimension) if (source == inFourD) and (getElementType(player) == "player") and (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) == true) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: No se permiten vehículos dentro.", hitPlayer, 0, 0, 0, true) elseif (source == inFourD) and (getElementType(player) == "player") and (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) == false) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: Ingresaste al casino '#DD0000Four Dragons#FFFFFF'.", hitPlayer, 0, 0, 0, true) setElementInterior (player, 10) setElementPosition (player, 2016.9376220703, 1017.0843505859, 996.875 ) setElementRotation (player, 0, 0, 90) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), inFourDragons) Doing it client-side gives the invisible players. I read an old post that this had to be done server-side to fix the invisible players; however, I can't pinpoint the problem. As of this moment, with this script: - When in vehicle, player + vehicle is teleported to the same coords and interior 10, which results in an invisible world, player and vehicle, and it outputs "You've entered FDC.", when it should enter "Cars are not allowed". - When on foot, nothing happens. What could be the problem?
  5. I've made a server-type .Lua that should apply several 'setWeaponProperties' to the weapons. It works for some weapons, but not for others. For example, I've set the Deagle (replaced with a 6 bullet drum) to 'maxiumum_clip_ammo' = 6. This works correctly. However, with other weapons, it doesn't. Here's the script: function weaponProps () -- M9 -- setWeaponProperty(22, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 14) -- Revolver -- setWeaponProperty(24, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 6) -- Shotgun -- setWeaponProperty(25, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 7) -- Uzi -- setWeaponProperty(28, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 30) -- AKMS -- setWeaponProperty(30, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 35) -- G36 -- setWeaponProperty(31, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 40) -- Kar -- setWeaponProperty(33, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 5) -- Mosin -- setWeaponProperty(34, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 1) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), weaponProps) Essentially, it runs as soon as the resource is started. As a beginner's test, I'm only modifying the max ammo clip. It works for: - Deagle (Revolver) - Shotgun - AK-47 (AKMS) - M4 (G36) - Rifle (Kar) - Sniper (Mosin) It doesn't work for: - Colt (M9) - UZI
  6. I recently dove into this simple thing called "scripting and building a server". Naturally —added to my already curious personality—, I always come up with a doubt, a question, or any sort of uncertainty. After a week of messing around with it, I noticed that 5 of the 10 last posts made in the Script section were from me. I was having so much fun —truthfully— that I just kept on finding new things to ask. I'm pretty sure they are common questions. I'm not asking to have a script from scratch, or to be taught absolutely everything. It is most commonly about errors and to help myself understand the colloquial language of the scripts. However, I can't help but think that maybe it's not the best approach. I always think to myself "try to find it on your own", but I frenquently find myself getting even more confused the more I tour into each command and function. Is there a certain tacit limit as to how many questions can be asked? Is there any way to get the necessary help without flooding the sections?
  7. I've found six issues so far. Being alone, everything seemed fine; with players, these issues are visible. For the sake of organization and to avoid overwhelming, I'll be going through each issue (if possible), instead of throwing everything at once —unless asked otherwise—. First in the list is about client.Lua's 'outputChatBox' showing to everyone in the chatbox: I've got two scripts in this moment that are causing said inconvenient: a quick ATM system and a teleport system. The ATM is a simple marker that, when hit, gives you $500, and outputs that information. The teleports work the same way, but instead, the set the interior, position and rotation of the player, and output a message. ATM: Client: (this example's location is at LV's gas station, next to Four Dragon's Casino). atm1 = createMarker (2123.0048828125, 897.57653808594, 10.1796875, "cylinder", 1, 0, 100, 0, 170) function moneyLawn (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == atm1) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then triggerServerEvent ("givePlayerMoney", hitPlayer) outputChatBox ("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: El servidor te regaló #006400$500.", 0, 0, 0, true) end end (translation: "The server gave you $500") Server: function giveToPlayer () givePlayerMoney (root, 500) end addEvent ("giveMoney", true) addEventHandler ("giveMoney", root, giveToPlayer) Because of its close relation, I'll also name another issue regarding this script. The money is being given to all players in the server, and it is being multiplied by each player. This means that is, for example, I have 3 players in my server, when any player touches the marker, each player will be given $500 x amountOfPlayers = $1500. Teleports: (I have a few other teleports, but they only change interior and position). Client: ------------------------- -- FOUR DRAGONS CASINO -- ------------------------- inFourD = createMarker (2019.76953125, 1007.0116577148, 9.7203125, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 153) function inFourDragons (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == inFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == true) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: No se permiten vehículos dentro.", 0, 0, 0, true) elseif (source == inFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: Ingresaste al casino '#DD0000Four Dragons#FFFFFF'.", 0, 0, 0, true) setElementInterior (hitPlayer, 10) setElementPosition (hitPlayer, 2016.9376220703, 1017.0843505859, 996.875 ) setElementRotation (hitPlayer, 0, 0, 90) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", root, inFourDragons) outFourD = createMarker (2018.9376220703, 1017.0843505859, 995.875, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 153) setElementInterior (outFourD, 10) function outFourDragons (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == outFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == true) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: No se permiten vehículos dentro.", 0, 0, 0, true) elseif (source == outFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: Te retiraste del casino '#DD0000Four Dragons#FFFFFF'.", 0, 0, 0, true) setElementInterior (hitPlayer, 0) setElementPosition (hitPlayer, 2021.76953125, 1007.0116577148, 10.7203125 ) setElementRotation (hitPlayer, 0, 0, 90) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", root, outFourDragons) [translation: (if player in veh) "No cars allowed". (if player not in veh) "You've entered/exited "Four Dragons" casino".] There is no server. This similar post, which I'm following, says that in client-side, the output is bound to be shown just for the player who triggered the event.
  8. I've successfully created a marker that triggers 'givePlayerMoney' and 'outputChatBox' when 'onClientMarkerHit' in a client.Lua. Does the server see the amount of money the player now has? Do I have to sync the money to the server with some kind of 'getPlayerMoney' in a server.Lua? I'm planning on making a weapons GUI that works with the player's money.
  9. I am done. I've made a function to display text on elements, on server-side, and I wanted to trigger client event, but what? Doesn't triggering. Look: allElems = 0 function dxDrawTextOnElem(element, text, height, distance, r, g, b, alpha, size, font) allElems = allElems + 1 triggerClientEvent("dxDraw", resourceRoot, element, text, height or 0, distance or 20, r or 255, g or 0, b or 0, alpha or 255, size or 1, font or "arial", allElems) end Boom, client-side script: --Ofcourse, I've created all tables + in "onClientRender" I put outputChatBox(), outputs "{}" (because tables are empty) addEvent("dxDraw", true) addEventHandler("dxDraw", resourceRoot, function(element, text, height, distance, r, g, b, alpha, size, font, k) local i = table.find(elements, element) --table.find(pattern, s) if i then elements[i] = element texts[i] = text heights[i] = height distances[i] = distance rs[i] = r gs[i] = g bs[i] = b alphas[i] = alpha sizes[i] = size fonts[i] = font else elements[k] = element texts[k] = text heights[k] = height distances[k] = distance rs[k] = r gs[k] = g bs[k] = b alphas[k] = alpha sizes[k] = size fonts[k] = font end end) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() for i, text in ipairs(texts) do dxDrawTextOnElement(elements[i], text, heights[i], distances[i], rs[i], gs[i], bs[i], alphas[i], sizes[i], fonts[i]) end end) Jesus, I'm done with it. Sorry for asking a similar thing, but it's really difficult for me. For real, I'm like doing it second time, still fails.
  10. Olá comunidade tudo bem?. Estou com um problema pois estou usando um script client que usar o object_preview, eu desejo que ao criar o ped adicione a roupa que eu estou usando no meu CJ a função que faz o ped é essa: function creatPedProjection() if panelState then if (getElementData(localPlayer, "Tab") == false) then x1, y1, z1 = getCameraMatrix() myElement = createPed (getElementModel(localPlayer), x1, y1, z1) myObject = exports.object_preview:createObjectPreview(myElement, 5, 5, 0, x*250, y*150, x*330, y*410, false, true, true) exports.object_preview:setRotation(myObject,-0, 0, 160) setElementData(localPlayer, "Tab", true) end end end function resetPedProjection () exports.object_preview:destroyObjectPreview(myObject) myElement = nil myObject = nil end ja tentei várias formas mais n muda a roupa dele.
