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Everything posted by madpad

  1. when i type /menu it does MENU UNKNOWN COMMAND i almost forget
  2. when i have that script on that admin system i cant acess the menu and it's ping kicking everyone they have a low ping
  3. i installed mtama server is up when i go to scripts none come up
  4. i just noticed mta 0.4 server i downloaded it started it i am THE FIRST do i get a prise
  5. FBI gay? hunter was saying i was gay and stuff so was tanner
  6. you know killa he got banned
  7. update (k.u)kane (me) has left k.u
  8. ENEMY fry-insulted k.u kfc clan-stupid ass banned me from a server the party server he shuld pay for this neo-he insulted phoonaz kill any fbi's ok they are gay mostly fbi:tanner members killa(founder of k.u) kane(me) ng phoonaz Sniper Zero Drifter E|imator A.K.A DeathsDoor site http://www.freewebs.com/killa_sandeep/ forums http://kumta.proboards21.com/ [email protected] [email protected] more will come soon
  9. were the new gang in mta and i am looking for more people add me at [email protected]
  10. i cant play it in 2000 because this error
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