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About Ganan229

  • Birthday 25/02/1999


  • Gang
  • Location
    São Paulo - SP
  • Occupation
    Programador aprendiz .lua, js, HTML | e Mapper
  • Interests
    Programação em Geral.

Ganan229's Achievements

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Eu estou colocando no Client. Devo colocar no server.? sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize () px = math.min( sw / 1920, 1 ) Login = {}; Login.Interface = {}; addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function (button, press) LoginPainel (true) if button == "F1" or button == "F2" or button == "F3" or button == "F4" or button == "F5" or button == "F6" or button == "F7" or button == "b" or button == "F9" or button == "F10" or button == "F11" or button == "F12" then cancelEvent() end end end ) function Login.Interface:onRender() function Login.Interface:Startup() self.Weight = 562 * px; self.Height = 515 * px; self.PosX = ( sw / 2) - ( self.Weight / 2 ); self.PosY = ( sh / 2) - ( self.Height / 2 ); self.isVisible = false; self.medium = DxFont("assets/fonts/medium.ttf", 23*px); self.medium2 = DxFont("assets/fonts/medium.ttf", 21*px); self.medium3 = DxFont("assets/fonts/medium.ttf", 30*px); self.click = false self.edits = { login = "", password = "", loginReg = "", passwordReg = "", passwordRegRef = "", selection = 1, selected = nil, symbol = { [1] = "", [2] = "", [3] = "", [4] = "", [5] = "", }, timers = {}, }; Login.Color = { Standart = tocolor(142, 68, 69, 255); Hover = tocolor(142, 68, 69, 255); }; end; Login.Interface:Startup() function checkLine () if self.edits.selected then local i = self.edits.selected local s, e = string.find (self.edits.symbol[i], "|") if s == string.len(self.edits.symbol[i]) then self.edits.symbol[i] = string.sub (self.edits.symbol[i], 1, utf8.len(self.edits.symbol[i])-1) else self.edits.symbol[i] = self.edits.symbol[i].."|" end end end tableshmb = {"~","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","-","=","`","[","{","]","}",":",";","'",'"',"|","/",} function checkCharacter (text) local results = false for i, key in ipairs (tableshmb) do if text == key then results = true break end end return results end function addKeyCharacter (character) if self.edits.selected and self.edits.selection and character then if self.edits.selected == 1 then if utf8.len(self.edits.login) < 15 then if utf8.find(character, "%W") or utf8.find(character, "%w") or checkCharacter(character) then self.edits.login = self.edits.login..character end end elseif self.edits.selected == 2 then if utf8.len(self.edits.password) < 15 then if utf8.find(character, "%W") or utf8.find(character, "%w") or checkCharacter(character) then self.edits.password = self.edits.password..character end end elseif self.edits.selected == 3 then if utf8.len(self.edits.loginReg) < 15 then if utf8.find(character, "%W") or utf8.find(character, "%w") or checkCharacter(character) then self.edits.loginReg = self.edits.loginReg..character end end elseif self.edits.selected == 4 then if utf8.len(self.edits.passwordReg) < 15 then if utf8.find(character, "%W") or utf8.find(character, "%w") or checkCharacter(character) then self.edits.passwordReg = self.edits.passwordReg..character end end elseif self.edits.selected == 5 then if utf8.len(self.edits.passwordRegRef) < 15 then if utf8.find(character, "%W") or utf8.find(character, "%w") or checkCharacter(character) then self.edits.passwordRegRef = self.edits.passwordRegRef..character end end end end end function removeKeyCharacter (key, state) if not self.edits.selection then return end if key == "backspace" and self.edits.selected and state then if self.edits.selected == 1 then if utf8.len(self.edits.login) < 1 then return end self.edits.login = utf8.sub (self.edits.login, 1, utf8.len(self.edits.login)-1) elseif self.edits.selected == 2 then if utf8.len(self.edits.password) < 1 then return end self.edits.password = utf8.sub (self.edits.password, 1, utf8.len(self.edits.password)-1) elseif self.edits.selected == 3 then if utf8.len(self.edits.loginReg) < 1 then return end self.edits.loginReg = utf8.sub (self.edits.loginReg, 1, utf8.len(self.edits.loginReg)-1) elseif self.edits.selected == 4 then if utf8.len(self.edits.passwordReg) < 1 then return end self.edits.passwordReg = utf8.sub (self.edits.passwordReg, 1, utf8.len(self.edits.passwordReg)-1) elseif self.edits.selected == 5 then if utf8.len(self.edits.passwordRegRef) < 1 then return end self.edits.passwordRegRef = utf8.sub (self.edits.passwordRegRef, 1, utf8.len(self.edits.passwordRegRef)-1) end end end function Login.Interface:Render() dxDrawImage(0, 0, sw, sh, "assets/images/background.png"); dxDrawImage(self.PosX, self.PosY, self.Weight, self.Height, "assets/images/main.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(31, 36, 68, 255)); if self.edits.selection == 1 then -- Авторизация dxDrawText("Faça seu Login", self.PosX, self.PosY + 64 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, self.Height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, self.i255), 0.5, self.medium3, "center", "top"); dxDrawImage(self.PosX + 203 * px, self.PosY + 93 * px, 38 * px, 5 * px, "assets/images/line.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(181, 72, 69, 255)); if cursorPosition(self.PosX + 291 * px, self.PosY + 460 * px, 109 * px, 25 * px) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selection = 2 --iprint("Resource author: MightDragon") end dxDrawText("#6d738dEntao vamos nessa? #ffffffRegistre-se", self.PosX, self.PosY + 460 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, 15 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.53, self.medium2, "center", "top", nil, nil, nil, true); dxDrawRectangle(self.PosX + 291 * px, self.PosY + 480 * px, 109 * px, 1 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)); else dxDrawText("#6d738dNão tem uma conta? #ffffffRegistre-se", self.PosX, self.PosY + 460 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, 15 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.53, self.medium2, "center", "top", nil, nil, nil, true); end dxCreateButton(( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 317 * px, 235 * px, 86 * px, "assets/images/button.png", "assets/images/button2.png", 0); dxDrawText("Continuar", ( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 317 * px, 235 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), 86 * px + self.PosY + 317 