  11. No errors / warnings in debugscript 3... then what wrong in this script? Client: requestBrowserDomains({"www.convertmp3.io"}) local browser = createBrowser( 1, 1, false ) local currentSound = {} addEvent( 'Play' , true ) addEventHandler( 'Play' , root , function( link ) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) currentSound[source] = playSound3D( link, x, y, z ) attachElements(currentSound[source],vehicle) setSoundMaxDistance(currentSound[source],30) setSoundVolume(currentSound[source],50) end ) function fetch(_,url) if url and url ~= "" then fetchRemote("http://www.convertmp3.io/fetch/?format=JSON&video="..url, callback) end end addCommandHandler("p",fetch) function callback(data, error) if (error ~= 0) then return outputChatBox(error) end if (data == "ERROR") then return outputChatBox("data error") end local data = fromJSON("["..data.."]") if (data) then outputChatBox("Title: "..data.title) outputChatBox("Length: "..data.length) outputChatBox("Link: "..data.link) loadBrowserURL( browser, data.link ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserNavigate", browser, function( link ) if not link:find("www.convertmp3.io") then triggerServerEvent( 'play' , localPlayer , link ) -- trigger the event when the script actially gets the playable link! end end ) server: addEvent( 'play' , true ) addEventHandler( 'play' , root , function( link ) triggerClientEvent( root , 'Play' , client , link ) end )
  12. Olá Pessoal, como fazer para clicar em um veículo e receber no chat uma localização da roda dele? Já tenho a ideia de como usar o getVehicleComponentPosition (algo do lado do cliente), mas como identificar ou veicular o que estou tentando ver no OnElementClicked é do lado Server? function rodadireita (source) local vehicle = --Queria por aqui o veiculo que estou clicando x, y, z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( vehicle , "wheel_rf_dummy", "world") outputChatBox ( "Cordenadas:"..x..", "..y..", "..z, 255, 255, 255, true ) end
  13. Tem como usar o setVehicleComponentScale para aumentar peças do veiculo para todos os players?Tem que usar triggerClientEvent?Tentei usar mas n consegui,n sei usar essa função
  14. Estou querendo fazer um script que quando clico no carro,me mostre as coordenadas da roda,mas a função getVehicleComponentPosition é somente do lado client e não sei jogar elas pro lado serve
  15. Preciso que quando o player pegue determinada arma na mão o dx fica visible e quando ele coloca outra arma diferente daquela em sua mão o dx fica invisível, como posso fazer isso ? Se puderem me informar como consigo colocar apenas 2 linhas de escrito no canto direito da tela em qualquer resolução me ajudaria demais, desde já agradeço! PS: Nunca fiz um DX.
  16. Here you go that's the error code. It appears everytime when I try to join any server whatever it is.
  17. Eu estou tentando entrar no servidor Groove Street e não consigo, pois o MTA pede para atualizar a versão, eu clico para atualizar e me aparece que não há atualizações disponíveis, o que eu faço?????????
  18. Hi. Has anyone tried to create a virtual client? For example: a spectator from a server. My task is to call the client function from the server when there are no players on it. I could only think of a bot, but for this you need to be constantly connected to the server. How can I create such a virtual client with MTA tools?
  19. Hi. I am now writing a launcher with authorization, etc., there was a question about the launch of Mta, whether there are keys ( parameters ) launch MTA? Let's say nick change or automatic connection when launching the game? Thanks for the reply, sorry for my English, used translator? function doUser_bottom_lClickLeft(UXMouseEvent $e = null) { execute('D:\Games\mt\Multi Theft Auto.exe', false); } P.S -> Another question, where can I get the source code of mta? And what programs will be required for compilation?
