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Everything posted by MMZ

  1. شكراا لأننك نشرت المود يا بودا انت عارف انا مين و الوعد لي كان بيننا
  2. فكره حلوه وتعوب عليها شكرا على ابداعك و استمر
  3. مشكورين يا شباب ما قصرتو تم الافاده بنجاح @!#NssoR_)
  4. نفس المشكل سويته كذا و شتغلت الأغنيه الأولى فقط local sounds = { --[["sound download link"]] 'https://g.top4top.io/m_1598i8jrg1.mp3', 'https://a.top4top.io/m_1592i0ypt1.mp3', } local song_N = 1 function isSoundFinished(theSound) return ( getSoundPosition(theSound) == getSoundLength(theSound) ) end function onResourceStart() sound = playSound3D(sounds[1], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) setElementDimension(sound,0) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) addCommandHandler("sound", function () if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) outputChatBox("تم اقاف الأغاني") end end) function next_s(song_N,sound) if isSoundFinished(sound) and isElement(sound) then if song_N ~= #sounds then song_N = song_N +1 sound = playSound3D(sounds[song_N], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) else song_N = 1 sound = playSound3D(sounds[song_N], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) end end end setTimer(next_s,3000,0,song_N,sound)
  5. سويت متل كذا وشتغلت اغنيه وحده وبعدين توقف local sounds = { --[["sound download link"]] 'https://g.top4top.io/m_1598i8jrg1.mp3', 'https://a.top4top.io/m_1592i0ypt1.mp3', } local song_N = 1 function onResourceStart() sound = playSound3D(sounds[1], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) timerLen = 1000*getSoundLength(sound) setElementDimension(sound,0) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) addCommandHandler("sound", function () if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) outputChatBox("تم اقاف الأغاني") end end) function next_s(song_N,sound,timerLen) if isElement(sound) then if song_N ~= #song then song_N = song_N +1 sound = playSound3D(sounds[song_N], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) timerLen = 1000*getSoundLength(sound) else song_N = 1 sound = playSound3D(sounds[song_N], 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) timerLen = 1000*getSoundLength(sound) end end end setTimer(next_s,timerLen,0,song_N,sound,timerLen)
  6. حاب اضيف روابط تانيه يعني لما تخلص الأغنيه الأولى تشتغل الأغنيه التانيه ولما يخلص يرجع من الأول كود function onResourceStart() sound = playSound3D('https://g.top4top.io/m_1598i8jrg1.mp3', 144.89999, -1939.3, 3.5) setElementDimension(sound,0) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) addCommandHandler("sound", function () if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) outputChatBox("تم اقاف الأغاني") end end) وشكرا
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