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  1. Hello, how to reduce the dff size in vehicles or characters, can you help me?
  2. but all players have the same problem but all players have the same problem
  3. Help me, the "q" and "e" keys do not work on the planes. please help me
  4. I need the name tag used in the real-life server. Can you give me this resource? I need help.
  5. Thank you very much, script worked I love you very much can you please delete the topic?
  6. Yes I tried the codes you gave but Function did not work
  7. But the function doesn't work. Can you help me with this? I want the macro to kick automatically when it is used.
  8. Can you remake the code for me? Please Can you remake the code for me? Please
  9. Here is the picture that gives this error https://hizliresim.com/ypVPNX
  10. This gives an error. I want the macro to kick automatically as soon as it is pressed, but it doesn't work. Can you help me? codes; function handleOnPlayerACInfo( detectedACList, d3d9Size, d3d9MD5, d3d9SHA256 ) for _,acCode in ipairs( detectedACList ) do if acCode == 31 or acCode == 32 or acCode == 1 or acCode == 4 or acCode == 5 or acCode == 6 or acCode == 7 or acCode == 11 or acCode == 17 or acCode == 21 then kickPlayer( source, "Macro não é permitido no servidor." ) end end end local glitches = {"quickreload","fastmove","crouchbug","highcloserangedamage","hitanim","baddrivebyhitbox"} function enableGlitches () for _,glitch in ipairs(glitches) do) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( ),enableGlitches) function source ( source, command ) local reload = aclReload() -- Reload the ACL if ( reload ) then -- Check it was reloaded successfully else -- If not, output it (line below) outputChatBox ( "An unknown error occured. Please check the ACL file exists.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end else -- If they're not an admin, output it (below) outputChatBox ( "You must be an admin to use this command!", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "reload", source )
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