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); -- Логин if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px) then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 1 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.login == "" then dxDrawText("Digite o login", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 145 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(self.edits.login..self.edits.symbol[1], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 145 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center" ); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selected = 1 end else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 1 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.login == "" then dxDrawText("Digite o login", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 145 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(self.edits.login..self.edits.symbol[1], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 145 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 145 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click and self.edits.selected == 1 then if string.len(self.edits.symbol[1]) > 0 then self.edits.symbol[1] = "" end self.edits.selected = nil end end -- Senha if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px) then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 2 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.password == "" then dxDrawText("Digite a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 225 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.password, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[2], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 225 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selected = 2 end else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 2 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ),self.PosY + 225 * px,359 * px,58 * px,"assets/images/input.png",0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.password == "" then dxDrawText("Digite a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 225 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.password, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[2], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 225 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 225 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click and self.edits.selected == 2 then if string.len(self.edits.symbol[2]) > 0 then self.edits.symbol[2] = "" end self.edits.selected = nil end end if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 317 * px, 235 * px, 86 * px) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then local username = self.edits.login local password = self.edits.password triggerServerEvent("LoginAccountInServer", localPlayer, username, password, bollSave) --iprint("Resource author: MightDragon") end end end if self.edits.selection == 2 then -- Регистрация dxDrawText("Registrar", self.PosX, self.PosY + 64 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, self.Height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, self.i255), 0.5, self.medium3, "center", "top"); dxDrawImage(self.PosX + 203 * px, self.PosY + 93 * px, 38 * px, 5 * px, "assets/images/line.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(181, 72, 69, 255)); if cursorPosition(self.PosX + 255 * px, self.PosY + 460 * px, 52 * px, 25 * px) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selection = 1 --iprint("Resource author: MightDragon") end dxDrawText("Voltar", self.PosX, self.PosY + 460 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, 15 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.53, self.medium2, "center", "top", nil, nil, nil, true); dxDrawRectangle(self.PosX + 255 * px, self.PosY + 480 * px, 52 * px, 1 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)); else dxDrawText("Voltar", self.PosX, self.PosY + 460 * px, self.Weight + self.PosX, 15 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.53, self.medium2, "center", "top", nil, nil, nil, true); end -- Логин if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px) then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 3 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.loginReg == "" then dxDrawText("Digite o login", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 125 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(self.edits.loginReg..self.edits.symbol[3], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 125 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center" ); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selected = 3 end else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 3 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.loginReg == "" then dxDrawText("Digite o login", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 125 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(self.edits.loginReg..self.edits.symbol[3], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 125 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 125 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click and self.edits.selected == 3 then if string.len(self.edits.symbol[3]) > 0 then self.edits.symbol[3] = "" end self.edits.selected = nil end end -- Senha if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px) then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 4 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.passwordReg == "" then dxDrawText("Digite a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 205 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.passwordReg, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[4], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 205 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center" ); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selected = 4 end else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 4 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.passwordReg == "" then dxDrawText("Digite a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 205 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.passwordReg, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[4], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 205 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 205 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click and self.edits.selected == 4 then if string.len(self.edits.symbol[4]) > 0 then self.edits.symbol[4] = "" end self.edits.selected = nil end end -- Repita a senha if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px) then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 5 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.passwordRegRef == "" then dxDrawText("Repita a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 285 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.passwordRegRef, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[5], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 285 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center" ); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then self.edits.selected = 5 end else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); if self.edits.selected == 5 then dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(50, 55, 89, 255)); else dxDrawImage(( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px, 58 * px, "assets/images/input.