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  1. First you need to practice with easy scripts and learn about lua rules, then you can write what script you want...
  2. check your mta server version and mta version is : 1.5.8-9.20788
  3. Rick_Grimes


    try this: function giveMoneyOnJoinServer() if not getPlayerAccount(source) then givePlayerMoney(source,4000) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,giveMoneyOnJoinServer)
  4. try this: local playerMarker = createMarker(254,78,1003,"cylinder",1,255,0,0,255) setElementDimension(playerMarker,50) function handlePlayerMarker(hitElement) local elementType = getElementType(hitElement) outputChatBox("type /dutyonr",hitElement) outputChatBox("type /dutyoffr",hitElement) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",playerMarker,handlePlayerMarker) -- local kapcsolat = exports["mysql"]:getConnection() function Duty1(thePlayer) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not theTeam or not getTeamName(theTeam) == "ORFK" then outputChatBox("error",thePlayer) return end setElementModel(thePlayer,266) outputChatBox("you are duty now",thePlayer) giveWeapon(thePlayer,31,200) giveWeapon(thePlayer,3,200) giveWeapon(thePlayer,22,200) end addCommandHandler("dutyonr",Duty1) function Duty2(thePlayer) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if not theTeam or not getTeamName(theTeam) == "ORFK" then outputChatBox("error",thePlayer) return end setElementModel(thePlayer,1) takeAllWeapons(thePlayer) outputChatBox("you are not duty now",thePlayer) end addCommandHandler("dutyoffr",Duty2) you can use /debugscript 3 for show errors and you had problem in outputChatbox and you can check what changed in this code....
  5. try this (server side): function getpos1(thePlayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(thePlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) local int = getElementInterior(thePlayer) outputChatBox("pos:" .. x .. "," .. y .. "," .. z .. " rot:" .. rx .. "," .. ry .. "," .. rz .. " #ff00ffdim:" .. dim .. " int:" .. int,thePlayer,0,255,0,true) end addCommandHandler("getpos",getpos1)
  6. try this: local x,y,z = 0,0,0 local radius = 2 local rx,ry,rz = 0,90,90 local markerRL2 = createObject(1316,x,y,z) setObjectScale(markerRL2,radius) setElementRotation(markerRL2,rx,ry,rz) createColSphere(x,y,z,radius+0.2) this will make a marker like "ring":
  7. ... try this: number = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} function randomnum() numbers = number [ math.random ( #number ) ] outputChatBox ( " The random number is ".. numbers ..". " ) end addCommandHandler ( "callrandom", randomnum )
  8. guys i never found drift smoke script and i tryed to make it ,use this and have fun ? local lx,ly,lz,lrx,lry,lrz = 1,-1.4,-0.8,0,0 local rx,ry,rz,rrx,rry,rrz = -1,-1.4,-0.8,0,0,0 local vehId = {466,526,558,567} function upgradeTheCar( key, keyState, vehId) if not tonumber(vehId) then return false local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) smokeL = createObject( 2780, 2,2,2) smokeR = createObject( 2780, 2,2,2) setObjectScale(smokeL,0) setObjectScale(smokeR,0) setElementCollisionsEnabled ( smokeL, false ) setElementCollisionsEnabled ( smokeR, false ) attachElements ( smokeL, veh, lx,ly,lz,lrx,lry,lrz, vehId ) attachElements ( smokeR, veh, rx,ry,rz,rrx,rry,rrz, vehId ) end bindKey("w","down",upgradeTheCar) function ungrade () setTimer(destroyElement,500,30,smokeL) setTimer(destroyElement,500,30,smokeR) end bindKey("w","up",ungrade)
  9. I have played many dayz servers, but this server is the best dayz server and has many features ?☺?
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