  20. Guys when i open the game from steam, everything works fine but when I open it from mta client it says that cannot find my audio card. Plz help me fix this i have already installed the latest drivers and I don't know what to do. "Grand Theft Auto SA cannot find Audio card installed" My MTA Diag results: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/796172962
  21. Hello MTA, sorry if my English is bad I'm looking for a way to load a website in the game, for example a website that I have forums.javaliferoleplay.web.id I have a code like this function register_panel( ) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 1280, 720 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 local window = guiCreateWindow( left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight , "Register", false ) local browser = guiCreateBrowser( 0, 28, windowWidth, windowHeight -60, false, false, false, window ) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser( browser ) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) requestBrowserDomains({ "forums.javaliferoleplay.web.id" }) addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function( ) loadBrowserURL( source, "http://forums.javaliferoleplay.web.id/" ) end ) local close = guiCreateButton(0, 700, 1280, 50, "CLOSE", false, window) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", close, function() guiSetVisible(window, false) end ) end In the code above, the website I intended to load does not appear, but there is a dialog box asking for permission to open the link. But when opening youtube for example, the website opens normally. Can someone help me? Thanks before
  22. Every time I start the MTA it opens normal, but when I play for about 15 minutes it crashes and gives the error. 0x00000005 Can anyone help with this error? I already downloaded MTADiag and checked it gave this link. (https://pastebin.mtasa.com/652111881)
  23. Hi! My problem is that on the client side the object is seen by only one person who has tried it out and I want everyone to see the object on the server. Client Side: local rx,ry,rz = getElementPosition(getElementData(localPlayer,"cage")) local cx,cy,cz = getVehicleComponentPosition(getElementData(localPlayer,"cage"),"static_p01") local x,y,z = rx + cx, ry + cy+3, 0.8 local a,b = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x,y,z) local magnet = createObject(1301, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz+4, 0, 0, 0) setObjectScale(magnet, 0.3) setElementCollisionsEnabled(magnet, false) moveObject(magnet, 1000*60*1, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz-50) setTimer(function() destroyElement(magnet) local magnet2 = createObject(1301, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz-50, 0, 0, 0) setObjectScale(magnet2, 0.3) setElementCollisionsEnabled(magnet2, false) moveObject(magnet2, 1000*60*1, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz+4) local crate = createObject(1224, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz-50.3, 0, 0, 0) moveObject(crate, 1000*60*1, rx-0.6, ry-5, rz+3.3) setElementCollisionsEnabled(crate, false) setTimer(function() usedMagnet = false end, 1000*60*1, 1) end, 1000*60*1, 1) In principle I should only use this server site: setElementVisibleTo
  24. Clipper_

    Effect fix

    I got a problem with created effects. In normal dimension I created an effect that is attached to the player's vehicle. The problem is that players from other dimensions can see it too moving around. Any idea how I can restrict the effects only for dimension 0? local attachedEffects = {} function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ) local m = getElementMatrix ( element ) -- Get the matrix local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1] -- Apply transform local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2] local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3] return x, y, z -- Return the transformed point end function attachEffect(effect, element, pos) attachedEffects[effect] = { effect = effect, element = element, pos = pos } addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", effect, function() attachedEffects[effect] = nil end) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", element, function() attachedEffects[effect] = nil end) return true end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() for fx, info in pairs(attachedEffects) do local x, y, z = getPositionFromElementOffset(info.element, info.pos.x, info.pos.y, info.pos.z) setElementPosition(fx, x, y, z) end end ) local fire = {} function createCustomEffect(player, vehicle, value) if value then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) if not fire[player] then fire[player] = createEffect("fire_bike", x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, true) attachEffect(fire[player], vehicle, Vector3(0, 0, 0)) setElementDimension(fire[player], 0) end else if fire[player] then attachedEffects[fire[player]] = nil destroyElement(fire[player]) fire[player] = nil end end end addEvent("triggerCustomEffect", true) addEventHandler("triggerCustomEffect", root, createCustomEffect) The event is triggered in server when a player enters a vehicle, motorcycle in this case. Attaching functions are taken from 'MTA Wiki > Suggested functions function onPlayerVehicleEnter(vehicle, seat, jacked) if getElementModel(vehicle) == 463 then if seat == 0 then triggerClientEvent("triggerCustomEffect", source, source, vehicle, false) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit", root, onPlayerVehicleEnter)
