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Everything posted by karlis

  1. karlis


    what i see is low fps with the hd2000, notice the game is running on such a low resolution that you will never use, as you will get more or less good cpu, the gpu will really bottleneck the system, integrated gpus are bad.
  2. no problem, also, do you have the maps converted already? its PAIN to manually write meta etc for every one, none of converters are fully automatic, should i bother converting them if i'm not in hurry?
  3. sorry for double, but from what it seems in site speedway city should be available, but it isn't. Or am i wrong?
  4. i couldn't find your old race map pack, is it there?
  5. oh so all the awesome work you did earlier is completely downloadable now? Nice
  6. karlis

    Texture opacity

    It is possible with shaders quite easily, take a look at shader examples wiki section(there's no shader for that exactly, but there are some that manipulate the textures of buldings too, so you can add some alpha blending. Other question is what will you see underneath.
  7. I'm working on a different project, but we will see...
  8. for multidimensional arrays you need to define a new table in a main table, and put contents in it. you can pre-create it only if you know the size at the start. example: local spawnPoints = {} for _,team in ipairs(getElementsByType("team")) do local name = getTeamName(team) spawnPoints[name]={} spawnPoints[name].x=x spawnPoints[name].y=y spawnPoints[name].z=z end
  9. well just hide it on timer after resource start cant get any more optimized atm.
  10. ah then just set a timer on a resource start to remove the hud again, AND TIMERS ARE NOT LAGGING, 1 timer wont change anything performance wise. alternatively in next mta versions you will be able to just set event priority to low without timer.
  11. its impossible that way, everything has to be drawn onClientRender.That is, unless you use GUI, but they still are drawn same way, just you don't see that.
  12. the timers for fade are unnecessary and not optimized, call same timer more than one time and deduct bit of alpha each call.
  13. karlis

    DirectX Anim

    gui elem with 0alpha will still be limited with gui functions if using default, have problems triggering changes when something is changed, so better just use custom classes, they're easy to make.
  14. well, it is kind of resource intensive, but not very laggy. after all there's thousands calculations to be done for each frame. you can take look at my ivhud how things are done, its kind of hard to read though.
  15. updated to 1.3 *added setting saving *added default setting loading *added custom setting gui with colours and possibility to disable features *fixed interiors still showing map *fixed race issues *split script into few files, might be easier to read *some little tweaks i can't list now
  16. its unfortunately not compatible with race after all, haven't looked into that tbh, ill fix that soon. EDIT: update with the fixes and settings etc is coming shortly, but cant upload anything to community yet, so blame that.
  17. it actually have one, just not such a minor part as engine and/or exhaust.
  18. use localPlayer variable. and its always not a caps in fornt of function, e.g. getLocalPlayer
  19. id say that you should use freecam resource as a base, and tear parts down/add new as you go. and no, you are not going to make it without sin and cos.
  20. once it gets the projection vector, it can check collison using that vector. EDIT: btw, fps will always have influence in things like parabolic projectiles(less fps=more bulky collison check) and delays, etc, but this one is not causing the slow down.I think the slowdown is caused by invalid acceleration/deacceleration depending on fps.
  21. that exactly what every game does(3d and not ancient at least) all velocity>position and etc is based on this: velocity*delta time = travel units to add up to position(might need some unit conversion) unless this explaination in wiki is terrible its all done already.
  22. read post above^ not only that this kind of engine changes are impossible without sourcecode(unless using inefficient loopholes, in what case you could use scripting as well), ANY game has delta timing(maybe only not consoles locked at 30fps)without delta timing me at 100fps would be 4times faster than one with 25fps.
  23. its all right with the mod itself, its wrong with the "extras" that comes together with the mod.
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