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(38, 43, 75, 255)); end if self.edits.passwordRegRef == "" then dxDrawText("Repita a senha", ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 285 * px, tocolor(73, 78, 108, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); else dxDrawText(string.gsub (self.edits.passwordRegRef, "%C", "*")..self.edits.symbol[5], ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 285 * px, 359 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 359 * px / 2 ), 58 * px + self.PosY + 285 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); end if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click and self.edits.selected == 5 then if string.len(self.edits.symbol[5]) > 0 then self.edits.symbol[5] = "" end self.edits.selected = nil end end dxCreateButton(( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 357 * px, 235 * px, 86 * px, "assets/images/button.png", "assets/images/button2.png", 0); dxDrawText("Criar", ( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 357 * px, 235 * px + ( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), 86 * px + self.PosY + 357 * px, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.5, self.medium, "center", "center"); if cursorPosition(( sw / 2) - ( 235 * px / 2 ), self.PosY + 357 * px, 235 * px, 86 * px) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not self.click then local username = self.edits.loginReg local password = self.edits.passwordReg local confirm = self.edits.passwordRegRef triggerServerEvent("RegisterAccountInServer", localPlayer, username, password, confirm) --iprint("Resource author: MightDragon") end end end if getKeyState ("mouse1") then self.click = true else self.click = false end end function ShowManager() Login.Interface:Render(); end function LoginInterfaceShow(state) self.isVisible = state; self.edits.selection = 1; showCursor(state); fadeCamera(state); if state == true then showChat(false) fadeCamera(false) elseif state == false then showChat(true) fadeCamera(true) end -- # Crutch if state then if not isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, ShowManager) then addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, ShowManager) end if not isEventHandlerAdded("onClientCharacter", root, addKeyCharacter) then addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, addKeyCharacter) end if not isEventHandlerAdded("onClientKey", root, removeKeyCharacter) then addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, removeKeyCharacter) end self.edits.timers[1] = setTimer (checkLine, 500, 0) else if isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, ShowManager) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, ShowManager) end if isEventHandlerAdded("onClientCharacter", root, addKeyCharacter) then removeEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, addKeyCharacter) end if isEventHandlerAdded("onClientKey", root, removeKeyCharacter) then removeEventHandler("onClientKey", root, removeKeyCharacter) end for k, t in pairs (self.edits.timers) do if isTimer (self.edits.timers[k]) then killTimer (self.edits.timers[k]) end end end end local settingsFile = "settings.json" function loadSettings() local data if fileExists(settingsFile) then local file = fileOpen(settingsFile, true) if (file) then data = fromJSON(fileRead(file, fileGetSize(file))) fileClose(file) end end if (type(data) ~= "table") then data = {} end local user = self.edits.login local pass = self.edits.password self.edits.login = data.user or "" self.edits.password = data.pass or "" end local needsSave, saveTimer = false function saveSettings() if isTimer(saveTimer) then needsSave = true else needsSave = true writeSettingsFile() saveTimer = setTimer(writeSettingsFile, 1000, 1) end end function writeSettingsFile() if (needsSave) then local data = {} data.user = self.edits.login data.pass = self.edits.password local file = fileCreate(settingsFile) if (file) then fileWrite(file, toJSON(data, true)) fileClose(file) end needsSave = false end end end; Login.Interface:onRender(); function CloseInterface() LoginInterfaceShow(false) end addEvent ("CloseInterfaceLogin", true) addEventHandler ("CloseInterfaceLogin", resourceRoot, CloseInterface)
  2. addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function (button, press) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"LoginPainel") == true then if button == "F1" or button == "F2" or button == "F3" or button == "F4" or button == "F5" or button == "F6" or button == "F7" or button == "b" or button == "F9" or button == "F10" or button == "F11" or button == "F12" then cancelEvent() end end end ) O painel de login que estou usando não é por ElementData. Então dessa maneira ele não ira bloquear as binds do teclado quando ela la na hora de fazer o login ou si registrar. eu fiz de uma outra maneira até funciona mas buga quando faço o login e clico qualquer tecla ele volta no painel de login que seria assim: addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function (button, press) LoginPainel (true) if button == "F1" or button == "F2" or button == "F3" or button == "F4" or button == "F5" or button == "F6" or button == "F7" or button == "b" or button == "F9" or button == "F10" or button == "F11" or button == "F12" then cancelEvent() end end end ) Si tiver um outro tópico sobre isso me desculpem eu realmente não sabia. Mas si não houver. Alguém puder me ajudar como eu consigo bloquear as binds do teclado ira me ajudar muito mesmo. Desde já agradeço.
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