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About Andrew75t

  • Birthday 14/05/1996


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  • Location
    Russia, Samara
  • Occupation
    3d & Graphic designer
  • Interests
    Graphic design motion design 3d design

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  1. Hello all. help me please to implement the rotation of the minigun by 40 degrees. I want the minigun to look forward and can to turn 20 degrees to the left and 20 degrees to the right. Now it can rotate the minigun 180 degrees around its axis, but I'm not sure what is right, help me to limit the rotation of the machine gun. this is the part of the code for rotate the minigun 180 degrees: local aimSensitivity = 30; function rotateGun_Handler(cX, cY, aX, aY, wX, wY, wZ) local oX, oY, oZ, oRX, oRY, oRZ = getElementRotation (weapon); if (oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity) > 30 or oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity) < 80) then oRZ = oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity); end setCameraTarget(weapon,localPlayer) setElementAttachedOffsets(weapon, oX, oY, oZ, oRX, oRY, oRZ); setCursorPosition(screenW/2, screenH/2); end addEventHandler( "onClientCursorMove", getRootElement( ), rotateGun_Handler)
  2. Hello all. Please tell me, how i can make a clothing system with the help of shaders? Please explain the principle itself and if possible,show me just an example with the replacement of an element of clothing.
  3. on the one server I saw a character with this animations. How can i do this?
  4. Подскажите пожалуйста каким образом можно сделать возможность движения транспорта по точкам на карте самостоятельно? Нужно что бы транспорт ездил по заданному маршруту самостоятельно.
  5. @Tut, Please tell me, in which section i can post this information?
  6. Hello to all. My name is Andrei, I have been working with raster and vector graphics for many years. I am looking for a peoples to whom I could help in develop of project. I can work with textures, the design of the server and pages in social networks - to give a unique look to the project, in general, I can take over everything related to graphics. If someone needs such a person for a team, I am ready to work with you. I'm waiting your messages in private messages
  7. Доброго времени суток всем. Меня зовут Андрей, я работаю с растровой и векторной графикой много лет. Я ищу коллектив, которому я смог бы помогать развивать проект. Я могу работать с текстурами, оформлением сервера и страниц в соц сетях - придать уникальный вид проекту, в общем все что связанно с графикой я могу взять на себя. Если кому то требуется такой человек в команду я готов работать с вами. Жду сообщений в лс
  8. Доброго времени суток любителям гта. Подскажите пожалуйста есть ли какая нибудь информация по мультиплееру для GTA:SA Definitive Edition ? Сможем ли мы поиграть в обновленную гта са по интернету на своих серверах или это будет исключительно синглплеер ?
  9. yes, with a shader. I have a model for the sultan, and paint work for it (sultan1.txd). I want to apply this paint job. but I don't know how to replace the default paint job. @DNL291
  10. Hello all, tell me please. How i can replace default paint jobs on the customs?
  11. I have a script-chec k, if the player has a sniper rifle in his hands and he is aiming, then a message is displayed in the chat. In the sight I see the model of the object (id 321) that I replaced and attached using bone_attach. I want it to become transparent in aiming mode. How do I apply setElementAlpha to this object? I made a transparent texture for the default rifle (id 34). And with the help of bone_attach, I attached the object (id 321), which I replaced with the new SVD model. When I am in aiming mode I see the SVD model, I need to make it transparent (invisible) Client side: function aimAction (key, state) if (getPedWeapon (localPlayer) ~= 34) then return end outputChatBox ("You are aiming now", 255, 0, 0) for control in pairs (getBoundControls(key)) do setPedControlState (control, false) end end bindKey ("mouse2", "down", aimAction) Server side: function attachSVD (thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local objPick = createObject (321, x, y, z) setTimer (function (thePlayer) giveWeapon ( thePlayer, 34, 200, true ) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone (objPick, thePlayer, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, -90, 0) end, 1000, 1, thePlayer) end addCommandHandler ("svd", attachSVD) Repale models: function replaceWeapon() -- Invisible defolt sniper riflle txd = engineLoadTXD ( "mdls/weapons/sniper_rifle/sniper.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 358) -- SVD model -- txd = engineLoadTXD ( "mdls/weapons/sniper_rifle/svd.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 321) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "mdls/weapons/sniper_rifle/svd.dff") engineReplaceModel ( dff, 321) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, replaceWeapon)
  12. Thank you.Everything works for me, but I think there are errors in the code. What do you advise? I read the wiki, looked at examples and this is what came out for me: Client: local function BuyPistol() triggerServerEvent("Pistol",getLocalPlayer()) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button_weapon_shop_PISTOL, BuyPistol, false) Server: addEvent("Pistol", true) addEventHandler("Pistol",root, function() local PlayerMoney = getPlayerMoney(source) if ( PlayerMoney >= 2000) then takePlayerMoney(source,2000) giveWeapon ( source , 22, 30, true ) outputChatBox ( "#00FF00* [ "..getPlayerName(source) .." #00FF00] Has Bought Pistol ", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) else outputChatBox("need more money.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end)
  13. Hello all. I made a dialog box and made a "BUY WEAPON" button in it. But I don’t know how to buy a weapon when the button is pressed -- WEAPON WHOP GUI-- local window_weapon_shop = guiCreateWindow(0.225, 0.225, 0.60, 0.60, "Weapon Shop", true) guiWindowSetSizable(window_weapon_shop, false) guiSetVisible(window_weapon_shop,false) -- buttons -- local button_weapon_shop_PISTOL = guiCreateButton(0.040, 0.355, 0.20, 0.060, "450$ BUY GUN", true, window_weapon_shop) -- CLOSE WINDOW-- local button_weapon_shop_close = guiCreateButton(0.37, 0.875, 0.25, 0.075, "Close window", true, window_weapon_shop) addEvent("showGUI",true) addEventHandler("showGUI",getRootElement(), function () if ( guiGetVisible(window_weapon_shop) == false ) then guiSetVisible(window_weapon_shop,true) showCursor(true) end end) local function click() guiSetVisible(window_weapon_shop, false) showCursor(false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button_weapon_shop_close, click, false)
  14. I created a gui, it opens when the player logs into the server. How do I make the window open when the player steps on the marker? Client function createWSWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 WSWindow = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "WEAPONSHOP", true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () createWSWindow() end ) function createWSWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 WSWindow = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "WEAPONSHOP", true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () createWSWindow() end ) Server local WeaponShopMarker = createMarker(1790.7, -1699.3, 12.6, "cylinder", 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 50) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", WeaponShopMarker, function(ThePlayer) addPedClothes ( ThePlayer, "tshirtzipcrm", "tshirt", 0 ) end)
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