  25. Ukrainian - Доброго дня. Я маю глобальну модифікацію для гри GTA San Andreas. Я хочу дати змогу гравцям, грати в неї одночасно, з усього світу, і для цього я вибрав клієнт МТА, тому що він найпродвинутіший, і має відкритий код. Я хотів би зробити один сервер для цієї модифікації, але, щоб на нього могли підключитися лише ті люди, які встановлять спеціальний клієнт. Я хотів запитати: 1. В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити доступ клієнту? Та як саме? 2.В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити список IDE та IPL файлів, які буде загружати клієнт при запуску? Тобто, я не можу встановити звичайний МТА клієнт на свою модифікацію, тому що вона повністю замінює стандарту карту, а як я зрозумів, то клієнт по стандарту загружає IDE та IPL файли від стандартної карти, і при спробі встановити клієнт на мою модифікацію, він мені повідомляє про помилку. 3.В якій папці, та в якому файлі, я можу змінити GUI меню клієнта, ESC екран завантаження, і так далі. Я хотів би зробити, щоб при старті мультиплеєру, гравця відправляло на меню з вибором одного з декількох серверів, а не в стандарте меню МТА. Хотілось би отримати повну інструкцію, що і де, потрібно заміняти, за раніше, дуже велике дякую! P.S Я не буду завантажувати всі файли карти через додавання посторонніх моделей на стандартний сервер МТА, тому що їх більше 50-и тисяч. Якщо ви трохи не зрозуміли, що я хочу зробити, то прикладом цього є такі проекти, як: RP BOX, та MTA Province! Russian - Добрый день. Я имею глобальную модификацию для игры GTA San Andreas. Я хочу дать возможность игрокам, играть в неё одновременно со всех точек мира, и для этого я выбрал клиент МТА, по скольку он самый продвинутый, и имеет открытый исходный код. Я хотел бы сделать один сервер для этой модификации, но, что бы на него смогли подключаться только те люди, которые установят специальный клиент. Я хотел спросить: 1.В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить доступ к клиенту? И как именно? 2. В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить список IDE, и IPL файлов, которые будут загружены клиентом при запуске? То есть, я не могу установить обычный клиент МТА на свою модификацию, потому что она полностью изменяет стандартную карту, а как я понял, то клиент по стандарту загружает IDE и IPL файлы, от стандартной карты, и при попытке установить клиент на мою модификацию, он мне сообщает об ошибке. 3. В какой папке, в каком файле, я могу изменить GUI меню клиента, ESC экран, экран загрузки, и так дальше? Я хотел бы сделать, что бы при старте мультиплеера, игрока отправляло в меню с выбором, одного из некоторых серверов(В планах их несколько) а не в стандартное меню МТА. Хотелось бы получить полную инструкцию, что и где нужно заменять, заранее большое спасибо! P.S Я не буду загружать все файлы карты, через добавление посторонних моделей, на стандартный сервер МТА, потому, что их более 50-и тысяч! Если вы еще не совсем поняли, что я хочу сделать, то примером этого будут такие проекты, как: RP Box, и MTA Province! English - (Translate from Russian Language) Good afternoon. I have a global modification for the GTA San Andreas game. I want to give players the opportunity to play it simultaneously from all points of the world, and for this I chose the MTA client, because it is the most advanced, and has open source code. I would like to make one server for this modification, but that only those people who install a special client can connect to it. I wanted to ask: 1.In what folder, in which file, can I change access to the client? And how exactly? 2. In which folder, in which file, can I change the list of IDEs, and the IPL files that will be loaded by the client at startup? That is, I can not install the usual MTA client for my modification, because it completely changes the standard card, and as I understand it, the standard client downloads IDE and IPL files from the standard card, and when trying to install the client on my modification, he tells me about the error. 3. In which folder, in which file, can I change the GUI of the client menu, the ESC screen, the boot screen, and so on? I would like to do that, at the start of the multiplayer, the player would send to the menu with a choice, one of some servers (there are several of them in the plans) and not the standard menu of the MTA. I would like to receive a full instruction on what and where to replace, thank you in advance! P.S I will not upload all the map files, through the addition of extraneous models, to the standard AIT server, because there are more than 50,000 of them! If you still do not quite understand what I want to do, then an example of this will be such projects as: RP Box, and MTA Province!
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