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Fire Monkey

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Everything posted by Fire Monkey

  1. no , i want it to be seconds. that's why I use setTimer what is the best method to sync server and client jail time.
  2. hi everyone iIs there a problem with using too much export for the server?
  3. hi everyone i writing jail system , but i have questions! what is the best method to show the jail time to client with dxDrawText? jail time is saved in mysql database.
  4. Element do not look optimized. Especially if there are more players.
  5. Does using an ID or player make a difference in improving performance?
  6. I'm writing an account system. When the player login, sets all the database index and values on the ID player set as a table. To get index of player is received from the table. To set index and value of player, I used query and table again. For example: local data = {} function getData(player, data) local id = playerid[player] if not id then return end return data[id][data] end function setData(player, data, value) local id = playerid[player] if not id then return end data[id][data] = value --query return true end Do you think it is better to set on the ID or on the player? Or does it matter?
  7. Should it be used from dbFree when there are no dbPoll? How many times should I limit the command?
  8. addCommandHandler("info", function (player, cmd, name) if name then dbQuery(function (qh) local res = dbPoll(qh, 0) if res[1] ~= nil then outputChatBox("Password: "..res[1]["password"], player) return end outputChatBox("Not found!", player, 0, 255, 0) return end, db, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `name` = ? LIMIT 1", value) end end ) Is this query of optimized? Does not damage the server & bandwidth? Need dbFree for this query?
  9. No, I have a trick to load the login page for all players. If you give me your code, I can help you.
  10. You probably have an event for trigger load login panel ?!
  11. Hi guys. I want when a player do handbrake then players can't Push that vehicle (just players, not other vehicles), I have vehicle system include handbrake and ETC , just need an idea for how to make this 'Anti Vehicle Pushing'?
  12. I always use outputChatBox and I have no custom function. I want to see chat box sent to a specific player.
  13. It is not possible to receive messages sent to the player from the server side. I want to check when a chat box is sent to the player.
  14. Hi guys, I make spy mode for admin. I using onClientChatMessage function for get chat box from favorite player, but i want know is method are normal and optimized ? Server side: addCommandHandler("spy", function (player, command, target) if target then local ppl = getPlayerFromName(target) if ppl then setElementData(ppl, "spy", thePlayer) outputChatBox("Enabled on: "..getPlayerName(ppl).."", player, 255, 255, 255) end else outputChatBox("USAGE: /"..command.." <Player-Name>", player, 255, 255, 255) end end) addEvent("spy:ShowChat", true) addEventHandler("spy:ShowChat", root, function (root, message) local spy = getElementData(root, "spy") if spy then outputChatBox("[SPY-Mode] "..getPlayerName(root)..": "..message, spy, 255, 255, 255) end end) Client side: local lastMessage = nil addEventHandler("onClientChatMessage", getRootElement(), function (message) if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "spy") then return false end if message == "" or message == " " then if lastMessage == message then return end end lastMessage = message triggerServerEvent("spy:ShowChat", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), message) end) And i want unlimited admin can active on player and see chat box. Do you have idea?
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