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Ck12's Achievements

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Estou com duvida em um script, achei um sistema de desmanche na internet, só que quando terminava de desmanchar o carro eu recebia dinheiro ao invés de dinheiro sujo, porque não vinha dinheiro sujo junto com o mod, então eu tentei colocar no lugar do givePlayerMoney um executeCommandHandler para executar o comando: executeCommandHandler( dar, player, math.random(1000, 50000), Dinheiro Sujo), mas n funcionou, alguém por favor me ajuda? to começando com os scripts lua. obs> ele funcionava antes de eu tentar mudar! Script sem nenhuma modificação: local zones = { {3030.7453613281, -155.14810180664, 21.885005950928}, } local zone = {} local myZone = {} local elements = {} local zonetime = {} local tableZone = {} addEventHandler('onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() for i=1, #zones do zone = createColSphere(zones[1], zones[2], zones[3], 10) addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', zone, enterZone) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', zone, exitZone) end end) local function checkZone (zone) for i = 1, #zonetime do if zonetime == zone then return false end end return true end local function getPosZone (zone) for i = 1, #zonetime do if zonetime == zone then return i end end end setTimer(function() for i = 1, #zonetime do if tableZone and not tableZone[zonetime] then tableZone[zonetime] = {['Ocupada'] = true, ['Horas'] = 0, ['Minutos'] = 0, ['Segundos'] = 0} attWithinZone(zonetime) end if tableZone[zonetime]['Segundos'] <= 0 then tableZone[zonetime]['Segundos'] = 59 tableZone[zonetime]['Minutos'] = tableZone[zonetime]['Minutos'] - 1 if tableZone[zonetime]['Minutos'] <= 0 then tableZone[zonetime]['Minutos'] = 59 if tableZone[zonetime]['Horas'] > 0 then tableZone[zonetime]['Horas'] = tableZone[zonetime]['Horas'] - 1 end end end tableZone[zonetime]['Segundos'] = tableZone[zonetime]['Segundos'] - 1 if tableZone[zonetime]['Segundos'] <= 0 and tableZone[zonetime]['Horas'] == 0 then table.remove(zonetime, getPosZone (zonetime)) tableZone[zonetime] = nil end end end, 1000, 0) function attWithinZone (zone) if tableZone[zone] then local player = nil for i=1, #getElementsWithinColShape(zone, "player" ) do player = getElementsWithinColShape(zone, "player" ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'rzk:load:timezone', resourceRoot, zone, true, tableZone[zone]['Horas'], tableZone[zone]['Minutos'], tableZone[zone]['Segundos']) end end end addEvent('rzk:ocupezone', true) addEventHandler('rzk:ocupezone', resourceRoot, function (player, zone, vehicle) if isElement(zone) then if checkZone (zone) then if not tableZone[zone] then table.insert(zonetime, zone) setElementData(vehicle, 'vehicle:desmanche', true) setElementData(player, 'player:vehicle', vehicle) else triggerClientEvent(player, 'cancel:service', resourceRoot) end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'cancel:service', resourceRoot) end end end) function exitZone (element) if getElementType (element) == "player" then triggerClientEvent(element, 'rzk:load:timezone', resourceRoot, source, false) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (element) if vehicle then removeEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", vehicle, exitVehicle) myZone[element] = nil end end end function enterZone (element) if getElementType (element) == "player" then if tableZone[source] then triggerClientEvent(element, 'rzk:load:timezone', resourceRoot, source, true, tableZone[source]['Horas'], tableZone[source]['Minutos'], tableZone[source]['Segundos']) else triggerClientEvent(element, 'rzk:load:timezone', resourceRoot, source, true) end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (element) if vehicle then addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", vehicle, exitVehicle) end myZone[element] = source end end local blackListVehicle = { [401]=true, } function exitVehicle (player, seat) if isElement(source) then if not tableZone[myZone[player]] then if not blackListVehicle[getElementModel(source)] then if seat == 0 then removeEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", source, exitVehicle) triggerClientEvent(player, 'rzk:startprogress', resourceRoot, source, myZone[player]) else removeEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", source, exitVehicle) end else exports.Mat_Infos:serverNotification(player, "info", "Esse veiculo não pode ser desmanchado.", 10, 25) removeEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", source, exitVehicle) end else exports.Mat_Infos:serverNotification(player, "info", "Aguarde "..tableZone[myZone[player]]['Horas'].." Horas e "..tableZone[myZone[player]]['Minutos'].." Minutos para realizar outro desmanche.", 10, 25) end end myZone[player] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), function ( player, seat, jacked ) if (getElementData(source, 'vehicle:desmanche')) then --if the vehicle is one of 4 police cars, and the skin is not a police skin cancelEvent() exports.Mat_Infos:serverNotification(player, "info", "Esse veiculo está sendo desmanchado.", 10, 25) end end) addEvent('rzk:action:vehicle', true) addEventHandler('rzk:action:vehicle', resourceRoot, function (vehicle, door, action) if isElement(vehicle) then local door = tonumber(door) setVehicleDoorOpenRatio (vehicle, door, action, 2000) end end) addEvent('rzk:remove:component', true) addEventHandler('rzk:remove:component', resourceRoot, function (vehicle, component) if isElement(vehicle) then local players = getElementsByType("player") local player = nil for i = 1, #players do player = players triggerClientEvent(player, 'remove:component', resourceRoot, vehicle, component) end end end) addEvent('rzk:setAnimation', true) addEventHandler('rzk:setAnimation', resourceRoot, function (player, anim_1, anim_2) if isElement(player) then if anim_1 then setElementFrozen(player, true) setPedAnimation(player, anim_1, anim_2) else setPedAnimation(player) setElementFrozen(player, false) end end end) addEvent('rzk:destroyVehicle', true) addEventHandler('rzk:destroyVehicle', resourceRoot, function (player, vehicle) if isElement(vehicle) then setElementData(vehicle, 'vehicle:desmanche', nil) setElementData(player, 'player:vehicle', nil) destroyElement(vehicle) givePlayerMoney(player, math.random(1000, 50000)) exports.Mat_Infos:serverNotification(player, "info", "Veiculo desmanchado com sucesso.", 10, 25) end end) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function () if getElementData(source, 'player:vehicle') then local vehicle = getElementData(source, 'player:vehicle') setElementData(vehicle, 'vehicle:desmanche', nil) local players = getElementsByType("player") local player = nil for i = 1, #players do player = players triggerClientEvent(player, 'reset:remove:component', resourceRoot, vehicle) end setElementData(source, 'player:vehicle', nil) end end)
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