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Everything posted by Kezoto

  1. you need to create your own command
  2. sx = playerScreenX/yourScreenX sy = playerScreenY/yourScreenY dx(x/sx,y/sy,w/sx,h/sy) e.g. ```lua local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local sx,sy = screenX/1366,screenY/768 local skalowanie = { background = {(365)/sx, (164)/sy, (637)/sx, (450)/sy}; } local wyskalowaneGui = { background= skalowanie.background; } local function renderGui() dxDrawRectangle(wyskalowaneGui.background[1],wyskalowaneGui.background[2],wyskalowaneGui.background[3],wyskalowaneGui.background[4], tocolor(3, 2, 2, 230), false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,renderGui) ```
  3. Hi, im trying to prevent player from putting off crate, please help me if you know how to fix it. thats how crate is attached to fork: [lua] skrzynieGraczy[client] = createObject(obiekty[praca].idObiektu, 0, 0, 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(skrzynieGraczy[client],false) setElementFrozen(skrzynieGraczy[client],true) stopObject(skrzynieGraczy[client]) attachElements(skrzynieGraczy[client],wozkiGraczy[client],0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0) [/lua] Here is video that showing my problem: https://gyazo.com/ff5ab17194ce5a99b0c8f972ce20c5fc
  4. But i can't enter to this vehicle
  5. Hi, i have my script : local modele = { [1] = {dff="pojazdy/samochody/bugattiveyron.dff",txd="pojazdy/samochody/bugattiveyron.txd"}; } for v,c in ipairs(modele) do local requestid = engineRequestModel("vehicle") txd = engineLoadTXD(c.txd) engineImportTXD(txd, requestid) dff = engineLoadDFF(c.dff) engineReplaceModel(dff, requestid) triggerServerEvent("stworzAuto",root,requestid,1364.53418, -1040.15503, 26.14062) end and im trying to spawn vehicle on server side function stworzAuto(id,x,y,z) createVehicle(id,x,y,z) print("b") end addEvent("stworzAuto",true) addEventHandler("stworzAuto",root,stworzAuto) I want create vehicle with custom id on server side, please help me
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