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Everything posted by andeh

  1. yea we could play against hackers like Peet, and play on olis And Jax's rpg.
  2. omg, don't lie please, i haven't banned you. The only other people with admin are TLR Leaders which they wouldn't ban without good reasons. So please stop saying half stories. [/end of bitching]
  3. andeh


    theres been more detialed instructions released before by some clan.... *cough* KFC *cough*
  4. thank you for that joke, perhaps name them and i can correct typos.
  5. hahaha Thanks Andy but the last post i made said "VCU is over." lol. Yeah... VCU IS OVER. see? Well i read first post and left the rest becuase it was all spam..
  6. andeh

    MTA:MA Scripting

    What an idea! Thx! Aeron pls help! can't be done in current versions
  7. good luck, nice to see another new clan
  8. alias rpg.give { var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))) if %a != -1 && %a != $2 { if $5 && $5 isnum && $5 => $rpg.cash($1,$2) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) gave $chr(36) $+ $5 to $mta.name($1,%a) !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,%a) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,%a) + $5) !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) - $5) } else mta.say $1 Syntax: !give } else mta.msg $1 $2 Cannot give urself/invalid person money }
  9. i have to say, from what i have seen, there something dodgy going on with you crack maybe lag or something
  10. $mta.name($1,$mta.getid($1,$4))
  11. that looks poorly made tbh i can see about two mistakes just looking at it quickly.
  12. use grs or VCES>panthers script..
  13. i think you should post this in a the "add ons" section of forums, and your problem seems to be that its in wrong DIR.
  14. andeh


    Well i got bored today so i made myself a pumpkin I know.. I know... Its ownage P.S: my lid on it falls through becuase i didn't cut it at an angle ROFL!!! P.S: I was told that pumpkins are meant to scare off the the litle kids who might knock on your door and say "Trick or treat". How ever i don't feel that its working, it seems to be attracting the annoying litle kids rather then repelling . Oh well i guess its back to the old water bom from the upstair window, that normaly get rid of them. Unless they have eggs .
  15. I am deeply insulted by this "Technoman1234321", this was NOT! Me. I have a rough idea who used my name. I'd be very interested to what server it was in, and if possible, if I could have the IP so I can confirm my beliefs to who it was.
  16. that should work, check the INI see if its writing properly...
  17. looking quickly the problem seems to be this: alias rpg.lastdriver !return $iff($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),$v1,No-One) your iif is wrong... So it should be: alias rpg.lastdriver !return $iif($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),$readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),No-One)
  18. whats with the , its called a comma
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