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Everything posted by Krokara

  1. struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 Pos: POSITION; float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD; }; VS_OUTPUT VS_Electricity(float4 Pos: POSITION) { VS_OUTPUT Out; // Clean up inaccuracies Pos.xy = sign(Pos.xy); Out.Pos = float4(Pos.xy, 0, 1); Out.texCoord = Pos.xy; return Out; } float4 color = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); float glowStrength = 6; float height = 5; float glowFallOff = 1; float speed = 2; float sampleDist = 0; float ambientGlow = 1; float ambientGlowHeightScale = 0; float vertNoise = 6; float time_0_X = 0; sampler Noise = sampler_state { Texture = ; }; float4 PS_Electricity(float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD) : COLOR float2 t = float2(speed * time_0_X * 0.5871 - vertNoise * abs(texCoord.y), speed * time_0_X); // Sample at three positions for some horizontal blu // The shader should blur fine by itself in vertical directio float xs0 = texCoord.x - sampleDist float xs1 = texCoord.x float xs2 = texCoord.x + sampleDist; // Noise for the three sample float noise0 = tex3D(Noise, float3(xs0, t)) float noise1 = tex3D(Noise, float3(xs1, t)) float noise2 = tex3D(Noise, float3(xs2, t)); // The position of the flas float mid0 = height * (noise0 * 2 - 1) * (1 - xs0 * xs0) float mid1 = height * (noise1 * 2 - 1) * (1 - xs1 * xs1) float mid2 = height * (noise2 * 2 - 1) * (1 - xs2 * xs2); // Distance to flas float dist0 = abs(texCoord.y - mid0) float dist1 = abs(texCoord.y - mid1) float dist2 = abs(texCoord.y - mid2); // Glow according to distance to flas float glow = 1.0 - pow(0.25 * (dist0 + 2 * dist1 + dist2), glowFallOff); // Add some ambient glow to get some power in the air feeling float ambGlow = ambientGlow * (1 - xs1 * xs1) * (1 - abs(ambientGlowHeightScale * texCoord.y)); return (glowStrength * glow * glow + ambGlow) * color; } IN LUA addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if myShader then dxDrawImage( 100, 350, 300, 350, myShader ) end end ) addCommandHandler("tester", function ( commandName ) if not myShader then myShader = dxCreateShader( "models/arashi.fx" ) -- Create shader else destroyElement( myShader ) -- Destroy shader myShader = nil end end)
  2. waters have holes after i erase the map i'm making a whole new map and these holes are holding me back from what i can do?
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